Walk Through The Bible #3-D - Trinity

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23, 2022 –

Vol. III Supplement No. 3-D


Combined files from

'Trinity' in the file <Walk through the Bible #1 - Words, Words and Words (r.6.2.3)
'Trinity' in the file <Walk through the Bible #3-B – Jesus, Christ, and Trinity (r.6.3.1)

IRENT Vol. III. Supplement

No. 1 (Words, Words, and Words)
No. 2 (Text, Translation, and Translations)
No. 3-A (Name, God, Spirit)
No. 3-B ('Jesus Christ' vs. 'Yeshua Mashiah')
No. 3-C (Tetragrammaton)
No. 3-D (Trinity)
No. 4 (Man, Anthropology, and Religion)
No. 5 (People and Persons)
No. 6 (Place, Things, and Numbers)
No. 7 (Time & Calendar)
No. 8 (Festival, Feast, & Passover)
No. 9 (Passion Week Chronology)
No. 10 (Selected Biblical Chronologies)
No. 11 (Sabbath)
No. 12 (Infancy Narrative, Virgin & Virgin Birth)
Vol. III Supplement No. 3-D

Trinitarians scour to cherry-pick; seize; as to look for nails for their hammer in their hand;
eisegesis, proof-texting. Someone 'to be divine' means to them 'to be God' – to create God Jesus.

/Tertullian the first writer known to use in Latin the word trinitas (trinity)

Cf. History of Trinitarian doctrine. E.g., https://onenesspentecostal.com/trinhistory.htm

Cf. *filioque; *homousios (similar substance); *homoiousios (same substance). Mouthful
theological and doctrinal jargon. What the heck is substance they are talking about? Molecular?
DNA? Genes? Chemical composition?
/Filioque clause
/Homoousios vs Homoiousios /homoousios

monotheism, monolatry, henotheism, idolatry www.patheos.com/blogs/


polytheism, trinitarianism (tritheism, /Trinitism / Trinity), /Binitarianism ,

https://youtu.be/RAIz4ChewTg <The Trinity Doctrine Is False> TribeOfJudahTeach

https://youtu.be/DZk9r_Jom4k <Monotheism & Trinity: Doctrine Develops>

https://youtu.be/SYqOCXrF9p4 <DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY: Is Torah Deed Worse than
Jesus Creed? #Jews for Judaism>
https://youtu.be/3OnwZIuFjwA <TRINITY vs UNITY: What the Bible Truly Teaches About God
– Rabbi Michael Skobac>
www.facebook.com/notes/10217574325578717/ <Can Jesus/Yeshua be Divine or Part of a Trinity?>


The Son vs. the Holy Spirit in Trinitarian theology - https://rdtwot.wordpress.com/2010/09/09/the-


Basic Statement of the Trinity Doctrine – it is in Latin.

A. Father is God
– Unbiblical Church expression. What father? Whose father? Which father? [Cf. ‘God is
Father' ‘God is Father of Yeshua’; 'God is Father of us' because of Yeshua (Mt 6:9)]
B. Son is God
– Unbiblical Church expression. What son? whose son? no human father? what the heck
is son, then? ‘Jesus is God’??, then 'God is Jesus'?? Which Jesus is God? Worshiping
God Jesus. Cf. demi-god, godman.
→ ‘Jesus is Jehovaha in OT'?? and 'Jehovah in OT is Jesus’??
[Note. The Name Jehovah is not in some Bibles, e.g., NIV – ‘I am the LORD; that is my
name’ (Isa 42:8a) "I, I am YHWH; that is my name"]
C. Holy Ghost (or ‘Holy Spirit’) is God
– is another person (third person). ‘God the Holy Ghost’? or ‘God, the Holy Ghost’? [Cf.
‘the God is spirit’ Jn 4:24]
D. No word ‘Elohim’, a Hebrew concept.
E. Three Persons ('persons'). The word person is not in the statement. Each one is God, but no
three Gods. Yeah, only one God – not just 'one', but 'compound one' or 'complex unity', blah,
blah! – Trinitarian jargon.

