Class 12th HSC All Topics EVS PROJECT

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Climate Change
Evs Project Created By- Yogendra parate
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Selection of project topic (Introduction) (प्रकल्प विषय

निवड प्रस्तावना
Climate change in cludes both global warmi ng
driven by human emission of greenhouse gases,
and the resulting large-scale shifts in weather
patterns. Though there have been previous periods
of climatic change, since the mid-20th century,
humans have had unpreced ented impact on Earth's
climate systern and caused changes on globale
scale. The largest driver of warming is the emis sion
of greenhouse gases of which more than 90% are
carbon dioxide (cos) and methane. Fossil Fuel
burning (coal, of and gas) for energy consumption is
the main source of these omis. sion with additional
contributions form agricul ture, de Corestation and
industrial processes. The human cause of climate
change is not disputed by any scientific body of
national or international standing.

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Themperature rise is accelerated or tempered by
climate feed backs, such as loss of sunlight.
reflecting snow and ice cover in creased water
vapout and changes to land and ocean carbon
sinks. Responding +6 dimate change invdues
mitigation and adaptation. Temperature rise global
average expansion and and on land is about twoice
the in crease 2 leading to desert more common heat
waves wild fires. In creasing rates of evaporation
cause more intense storms and weather extreme's
Temperature rise is amplified in the Arctic, where it
has contributed to melting perma Frost glacial
retreat and sea ice loss. Additional warming also
increases the risk of tiggering critical thresholds
called tipping points

Impact s on ecosystems include the reloca tion or

extinction many species an their environment
changes, most immediately in coral reefs,
mountains and the climate change threatens food
security and access to coatet, leads to economic
losses. and is projected to increase displacement of
people. It Further magnifies tisks of Flooding,
infectious diseases and extreme heat with the World
Health Organization calling climate change the
greatest threat to global health in the century.

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Even if efforts. to minimize future warming are
successful, some effects will continue For centuries,
including rising sea levels, rising ocean
temperatures, and ocean acidi Fication. Many of
these impacts are already felt at the current level of
warming, which is about 1.1°C the Intergoverimental
Panel on Climate Change has issued a series În
these that project significant increases in these
impacts as warming continues tol s'c.


2. Importance of the topic (fivearà uges)

i) climate affects nearly every aspect of out lives,

from our Food Sources to our transport
infrastructures from what clother we wear. to where
huge effect and our we go on holiday. It has a on
Future our livelihoods, our health,

2) It's important that we how the can understand

climate is changin ga prepare for the future. that we

3) Studying the climate helps us predict how much

rain the next winter might bring or how far sea levels
will rise due to wormer seq temperatures.

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We can also see which regions are most likely to be
affected by extreme weather, or which wildlice
species are threatened by climate change.

we described the climate by looking at rainfall Snow

and wind data, This is usually averaged over
seasons. years, decades, centuries or more.


3. Objectives of project work (1)

Provide credible, science-based climate change

education resources

2 Educate change Student's about climate

3) To analyse and quantify how changes in the

climate, such as temperature, precipitation and
run-of Fx affect our potential +0 achieve. the
environmental objectives that are in Cluenced by
long range transport of oir pollution.

4 TO describe and analyse synergles and conflicts

between national and internatio nal measures that
aim to reduce emissions OR greenhouse gases and

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other oir pollutants in order to achieve the Set

To improve our understandin g of the underlying

processes in order to develop reliable Forecasts and
scanarios formak. ing progress towards the
Environmentall Objectives to improve the input data
for existing models; and to enable better integration
of models for the climate.

4. Project Work Methodology (word)

Overview :- The methodology described in this

report enables councils to esta blish how much the
currennt flood risk could alter tinder climate on the
expected changes in rainfall intensity durin change,
base d ing storm events.

The ach of methodology The 1st Follow's increasing

complexity. a staged appro

step of the methodology a simple screening test.

This the uniform scaling of the rain calling during a
storm 40 undertake involves amount of event within
the catchement over the peak rainfall perlad, where
the scaling factor is proportional to the assumed in
crease in temperature caused by climate change.

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Establishing the base case (current climate)
Flooding event :- In order to acess the likely
changes in flood tisk under climate change, the
council will need to choose a Storm or Storms under
current Climate conditions with which changes can
be compared. It is often best to choose real
examples impact On OF the past storms, where their
catchment being considered. They need not be the
biggest storm's expe rireeed, but Ones that could be
regarded as being representative of the situations
likely to be experienced. weather

03 which climate change scenatios? - I+ is to predict

the pre cis e impossible amount by which

the Earth coill warm Over the century, and how

regions of New Zealand depend s next much the
different will warm as this on Future greenhouse gas
emission. In addition > Show a genera although all
climate models al warming Slightly different frend
they give answers with regard to the exact amount
of warming.

