Specialized Crime Investigation 2 REVIEWER
Specialized Crime Investigation 2 REVIEWER
Specialized Crime Investigation 2 REVIEWER
omission of a party.
Three (3) Phases of Crime Investigation
TO IDENTIFY THE SUSPECT Judicial Confession - is admission made in a
TO LOCATE THE SUSPECT judicial proceeding. Thus, Sec 4, Rule 129, of
TO PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF HIS the Revised Rules of Court, expressly
GUILT provides:
“An admission, verbal or written made
FIRST PHASE OF CRIMINAL by a party in the course of the
INVESTIGATION proceedings in the same case does not
require proof”
TO IDENTIFY THE SUSPECT/S through: To the layman, confession and
admission are words of similar import,
Confession, as defined in Section 29, Rule but to the investigator, both have wider
130, Rules of Court, is: “The declaration of an spectrum and connotation. More so with
accused expressly acknowledging his guilt of the stringent procedural safeguards
the charged, may be given in evidence against enshrine under the 1987 Constitution.
him.” Thus, there is an empirical need to know
the textual interpretation and
”Voluntary Confession”, for purposes of jurisprudence of section 12 (3), Art 3 of
confession, means that the accused speaks of the 1987 constitution to guide law
his free will and accord, without inducement of enforcers in the intricate arena of
any kind, and with a full and complete investigation, which provides:
knowledge of the nature and consequences of Any confession or admission obtained in
the confession, and when the speaking is so violation of this, or section 17 hereof
free from influences affecting the will of the shall be inadmissible as evidence
accused, at the time the confession was made, against him. Section 3 likewise,
that it renders it admissible in evidence against provides:
him (Wharton’s Criminal Evidence, Sec. 631[a], “No person shall be compelled to be a
as cited in page 222, Evidence, by RJ. witness against himself”.
Francisco). While the afore-quoted proviso evokes
myriad of questions and quizzical
Involuntary Confession – those confessions eyebrows among law enforcers,
obtained through, force, threat, intimidation, however, it would be a wrong notion to
duress or anything that influence the act of the conclude that the puts the premium on
confessor. (Justice RJ Francisco Jr.) crime and will terrorize peace officers
through fear of themselves violation the
Admission – an admission is a voluntary law 5 Corpus Juris, PP. 399, 416.
acknowledgement in express terms or by This bring to focus that the legal
implication, by a party in interest or by another requirements now are more stringent
whose statement he is legally bound, against and precise than the celebrated Miranda
his interest, of the existence or truth of a fact in Doctrine. (Miranda versus Arizona, 384
dispute material to the issue. vs 436, 16 L.Ed. 2nd 694).
It should be noted that the purpose is
Admission may either be express or implied. not to coddle wrong doers protect the
Admission may also be classified as judicial guilty, but the constitution seeks to
admission or extra judicial admission. redress the unequal contest between an
individual and the enormous power of
Express admission - is one made in express the government in search for truth and
terms in definite, certain, and unequivocal justice which is the bedrock of civilized
language. Implied admissions are those who society.
At this juncture, it is of an essence to
quote the leading jurisprudence behind Get separate confession for separate crimes
the rational of the provision. In the case or offenses, this will avoid objection that the
of People Vs Vargas, the court ruled, the accused is being tried for more than one
imposition in the New Constitution of an offense or that the confession for other crime
additional safeguard against extraction is outside the court’s jurisdiction.
of confession is a recognition of an EFFECT OF CONFESSION
already prevalent practice in custodial Maybe given in evidence against him in
interrogation that has tarnished the the investigation or trial of the offense
image of the police investigator, and with which he is charged
which is sought to be erased by the Maybe given to prove the guilty of his
aforesaid constitutional safeguard. companions but it will pass a lot of court
In the latest ruling of the tribunal under argumentation and deliberation.
GR 69210 dated July 5, 1989, the
Supreme Court ruled that lawyers WHEN IS A CONFESSION INADMISSIBLE
should never prevent a person from No person shall be compelled to be a
freely and voluntarily telling the truth. witness against himself. Any person
The court denounces in the strongest under investigation for the commission
term possible the widespread of an offense shall have the right to be
misconception that the presence of a informed of his right to remain to remain
lawyer under the right to counsel silent and to have a competent and
provision of the Constitution is intended independent counsel preferably of his
to stop an accused from signing choice. If he cannot afford the services
anything which might incriminate him of the counsel, he must be provided with
the Supreme Court declared. one for free.
