Freemasonry - Vol11no05..Masonic Words and Phrases (12 PGS)

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W.J. Collett
Past Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Alberta AF &AM

Brethren: In this brief discourse allotted to us, we will endeavour to trace and analyze the application of uncommon words and phrases used in Masonry. The meaning, spelling, pronunciation and application of some of these words have varied considerably in the past and even up to the present. Some of the pronunciations and spellings are now obsolete except for their usage in Masonic phraseology. The study of these words and their Symbolic meaning will certainly enlighten and broaden the mind of the Masonic student and perhaps interest him in further study along these lines. My research and interpretations are not to be taken as the final word in defining these words and phrases; no doubt many of you can add further light by your own knowledge and interpretations. However, it is my hope to stimulate your curiosity and encourage your further study and research, which after all is what Masonry is all about. There still seems to be confusion in the minds of some members of the Craft, concerning the meaning of the terms, "Right Worshipful", "Most Worshipful", and "Worshipful" as applied to a brother holding certain offices. They seem to think it has a literal meaning associated with the duties of worship, a kind of religious implication. Such, however, is not the case and in fact, judging by the minutes of Grand Lodge, it was not until 1730, that the terms "Right Worshipful" or "Worshipful" appear. Till then it was "Brother" and the first Grand Master was described as Brother Sayer. In the eighteenth century, the phrase "His Worship" was applied to indicate deference respect and honour paid or felt towards an individual by reason of the position or rank in life. Thus, a Mayor or Magistrate received the title by reason of his civil rank. The use of the term Worshipful, indicates that the individual to whom the term is applied is worthy of honour by reason of his character and the position he holds, but does not mean to imply that the person concerned has to be worshipped. The use of the term in English Freemasonry dates from the early eighteenth century and really means " Worthy brother". - Philalethes Magazine What is a Lewis? - A son of a Freemason. What does that denote? - "Strength". Some authorities have claimed that to be entitled to the term, the son must be born after his father has been made a Mason; others take a wider view and grant the designation to a son whose father becomes a Mason after the child's birth. What is the duty of a Lewis, the son of a Mason to his aged parents? "To bear burden in heat of the day and help them in time of need", which by reason of their age they ought to be exempted from; so as to render the close of their days happy and comfortable. His privilege for so doing. To be made a Mason before any other person, however dignified by birth, rank, or riches, unless he through complacence, waives this privilege.

In the early days of Masonry in Alberta, we have a history of two known brethren, who were "Lewis Masons " - admitted into the Order after their 18th year by reason of their father's membership and a Grand Master's dispensation. The Board of General Purposes of the Grand Lodge of England has ruled, without qualification, that a Lewis is a son of a .Mason. It was further amplified in which it was indicated that this ruling applied irrespective of the time of birth. A Lewis can only be initiated under the age of twenty- one, in most Jurisdictions by dispensation of the Grand Master. (Several American Lodges, Idaho, North Dakota, accept young men aged eighteen or over for membership - having recently changed their Grand Lodge Constitution.) By long established custom, a Lewis takes precedence over anyone who is not, only if there is more than one candidate to be initiated on the same evening. He is not entitled, as is sometimes claimed, to any preference in the appointment of Officers in the Lodge and should not be shown any privilege other than the one that has been mentioned. The Word Tubal Cain, means "worldly possessions or possessor of the world", or "one who is jealous of confusion". Tubal Cain was the son of Lamech and Zillah, brother of Jabel and Jubel, and the first worker in metals. He is mentioned in the bible, in the Book of Genesis, Chapter 4, Verse 22. (An instructor of every artificer in brass and iron.) It is said that Tubal Cain excelled all other men in strength and was renowned for his warlike achievements. Mackey says the true derivation of the word is an instrument of iron that has been forged. Tubal Cain was accorded the invention of the Smith Craft: of gold and silver, iron, copper, and steel in the legend of the Craft in the old manuscript Constitutions. Hiram Abiff: - a widow's son - name meant Master Workman, Architect and Chief Builder. (He was a Smith and not a stone Mason.) Hiram, the widow's son, was the son of a Tyrian, his mother being an Israelite of the tribe of Dan, and the widow of a man of the tribe of Napthali. He was sent by Hiram King of Tyre, to Jerusalem to be Chief Architect to Solomon. Abiff, is generally interpreted as a title of respect or veneration, from the Hebrew "Abi", meaning "my father". Sprig of Acacia: - Mackey says that it is symbolic of the immortality of the soul; it is a symbol of innocence also a symbol of death and re- birth. In the scriptures, the Acacia is known as "Shitta", or in the plural "Shittim". Wood of Acacia is considered sacred wood, used in making the Tabernacle of Moses, the Ark of the Covenant, and the sacred furniture of the Holy Place. The wood is heavier than water and is not attacked by the white ant or any other insect. Admitted: - a candidate is admitted on entering the second degree of the Order. Ample Form: - When is Grand Lodge said to be opened in "Ample Form"? When the Grand Master is present. When a Past Grand Master or Deputy Grand Master presides, Grand Lodge is opened in "Due Form", and at all other times in "Form" only, yet with the same authority. Applause in Lodge: - Is applause in Lodge permissible? Masonic applause is to be deprecated. If indulged in at all, it should take the form of a single clap, given in unison at the command of the D.O.C.

Anno Lucis: - Why do Freemasons use the term? Like the Jewish Calendar, Freemasonry measures its years from the Creation. Preston wrote, "from the commencement of the world we may trace the foundation of Masonry". According to the common view, the Christian Era began roughly 4,000 years after the Creation; therefore, the Masonic year is obtained by adding 4,000 to the year of the Christian Era; and Freemasons, instead of using "Anno Domini", use "Anno Lucis" or in the year of Light. Ashlar: - The derivation of this word is apparently unknown. It is sometimes generally accepted as me aning common freestones as they are brought, rough and chipped from the quarry, or hewn stones prepared for facing buildings. In Speculative Masonry, we adapt the Ashlar in two different states, as symbols in the Apprentices' Degree. The Rough Ashlar, or stone in its rude or unpolished condition, is emblematic of man in his natural state, ignorant, uncultivated, and vicious. But when education has exerted its wholesome influence in expanding his intellect, retaining his passions, and purifying his life, he then is represented by the perfect Ashlar, which, under the skilful hands of the workmen has been smoothed, squared and fitted for its place in the building. Audi, Vide, Tace:- These words mean, Hear, See and be silent: - the motto of the Craft. (Door of the G. L. also on G. L. Seal.) Beehive: - Why is a beehive frequently used in connection with Masonic designs and illustrations? The beehive is an emblem of industry, and emphasizes the desirability of that virtue. Black- balling: - Is black- balling constitutional? Quite constitutional, but always regrettable. In a well ordered Lodge, it should be unnecessary except on very rare occasions. Many Lodges include in their By- Laws an invitation to any Brother objecting to a proposed Candidate to communicate such objections privately to the Master or Secretary, in which case the proposer and seconder may be given the opportunity to withdraw their Candidate if they so desire. In Alberta, no person can be made a Mason if on the ballot two black balls appear against him. Blazing Star: - What is the Blazing Star? The Blazing Star is described as one of the "Ornaments" of the Lodge, and is moralized on thus: "The Blazing Star or Glory in the Centre refers us to the sun, which enlightens the earth and by its benign influence dispenses its blessings to mankind". Blue: - What is the significance of the colour blue? Friendship, fidelity and universal sympathy. Among the Druids blue was the symbol of truth. The Egyptians wrapped their principal god Amun in blue. The Babylonians clothed their idols in the same sacred colour. The Hindoos associated blue with the god, Vishnu, representing wisdom. Jachin: - The name of the right hand or south pillar that stood on the porch of the temple, derived from the words, "Jah", meaning "Jehovah" and "Achin" "to establish'', signifies that God will establish his house of Israel; while the pillar "Boaz" compounded of B, - in and "oaz" "strength", signifies that "strength shall it be established." And thus were the Jews, in passing through the porch to the Temple, daily reminded of the abundant promises of God, and inspired with confidence in his protection and gratitude for his many acts of kindness to his chosen people. Broken Column : - It is emblematic of the Chief Supporter of the Craft who fell before his work was completed. It denotes "sudden death".