04) Rainfall: the simple screening Test - The

Simple Screening test described in this section all

ows a preliminary and relatively low-cast assesment

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of cohether climate change could significantly after
lomtion the Flood risk Por a particular

05) Rainfall-take a detailed look this will provide a

truer and more detailed picture of the increased
intensity of rain fall. The characteristics that make
up the be considered.

06) what else could change? :- factors such as a

Hise in me an sea e in risk OF storm Burge, of level,
change change in river run-off caused by possible
future change in land risks of use, may heighten the
Plooding even more.

07) From rainfall to river Flow - Having designed

Suitable event and applied the likely effed weather
of climate change to the rainfally this information
should be run through a suita ble rainfall-to-river
flow model. This section explains how that is done,
the rate at which the coat er runs off the lands
depends on a) The steepness of the land.

b) How wet the ground surface is when the rainfall

occars, c) the ability of the land to store water on
vegetation, in the soil and in depressions in the

08) From river flows to Flooding :- An inundation

modelling is computationally slow and expensive,

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the approach suggested here is to apply the weather
and river flow models to a range OF Storms but to
limit the inundation modelling to just one design

checked against 09) yalidation - All the model

results for current Conditions can be

measurements. For example, the weather models

can be validated against rain gauge data. However,
as gauges measure. rainfall only at a point and the
weather models are aiming to represent rainfall Quer
an area p to yolidate the may in fact be better
catchment overage - 40 rainfall by comparing the
rain Rall river Houp model output with measured


5. Observations

There has been a widespread warming trend over

India since 1960

2) Over the period 1970-2009, where data is

available, there has been a decrease in the
frequency of cool nights across India, an increase in

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the number of warm nights as well as a decrease in
tool days and an increase in days.

There has been a general increase in seasonal

temperatures averaged over the country as a result
of human influence an climate, makh the occurrence
of warm seasonal +amperatures more Frequ ent and
less Fre Could seasonal + emperatures

a Climate observations are Sourced From numerous

meta orological and related obser votional networks
and systems throug hout the world.

5) To describe the whole climate system, we need to

collect observations of the atmosphere › ocean and
se ot all climate observations are the same and
some are considered of higher Quality than others.
Therefore a climat e asmuotion should be
associated either directly or indirectly with a set of
daty describing the conditions in which the climate
ob se vations provide per e collected and that will
users with information often implicity, on how the
observations should be interpreted and used.

there are over 11.000 weather stations ground the

coorld measuring land afr and sed temperatures as
well as satellites. Ships and aircraft that also take
measure ments.

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8) the stations of Follow strict standards and 1040 of
these stations have been stected to provide high
quality climate data to quanting and aspects of
climate detect change global at the surface, in the
troposphere and in the oceans have all increased
over recent cleco des. Consistent with out scienti
understanding the largest in creases in temperature
are occutting clos er to the poles, especially in the
Arelic Shove and Ice cover have decreased in most

1 The Earth's climate system includes the land

surface, atmosphere, Oceans, and ice.

11)Many aspects of the global climate are Charging

rapidly, and the primary drivers of that change are
human to origin.

14) Evidence for changes in the climate abounds

from the top of the atmosphere to the depths OR the


Analysis of data

i) we provide a comprehensive overview of the

causes magnitude and impacts of d'imate change A

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lot of the relevant climate data. are Quailable on the
Internet but they are not presented in a way which
makes them easy to understand

where climate dat a are awallable ing digestible from

they are often prevented in a blased way. NTIAL

On this sEverything coor be downloaded for Free

and the data file can be input directly to spreads
eets on windouss

4) The climate Formation and data are av arbleb in

the following subject areas : CONFIDI

d) Temperature Observed and climate model

simulations OF Global Euro pe an and American

b) Precipitation = Observed and climate model

simulations of Global ›European and American

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ⒸProxy Data :

1) Ice Cores = Antarctic, Arctic and gladers with

temperature and other data For 100 S OF thousands
of years.