In the word of Justice Hugo Gutierrez, This right cannot be waived except in
the right of the accused to have a lawyer writing and in the presence of his
is designed to preclude the slightest counsel. No force, violence, threat or
coercion that would lead the accused to intimidation or any other means which
admit something false. vitiate the free will shall be used against
Whether it is an extra-judicial statement him.
or testimony in an open court, the B. Eyewitness testimony – the ideal
purpose is always the ascertainment of identification is made by an objective person
the truth, the court continued. who is familiar with the appearance of the
accused and who personally witness the
TYPES OF CONFESSION commission of the crime.
1. Judicial Confession or done in open C. Circumstantial evidence - in the absence
court- the plea of guilty maybe during of a confession and eyewitness, the
arraignment or at any stage of the identification of criminal may be established
proceedings where the accused indirectly by proving other facts or
changes his plea of not guilty to guilty. circumstances from which, either alone or in
2. Non-judicial confession which is so connection with other facts, the identity of the
called also out of court or EXTRA- perpetrator can be inferred. Evidence of this
JUDICIAL CONFESSION. This type of nature usually falls into the following
confession is inadmissible unless circumstances.
corroborated by proof of corpus delicti. a. Motive – can be defined as some inner
The confession to be admissible, it must drive, impulse, intention, etc., that causes a
be voluntary, in writing and be made person to do something or act in a certain way.
with the assistance of a counsel of his It may be inferred from circumstances and from
own choice with full understanding of the statement of witnesses that the suspect
the consequence of such confession.
could have been motivated by a desire for suspect/subject, guns, knife, slug
revenge or personal gain, or jealousy. recovered from the cadaver during
b. Opportunity – is a circumstance which autopsy, body fluid, blood, fingerprints,
made it possible physically for the suspect to footprints, etc.
commit the crime; or in other words, being in a
position to commit the offense. He must have
the access to the scene of the crime or have
been in the vicinity and have the means
available to commit the crime. Sworn Statement- Written Version of Interview
c. Intent – is the accomplishment of the act and Interrogation
and where it is an element in the commission In almost all remarkable and
of an offense, it must always be proved. To outstanding investigation reports, there
show the identity of the criminal, intent must is a sworn statement among the
establish that the criminal is aware of the annexes or enclosures. A sworn
consequences of his acts. statement is such a part and parcel of
ordinary investigation, that detective
D. Associative evidence – the physical who does not know how to take
evidence found at the scene of the crime statement is only a half-cooked
during the course of the investigation which investigator. A SWORN STATEMENT
could link the identity of the criminal by means MAYBE BROKEN DOWN INTO:
of clue materials, personal property, or the The Heading. In practice, it is typed in
characteristic pattern of procedure deduced capital letters at the upper portion of a
from the arrangement of objects at the crime sworn statement. It contains: a) the full
scene. name, including middle name of the
(Sec.1, Rule 130, Rules of Court, as person giving the statement; b) the
amended), explained. Object (real) official designation and name of the
evidence or Physical evidence is the investigator; c) the person in the
evidence of the highest order. It speaks presence of whom, if any, the statement
more eloquently than a hundred is given; d) the date, time and place
witnesses (People vs. Parcilla, 167 where the sworn statement is given. A
SCRA 722). This is the best form of typical example is given below:
evidence. Example:
The handgun used in killing the victim is FREE AND VULONTARY STATEMENT OF
the best evidence in a case of homicide JUAN DELA CRUS Y SANTOS TAKEN BY
or murder. In a case of robbery, the PO2 ROBERT REYES INSIDE THE
force upon things like forced entry to the PROVINCIAL INVESTIGATION DETECTIVE
window shown by broken jealousy or the MANAGEMENT BRANCH, BULACAN PPO,
recovered stolen articles found in the MALOLOS CITY, BULACAN THIS 20TH DAY
possession of the suspect are the best OF NOVEMBER 2011 AT AROUND 8:00 IN
E. Tracing Evidence – these are physical X. … . . . . . . . . . . . . X
evidence which may assist the investigating
officer in locating the suspect. Examples: Note: It is usual to separate this Heading from
shipping or airlines tickets, parking fee ticket, the rest of the sworn statement by a broken
pawnshop receipt, shopping mall receipt, line.
restaurant food receipt, etc.
