Module 1
Module 1
Module 1
In this section, we are going to discuss the definition of history and how
the definition changes in different times, the differences between a primary source and
secondary source, appreciate the importance of history in real life, as well as, usage of
source criticism to evaluate sources.
Instruction: Identify what event in Philippine history the pictures represent. In one or
two sentences, cite the historical significance of each picture.
A. _______________
B. _______________
Students have varied notions about the word “History”. Some jump into describing it
“as events or things about the past” while others said “it is all about memorizing, that is
why it is boring and not really that important”. The first sentence “about the past” is a
correct description of history, but it is a general definition (later we are going to define it
comprehensively). While the second sentence “about memorizing” is in the manner of
teaching history, students may become victims of teacher’s misconception in teaching
In this section, we are not going to “memorize” but to understand “the past” and
in order to do that, we should learn first the basics in understanding history.
The Greek word historia originally meant inquiry, the act of seeking knowledge,
as well as, the knowledge that results from inquiry (Gottschalk, 1950). It means that not
all that were told is historical unless it was carefully studied and investigated and
supported by facts and evidences.
Importance of History (Funtecha & Padilla, 2010)
There are two main types or divisions of historical sources: primary sources
and secondary sources.
It was suggested by Candelaria & Alphora (2018) that source should undergo internal
and external criticism especially the primary source.
It looks at the content of the source and examines the circumstance of its
production. Internal Criticism looks at the truthfulness and factuality of the evidence by
looking at the author of the source; its context; the agenda behind its creation; the
knowledge which informed it; and its intented purpose, among others (Candelaria &
Alphora, 2018).
Context analysis considers the time and place the historical documents were
written, as well as, the situation or the circumstances during that time. Works pertaining
to events in the past are analysed by also taking into account the author of the document,
person’s biographical background, role in the event, and the intent for writing the
The two other questions to consider when doing context analysis are as follows:
(1) How authoritative is the account/source?; (2) How is it relevant today?
The task of the historian is to look at the available historical sources and select
the most relevant and meaningful subject matter for study.
It is the historian’s job to seek for the meaning of recovering the past to let the
people see the continuing relevance of provenance, memory, remembering and historical
understanding for both the present and the future (Candelaria & Alphora , 2018)
A primary source may contain secondary information e.g., newspapers are usually
considered primary sources but the information provided by the newspaper is not all
based on primary sources. Such as certain incidents reported by the paper may be such
which the correspondent saw or in he actually took part while certain offer information
may be based on official information or sources considered reliable.
The secondary source is the evidence of someone who was not present at the time
of occurrence of the event e.g., books written by historians. The secondary source is also
of great historical importance to historians. Although, the secondary source is itself
dependent on primary sources.
Primary Sources:
These types of primary sources are in the form of the instruction documents,
stenographic and phonographic records. The business and legal paper and
autobiographies, etc. The instruction documents may be in the form of an appointment
notification, and direction from a foreign office to the ambassador, etc. Generally, such
documents have very little chance of error but it is essential to ascertain their
The Business and legal letters consist of the bills, journals, leases, wills, tax
records which gives an insight into the working of the firms as well as the persons. The
autobiographies are a credible source of history because they are very close to the events
with which they deal and written by a person himself. These are non-prejudicial.
The confidential reports are not intended for a general audience and are less
reliable than the contemporary sources. These types of reports are generally in the forms
of military and diplomatic dispatches, Journals, diaries or memoirs, and personal letters.
The public reports are meant for the general public and less reliable. There are
three types of public reports and each possesses a different degree of reliability, such as—
Newspaper reports and dispatches are more reliable which depends upon the agency
from which it originated and the newspaper in which it is published; Memoirs and
autobiographies are another public reports which are written for the public at the close
of the life when the memoirs of author is fading and are, therefore, not very reliable and
the official histories of the activities of government or business house are also an
important kind of public reports. They possess incriminating material and less reliable.
