Chapter 21 - Events After The Reporting Period
Chapter 21 - Events After The Reporting Period
Chapter 21 - Events After The Reporting Period
Events after the reporting period which provide additional evidence of conditions existing at the reporting date will cause adjustments to
be made to the assets and liabilities in the financial statements.
IAS 10 deals with events after the reporting date which may affect the position at the reporting date.
Between the reporting date and the date the financial statements are authorised (ie for issue outside the organisation), events may occur
which show that assets and liabilities at the reporting date should be adjusted, or that disclosure of such events should be given.
Events after the reporting period: An event which could be favourable or unfavourable, that occurs between the reporting period and
the date that the financial statements are authorised for issue. (IAS 10)
Adjusting event: An event after the reporting period that provides further evidence of conditions that existed at the reporting period. (IAS
The following disclosure requirements are given for material events which occur after the reporting period which do not require
adjustment. If disclosure of events occurring after the reporting period is required by this standard, the following information should be
(a) The nature of the event
(b) An estimate of the financial effect, or a statement that such an estimate cannot be made
State whether the following events occurring after the reporting period require an adjustment to the assets and liabilities of the financial
(a) Purchase of an investment
(b) A change in the rate of tax, applicable to the previous year
(c) An increase in pension benefits
(d) Losses due to fire
(e) An irrecoverable debt suddenly being paid
(f) The receipt of proceeds of sales or other evidence concerning the net realisable value of inventory
(g) A sudden decline in the value of property held as a long-term asset
(b), (e) and (f) require adjustment.
Assuming that item (d) is material, it would be disclosed by way of the following note to the accounts.
(The company year end is 31 December 20X8.)
Events after the reporting period which provide additional evidence of conditions existing at the reporting date
will cause adjustments to be made to the assets and liabilities in the financial statements.
Events that provide further evidence of conditions that existed at the reporting date should be adjusted for in
the financial statements.
Events which do not affect the situation at the reporting date should not be adjusted for, but should be disclosed in
the financial statements.
1) When does an event after the reporting period require changes to the financial statements?
Assets and liabilities should be adjusted for events after the reporting period when these provide additional evidence for
estimates existing at the reporting date.
2) What disclosure is required when it is not possible to estimate the financial effect of an event not requiring adjustment?
A No disclosure
B A note to the accounts giving what information is available
B / A statement of the nature of the event and the fact that a financial estimate of the event cannot be made