Corpus Delicti Evidence – these are The initial Question
objects or substances which may be For the suspect, it contains warnings and
parts of the body of the crime, the body reminders of his legal rights, and a question if
of the victim, body of the he is still willing to give a free and voluntary
statement. For complainants, victim of
witnesses, the initial question merely asks if he with the waiver made by his client.
is willing to give a free and voluntary Failure to observe this requirement
statement, and if he is willing to tell the truth. renders the sworn statement
The whole truth and nothing but the truth. inadmissible as evidence.
Note: it is a good practice to number the
questions successively for easy reference. Republic Act 7438 approved by congress on 5
During the taking of sworn statement. Here the February 1992, signed by the President on
investigator must bear in mind the following April 27, 1992, provides the following
provisions of Article III of the Bill of Rights of safeguards for sworn statements containing a
the Philippine Constitution: confession:
Sec. 12, (1) Any person under
investigation for the commission of an Any extrajudicial confession made by a
offense shall have the right to be person arrested, detained or under
informed of his right to remain silent and custodial investigation shall be in writing
to have competent and independent and signed by such person in the
lawyer preferably of his own choice. If presence of his counsel or in the latter’s
the person cannot afford the services of absence, upon a valid waiver, and in the
counsel, he must be provided with one presence of any of the parents, elder
for free. These rights cannot be waived brothers, and sisters, his spouse, the
except in writing and in the presence of municipal mayor, the municipal judge,
counsel. district school supervisor, priest or
(2) No torture, force, violence, threat, ministry of the gospel as chosen by him:
intimidation, or other means which otherwise, such extra-judicial confession
vitiate the free will. Secret detention shall be inadmissible as evidence in any
places, solitary, incommunicado, or proceeding. (sec. 2-d)
other similar forms of detention are
prohibited. The following are suggested initial questions to
(3) Any confession or admission the suspect:
obtained in violation of this, or section Question: You are under investigation for the
17 hereof shall be inadmissible in court. commission of (here state the facts constituting
Section 17. No person shall be the offense). Before we ask you any questions,
compelled to be a witness against you must understand your legal rights.
himself. You have the right to remain silent;
There is a big difference between an Anything you say may be used as
initial question given to a suspect, and evidence against you;
an initial question given to a You are entitle to the assistance of a
complainant, victim, or witness. If you counsel of your own choice; an
are questioning a suspect, you are If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer the
investigating him for the commission of government will provided you one for
an offense, you must inform and accord free.
him his right under section 17 (1) above. If you are questioning complainant, victim or
If he waives his right to remain silent by witness, the following standard question is
agreeing to give a sworn statement, this suggested:
waiver must be in writing and executed
in the presence of his counsel. QUESTION: Are you willing to give a free and
Therefore, the presence of the council voluntary statement, and do you swear to tell
must be reflected in the sworn the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the
statement. In practice, the counsel is truth in this investigation?
requested to affix his signature on the
appropriate space of the sworn NOW THE SITUATION IS MORE STRICT:
statement to signify his concurrence Before the advent of RA 7438, the failure to
warn a suspect of his rights under section 12 The watch list consists of persons
(1) of the Constitution would simply mean that suspected to have committed, organized
his sworn statement is VOID for being secured or heinous crimes based on unverified
without compliance with constitutional reports and are subject for further
requirements. In the words of the Constitution, monitoring, investigation and case build
any sworn statement containing a confession up.
or admission obtained in violation of these
requirements “shall be inadmissible in CRITERIA FOR INCLUSION IN THE WATCH
evidence” against the suspect. When RA 7438 LIST
took effect, it further tightened screws against Persons to be included in this category are
investigation of the suspect, for not only is the those who have been implicated in:
aforesaid statement VOID, but the violations a) Sworn statement of victims, witnesses,
related thereto now constitutes a crime. and arrested suspect/s.
WANTED LIST/WATCH LIST/TARGET LIST b) Tactical interrogation/debriefing reports.