The essence of Trinitarian doctrine is about the claim that their Jesus is God. It brings in an add-on
“the Holy Ghost – a Person and is God” [ Is the Holy Spirit a Person? ] to make them appear
Monotheistic, despite more than one ‘God’ is in the Trinitarian formula. They claim they believe
one God but they explain that ‘one’ actually means ‘compound one’ of 1+1+1 = 1. The name of
God the Son, ‘Jesus’, does not appear. Nor the Divine name of the Tetragrammaton in the TaNaKh
(‘Old Testament’) appear.


The *Trinity lingo - jargons galore

Doctrine of Trinity; Mystery of Trinity
The Trinity; Holy Trinity; Trinity Godhead; Trinity of God;
..Trinity Delusionb; Trinity Deception; Self-inflicting woundc;
God of Trinity; God as Trinity; God of Trinity; God the Trinity; ['Trinity God'?]
God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Ghost (or God the Holy Spirit)
Three Persons, each being ‘God’ but they claim no three Gods but one God [i.e. Trinity Godhead
(God-family?)] – “three members but one divine being with three offices?? This is why Trinity is
called a mystery, not a Trinity joke?? https://overviewbible.com/trinity-bible-verses”

Trinitarian Mumbo Jumbo:

All the Trinitarian argument on the Trinity and their doctrine of Trinity has logical deficiencies.

(1) No explicit definition of the words or term are given. This includes the word ‘is’ – No
explanation is given for this. E.g., it does not explain what is meant by ‘A is B’ and ‘A is not B’.
(2) Implicit definitions are product of their doctrine itself.
(3) Three persons of the Trinity formula:
(a) No name is given to any of the three people. Only one of three person has his implicit
name. For whom the name YWH is – Father? God the Trinity of compound one?
(b) Two are grammatically masculine; the third neutral or feminine (?)

The Name Jehovah in OT is not found in some Bibles, e.g., NIV – ‘I am the LORD; that is my
name’ (Isa 42:8a) "I, I am YHWH; that is my name"]
www.angelfire.com/space/thegospeltruth/TTD.html An Exposé of Christendom's Golden Calf
https://trinitydelusion.net/ Brother Kel
Anthony Buzzard (1998), Doctrine of the Trinity: Christianity's Self-Inflicted Wound.
(4) Father is called ‘God’; Not as in the Bible: ‘God is [our] Father’, ‘God our Father’, or ‘God the
Father’. He remains nameless in the Trinitarian formula. Which God in the Trinitarian statement is
named as Tetragrammaton?
(5) Son is called ‘God’ as ‘God the Son’.
(6) The holy spirit is the very spirit of God. The word 'holy' ≈ 'divine' = 'of God' or 'belonging to
God'. It represents the God Himself in action with power and, as such it is often used personified.
It does not make it a person which takes the masculine pronoun he, his, and him. Mt 3:16 (for
Yeshua’s immersion rite) depicts God’s spirit as a dove – not a person, nor a god. [S4151 pneuma
neutral (383x), taking 'it', not 'he'.]
(7) In their high-level ecclesial math, <1 + 1 + 1 = not 3 but 1>. Aided by elementary math of <1 x
1 x 1 = 1> or even <1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1>. No matter which way it is cut, for them THREE is ONE;
ONE is THREE if ONE is ONE and THREE is THREE in reprise. Which ONE is their
‘Compound One’?
(8) Trinity is the product of making of a doctrine which would make their God Jesus not
compromise the Judaic Monotheism taking about 200 years (2nd to 4th c. CE) to come up with a
completed version which incorporate the spirit of God as the third person of Godhead. They
believe Trinity and without Trinity they don’t believe God or Elohim. All the religious jargons use
to prove and explain the doctrine are products of the doctrine itself. It explains, elaborates and
embellishes but cannot and do not prove their doctrine is true. All the doctrines are man-made and
also used to explain the Bible and to justify their explanations which are fruitfully and naturally
from highfaluting eisegesis –feed on to reinforce itself with no trace of un-learning.