Cable Tow: -- What is its symbolism? Brother Bernard Shillman has pointed out that it was customary among the ancient Semetic apace for captives, bondsmen and other menials to wear a halter as a taken of submission. What is the length of a Mason's cable tow? The length of a Master Mason's cable tow, or the distance within which attendance at his Lodge is said to be obligatory, is generally stated to be three miles. In some old Lodges it varied from five to fifty miles. Another interpretation is "if within the scope of your ability". Calling Off: - A brief ceremony employed when for some reason a Lodge is to be temporarily adjourned. Calling On: - A brief ceremony employed before resumption of work after a Lodge has been temporarily adjourned. On the Center: - What is meant by opening a Lodge on the Centre? It indicates a Lodge of Master Masons, all present being of that degree are equally near to or equally distant from the imaginary point that symbolizes "perfection". What is the Symbolism of the Chisel? - The most picturesque symbolism of the Chisel reminds us that, although the chisel is a small instrument, the mightiest structures are indebted to its aid. Therefore, it teaches that per severance is necessary to establish perfection, that the rude material can receive its polish but from repeated efforts, and that nothing save indefatigable application can induce the habit of virtue, enlighten the mind and render the soul pure. Coffin: - What is the symbolism of the Coffin? In the symbolism of the coffin is to be found a link with the Ancient Mysteries. In the ancient Mysteries the aspirant could not claim participation in the High Secrets until he had been placed in the "Pastos", bed or c offin. The placing him in the coffin was called the "symbolic death" and his deliverance was termed the "raising from the dead". The coffin in Freemasonry is found on Tracing boards, in the early part of last century, and has always constituted a part of the symbolism of the 3rd degree. Compasses: - The compasses by describing the perfect geometrical figure of a circle, teach us to circumscribe our actions and the symbolism is the duty we owe to ourselves. In modern Masonic rituals the compasses are "dedicated to the Craft" and are emblematic of the restraint of violent passions. Here "passions" refers to any over-emotional lack of control. It is passions in the larger sense; intemperance, temper, unjust judgement, intolerance, selfishness, that the spiritual compasses circumscribe. The positions of the square and compasses in the three degrees are universally symbols of light, further light, more light. Corinthian Column : - What does it denote and what is its c orrect? It denotes beauty and its position is at the Junior Warden's Station in the South. In Alberta the Junior Warden's Column is raised before the opening of the Lodge and again when the Lodge is closed. Corn, Wire and Oil: - Symbolism of these words means, Nourishment of mind and body; refreshment of the soul; joy of achievement. Cowan: - What is the difference between a Cowan and Eavesdropper? An eavesdropper is an intentional listener.A cowan may therefore be classed as an unintentional listener in Speculative Masonry. It is a Scotch term of contempt, a dry dyker, one who builds dykes or walls without mortar. Masonry therefore has no place for anyone that builds their symbolic walls without the cement of brotherly love. Hence, one who is uninitiated in the secrets of Masonry, or one who is not a Mason. He is a Mason without the word; the Apprentice who tries to masquerade as a Master. The eavesdropper in ancient times was that would be thief of secrets who listened under the eaves of houses. (There was often space between the wall and roof, for the purpose of ventilation.) Because to hear he had to get close

to the wall under the eaves, he received the droppings from the roof it is rained; hence eavesdropper. In modern times the eavesdropper is that bold man who forges a good standing card, or finds one and masquerades as its owner; the man who has read a so- called "expose" of Masonry and tries to get into a Lodge; in order to ask for charity or help. He is very rare, and few Tilers have ever met him. Demit: - It is an obsolete term once used for resigning membership of a Lodge. Actually the term means to "lay down" or "surrender" an office. Thus, to demit was "to resign". A demit is a certificate granted by a Lodge indicating that on t he date of issue, a brother ceases to be a member in good standing because upon its issue, a brother ceases to be a member in good standing in the Lodge issuing the demit. According to section 570, Constitution of Grand Lodge, it states any person having demitted from the Craft, may visit any one Lodge, subject to the prerogative of the Worshipful Master, not more than twice during his secession from the Craft. No such person shall be permitted any other Masonic Privilege whatsoever. (Section 564, P. 60 elaborates further on this.) Dispensation: - Written authority from the Grand Master or District Deputy Grand Master, granting permission for a Lodge or Brother to depart from an established law or regulation. A Grand Master may grant a dispensation to shorten time between degrees, to admit more than the statutory number of candidates at one communication, (in Alberta five candidates is the maximum allowed), to change the date of regular