1. WANTED LIST c) Intelligence reports, information reports
The wanted list is a list consisting of and agent reports.
person who are subjected for arrest. For d) Signed letter complaints and
a person to include on the most wanted e) Other official reports
list, the latter must have an issued
warrant of arrest and accused of either MECHANICS FOR REMOVAL AND
organized or heinous crime. UPGRADING OF ENTRIES FROM WATCH
If upon verification a person is found to
REMOVING ENTRIES FROM WANTED LIST have no involvement whatsoever, the
A person name shall be removed from person’s name shall be removed from
priority list only after the warrant for his watch list.
arrest bas been served and placed
behind bars. However, same person's UPGRADING ENTRIES FROM WATCH LIST
name shall be placed back in the priority TO WANTED LIST
list if the person has; On the other hand, if found evidence to
a) Escaped while in detention warrant the filling of a criminal case in
pending the resolution of the court and warrant of arrest has been
court case. issued for the person included in the
b) Jump bail watch list, the person's name shall be
c) Escaped while serving sentence. removed from the watch list and placed
in the priority list.
In cases where a person has been Serve as master/reference list outlining
arrested and is out on bail but is pertinent data on organized crime
monitored to be involved in crimes groups/ criminal gangs. Persons to be
defined in the criteria for priority list, included in the category are those who
same person's name shall be placed have been included in the PRIORITY
back in the priority list and placed on the LIST/WATCH LIST and who are at the
watch list. same time members of organized
groups/ gangs. The purpose of this list is
2. WATCH LIST to provide a consolidated reference
containing data on organized crime Regularized operations
groups for operational purpose. Widespread or transcend provincial,
regional, international political
CRIMINAL GANGS 2. CRIMINAL GANG – a group of two (2)
1. ORGANIZED CRIME GROUP – a profit or more persons who have a common
motivated by a highly capable group of identifying sign or symbols and whose
persons, or an enterprise organized to members individually or collectively
undertake widespread, regular, or long engage in or have engaged in a pattern
term, large scale, high profile and of criminal activity, creating an
diversified criminal activities that has atmosphere of fear and intimidation
high impact to the economy and national within the community or specific area
security. using violence and intimidation.
2. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE to have less control over their members
Composition- highly structured and Composition- loose connections
complex of faction
Disposition- members have infiltrated a Disposition- members may have
vast variety of legitimate resources previously petty crime experience
Highly profile strength 3. RESOURCES
Highly sophisticated logistical support Basic criminal tools
Highly specialized training and Minimal logistical support
indoctrination Minimum or no specific training or
Well-entrenched and fluid network 4. NETWORKING/CONNECTIONS
Tight operating linkages and influence Local criminal network
with law enforcement and other Few or no operating linkages and
government agencies influence with law enforcement or
Initiated and maintained through bribery other government agencies
and corruption public officials 5. MODUS OPERANDI
4. MODUS OPERANDI Less Corporate- focus attention
high profile on making money from specific
difficult to counter criminal activity
violence and intimidation Territorial- possession of turf
5. PERSONALITIES Scavenger- motivated by needs
Attained high level of criminal to belong to a gang
prominence, influence, and linkages not 6. PERSONALITIES
only in their AOR but also outside of its Low level of criminal prominence
boundaries Mainly from financially/ socially
6. MOTIVE disadvantaged sector of society
Organizational profit and Advantage 7. MOTIVE
7. NATURE AND CRIMINAL ACTIVITY Profit and personal advantage
Crimes that high profile, sensational, 8. NATURE OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY
large scale, diversified and have a high Crimes committed are
impact to the economy perpetrated by hatred, vendetta
8. TIME, DURATION AND FREQUENCY or for profit on a particular crime
Long term goals
such as kidnapping only or article, or from whom he receives
robbery articles.
9. TIME, DURATION AND FREQUENCY 6. Cover story – it is the changed, forging,
Short term goal screening of person’s real personality,
Irregular operation things, events, and places.
Limited to a specific area of 7. Deception- it covers a wide variety of
operation tactics, strategy, and maneuvers by
THE SECOND PHASE OF CRIMINAL which a state or person attempt to
INVESTIGATION mislead another generally as to its
1. In the investigation of a certain case, a capabilities and intentions, it is simply to
point is reached when the investigator confuse the opponents about one’s
sometimes finds it difficult to secure plans and purpose.
leads through questioning of the 8. Made- the surveillant being recognized
complainant, victim and witnesses. In as the surveillant by the subject or
such a situation, the investigator has to convoy.
go to the field to locate the criminal or, if 9. Lost- the subject is lost when the
he is known, to study his habits, surveillant do not know his/her
movements and possible accomplices whereabout. The subject is lost when he
and accessories in the commission of eluded arrest.
the crime. 10. Fingerman- an individual who can
TRACE AND LOCATE THE CRIMINAL positively point out the subject.