Cf. Lo! three put together: three → triad, triadic→ triune, tri-unity – compound unity or complex
unity → trinity → the Trinity [name of their God].

Binitarianism: (with nonsense of 'Two Yahwehs')

https://drmsh.com/the-naked-bible/two-powers-in-heaven/ Michael Heiser
Alan Segal (2012), Two Powers in Heaven: Early Rabbinic Reports about Christianity and
Cf. Christomonism

What is Trinity
What is 'Trinity'
What is 'the Trinity'
What is the Trinity Doctrine?
Is ‘Trinity’ ‘it’ or a doctrine or a name (title) of a God?
Is it a term for ‘God of Trinity’ or ‘Trinity God’?

What is the Trinity Doctrine? What are the Trinitarian doctrines? We don’t need a book-size
explanation for this, do we? We don’t need hundreds of books on this, do we? We don’t need
even multiple pages to write down its essential statements, do we? What are the source
writings from as most of the writings are a copy of a copy of a copy, copied down and
elaborated on?

The Trinitarian mantra: “We worship one God in Trinity and Trinity in Unity.” – here there is
no clear definition is shown of the word ‘worship’ (what is it? How is it done? For what);
‘God’ – (which God, what God, whose God); Trinity (what the heck is it?); Unity (what the
heck is unity?).

A dictionary definition of Trinity:

“the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead.”
The core statement of the Trinity Doctrine which was in Latin is found in the /*Shield
of the Trinity

Pater (Father) Est

Filus (Son) Est Deus (God)
Spiritus Sanctus (Holy Spirit) Est

Three ‘non est’ statements

for ‘Pater’ ‘Filus’ ‘Spiritus Sanctus’ are superfluous:

No definition is given for any of terms used:

Pater; Filus; ‘Spiritus Sanctus’; est; non est; Deus.

Seeing how the word ‘Father’ ‘Son’ and ‘God’ are in the New Testament,
but unbiblical statements ‘Father is God’ and ‘Son is God’
make Trinity Doctrine not only unbiblical but delusional.
Note: The expression 'believe in one God' is not a part of the doctrine;
it is common to Judaism, Catholicism, Protestantism, etc..

The shied yields three Gods, but they deny there are three Gods – bald-faced lie.
Doctrine of Trinity – The Grand Delusion and Deception – deceiving and self-deceived – Trinity
is mystery, Mystery of Mystery.

Trinitarians scour to cherry-pick; seize;

The doctrine of the Trinity can be summarized in seven statements [underlined].

[Here, three, each one is God:]

(1) Father is God. [Not 'God is Father' as in the Bible (OT & NT). What and who is Father??]
(2) Son is God. [aka 'God the Son' who is '*fully God and full man'. What and whose son??]
(3) Holy Ghost is God. [aka 'God the Holy Ghost'] ['the Holy Spirit' – God the Holy Spirit.
Third God of Trinity Godhead]

But deny that it says three Gods.

[Superfluous are:]

(4) Father is not the Son.

(5) Son is not the Holy Ghost.
(6) Holy Ghost is not Father.

Along with the doctrine, they confess that:

there is only one God, compound one.

Reprise: What the heck is Trinity

The Essence:
(1) Father is God, a person; not 'God is Father'
(2) Son is God, a person = 'God the Son'; forget about 'the Son of God' in the Bible
(3) Holy Ghost is God, not God's holy spirit.
'Ghost' is preferred to 'spirit' in KJV style.
Son has a name 'Jesus'; Father has a name 'Jehovah'; 'Jesus is God as Jehovah is God'
Holy Ghost has no name (but may be on his own throne?); to pray to Ghost?
Here, their Jesus is not Yeshua in the New Testament
and their Jehovah is not YHWH in the Hebrew Bible.

