SITXHRM008 Rosterstaff

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SITXHRM008 Roster staff


UNIT TITLE Roster staff

APPLICATION This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to
develop, administer and communicate staff rosters. It requires the ability to plan
rosters according to industrial provisions, operational efficiency requirements,
and within wage budgets.

This unit applies to individuals responsible for developing staff rosters for
situations involving potentially large numbers of staff working across a range of
different service periods or shifts. It does not apply to small office environments.

It applies to senior personnel who operate independently or with limited

guidance from others, including dedicated specialist staff or operational
supervisors and managers.

The unit applies to all tourism, travel, hospitality and event sectors.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply

to this unit at the time of publication.


COMPETENCY FIELD Human Resource Management

UNIT SECTOR Cross-Sector


Elements describe the essential Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the
outcomes element.

Tourism, Travel, Hospitality and Events - Draft 1

SITXHRM008 Roster staff

1. Develop staff rosters. 1.1 Develop rosters according to relevant industrial agreements and other
considerations and wage budgets.
1.2 Maximise operational and customer service efficiency while minimising wage
1.3 Combine duties where appropriate to ensure effective use of staff.
1.4 Roster teams with complementary skills mix to meet operational
1.5 Take account of social and cultural considerations and broader
organisational policies that affect staff rosters.
1.6 Consult with colleagues to ensure input into rosters.
1.7 Use roster systems and equipment to administer rosters.

2. Present and communicate 2.1 Present rosters in required formats to ensure clarity of information
rosters. according to organisational standards.
2.2 Communicate rosters to appropriate colleagues within designated

3. Maintain rostering records. 3.1 Administer records of shift time completed by employees or contractors.
3.2 Maintain staff rostering records according to organisational procedures

4. Evaluate rosters. 4.1 Monitor effectiveness of rosters in consultation with colleagues.

4.2 Identify ways in which rosters and roster development processes may be
improved and take appropriate action.


Foundation skills essential to performance in this unit, but not explicit in the performance criteria are listed
here, along with a brief context statement.


Reading skills to: interpret documents outlining opening and closing times, operational
hours, and expected customer traffic.

Writing skills to: write potentially complex roster documentation.

Oral communication skills to: ask colleagues questions to confirm their requirements
listen, understand and interpret messages.

Numeracy skills to: complete planning activities involving dates, times and staff ratios.

Learning skills to:

Problem-solving skills to: re-work rosters in cases of staff illness.

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SITXHRM008 Roster staff

Initiative and enterprise skills to:

Teamwork skills to: consider staff requests and personal commitments when planning rosters.

Planning and organising skills to:

Self-management skills to:

Technology skills to: use system capabilities and functions of rostering software programs.

UNIT MAPPING INFORMATION SITXHRM002 Roster staff – equivalence to be determined at Draft 2.

LINKS Companion Volume Implementation Guide

TITLE Assessment Requirements for SITXHRM002 Roster staff

PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance
criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:

prepare staff rosters that meet diverse operational requirements across

three different roster periods
demonstrate the following when preparing each of the above staff rosters:
sufficient staff to ensure the delivery of required services within wage
budget constraints
appropriate skills mix of the team
compliance with industrial provisions and organisational policy
completion of rosters within commercial and staff time constraints.

Tourism, Travel, Hospitality and Events - Draft 1

SITXHRM008 Roster staff

KNOWLEDGE EVIDENCE Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements
and performance criteria of this unit:

sources of information on awards and other industrial provisions

industrial agreements and other considerations which impact the
preparation of staffing rosters:
single or multiple awards and enterprise agreements
award provisions for:
mandated breaks between shifts
maximum allowed shift hours
standard, overtime and penalty pay rates
overall number of hours allocated to different staff members
use of:
contractors and consideration of fees
permanent or casual staff

key elements of applicable awards and enterprise agreements:

leave provisions
mandated breaks between shifts
maximum allowed shift hours
standard, overtime and penalty pay rates
organisational policies which impact the preparation of staffing rosters:
sociocultural-friendly organisational initiatives
family-friendly workplace initiatives
leave for:
compassionate reasons
illness or injury
jury service
long service
maternity or paternity
rehabilitation of injured workers
industry sector:
role of rosters and their importance in controlling staff costs
system capabilities and functions of rostering software programs
different formats for and inclusions of staff rosters
different methods used to communicate rosters, both electronic and
specific organisation:
social, cultural and skills mix of the team to be rostered
full details of human resource policies and procedures that cover leave
provisions and socio-cultural issues
operational requirements of the business activity, department or event
subject to rostering
wage budget for the business activity, department or event subject to

Tourism, Travel, Hospitality and Events - Draft 1

SITXHRM008 Roster staff

ASSESSMENT CONDITIONS Skills must be demonstrated in an operational tourism, travel, hospitality or

events business operation or activity requiring staff rostering. This can be:

an industry workplace
a simulated industry environment set up for the purposes of assessment.

Assessment must ensure access to:

computers, printers and rostering software programs

records of shift time and where relevant electronic equipment used by staff
to log commencement and completion time of rostered duties
applicable industrial awards and enterprise agreements
operational information about the organisation or department subject to
information about the cultural and skills mix of a team subject to rostering.

Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations’

requirements for assessors.

LINKS Companion Volume Implementation Guide

Tourism, Travel, Hospitality and Events - Draft 1

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