2. The second phase of crime Investigation 11. Put the finger on- go identify a subject
is concerned with locating and by pointing him out either in person or in
apprehending the offender. This is not photograph.
only frustrating but dangerous on the 12. Penetration- an agent somehow can
part of the investigator. Locating and get inside the target and stay there for a
apprehending the suspect/s can be considerable period to gather
done using informants, conducting intelligence information.
surveillance, and undercover 13. Put to bed- when the subject under
assignments. surveillant has return to his quarter and
Terminologies: apparently retired for the night.
1. Surveillance- is a discreet observation 14. Shadow and tail- to follow an individual
of place, persons, and vehicle for the whenever he goes, on foot or vehicle.
purpose of obtaining information 15. Undercover- is an investigative process
concerning the identities or activities of in which disguises and pretext cover
subjects. and deception are used to gain the
Is a clandestine form of investigation confidence of criminal suspects for the
which consists of keeping any person, purpose of determining the nature and
places or other physical and objects can extent of any criminal activities that
be closely watch but are generally maybe contemplating or perpetrating.
incidental to the primary interest of OBJECTIVES OF SURVEILLANCE
seeking information about people. a) To detect criminal activities
2. Subject of surveillance- the person, b) To discover the identity of persons who
place or object being watch. frequent the establishments and
3. Surveillant- the person who does the determine their relationship
surveillance or maintain the watch. c) To discern the habit of a person who
4. Convoy- an associate of the subject lives in or frequents the place
who follows the subject to detect the d) To obtain evidence of a crime or to
surveillance. prevent the commission of a crime
5. Contact - any person with whom the Shadowing or Tailing – It is the act of following
subject speaks, to whom he passes a person.
Its objectives are:
a) To detect evidence of criminal activities 5. Do not attempt to appear too innocent. If
b) To establish the associations of a accosted by the subject, however, the
suspect surveillant should normally display
c) To find a wanted person indignant innocence. An attempted
d) To protect a witness explanation might serve to increase the
General Personnel Qualification suspicion of the subject.
3. The SURVEILLANT must be patient, 6. When in a dangerous neighbourhood,
resourceful, versatile, and alert and walk near the curb and thus reduce the
have self-control. He should have a possibility of attack from doorways and
complete knowledge of the investigation alleys.
in order that he may have interest in the 7. Exercise extreme caution in dark alleys.
action of the subject. 8. Never speak to or appear to recognize
General Surveillance Procedure another surveillant unless absolutely to
1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBJECT. accomplish the mission.
A positive investigation of the subject 9. Inexperienced surveillant must conquer
should be obtained prior to the starting of the tendency to believe themselves
the surveillance. The best method to use is made when the subject glances in their
to have the subject pointed out and allows direction several times.
the surveillant to make a personal Recommended Practice
observation. In addition, the surveillant To effect slight changes of appearance to avoid
should secure a photograph of the subject being made.
and his complete physical description. 1. Wear reversible topcoat
2. DRESS OF SURVEILLANT. 2. Periodically alter the shapes of a snap-
The surveillant’s attire should harmonize brim hat
with the area or neighborhood in which the 3. Wear and remove eyeglasses
surveillance is to be conducted. He should periodically
not wear clothing, which is too loud or 4. Remove coat
conservative. In certain areas, it is not 5. Change the seating arrangement in the
uncommon for men to wear short sleeved surveillance automobile. i.e., if two
shirt with no coat. investigators are in front seat of
When military reservation, it should be automobile one should move to the rear
best to wear the appropriate uniform for seat, periodically he should move from
surveillance work. Care should be one side and back to the front seat.
exercised in wearing rank or branch 6. Change automobile license plates on
insignia other than that authorized and surveillance automobile. If operating in a
compromised the remarks of an civilian area, ensure that the change of
innocent third party. license plates has been cleared with
PRECAUTIONS: civil authorities.
1. Do not make an abrupt, unnatural 7. Dim the light of the surveillance vehicle
moves from doorway to doorway, from or turn off one light by means of a
tree to tree, or behind automobiles. special switch. However, driving with
Such actions are unnecessary attract one light is a dangerous practice and, in
attention. many places, it is unlawful. This
2. Do not use theatrical disguised, false procedure should be used only when it
beard and other such disguised are appears to be necessary and with the
impractical, hard to maintain and easily prior approval of the proper authority.
