Jeopardy Teacher Guide
Jeopardy Teacher Guide
Jeopardy Teacher Guide
This resource contains three Jeopardy games for your Genetics unit.
• Game 1 has 6 categories and 30 questions.
• The three games should be used together to create a thorough review of genetics.
• The questions are editable allowing you to make the game a perfect fit for your
1. Open the Jeopardy game file using your Microsoft PowerPoint application.
4. Continue to click through the slides until you reach the game board.
5. From the game board, students choose a category and a point amount.
6. Move your cursor to the selected question. Click on the desired point amount.
7. Clicking on the point amount will take you to the question. After the student answers,
click again (down arrow key, the return key, or the space bar key) to reveal the answer.
Click to go to
answer slide.
8. To return to the game board, click the “Return to Game Board” icon in the bottom left
hand corner.
9. When you return to the game board, students will select another question. Continue play
until all questions have been answered.