11) Tree Rings = Data from northern and southern

hemisphere countries with) temperature estimates
for 100s OR years. e year!

forcing - Natural albedo (reflectivity) OR earths

Orbital variations(Mil anko vitch cycles); Sun-Sports
Occillations Radio

son de temperature Gases; Nariation time and a

profiles. OR break-down and methane over OR CO₂

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by source and geographical origins including the in
fluence of greenhouse gases climat e valcanões Y

E) Climate Impacts : Global sea levels Snow Cover;

Arctic and Antarctic se a Ice Tropical cycloness
Polar bears; wat er- Stress Airborne dust and


7. Results and Conclusion

Human-induced climate change has cant ributed to

changing patterns of extrane wed ther gross the
globe, from langer and hatter thon heat weaver to
heavls rains from a broad per pective all weathe
events are change now connected to climate AL

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while natural variability continues to play a key role
in extreme abange has shifted the adds and
changed the natural limits, making certain types of
extreme more intense: sare crequent and

shile of how climat e weather is still developing

evidence singests that extreme weather may be
affected oven more than anticipated

Extreme Loeather is on the rise, and the Indications

are that it call! continue to încreases in both
predictable and unpredictable ways.

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Environment Education
and Water security-
Handwritten Assignments
(20 marks)
Handwritten Project work
(30 Marks)

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Steps of conducting project work
Introduction of the project – (2 marks-1
page- back to back)
Background of the subject, Justification of choosing
the topic
Importance of the project – (2 marks-1 side
Why particular project is important
Objectives of the project – (2 marks-1 side
what is that you will find out in the project
(Should Start with “To”)

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Steps of conducting the project
Methodology of the project –
(4Marks-2 pages- back to back)
Methods those will be used in data
collection (siting the sources, survey, interviews etc.)
Observation of the projec
(4 marks-2 pages-back to back)
Data/ information collection

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Analysis – (4 marks-2 pages-
back to back)
on analysis of data- discuss ‘why’ of data

Results and Conclusion –(2

marks-1 page- back to back)
what is the projectoutcome, what were the
learnings from the project- did you fulfil
objectives of project…

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1. The ground water levels have gone down due to
increase in use of water by people.
2. A number of animal species have become extinct
due to excessive disturbance of the natural
environment by humans.
3. A number of plant species have become extinct
due to excessive disturbance of the natural
environment by humans.
4. There are new patterns of disease and pest attack
with changes in rainfall pattern.
5. Organic farming or agriculture.
6. Biogas: source of renewable energy
7. Waste water treatment

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• E-waste management
• Mobile towers: Effects on environment
• Mobile towers: Effects on human health
• Extinctions of animals or plants (take one specific animal or plant)
• The Sparrow: Concerns and conservation
• Vanishing vultures: too late or is there hope?
• Bioplastic
• Biofuels
• Animal testing : is it ethical?
• 3 R mantra: for solid waste management
• Ecofriendly celebration of festivals (take one specific festival)

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• Climate Change. One thing is certain: We'll always have an environment. ...
• Fire Ecology. Rising temperatures also means more wildfires. ...
• Renewable Energy. ...
• Urban Ecology. ...
• Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems. ...
• Bioremediation. ...
• Noise Pollution. ...
• Limnology.
• Vermi-composting
• Importance of mangrove cover
• Water pollution due to oil spillage.

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I hope Now you understand, how to make EVS
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Environment project book
of class 12 journal

Chapter-1: Human health

and diseases

For class11 and 12

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12 th Environment Education And Water Security
Journal assignment

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class11 and 12

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1. Humans and Environment
: There are 8 exercises for journal assignment in the first
chapter. : It is in the form of questions and answers. :
Provide appropriate figures, maps, to explain the
concept. : students should write down any one journal
work from these exercise.

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1. Explain various factors responsible for Migration of

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Answer-Migration of people –migration is the movement
of people from one place to another It leads to increase
or decrease in population of a place. Recently migration
is becoming major issue all over the world.

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Process of migration –Emigration- movement of people
out of certain area. Immigration – Entry of people in an

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Factors affecting migration there are two factors
affecting migration A) push factors B) pull factors A)
push factors---1. Unemployment and under
employment: Due to unemployment people goes to
another area. 2. Economic underdevelopment: for better
economic development people migrate to another

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3: Low Wage and sdaty due to low income sources
people migrate into another region 4: Political
instability: some political decision like wars people get
migrated. S. Disputes and conflicts: due to disputes and
conflicts people get migrated in the region where they
can live happily.

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6: lack of freedom. People always wants to live in
freedom. 7: Discrimination based on religion and
politics: people wants to live in the region where they
can live silently. 8. lack of medical care –people migrate
in the region where good medical facility are available

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On account to this pull factoar§ ark itv iiikte below 1.
Better economic prospects –peoples migrate in the
region where good economical condition is available 2.
higher salary and income - -people prefer the job of
higher salary so that income can be better 3. Better
standard of living– eople like and attract towards better
standard of living. 4. Good governance--

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It leads to better stability S. Safety and stability–
it is necessary to live in protected area. 6. Intellectual
freedom---freedom is necessary for better life. It leads
to better development. 7. No discrimination---people
can easily live in community where no discrimination
occurs. 8. Better medical care facilities –population get
crowded in better medical facilities.