3. Never stare directly at the subject. TYPES OF SURVEILLANCE
4. Never look directly at the subject’s eye. TWO GENERAL TYPES OF SURVEILLANCE
Look slightly ahead or behind the 1. Moving Surveillance- maybe referred
subject, or at his feet. to as TAIL OR SHADOW. A moving
surveillance is conducted when a
person, object or activity being watch surveillant to keep the subject in sight
move from one place to another. The for maximum period of time and with a
surveillant may however, move from one maximum danger of being made.
vantage point to another in the A. Operate to the rear of the subject
immediate area. when on the same side of the street.
2. Fixed Surveillance- maybe referred as Crowd and street condition will
STAKE OUT. It is conducted when a determine the appropriate distance to
person, object or activity being watched be maintained between the subject and
is not expected to move from one area. the surveillant.
The surveillant may, however, move B. When the subjects turn in a corner in
from one vantage point to another in the a not so crowded area. The surveillant
immediate area. continues in the original direction of
METHOD OF SURVEILLANCE travel across the street. Crowd and
a) Loose Surveillance street conditions will determine the
Observation of the subject or object is appropriate distance to be maintained
not continuous. The Surveillance between the subject and the surveillant.
maybe discontinued if the subject C. When the subject turns a corner in
becomes suspicious or when the crowded areas, the surveillant should
services of another surveillant is quickly close the distance between
required. himself and the subject and continue
b) Close Surveillance the street corner. From that point, he
Continuous observation of the subject is should locate the subject (using care is
maintained at all times, even if the not closed when turning the corner and
subject appears to become suspicious continue the surveillance from the side
or openly accost the surveillant and of the street.
accuses him of watching or following D. Do not turn a corner immediately
him. behind the subject.
c) Combination of Loose and Close E. When the surveillance operates
Surveillance across the street from the subject
Circumstances which usually depend common sense will dictate whether he
on the specific act of the subject which remains forward, to the rear or abreast
necessitate a change from loose of the subject. When a subject turns a
surveillance to a close surveillance corner, the surveillant to observe
without prior notice. The investigator contacts and any buildings the subject
may have to make this decision even may enter.
without the benefit of instruction or F. When the one-man technique is used
counsel. during a fixed surveillance, it is
Five (5) Techniques of Foot Surveillance requested that depending on
1. One-Man Surveillance. circumstances, the surveillant be
One investigator is used to conduct the provided with binocular and a camera
surveillance because it provides the with telephone lens. The vantage point
least amount of flexibility in the selected by the surveillant should
surveillant, in addition to watching the enable him to watch or observe the
suspect should take notes, watch for subject’s movements and contacts with
convoys, and collect evidences. no danger of the surveillant being seen.
However, when the one-man technique
of surveillance if employed in a moving 2. Two-Man or “AB” Surveillance.
surveillance there are some procedures 1.) In the “AB” technique surveillance,
that the surveillant should be observed. the surveillant behind the subject is
When carefully and sensibly performed, always known as “A” surveillant. “A”
the following procedures will enable the flows the subject and “B” either follows
on the same side of the street or from assume the “A” signal “B” to follow
across the street. subject, “B” now becomes “A” and “C” is
2.) When both “A” and “B” operate on then signal to assume “B” position
the same side of the street as the behind” A” and “C” takes up a position
subject turns a corner. “B” turns the across the street from the subject and
corner behind the subject and assumed becomes “C”.
the position of “A”. “A” now becomes When the subject turns a corner, both
“B” and operates across the street “A” and “B” continues in the original
nearest from the subject. direction of travel and across the street.
3.) When “B” operates across the “A” signal “C” to take up the “A”
street, from “A” and the subject turns a position. “B” then recrosses the street
corner away from “B” will across the and assumed his former” B” position.
street behind subject and take up the “A” assumes the “C” position.