The legs it stands on – three well-adorned legs:

(1) Virgin birth after pagans for Jesus which disqualifies him to be a Mashiah.
(2) the Word of God was pre-human Jesus who is God Incarnate (Jn 1:1, 14);
(3) the Holy Ghost is a Person, not just 'spirit' but the third Person of Godhead.

The End Points:

(1) There is only one God; one means a compound one.
(2) Jesus is the divine God; God Jesus to worship. Jehovah in OT is same as Jesus.
(3) God the Holy Ghost is convoked whenever they like to as a grandiose additive.
(4) God of Trinity, the one they worship is Godhead with no name
– a Divine family of three members – tritheism in disguise.

At the core is that 'Jesus is God' – same or different for 'Father the God' – Jesus born of a virgin
[contracting the NT 'born of a woman' (Gal 4:4)] – God became a human being, aka 'God Incar-
nate' [contradicting the NT 'the Word became flesh' aka 'Word Incarnate' Jn 1:1, 14].

Note: None of the words are defined.

 Ask what the heck is God. What God, whose God, God for whom?
 The word 'one' is explained to mean 'compound one' – to make one Trinity Godhead to worship.
 What the heck is son? What son? Whose son? How did he become Son?
 What is the person Holy Ghost? How different from God's spirit (holy spirit) in the Bible?

As usually explained the doctrine of the Trinity means that there is one God who eternally
exists as three distinct divine 'Persons' — 'Father', 'Son', and 'Holy Ghost' – coequal,
coeternal, consubstantial. In their argument, the terms 'exist', 'equal', 'eternal', 'substantial',
'divine', 'person' – these are left assumed and none of them is defined.

Here in this diagram the two of three statements of negation, ‘Pater Non Est Filius’ and
‘Filius Non Est Spiritus Sanctus’ are redundant as they are implicit. However, the negative
statements ‘Pater Non Est Spiritus Sanctus’ and ‘Filius Non Est Spiritus Sanctus’ are
problematic. It is because, in the biblical (not ecclesial doctrinal) sense, the God is holy
spirit and there is no such a ‘person’ called ‘the Holy Ghost’ in the Scriptures shows as a
person who would have a name, a throne and is to be the object of worship – offering
sacrifice and prayer. This, the Trinity doctrine is actually a Christological one as it was
originally in the Nicaean Creed (325 CE) with the Holy Ghost simply tagged on to make
‘thee in one’ in the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed (381 CE).
What the heck is person? or should it be 'Person'?

‘Father is God’ – what Father? Which Father? Whose Father? What the heck is
father? In contrast it is ‘God is Father’ in the Bible, a figurative statement; ‘God is as

In OT, God is Father of Israel.

In NT, God is ‘our Father’ (Mt 6:9) as He is as Father to Yeshua; He is ‘God the
Father’ [Gal 1:1, etc.] The Bible clearly tells ‘;

‘The Son of God’ is not God, but as God’; the Holy Spirit is the spirit of God.
Something of God, e.g., Glory, Power, Throne, etc. is not God, but manifestation and
revelation to those created beings like us. What the heck is God? God is not a name.
It is simply a title. It is a translation of theos in Gk, which is a translation of elohim in
Hebrew. Anyone may be called 'God'. If 'God' is someone to be 'worshiped', anyone
may be worshiped. Caesar was a God to Romans; the Sun was a God to Egyptians.
For modern mentality, one's 'self' is a God, who exerts all the power over the body
and the mind. I believe God. I don't believe God. All are true statements – it all
depends; depends what it means.

All religions, doctrines, dogmas and creeds are men-made with rituals, rules, rites,
and routines to keep those in power. The Trinity Doctrine become substance since
Council of Nicaea under the Constantine Roman Emperor in the year 325 "Greek
Philosophy's Influence on the Trinity Doctrine") – concerning Christology with
relationship of Father and Son. In year 381 (44 years after Constantine's death),
Emperor Theodosius the Great convened the Council of Constantinople affirming the
divinity of the Holy Spirit to make the doctrine complete as we have it now,
establishing Trinitarianism which sways power over most Christianisms in the world
– they believe ‘Trinitarian God’, which is not the Biblical God.

https://youtu.be/2-YBCLH0Tak <Christians Don't Believe in Three Gods...or DO They???