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journal work number 2
Explain the importance of Sacred groves

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Sacred groves these are tracts of forests that are
protected in the name of God. They have religious
significance and are therefore protected by certain local
communities. Hunting ,logging, grazing and collection of
firewood are usually strictly prohibited within these
patches. The flora and fauna in this forest patches are
worshipped by the local people.

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Their traditional belief that help them to live in harmony
with nature. E.g. the Bishnoi worship the khejari tree and
black buck. The tree provides food, fodder and building
material to the people. This flora and fauna might have
been disappeared from the natural ecosystem.

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Threats to Sacred groves in Ilitlaa A) urbanisation,
overgrazing and excessive fuel wood collection. B)
Environmental degradation by visitor you go there to
perform religious practices. C) The changing values the
culture and religious attitude of the people have created
two sacred groves. So we have to protect sacred groves
around us.

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Journal work number 3) write down the Eco friendly
practices that you can follow in your day to day life.

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We can easily get habit witiVeto titendly practices such as
1) Don’t use plastic carry bags, give preference to cloth or
paper bags. 2) manage the waste properlyso that
minimum or no pollution occur. 3) in agriculture, without
using chemical fertilizers and pesticides, we can use bio
pesticides, bio fertilizer which are helpful to Environment
and us.

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* Use solar energy product so that Energy Crisis can not
occur * Enhance two water conservation 9 by not wasting
water, properly close the tap. K Enhance composting to the
biodegradable waste * make our premises clean. *plant
the trees wherever possible. * use minimum paper for

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Enhance public transpOrtatiOn that can save the fuel. *
Do cycling for the least distance. * Try to harvest the
rainwater by applying various methods. *Give preference
to electrical vehicles. * apply eco friendly agricultural
practices in our field. * do properly irrigation in farms.

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Journal work number 4 How the population pyramid
explain demography of a country?

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Demographic transition! There is a close relationship
between population growth rate and economic
development. . Due to improvement in economic
condition, natality, as well as mortality declined resulting
in low population growth rate in developed countries, this
process is known as demographic transition.

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Population pyramid the population pyramid is a plot of
the number of people belonging to various age groups.
Population pyramid is an important features to
understand a country’s demographic situation. This
information is very useful for the government to plan for

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Pyramid for developing countries –In this type of
population pyramid, there is a large number of population
and proportion of old people is less.

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2) Pyramids for developed countries—type of pyramid
the birth date and death rate are low. Period shape is
quite stable.

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3)Urn shaped population pyramid in this type of pyramid
the proportion of reproductive age group population is
very small in comparison two people belonging to
reproductive age group. Is represents countries in the
post-industrial phase.

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Journal work 5 what are different Environmental factors
that affect human health?

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Answer –Natural resources are gift to human life. Good
condition of air ,water, soil and biodiversity enhance our
health and well being. When these resources degrade, it
ultimately results into ill health, morbidity and
shortening of lifespan.

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Unhealthy environment increases mental stress, chances
for cancer and other diseases. It also increases the
disability of body organs. It increases strain on physical
capabilities and affect reproductive capacity also.

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Water and Health The availability of water resources and
quality of water is being degraded day by day in India. It
result into harmful effect. * more than 50% of population
of the country does not have access to potable water *
80% diseases are waterborne. Unclean and poor water
condition kill more than 13 million people per year.

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Discharge of untreated sewage and organic load in water
bodies increases chances of chlorella ,typhoid ,diarrhoea
and hepatitis. Different types of untreated toxic effluent,
heavy metal are discharge from industries affect our health
very badly.

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Mr and heal& The composition of air is altered by primary
and secondary pollutant. It changes quality of air and
causes harm to health of organisms and human being.
Particulate matter of size 2.5 to 10 micrometre e.g. soot
and Dust. Toxic gases and agrochemicals are responsible
for degradation of air quality.

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Delhi air pollution increases badly in 2018. * more than 3
million death occur in India due to air pollution Inhalation
of particulate matter causes heart respiratory and lung
disorder.. Increases risk of cancer. * global warming by
greenhouse gases increases communicable and skin

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Vehicle pollution soot, carbon dioxide causes irritation of
eye, nose and increased asthmatic condition and
bronchitis. * smog result in respiratory diseases creasing
visibility and taking lives in acciden *T.B., pneumonia,
polio ,whooping cough arise in children.