“A”s position. This move should be pre- In a third way, “C” does the signaling.
arranged and the signal is necessary. When “C”, who is across the street from
Should the subject cross the street the subject if subject is about to turn a
towards “B”, “B” should avoid meeting corner, “C” reaches the intersection of
the subject by drooping back, going into “A” and “B” and can observe the
a store, or going straight ahead. subject’s moves and signal instructions
Whenever course “B” takes, he should to both “A” and “B”.
try and keep “A” in sight or signaled him
soon as possible becomes his (“B”)
next move will depend on signaled 4. Leapfrog Surveillance.
instruction from “A”. Two or more surveillants are used to
3. Three-Man or” ABC” Surveillance conduct the leapfrog technique of
The most common effective techniques surveillance. This is a variation of the
of foot surveillance are the” ABC” “AB” and “ABC” methods. It is simple to
surveillance technique. It employs three execute and greatly reduces the
surveillants and is intended to keep two chances of the subject recognizing the
sides of the subject covered. “A” follows surveillant. Surveillant “A” follows “B”.
the subject, “B” follows “A” and both surveillants operates on the same
concentrates on keeping “A” in sight side of the street as the subject were.
rather than the subject. “B” also After a variable of time or distance has
watches for convoys. The normal elapsed by pre-arrangement signals,
position for “B” is behind “A”. “C” “A” falls back and allows “A” to assume
normally operates across the street the position of “B” and “A” becomes “B”.
from slightly to the rear of the subject. After another lapse of time or distance,
In this manner “C” techniques, the surveillants resume their original
necessitated by weather, traffic, or positions. They continue until the
crowd, would have “A” behind the surveillance is employed or
subject. With both “B” and “C” following discontinued.
across the street from the subject. 5. Progressive Surveillance
There are many ways in these The progressive technique of
techniques can be successfully surveillance is used when extreme
employed. Three of these ways are as caution is mandatory. It can be
follows: presupposed by surveillants that the
When the subject turns a corner, “A” subject will resort to every method it
continues in the original direction of eludes possible surveillance. It is a slow
tracer and signal instructions to the technique and limited to subject daily
other surveillance from vantage point. routines. Briefly the surveillance works
He can signal either “B” or “C” to in the following manner.
A subject followed a certain distance identity in case of arrest by other law
and the surveillance or discontinued the enforcement officers, he must act according to
time noted. The next day surveillant his judgment. In such a case, if retaining his
picks up the subject at the time and assumed character does not serve a useful
close when the surveillance had been purpose, the investigator should refuse to
previously discontinued and follows the make a statement except to a member of his
subject for another short distance. This own organization.
continues day after day until the
surveillance is completed. PREPARATION AND SUPERVISION OF
There are three (3) types of shadowing DISCREET SURVEILLANCE
employed, depending upon the objective of Familiarize participating operatives with the
the surveillance: case
a) “Loose Tail” is employed when a i. Use sketches, photos, and maps in the
general impression of the subject’s briefing
habits and associates is required. ii. Make a physical and maps in the
b) “Rough Shadowing” without special briefing
precautions may be used when the iii. Anticipate contingencies that might arise
criminal must be shadowed, and he is and plan what to do
aware of this fact; or where the subject iv. Ready coins for bus or jitney fare and
is a material witness and must be for making phone calls
protected from harm or other v. Determine exits and have them covered
undesirable influences. vi. Bear in mind the need to secure a
c) “Close Tail” surveillance is one in Search Warrant on short notice
which extreme precautions are taken vii. Ready materials for recording
against losing the subject. surveillance
viii. Pre-arrange signals
Tactics- The subject should be kept unaware ix. Maintain contact among the participant
that he is being shadowed. The investigator
should be inconspicuous. He should not be VEHICLE SURVEILLANCE
detected looking directly at the suspect. He In vehicle surveillance, the subject will move
should shift from left to right, never remaining primarily by automobile, therefore necessitating
for long directly behind the subject. Both sides the surveillant followed by automobile. Since
of the street should be used. If the suspect many obstacles, such as traffic conditions,
has become alerted to the tail, he should signal lights and speed restrictions will be
request immediate removal from the encountered, this type of surveillance requires,
assignment. in addition to the routinely well-prepared plan
Note- the investigator must maintain a note or as follows:
log containing a chronological record of the 1. A dependable mode of transportation that
activities of both the investigator and the is commonly used in the area subject for
subject. The log can be used either in the surveillance.
interrogation of the suspect or for purposes of 2. License plate on the car, which must be
cross-examination during trial. identifiable as belonging to an official. They
“Roping” or Undercover Work- It is a form of should be of the province in which the
investigation in which the investigator assumes surveillance is being conducted.
a different and unofficial identity (a cover story) 3. A two-way radio communication system if
to obtain information. The general objective of more than one vehicle is employed.
an undercover investigation is to obtain more 4. Consideration of carrying emergency
information supplies, such as additional gasoline,
Arrest of Undercover Agent- If an water, and first aid equipment.
investigator is arrested by the police, he must 5. Preparations for alternate of transportation
act in accordance with his orders. If he has not in the event that change in transportation
received orders regarding the disclosure of his are required to complete the surveillance.