meeting, to elect and install an officer out of time; to hold a churc h parade with regalia, etc. The dispensation should be read in open Lodge immediately after the opening of the Lodge. It is not correct in such cases for the dispensation to be read before the Lodge opens, because the reading of the dispensation is a part of the business of the meeting and no business can be transacted prior to the opening of the Lodge. The meeting is legalized not by the mere reading of the dispensation, but by the fact that it has been procured. Drawing the Lodge: - In ancient times when Lodges met in inns with bare floors there was traced by the Tyler with chalk and charcoal on the floor of the room the ground plan of the building or some other design. This was known as "Drawing the Lodge", the design being subsequently removed by the youngest Initiate with a mop and pail. Dual Office: - No brother may hold more than one regular Office in the same Lodge at the same time. Free and Accepted Masons: - Many suggestions have been advanced by different authorities. The most convincing seems to be that it denotes the combination of Operative and Speculative members, that is, the Freemasons and the accepted Masons. The term "Free and Accepted" was first used in some old constitutions issued in 1722, and no earlier date can be assigned to it. The term Freemason refers to the ancient practice of emancipating skilled artisans, so that they were free to travel and render their services where ever any great building was constructed. Quator Coronati Lodge of Research has suggested that itinerant Masons were called "free" because they claimed exemption from the control of the local guilds of the towns in which they temporarily settled. Furniture of the Lodge: - What articles used in a Masonic Lodge are known as the Furniture of the Lodge? The Sacred Volume, the Compasses and the Square. They are also known as the Three Great though Emblematical Lights. The Three Great Lights may be said to symbolize duties. The V. S. L. reminds us of our duty to God; the Square teaches us our duty to our neighbor, while the Compasses impress upon us our duty to ourselves.

Whence comes the Due Guard? It is a symbol of obligation; a reminder by him who uses it to all who see him do so that he remembers his promises. Masonic authorities are not in complete agreement as to the derivation of the words, although they unite as to what the words signify. Mackey thinks the words mean "to duly guard against". Lesser authorities are convinced the phrase has a French derivation coming from "Dieu Garde" - God guard me or you. It is universally used as a salute to the Master before the Altar and to the Wardens during the conferring of a degree, particularly in the Ancient York work. The letters G. A. 0. T. U.: - Refer to Grand Architect, Great Architect, Grand or Great Artificer of the Universe, are titles under which Freemasonry refers to Deity. It is a symbol of Deity as named and worshipped in all religions. Why is a Lodge meeting called a Communication? In old English "Communication" was to common, to share with others. In a Masonic Lodge "communion", "to common", is to gather in a "communication", signifying not just a meeting of men to legislate, but a gathering of men with a common purpose, governed by a common idea, believing in a common ideal.. It is one of the precious and delightful ways in which Masonry keeps alive an old, old idea in the words of long ago. High Time or High Twelve: - Expresses the hour of noon, when the sun is high. Hourglass: -- - Why is the hourglass found in some old Masonic designs? Among the Ancient Egyptians in their religious processions the hourglass was carried as an ast ronomical emblem of time. Immovable Jewels : - Why are the Tracing Board and the Rough and Perfect Ashlars called the "Immovable Jewels"? Because they lie open and immovable in the Lodge for the Brethren to moralize on. Moveable Jewels: - Why are the Square, level and Plumb - rule referred as the movable jewels? Because they are worn by the Master and his Wardens and are transferable to their successors on nights of installation. Word Hele (Heal): - Oxford dictionary gives two basic descriptions: 1. Obsolete: to hide, conceal, to keep secret. 2. To cover, cover in, still in local use, especially in the senses a. to cover roots seeds, etc. with earth. b. to c over with slates or tiles, to roof. Several English and European variations indicate a "hayl" pronunciation, the more recent pronunciation as "heel" so that it rhymes with Keel or Kneel. We use an archaic word, out of sentiment perhaps, but I see no reason for maintaining an archaic or doubtful pronunciation, when all the rest of our ritual is in modern usage. Why the Rough Sands of the Sea Shore? Entered Apprentices are often puzzled by the reference, "to the rough sands of the sea where the tide regularly ebbs and flows twice in every twenty-- four hours." This is a survival of an old superstition. The sea shore, covered by high tide and exposed at low tide, is neither land nor water and anyone buried there would never find rest, but would roam throughout eternity This comes from the days when the customs of proper internment were deemed of high importance. Christians were required to be buried in consecrated ground. On the other hand malfactors were often buried at public cross- roads. Vengeance would thus go beyond the grave.