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Soil and health

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Health is deteriorated due to contaminated foodwhich
result due to in appropriate agricultural practices. Non
Biodegradable compound ,Chemicals, pops are enter in
food resulting their biomagnification, it causes diseases in
body such as cancer and infertility. Biomedical Waste
added to soil, affect flora and fauna. Radioactive products
heavy metals mix by e-waste, chemical waste causes
various diseases in plants animals and human.

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Journal assignment number 6 Explain environmental ethics
with the help of an example.

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Environmental ethics It studied the relation of huiTian
being with the environment. It believes that humans are
part of get environment along with other living creatures.
* all species have equal right to al’ ‘esources and also
have right to complete for equal opportunities and
comefort. 2. the right of the environment should take
precedence over the right of individual as it is link to the
Welfare of entire life.

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Types of pollutionare deteriorating Environment some
species have become endangered, and few have become
extinct due to loss of Aquatic and Terrestrial habitat. They
are struggling for proper environment. Do they have right
to live on Earth or not? Man is not only harvester of natural
environment. He is one of the species amongst million of
species. Human must realise and admit that they can not
live on Earth alone. All other biodiversity is the support
system fnr them

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And respect for different aspect from his surrounding.
True environmental value go beyond valuing a river for its
water, a forest for its Timber. Ex.with the small human
population in the past throwing away a little household
degradable garbage could not have been considered
wrong, but with enormous number of people, throwing
away large quantities of non degradable waste it is indeed
extremely damaging to the environment and other

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Journal assignment number 7 suggest major improvement
for sustainable future of human and environment.

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sustainable development is the development which goes
hand by hand with environment, and not at the cost of
environment, developmental project is very necessary for
human development, but it should be handled with caring
environment, for this many improvement should be take
by us * safe agricultural practices which do not contain
harmful chemical pesticides and fertilizers so that no
harmful impact occurs, rather than give a test to bio
fertilizer bio pesticides due to this we can prevent many
type of cancers
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Give preference to 3 ‘IC that is reuse reduse a recycle the
waste . So that thousands of waste can be minimised. * Do
not use plastic , many much environmental radation we
can prevent. Use paper bags, cloth bags. * Biomedical
waste should be properly treated * Electronic waste
should be properly manage * Degradable waste should
be properly compost * poisonous waste should be
properly treated * water resources can be properly used
do conservation of water air and soil resources.

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pdf - Click here
* Harvest the rainwater properly * Do plantation so that
soil erosion can prevented * Take care of biodiversity if
applied most of the things we can achieve the target of
sustainable development.

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practical work then you can contact mi through-
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Journal assignment number 8 Explain environmental
problem of your locality.

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Mention the problem in your locality such as *
deforestation * Air pollution, smog * water pollution *
unhygienic condition * waste management Biomedical
Waste Management

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* Water scarcity * agricultural practices * carry bag use
* plastic use * water pollution problem * soil pollution
problem * social environment *

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mention the problem in your locality such as *
deforestation * Air pollution, smog * water pollution *
unhygienic condition * waste management Biomedical
Waste Management

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Depletion of Natural Resources
Environment Project Pdf
Class -12
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Project created by - Instagram , Telegram

Introduction Of The Project

The depletion of natural resources occurs
when resources are consumed at a faster rate
than that of replacement. Natural resources are
those resources that
Education mahare in existence
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human actions and they can either be renewable
or non-renewable. And when it gets down to the
discussion of natural resource depletion, it a
terminology used in reference to water usage,
farming, fossil fuel consumption, fishing, and
mining. And above all, natural resource depletion
is defined on the premise that the value of a
resource is measured in terms of its availability in

A resource that is rare on earth due to depletion

has a higher value than a natural resource which
is in abundance. Due to the increasing global
population, the levels of natural resource
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degradation is also increasing. Consequently, the
world’s eco-footprint is estimated to be one and a
half times the ability of the earth to sustainably
provide each individual with enough resources
that meet their consumption levels. Herein is a
detailed explanation of the causes, effects, and
solutions of natural resource depletion.
Resource depletion is the consumption of a
resource faster than it can be replenished.
Natural resources are commonly divided between
renewable resources and non-renewable
resources (see also mineral resource
classification). Use of either of these forms of
resources beyond
Educationtheir rate of
mah youtube replacement is
considered to be resource depletion.[1] The value
of a resource is a direct result of its availability in
nature and the cost of extracting the resource,
the more a resource is depleted the more the
value of the resource increases.[2] There are
several types of resource depletion, the most
known being: Aquifer depletion, deforestation,
mining for fossil fuels and minerals, pollution or
contamination of resources, slash-and-burn
agricultural practices, soil erosion, and
overconsumption, excessive or unnecessary use
of resources.

