Sym-A-Pix Sampler

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w w w . c o n c e p t i s p u z z l e s .

c o m
Sym-a-Pix Sampler  ID 100004  2

Rules................................... 2
Online Resources................... 2
Basic Logic puzzles................. 3-6
Solutions.............................. 7

Each puzzle consists of a grid containing dots in various places. The object is to reveal
a hidden picture by drawing a block around each dot so that its shape is rotationally
symmetrical to the dot, its color matches the color of the dot, there are no other dots
inside it and no squares are left out at the end of the solution.

Rotational symmetry
Rotationally symmetrical block is a shape that looks exactly the same when turning it
half circle around the dot forming its axis.

Here are some samples of blocks with and without rotational symmetry:

Symmetry permited Symmetry not permited

Online Resources
Sym-a-Pix Rules
Sym-a-Pix Tutorial
Sym-a-Pix Techniques
Sym-a-Pix Tips
Printing Tips

For more hints, tips and help solving puzzles please visit the Puzzle Support Forum
For customer service and support please contact

This PDF book is for the personal use by Conceptis member: xavs <>
Sym-a-Pix Sampler  ID 100004  3

1 Basic Logic

2 Basic Logic

Conceptis Puzzles 01090500028

Conceptis Puzzles 01090500029

3 Basic Logic

Conceptis Puzzles 01090500030

This PDF book is for the personal use by Conceptis member: xavs <>
Sym-a-Pix Sampler  ID 100004  4

4 Basic Logic

Conceptis Puzzles 01090500031

5 Basic Logic

Conceptis Puzzles 01090500032

This PDF book is for the personal use by Conceptis member: xavs <>
Sym-a-Pix Sampler  ID 100004  5

6 Basic Logic

Conceptis Puzzles 01090500033

This PDF book is for the personal use by Conceptis member: xavs <>
Sym-a-Pix Sampler  ID 100004  6

7 Basic Logic

Conceptis Puzzles 01090500034

This PDF book is for the personal use by Conceptis member: xavs <>
Sym-a-Pix Sampler  ID 100004  7

1 2 3
Pizza Pumpkin Dog

01090500028 01090500029


4 5
Man with sack Friends



6 7
In the snow Frog



This PDF book is for the personal use by Conceptis member: xavs <>

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