Warden: - Warden or Guardian signified that the Junior Warden guards the South Gate and the Senior Warden guards the West. The Junior Warden's especial duty is to guard the Lodge against the entry of unqualified persons while the Senior Warden has to guard the work and the privileges of the brethre n. Thus, candidates first knock at door to gain admission then at Junior Warden's pedestal and thirdly at Senior Warden's pedestal where he is permitted to "enter" and thus share in the privileges of the brethren. Indented or Tessellated Border:--- What is the symbolism of the indented or tessellated border of a Lodge? The Masonic Lectures refer to the indented or tessellated border as one of the "ornaments" of the Lodge, which refers us to the planets which, in their various revolutions, form a beautiful border or skirt work round that grand luminary, the sun, as the other does round that of a Freemasons Lodge. Ionic Column: - Denotes wisdom and its position is at the Master's Station in the East. Jubela, Jubelo, Jubelum: - These are the traditional names of the three assassins in Masonic legend. Just, Perfect and Regular: - What is the meaning of the phrase as applied to a Masonic Lodge? A Lodge is said to be "Just" when it contains the V. S. L. unfolded. "Perfect" when it comprises seven members; and "Regular" when the Charter or Warrant of constitution is in evidence. Landmarks of the Order: - The following definitions are given by competent authorities: a. Leading and essential characteristics. b. Leading principles from which there can be no deviation. c. Universal laws of Masonry. d. Ceremonies, rules and laws deemed absolutely necessary. e. Immemorial and universal observances. Opinions vary widely regarding the recognized Landmarks of the Order and their number. Some authorities have produced lengthy lists of Landmarks; others have declined to recognize more than two or three. Grand Lodge of England has made no pronouncement on the subject. Mackey sets down a list of twenty- four. The first Great Landmark is a belief in one Supreme Being. The second is the acceptance of the rule that the Open Volume of the Sacred Law is indispensable in every Lodge while the Lodge is working. The third is a belief in the immortality of the soul. These three, I believe, are the most commonly recognized and pre- requisite Landmarks of the Order. Many others such as, the equality of all Freemasons, Secrecy of modes of recognition, the modes themselves, Secrecy of Ballot, that every Lodge shall be tyled. etc. The Three Lesser Lights: - What is their symbolism? We are told that Freemasonry is a "peculiar system of morality", or, in other words, a system of law and order. In all systems of law and order there is a division into dutie s and rights, duties which the subjects owe to the governing powers, and rights to which the subjects are entitled from those powers. As the three Great Lights represent duties, so the Three Lesser Lights may be said to symbolize rights, the rights we may expect from the government of the Sun, the Moon and the Master. What is symbolism of Level? As the level is to lay levels and prove horizontals, it is, the emblem of "Equality", reminding us of the equal measures we should pursue in our dealings with our Brethren.