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Resource depletion is the exhaustion of raw
materials within a region. Resources are
commonly divided between renewable resources
and non-renewable resources. Use of either of
these forms of resources beyond their rate of
replacement is considered to be resource

Importance of the project

Humans are using natural resources
endlessly day by day. The population explosion is
causing overexploitation of natural resources
with little or no care to conserving them. To meet
this massive population,
Education depletion
mah youtube channel of natural
resources is happening. However, we need to
understand that natural resources are finite. Even
renewable resources are not being given enough
time to replenish. Thus, one can even wonder
what the condition of non-renewable resources
might be. Therefore, this depletion of natural
resources is quite harmful to the earth and its

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Everyone can do their bit to prevent this
depletion. We must reduce our dependence on
fossil fuels which are soon running out.
Moreover, we must organize
Education cleanliness
mah youtube channel drives to
clear out water and make it safe. Other than that,
instead of cutting down forests, plant more trees.

Objective of the project

● To Know More About overpopulation

● To Know More About Overconsumption and


● To Know More About Deforestation and the

Destruction of Ecosystems leading to loss of

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● To know More About Mining and Mineral Of
● To know More About Technological and
Industrial Development.

● To Know More About Pollution and

Contamination of resources.

Observations of Natural Resources

Causes of Depletion of Natural Resources

Air Pollution, water pollution, solid wastes,
agrochemicals, radioactive
Education wastes,
mah youtube channel greenhouse
effect and global warming, ozone depletion,
improper resource utilisation and deforestation
are some of the main causes of depletion of
natural resources.

1. Overpopulation
The total global population is more than seven
billion people. Still, there is a consistent increase
in the overall earth populace and this has been a
critical factor in accelerating the depletion of
natural resources. An increase in the populace
expands the need for resources and conditions
necessary to sustain it.

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In addition, it contributes to increased ecological
contamination. Research further indicates that
developing countries are using more and more
resources to industrialize and support their
ever-increasing population. Hence, the depletion
of natural resources will continue as long as the
world population increases.

Poor Farming Practices

Humans are causing a lot of stress to land
resources due to the over-reliance on food
production for daily nutritional requirements.
Poor irrigation practices,
Education for example,
mah youtube channel is a key
contributing factor to salinization and alkalization
of the soil that sustains plant growth. Poor soil
management practices and the use of heavy
machinery and farming equipment also destroy
the soil structure making it unsuitable for plant

Some farming practices such as excessive use of

pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides equally kill
important soil micro-organisms that are essential
in replenishing nutrients in the soil.

3. Logging

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The World Bank reported that the net loss of
global forest between 1990 and 2016 was 1.3
million square kilometers. On the same note,
tropical deforestation is estimated to occur at a
rate of one percent annually, especially in Latin
America regions. People are clearing forests
primarily for agricultural reasons due to the
increase in the population pressure.

Humans are also cutting down trees to make

space for residential complexes and multiplexes.
Through deforestation, the planet not only loses
tress but also thousands of animals and great
plant biodiversity due
Education mahtoyoutube
the destruction
channel of their
natural habitats. Moreover, increased logging
activities lead to soil erosion that degrades
natural soil minerals.

4. Overconsumption of Natural Resources

The 1760 industrial revolution saw large-scale
mineral and oil exploration and the practice has
been gradually growing, leading to more and
more natural oil and mineral depletion. And
together with the advancements in technology,
development, and research in the contemporary
era; exploitation of minerals has become easier
and humans are digging deeper to access

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different ore. The increased exploitation of
different minerals has led to some of them
entering into a production decline.

For example, minerals such as Gasoline, Copper,

and Zinc production are estimated to decline in
the next 20 years. Plus, oil mining continues to
rise due to the upsurge in the number of engines
that use petroleum thereby magnifying its
depletion. The peak oil theory supports this fact
by putting forward that it will come a time when
the globe will experience uncertainties on
alternative means of fuels owing to the
over-harvesting of petroleum.
Education mah youtube channel

5. Pollution
An increase in population and modern
anthropogenic activities is a major contributor to
the disposal of pollutants into the natural
environment and as such, the value of natural
environments is gradually exposed to
degradation. The soil, air, lakes, and seas are
being contaminated with sewage, radioactive,
materials, and toxic chemicals among other