Rabbi Tovia Singer Explains - 538e133>


Ref. for Trinitarian baloneys: www.4jehovah.org/category/books-about-jehovahs-witnesses/believe-

trinity/ <Yes, You Should Believe in the Trinity> What is the Trinity? What does it mean to ‘believe
in’, not ‘to believe’?
Ref. www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/g201308/trinity/ Should You Believe in the Trinity?
www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/trinity/ Is God a Trinity?
www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/wp20090401/is-jesus-god/ Is Jesus God?
<The Divine Trinity, A Dogmatic Treatise – Joseph Pohle>

A: logical, linguistic, and literarily undecipherable statements

(1) ‘person’
‘God’ is a person? personal? a personable one? not suprapersonal?
What the heck is person?
What is Person? What does capitalization scheme accomplish?
How different from personification? Anthropomorphism?
(2) ‘God’ –
What is God? Different from ‘god’?
God as a word vs. a title. Title for what or for whom?
What the heck is god to begin with any discussion on it?
Which God, whose God? Of which religion or philosophy?
With ‘three persons’ this word ‘God’ must be metonym for Godhead (God Family;
Household of God).
Are there many Gods? Are their many gods?
Cf. el, Elohim, elohim, Gott, Deus, alla; 神; Kami; 하나님 vs. 하느님;

(3) ‘Father’
‘Father is God’?! – not “God is Father” as in the Bible.
What the heck is 'father' to begin with?
Is different from ‘father’?
Someone is ‘father’ is as only ‘as father’ after anthropomorphism unless father is
in the biological sense.
What the heck is Father?
Where this word come from?
When someone does come to be a father, esp. without mother and father?
Whose father?
What is this father? How this became a father?
How come a God is a father? What God? Whose father?
(3) ‘one’
what the heck is ‘one’? one is not just one?? what is ‘compound one’? what about
‘non-compound one’? Cf. ‘unity’ ‘single’.

B. man-made grandiose doctrines for God Jesus by Christianisms:

(1) ‘God is one’ ‘there is only one God’? But the bible says there are many gods?
(2) ‘Son is God’. What son? Whose son?
What happened to ‘the son of God’ as in the Bible? Old title for Jesus?
(3) ‘The name of our God is Jesus’!
(4) OT ‘Jehovah’ is ‘Jesus’ – self-delusion par excellence. What the heck is ‘Jehovah’?
What, which, and whose Jesus??

C. Typographic scheme:
Capitalization, which is not effective when read aloud than read with eyes. When god is
made God on writings, its identity and nature are changed.
Proof texts for Trinity

Proof texts for Trinity – nails for the Trinitarian hammer.

The goal of their Biblical study is:
(1) to find their Jesus in OT of their translation. Hebrew Scriptures TaNaKh is better not to open.
(2) and to create Jesus in the text of OT with zeal,
(3) to find Precious Palatable Proof-texts
(a) of their Jesus verbally telling 'I am God',
(b) of others in the NT saying 'Jesus is God', and
(c) of their own brains boldly claiming that Elohim the Most-High in the Hebrew Scriptures is
co-equal, co-essential, and co-substantial, (why not identical), to their Jesus with skillful
manipulation of the New Testament.

[A] Proof texts for ‘Jesus is God’ [even Jesus is Yahweh www.bible.ca/trinity/trinity-proof-
texts.htm ]