What is the symbolism of the Lily- work on the two Great Pillars ? Among the Egyptians the lily- work was in the form of a lotus flower, a symbol representing humanity, universality, and at times, the passive or feminine principle of life. Hence, the explanation of the Second Degree tracing board tells us that Lily- work denotes "Peace". "Lions' Paw: - The Lion's paw was a well known mark among Mediaeval Masons. In India the lion is sometimes said to represent the Divine Spirit in Man. The Egyptians used it as the symbol of the life giving power of the sun. Among the Jews, it was the emblem of the tribe of Judah, from which came the Messiah. In the legend of Osiris the body of Osiris, when recovered, is lifted back to life by the strong grip of the lion's paw. Lodge: - Why is an Assembly of freemasons known as a Lodge? Mackey gives three definitions of the word: 1. It is a place in which Freemasons meet, more frequently called "lodge- room". 2. The assembly or organized body of Freemasonry duly congregated for labour or business. 3. A piece of furniture made in imitation of the Ark of the Covenant. Some monitors say, "A Lodge is a constitutional number of Masons, duly assembled, with the Holy Bible, Square and Compasses, and a charter or warrant empowering them to work". In the Middle Ages the Operative Masons when employed on the erection of a building, used to erect for their use a temporary building they called the "Lodge". The shed served as a storehouse, a general assembly place, living quarters, protection from the weather and just a social gathering place. Maul? It is defined as a "large hammer, generally made of wood and especially adapted for driving wedges. The setting maul is also a symbol of the third degree and is said to have been the implement by which the stones were set up at the Temple. Implement by which our G. M. Hiram Abif was slain by the third Ruffian. Mosaic Pavement: - What is its symbolism? It is referred to as one of the "Ornaments" of the Lodge, variegated and chequered to point out the "diversity of objects which decorate and adorn the creation, the animate as well as the inanimate parts thereof ". Its partly-coloured stones of black and white have been readily and appropriately interpreted as symbols of the evil and good of human life. Mote: - What is the meaning of the word "Mote" in the familiar phrase "So Mote It Be"? The word is derived from the Anglo-Saxon "motan", which meant "to be allowed". The phrase "So Mote It Be " may be interpreted as "So May It Be ". Jewels of a Lodge: - Every Lodge is furnished with six jewels, three of which are movable and three immovable. They are termed Jewels because they have a moral tendency which renders them jewels of inestimable value. The Movable Jewels, so called because they are not confined to any particular part of the Lodge, are the rough ashlar, the perfect ashlar, and the trestle- hoard. The Immovable Jewels are the square, the level and the plumb. They are termed immovable because they are appropriat ed to particular parts of the Lodge, where alone they should be found, namely, the square to the East, the level to the West, and the plumb to the South. In English Masonry, the reverse is true. There, the square, level and plumb are called movable jewels because they pass from the three officers who wear them to their successors. Ne Varietur: - What is the actual meaning of the phrase "Ne Varietur" on a Freemason's certificate? "Lest it be changed".

North East Corner: - To what does this ceremony refer? In this important ceremony the candidate becomes as one who is, to all outward appearance, a perfect and upright Mason, the representative of a spiritual cornerstone, on which he is to erect his future and moral Masonic edifice. Plumb Rule: - Symbolis m of the Plumb Rule is to "try and adjust uprights" so it is an emblem or symbol of integrity, teaching us to be just and upright in our dealings with our Brethren. Point within a Circle: - It may be said that the Point within the Circle represents God in the center of the Universe. Profane: - Why do Masons speak of the uninitiated as the "Profane."? The word "profane" is derived from two latin words, pro, meaning "in front of", and "fanum" meaning "the temple". Hence the profane are those in front of or outside, "the temple". Reverence: - Origin of the sign, we need seek no further back than the time when "our Grand Master Moses" placed his hand on his heart in token of obedience (or reverence) when the Lord appeared to him in the Burning Bush. Symbolism of the Square: - The square, the second of the three great lights symbolizes Morality, defined in Masonic Ritual as the duties we owe to our neighbor. Sword: - From very early times the sword has been regarded as an emblem or symbol of authority. Sword pointing to the naked heart demonstrates that justice will sooner or later, overtake us. Tracing Board, Origin of: - In ancient times there existed a custom known as "Drawing the Lodge", a design being traced on the floor of the Lodge by the Tyler, representing the ground plan of a building or some other design, which drawing was afterwards erased by the youngest initiate with a mop and pail. Later, other