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Uncontrolled release of carbon monoxide, nitrous
oxide, sulfur oxide, and carbon dioxide, for
example, have resulted in the degradation of the
ozone layer and global warming – environmental
changes with their resultant depletive impacts on
different natural habitats. Millions of different
animal and plant species have thus lost their
natural habitats and are on the verge of
6. Industrial and Technological Development
The present-day world is incessantly becoming
industrialized as more and more countries make
major technological breakthroughs. But as
technological advancements
Education mah youtubecontinue,
channel there is
similarly a considerable growth in industries that
release toxins and chemical by-products which
are eventually deposited in lakes, soils, and
lands. As a result, the by-products and toxic
materials alter natural habits such as aquatic
systems and wildlife.
Examples of the impacts include acidic lakes,
dead zones, and the death of wildlife as well as
aquatic life. Industrial and technological
advancements have also driven the demand for
virgin materials for research, development, and
production. More resources are hence being used

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to satisfy the industrial demands, increasing the
rate of natural resource depletion.

Methadology Of The Project

Solutions of Depletion of Natural Resources
1. Controlling Deforestation
Programs aimed at checking against
deforestation such as REDD (Reducing
Emissions from Deforestation and Forest
Degradation) created by the World Bank, the New
York Declaration
mahForests, and the United
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Nations are initiatives that could help reduce the
depletion of natural resources.

The initiatives may also act as incentives for

encouraging the general public to conserve
forests as these are the habitat and protectors of
some of the world’s unique plant/animal species
and water sources respectively. Sustainability
programs that aim to educate people about the
importance of conserving natural resources
should also be enacted as a way of focusing on
the long-term risks associated with
environmental degradation.

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2. Reducing oil, mineral, and material
Oil-rich countries together with the World Bank,
state, and consumables’ regulatory bodies
should join hands towards a common
international objective of discussing how oil and
mineral consumption, as well as exploitation, can
be reduced. Manufactures can, for instance, be
trained on lean manufacturing (recycling, re-use,
and reducing wastage) while consumers
sensitized on how to adopt re-use, reducing
wastage, and recycling techniques.
Education mah youtube channel
3. More exploration and use of renewable sources
of energy
Renewables such as solar and wind power can be
explored more and utilized to reduce the
dependency on fossil fuel, which is a major cause
of environmental pollution, climate change,
global warming, and destruction of natural

4. Protecting wetlands and coastal ecosystems

Wetlands are regions saturated with groundwater
that serve a significant role in sustaining
vegetation cover. The coastal and wetland

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ecosystems are thus vital in sustaining the food
chain as they replenish water sources and avail
minerals and nutrients for primary producers
(green and flowering plants), essential for
maintaining plant and animal biodiversity. Also
when coastal ecosystems are protected, they aid
in controlling marine overfishing and protect
coral reefs.
5. Sensitization and awareness creation
People need to be educated on how their daily
practices put a strain on the scarce natural
resources and their individual contributions to
the depletion of natural resources. The main
purpose of Education
mahawareness would be to
youtube channel
encourage people to preserve and restore the
natural environment by getting involved in
conservation efforts.

Analysis of the project

As the human population increases and
economies develop, we’re using more natural
resources, materials the earth provides that
enable economic gain. These substances include
minerals, forests, water, fertile soil and more. In
many cases, we’re using these resources faster
than nature can replenish them. According to

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Global Footprint Network, we used a year’s worth
of resources in seven months in 2018.

While the day when the earth is completely dry

and desolate is probably still far off, we’re already
seeing some of the effects of resource overuse.
We need to act now to protect our planet for
ourselves and future generations.

Conserving natural resources is a broad topic,

but here are 10 things we can do to start
protecting the earth’s resources.
Ways to Solve the depletion of Natural
Resources Education mah youtube channel
● Make Electricity Use More Efficient. ...
● Use More Renewable Energy. ...
Promote Sustainable Fishing Rules. ...
● Avoid Single-Use Plastics. ...
Drive Less. ...
● Recycle More and Improve Recycling
Systems. ...
● Use Sustainable Agriculture Practices. ...
● Reduce Food Waste.
● Promote sustainable forest management
● Treat wastewater Before Descharging it


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We use natural resources, such as coal and
natural gas, to produce the electricity we use in
homes, offices, stores and elsewhere. We can
conserve some of that electricity simply by
turning things off and unplugging them when
we’re not using them and by using more
energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs.

Advanced technologies, such as smart

thermostats, also help conserve energy by
automatically turning appliances on and off as


Education ENERGY
mah youtube channel
About 63 percent of our electricity comes from
fossil fuels, which are natural resources that only
replenish over an extremely long time.