Gen 1:26a Elohim said, “Let's make [na‘ăśeh] man in our image, after our likeness. …” –
misunderstanding of the common word 'our' [royal we.]
Jn 8:56 “Yoůr Father Abraham were rejoicing that he should see the day of me — [the coming
Day of Mashiah]. And he was seeing it and rejoicing.”
Jn 1:1c ‘and as what God is, the Word was’ → “the Word must be God, therefore Jesus is God’ for
the Trinitarians!
Jn 19:7 “because he made himself a God's son”
Jn 10:30 “I am the Father are one”
Jn 10:33 “You are-making yourself what God is” = Jn 10:36 <a son of the Elohim>
Jn 5:18 “making himself [stand] equal with the Elohim’
Jn 12:41 G-John’s midrash on Isa 6
Phi 2:6 [Mashiah Yeshua ~~ who, [during His life of ministry], being in God's form, [Col 1:15; Heb 1:3]
did not regard the [idea of] being equal with God as something to be held in his grasp.
Psa 45:6 //Heb 1:8 "Your throne, O [praise to] the Elohim”, not simply ‘Your throne O God’ with
‘Trinitarian Jesus = their God’
1Tim 3:16 [corrupt mss with 'G_d' instead of 'who']

1Co 1:9 The common expression and phrase ‘the son of the Elohim’ (> ‘the Son of God’) is claimed
to indicate divinity and deity of the Trinitarian Jesus.
When a title is shared by Father and Son, it proves that the Son is God. e.g., ‘savor’.

[B] The triadic expression or phrase is recruited for the Trinity nonsense:
(1) Mt 28:19b “Immersing them [to bring] into the name of the Father and the Son and the holy
spirit” to enter into a covenantal relationship with God the Father through His Son in the holy
spirit] [not present in the Hebrew Gospel of Matthews] [It is not a baptismal formula – ‘baptizing
in the name of ~’; it is only in the name of Yeshua in the NT.],
(2) 1Jn 5:7b “the Father, the Word, and the holy spirit, and these three are one [in testimony]. 5:8a
And there are three that testify on earth” ['Comma Johanneum' put into GNT by Erasmus from
Vulgate Latin text] [On a few English translations of NT have it – KJV, NKJV, pre-KJV, etc.]

[B] God + 'Jesus' + 'Spirit'

e.g. 2Co 13:14 {/13} Lord Yeshua the Mashiah, the Elohim, and the holy spirit;
e.g. 1Co 12:4-6 Now there are varieties of divine gifts yet from the same spirit. (5) And there are
varieties of works for service yet the same Lord who is served. (6) And there are varieties of
workings, yet the same Elohim, who is working all things in all.
Cf. Isa. 6:3 "Holy, Holy, Holy" [3x because of three persons each being God??]

/proof-texting – "with a hammer in the hand, everything looks like a nail"

/Proof text– a passage of the Scriptures presented as proof for a theological doctrine, belief, or
eisegesis par excellence – finding 'Jesus' in every passage of their OT text and creating him in there
as a Christ and as a God.

Musing on sense and nonsense of Trinity

‘Trinity is a mystery’?? What the heck is trinity to begin with?

1. ‘Trinity is a mystery’!? Why mystery? Unfathomable by other than few! Why bother
with it then?
2. Trinity is a doctrine or a name (title) of their God?
3. What the heck is ‘doctrine’?
A ‘doctrine’ is a teaching, but what teaching? A special teaching and decree from out of
the brain of those with power and position in a religion, Christian or non-Christian?
“The thing – anything – is not perfect; but perfectly useful for its intended and advertised purpose.” It seems
this word is well applicable to the ‘Trinity’ – a non-understandable mystery historical un-dying monstrosity?

Doctrine of the Trinity, or doctrines →

 Definitions obscured of all the common and important words in the whole of
articles on Trinity.
 Elaborate, highly contradictory with senseless and illogical statements.
 No definition is given for any term or words in the formula
 Not easily understandable or explainable.
 Mysterious of man's own creation, self-inspired
 What is Trinity doctrine (as elaborated in the church creed)? Basically, it is Jesus =
God with umpteen proof-text recruited. That Holy Ghost is God is redundant, other
that the God IS spirit (Jn 4:24). Corollary is ‘Jesus = Jehovah’ and ‘Jehovah =
Jesus’ – proof text is Jn 12:41 (quoting Isa 6:10) vs. Isa 6:3.