methods were adopted, and the mode was evolved of depicting the plan on a sheet of linen floorcloth, which could be rolled up when not in use. These ancient floor cloths were the primitive form of the present day Tracing Boards. Later the designs were transferred to Boards, the floor cloths being used only to show the square pavement. A Trestle Board: - In ancient times was a board upon which the Master inscribed designs for the guidance and instruction of the Brethren. Tyler (obsolete): -- Tiler, an officer of a symbolic Lodge whose duty is to guard the door of the Lodge and to permit no one to pass who is not duly qualified and has not the permission of the Master. The title is derived from the operative art; for as in Operative Masonry the Tiler, when the edifice is erected, finishes and covers it with the roof (of tiles), so in Speculative Masonry, when the lodge is duly organized, the Tiler closes the door, and covers the sacred precincts from all intrusion. Necessary qualification of a Tiler is that he should be a Master Mason. No one who has not advanced to M. M. degree can legally discharge the functions of Tiler Tiler is usually compensated for his services. He is considered, in a sense, a servant of the Lodge. It is his duty to prepare the Lodge for its meetings, arrange the furniture in its proper place and make all other arrangements for the convenience of the Lodge. Tiler need not be a member of the Lodge he tiles. In the cities, one brother often performs the duties in several Lodges.

This is a very important office and owes its existence to the very landmarks of the order; for from the peculiar nature of our Institution, it is evident tht there never could have been a meeting of Masons for Masonic purposes, unless a tiler has been present to guard the Lodge from intrusion. Tile (tyle obsolete): -- A Lodge is said to be tiled when the necessary precautions have been taken to prevent the approach of unauthorized persons; and it is said to be the first duty of every Mason to see that this is done, before the Lodge is opened. Tilers Oath: -- Before any stranger and unknown visitor can gain admission into a Masonic Lodge, he is required in America to take the following Oath: "I .. do hereby and hereon solemnly and sincerely swear that I have been regularly initiated, passed, and raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason in a just and legally constituted Lodge of such; that I do not now stand suspended or expelled; and know of no reason why I should not hold Masonic communication with my brethren. " It is called the Tiler's oath because it is usually taken in the Tiler's room and was formerly administered by that Officer, whose duty it is to protect the Lodge from the approach of unauthorized visitors. It is now administered by the committee of examination, and not only he to whom it is administered, but he who administers it, and all who are present must take it at the same time. It is a process of purgation, and each one present, the visitor as well as the members of the Lodge, is entitled to know that all the others are legally qualified to be present at the esoteric examination. (This custom is unknown in England). Esoteric Masonry: - That secret portion of Masonry which is known only to the initiates as distinguished from exoteric Masonry, or monitorial, which is accessible to all who choose to read the manuals and published works of the Order. The derivation of the words is from the Greek, internal and first used by Pythagoras, whose philosophy was divided into taught to all, and the esoteric, or that taught to a select few; and thus his disciples were divided into two classes, according to the degree of initiation to which they had attained, as being either fully admitted into the society and invested with all the knowledge that the Master could communicate, or as merely postulants, enjoying only the public instructions of gradual reception of further knowledge. Equivocation: - The words of the covenant should be made without evasion, equivocation or mental reservation. This is exactly in accordance with the law of ethics in relation to promises made. And it properly applies in this case because the covenant, as it is called, is simply a promise, or series of promises, made by the candidate to the Fraternity; to the brotherhood into whose association he is about to be admitted. In making, a promise, an evasion is the eluding or avoiding the terms of the promise; and this is done, or attempted to be done, by equivocation, which is by giving to the words used a secret signification, different from that which they were intended to convey by him who imposed the promise, so as to mislead, or by mental reservation, which is a concealment or withholding in the mind of the promiser of certain conditions under which he makes it, which conditions are not known to the one to whom the promise is made. Warrant: - Can a Lodge m eet without a warrant? No Lodge except when acting under dispensation can meet without a warrant of Constitution. If a warrant be lost or withheld, the Lodge must suspend its meetings until a new warrant or a warrant of confirmation has been granted, or until the original warrant be restored.