Numerous government documents are compiled which are also a source of vita!
importance to historians such as statistics about the fiscal, census and vital matters
which can be made use of by the historians. All these reports have first-hand importance
but require proper evaluation before the use.
(5) Public Opinion:
The folklores which reveal the stories of legendary heroes are also an important
source of history. They tell us about the aspirations, superstitions, and customs of the
people among whom- the stories developed, e.g. “Alla-Uddal” the hero Rajputana.
To make the use of these folklores the historian should not only possess a
thorough knowledge of the history of the period but also able to distinguish between the
legendary and authentic elements. Similarly, proverbs can give us an idea but scholars
must have a thorough knowledge of the customs and traditions.
Secondary Sources:
The primary sources can be of great help to the historian if he has acquired a
thorough knowledge of the background through the study of secondary sources, i.e. the
works of the great and important historians of the proposed area and period of research.
On the basis of this knowledge, he can utilize the contemporary document at a relevant
places and can correct the secondary sources.
As the historian draws his conclusions and generalizations on the basis of these
documents and facts it is essential to check up the authenticity of the documents and
facts. It is the duty of the historian to doubt every statement until it has been critically
tested. This criticism can be of two types, i.e. External and Internal.
Secondly, “Date of Document”, i.e. the time, place of publication of the document
must be inquired to determine the authenticity of the document. In the modern
publications year and place of publication is indicated on the book or document on the
title page or backside (overleaf). However, in the old manuscript where the data and
place are absent, it can be found out from the language or from the date of birth and
death of the author.
Thirdly, the historian confronts the textual errors which may be either
unintentional or deliberately committed. Unintentional error can take place in the copies
of the documents (originals are not available). These mistakes may be caused by the
scribe, typist or printer.
An intention error may creep in when the effort is made to modify, supplement or
continue the original. This problem can be overcome through textual criticism. Under
this technique, the effort is made to collect as many copies of dubious text as possible
and they are compared.
If the ideas and style do not match or resemble the idea and style of the author it
can be safely assumed that they were not parts of the original manuscript and were
forged by the later ones. Further’ more, the textual accuracy can be solved with the help
of “sciences auxiliary” to history such as “Paleographists” have authenticated numerous
documents of the medieval period by their handwriting and have published easily legible
printed versions.
He must be able to understand the literal and real meaning of the document
which is termed as ‘Positive Criticism’. It reveals us with the author’s conceptions and
general notion which he represents. On another hand, historian sometimes comes across
documents which contradict each other. Hence the need for eliminating statements and
facts which are obviously wrong and false arises.
Therefore, historians have come to hold the view that all that cannot be proved
must be temporarily regarded as doubtful because of the incompetence and unreliability
of the author which prevents him from telling the truth even when he knows. To assess
the correctness of the fact, the historian must ascertain whether the author had the
opportunity to know the facts as an eyewitness or not.
What was his source of information and how much time elapsed between the
event and the record? But the dependable testimony depends on a number of factors
such as ability and willingness to tell the truth, the accuracy of the report and
independent corroboration. However, it may be noted that there is a possibility that a
skillful liar may deliberately create the condition, i.e. ability and willingness to tell the
truth with accuracy to establish the credibility of his statements.
Therefore, in those cases, the credibility must not be accepted without proper
investigation. Moreover, if there is an agreement between documents, we cannot draw
the conclusion that the facts are definitive but we must ensure that the facts are
harmonious and prove each other are interconnected.
Stop Over!
Test I. Identification
Agoncillo, T.A. (1990). History of the filipino people. Quezon City, Philippines:
Garotech Publishing.
Candelario, J.L. & Alporha, C.V. (2018). Reading in philippine history. Rex Book
Torres, J.V. (2018). Batis: sources in philippines history. C & E Publishing, 2018
Rank, S.M. (ed) "What Are Historical Sources?" History on the Net
Retrieved August 16, 2020 <