6. At least two surveillants in each vehicle, 1. Surveillance vehicle should not be
one to drive and the other serves as operated in conspicuous manner.
observer and radio operator, etc. 2. When conducting vehicle surveillance
7. Surveillants who are able and experienced on a rural road and the subject turns
drivers. into a side road do not follow, proceed
past side road consciously observe the
A. THREE (3) TECHNIQUES OF VEHICLE location of the subject. Never turn it
SURVEILLANCE: directly behind the subject or stare up
a) One Vehicle Technique the road to which he will make a U-
This technique is conducted by one turn, he could have suspected the
vehicle following the subject alone surveillant. If the subject is continuing
though to observe his movements and in new direction, the surveillance can
far behind to avoid ready detection. turn around and follow at a discreet
b) Two- Vehicle Technique distance. If the subject has halted,
This technique is conducted by two proceed on the signal the second
vehicles to follow the subject at different surveillance vehicle turn unto the side
distance on the same street. This can be road.
carried by having one vehicle following 3. If the subject suddenly halts after being
the subject on a parallel street while the followed a high rate of speed for some
other is receiving radio transmitted distance, proceed past him and give-
direction from the surveillance vehicle arranged signal for the other
which is behind the subject. This surveillance team to take up a position
technique is more available than the behind the subject. the signal may
one-vehicle technique ahead of the consist of several flashes of the brake
subject, if the destination becomes light, or radio communication
apparent, and set up fixed surveillance depending upon the situation. Halt as
post. soon as possible after passing the
c) Four-Vehicle Technique subject without his attention and either
The four-vehicle technique of fall in behind the other surveillance
surveillance is conducted with four around and resume the surveillance.
vehicles boxing in the subject. Radio 4. If the subject suddenly abandons his
contact is necessary among the vehicle and boarded a bus or streetcar,
vehicles, when information on the assistant should board the carrier
surveillance vehicle is in front of the at the next scheduled stop. The
subject, one behind, one to go left of a surveillant’s vehicle should follow the
parallel street, and one to his right on a carrier as near as possible. Check
parallel street. each stop of the carrier for the
This technique offers maximum flexibility assistance.
where surveillants are able to move with 5. If the subject suddenly abandons his
the subject. In addition, if it desires to vehicle in a rural area and disappears
make apprehension during the into a wood area, place a staked out on
surveillance, it may be facilitated by the subject’s vehicle before pursuing
blocking the street on which is travelling too him into the woods area. The
and closing from rear and the sides. subject might double back, retrieve his
This method provides means of vehicle and evade the surveillant.
apprehension and lessens the possibility C. DETECTION OF SURVEILLANCE.
of injury to bystanders. The method is The subject may use various method in
only practiced in urban areas in which attempting to detect an automobile
streets are parallel. surveillance, six (6) of which are listed below;
B. PRECAUTIONS: 1. The subject may drive at a high rate of
speed until he reaches the crest or hill
or curve where he will be out of the intelligence personnel working within the
surveillant’s sight temporarily. circle of the specified mission.
2. The subject may turn around and go in It is used for passage of directives and
the opposite direction. In turn, the information.
surveillant should follow unless he has It handles the movements of personnel,
received instruction to discontinue the as in the case of escape and evasion.
surveillance rather than discover. In some cases, to handle the movement
3. The subject may park his car at a road of materials such as weapon, sabotage
crossing at the edge of a small village supplies, radio, etc.
where strangle automobiles are very Note: The communication system must be
possible. planned and operated in accordance with
4. Determine the base operation, a room, requirements of the task to be done, but also in
an apartment, house or store. such a way to insure proper management,
5. Make a thorough caution timeliness, continuity, and security.
reconnaissance of the area of building In Clandestine Communication, the following
from which the surveillance is to be should be considered;
made. a. Nature of clandestine communication
6. Obtain the necessary equipment such b. Principles (higher echelon or within the
as telescope or field glasses, listening agents concerned,, sustained
devices such as wire- tapping and communication)
microphone, planting cameras when c. Simplicity and flexibility and
necessary or sound d record devices. d. Secrecy and security