Winding Staircase: - Dr. Mackey has written: It is a symbol and a symbol only that we must study this beautiful legend of the Winding Stair..... an allegory to teach us the ascent of the mind from ignorance, through all the toils of study and the difficulties of obtaining knowledge, receiving here a little and there a little, adding something at each step, until in the middle chamber of life, in the final fruition of manhood, the reward is obtained and the purified and elevated intellect is invested with the reward, in the direction how to see God and God's truth. Worshipful Sir: - Is it correct to address the Master as Worshipful Sir? It is not correct. He should always be addressed as "Worshipful Master". Hoodwinked: - As you were in darkness, so should you keep the world without, as relates to the several secrets of Masonry, until they had obtained them as lawfully as you were then about to do. Second, that your heart might be taught to conceal before your eyes beheld the beauties of Masonry. Token: - Word is derived from the Anglo-Saxon, tacn, which means a sign, type or representation, that which points out something; and this is traced to talcan, to teach, show or instruct, because by a token we show or instruct others as to what we are. The word was well known to the fraternity and was in use at the time of the revival with precisely the same meaning that is now given to it as a mode of recognition. In Masonry, the grip of recognition is called a token because it is an outward sign of the covenant of friendship and fellowship entered into between the members of the Fraternity. Mystic Tie: -- What is the Mystic Tie of Fraternalism? The sacred and inviolable bond which unites men of the most discordant opinions into one band of brothers, which gives but one language to men of all nations and one altar to men of all religions, is properly, from the mysterious influence it exerts, denominated the mystic tie; and Freemasons, because they alone are under its influence, or enjoy its benefits, are called "Brethren of the Mystic Tie". Opening of Lodge: - What are the purposes effected at the opening of the Lodge? The master is reminded of the dignity of his character and position, and the brethren of the respect and veneration due him in their sundry stations. These are not, however, the only advantages resulting from a due observance of the ceremony; a reverential awe for Diety is inculcated and the eye is fixed on that object from whose radiant beam alone light can be derived. Hence, in this ceremony, we are taught to adore the Great Architect of the Universe, and to supplicate the labors then begun may be continued in peace and closed in harmony. Stand to and Abide by: - What are the requirements of every Mason? The convenant of masonry requires every Mason "to stand to and abide by" the laws and regulations of the order whether expressed in the edicts of Grand lodge, the by- laws of his Lodge, or the landmarks of the Instutution. Symbol: - What is the derivation, and use of a symbol? Latin symbolum, a word derived from the Greek sumbolon from sumballein, to suspect, divine, compare; a word of various meanings even with the ancients; who used it to denote a sign, a mark, watchword, signal, token, etc., its m eaning is still more various in modern times. Freemasonry is a complete system of symbolic teaching and can be known, understood and appreciated only by those who study its symbolism and make themselves acquainted with its occult meaning. To such, Freema sonry has a grand and sublime, significance. Its symbols are moral, philosophical and religious, and all these are pregnant with great thoughts, and reveal to the intelligent Mason the awful mystery of death.

Veiled Allegory: -- What is veiled Allegory? Synonymous with parable. Saying one thing and meaning another, is veiled allegory. In the New Testament we find the sayings of Jesus in veiled allegory. The same is used in Freemasonry, to conceal from those except to whom the teachings rightly belong, the mysteries of Speculative Science; and then only to them that has the desire to enter its caverns in search of the jewels hidden there. Prudence: - What does one of the cardinal virtues instruct? Prudence, by which we are instructed to regulate our conducts by the dictates of reason. Lost Word: - What is the true meaning of the Lost Word? The true meaning of the Lost Word is Divine Truth, symbolically speaking. This is what the old writers claim and has reference to the Ineffable name. Dotage: - What is meant by an old man in dotage? The fruit has ripened and rotted in old age, childish desires, a loss of judgement and memory, and a senseless garrulity of speech, absence of that intellect which is required for the comprehension of our mysteries.

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