Resources like wind and sunlight, however, can

also be used to generate electricity, but these
resources are renewable. That means once they
are used, they become available again quickly.
While using fossil fuels to generate electricity
burns up finite resources, using renewables does

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Renewable energy also doesn’t release
greenhouse gases, which are causing climate


One-third of the world’s fish populations are
overexploited or severely depleted.

Reduced fish populations can alter entire

ecosystems and hurt coastal economies that
depend on fishing. Introducing new laws — and
ensuring existing ones stay in place — that
protect at-risk fish populations and ecosystems
is crucial to Education
preventingmahthese problems.
youtube channel

At the consumer level, buying only sustainably

sourced fish can help.


In 2016, global plastics production was
approximately 335 million metric tons, and about
half of that was used to make single-use
products, according to the Earth Day Network.

Reducing our plastic use helps us avoid the use

of the resources needed to make plastic and
prevents plastic waste from harming the natural

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environment. Substituting single-use plastics like
plastic grocery bags, utensils and straws with
durable items can help.

Gasoline is a product made from crude oil, a
finite natural resource and fossil fuel. Car
manufacturing also requires many different kinds
of natural resources, includes rubber and various

You can conserve natural resources by not

owning a car, owning a more fuel-efficient car or
driving less. Walking,
Education bicycling
mah youtube taking public
transportation and carpooling are all excellent
alternatives to driving.


In addition to switching away from single-use
plastics, we can also recycle more to help with
the plastic problem. Check with your local
government or recycling company to see what
you can recycle curbside where you live. For
other items, you may be able to find a business in
your community that can help recycle items.

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Improving our recycling systems can also help.
Researchers can find new, more efficient ways to
recycle, local governments can make recycling
easier and businesses can implement recycling
programs for their employees.


Agriculture is necessary but extremely
resource-intensive. There are, however, ways to
farm more sustainably.

Rotating crops and planting

Education cover
mah youtube crops helps to
keep soil healthy. Using fewer chemicals and
integrating biological pest control and natural
fertilizers can help, as well. Precision agriculture,
which uses technology to optimize resource use,
can help farmers use less fertilizer, pesticides,
water and other inputs.


Approximately a third of the food produced for
human consumption every year gets wasted or
lost. Because of all the resources required to
grow, transport and prepare the food, this is a
huge waste. Keeping track of the food you have,

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planning meals and shopping trips ahead of time
and properly storing food can help reduce food
waste at home.


Forests are full of natural resources. The
ecosystem services they provide are valued at
approximately $33 trillion annually, and about a
quarter of the world’s population depends on
them to make a living. Yet, we’re destroying
forests faster than the earth can replenish them
— at a rate of about 60 acres each minute.
Education mah youtube channel
Sustainable forest management practices can
help prevent this. These practices mimic the
natural destruction and regeneration patterns of
nature and involve aspects such as establishing
protected areas, create a harvesting plan and
using logging techniques that are easier on the
natural environment.

The Forest Stewardship Council and the Rain

forest Alliance Certified certify businesses and
products, so consumers can tell which ones are
created using sustainable forestry management.

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Water is, of course, crucial to survival, but more
than 2 billion people don’t have clean drinking
water at home.

Part of the reason for this is that some industrial

plants and wastewater treatment plants,
especially in developing countries, discharge
water into streams and rivers without adequately
treating it. It’s crucial that wastewater discharge
regulations are enforced if they exist, and that
they get introduced that if they don’t yet exist.
Education mah youtube channel
Preventing natural resource depletion is vital for
the environment, economy and the health and
well-being of the human population. We use a
vast range of natural resources, but there are
even more ways to conserve them.

Result and conclusion of the project

Everyone can do their bit to prevent this
depletion. We must reduce our dependence on
fossil fuels which are soon running out.
Moreover, we must organize cleanliness drives to
clear out water and make it safe. Other than that,
instead of cutting down forests, plant more trees.

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Depletion of natural resources will eventually
lead to a world with lesser elements to survive
and makes human life a hardship. Natural
resources are the ones that maintain equilibrium
in the environment and life.

Natural resources like air, water, solar energy,

soil, minerals, coal, etc., are those basic elements
that we, living beings, use to lead a normal life.
Depletion of natural resources will completely
stun the day to day life of a human being as well
as fellow living things. The depletion of natural
resources occurs
Educationwhen we vigorously
mah youtube channel use the
available ones at a rapid speed. Some of these
non-renewable resources like coal, minerals, etc.,
take millions of years to form and thus their rapid
use will result in depletion of these natural
resources. Unsustainable use of these natural
resources due to the demand and increase in
population has also resulted in depletion of
natural resources.

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