History of Trinity Doctrine

 Men-made creedal formulation for church dogmas developed in 4th – to 5th c. in
Greco-Roman Christianism – Council of Nicaea (325 CE) – proto-
Trinitarianism [without theological elaboration on ‘the Holy Ghost’.
 This is followed by the fully developed Trinitarianism shown in Council of
Constantinople (381 CE) → Council of Chalcedon (451 CE)
Trinity galore – audio sermon Catholic

Trinitarian Vocabulary

Vocabulary for the Trinitarianism– words, phrases, terms, expressions – some (in bold),
lingo, jargon for the statements on the Trinity doctrine. Notice that any of these words and
terms are used as they pop up with not definition whatsoever. Thus, the whole enchilada of
Trinity is something undefined statements which are beyond the basic logic. Trinity, the
Mystery, More glaring than grandiose and more mysterious than Mashiah, the Mystery of
the Elohim (Col 2:2).
Vocab galore – Trinity Doctrine, Trinitarian doctrines, Trinity dogma, Trinity Creed, 'Holy
Trinity'; trinitarianism, social trinitarianism, patristic trinitarianism, proto-trinitarianism,
classical trinitarianism; Latin (language) trinitarian theology; trinitarian, trinitarian formulae,
trinitarian faith, Mystery of Trinity. Trinitarian mystery. Befuddling Trinitarian theology,
"intra-trinitarian eternal processions", trinitarian analogies, trinitarian perichoresis; "the
Holy Spirit with the distinctive trinitarian roles of inspiration, sanctification, and
illumination"; "the Holy Spirit is the intra-trinitarian love"; "trinitarian unity (of what)". "the
Son is homoousios (not homoiousios) with the Father but not cannot say “the Father is
homoousios with the Son"; noetic triad (Augustine); filioquea.

 Triadic phrase 'of the Father + of the Son + of the Holy Ghost' (Mt 28:19)
 Triadic phrase 'in the heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost (1Jn 5:7 in
/Comma Johanneum)
 Trinity; God Trinity; Trinity Godhead;
 Trinitarianism; [Cf. /Trinitism is a cult, unrelated] Cf. \arianism
Cf. /trinman http://trinityism.com/esay3.htm
 doctrine (vs. teaching) – all doctrines are men-made for use by someone in power for
 'one' 'compound one' 'not three but one'
 'God' – Latin deus: 'a god', 'a God', 'God', 'the God', (Gk. theos and ho theos) vs. (the)
 'Godhead' 'Godhood?' 'God family?"
 God vs. deity vs. divinity;
 'Father' – what is 'father'; who is father; whose father? The Father? 'Father is God'
(Trinitarian phrase; theological not biblical), Compere with 'the God is Father', or
rather 'the Elohim is as Father' to Yeshua and those believing in him as in the Bible.]
 'Son' – what is 'son'; who is son; whose son? The Son?
 'Holy Spirit' 'Holy Ghost' [Cf. 'spirit' 'Spirit' 'the spirit'; 'holy spirit', the holy spirit]
 'person' vs. 'Person' vs. persona (in Latin) vs. 'character ('role', 'actor', 'mode',
'manifestation', 'image'), personhood, 'personality' (psychological term, misused often
for personhood); 'personity' (a neologism);
 'three', three are one; 'three-ness', 'trio', 'triad', 'triune', 'triunity', 'trinity', 'Trinity', 'the
Trinity'. What a trinitarian math <1+1+1 ≠ 3 but 1 x 1 x 1 = 1> to prove what?
 'essence' 'substantia', 'substance (immaterial substance? Spiritual substance??)'
'ousia'; 'hypostasis', natura, 'nature', ousia, homoousios fighting out against
 Words phrases associated with the doctrine - God, 'not three Gods', persona,
'three Persons'; Person vs. person, Personhood, Godhead, 'Trinity God', 'God
Jesus', Holy Ghost God, God the Holy Ghost. 'Father' – whose father? 'Son' –
whose son? "God is Father" – what is 'Father'; what is 'God'?
 Arius fighting out against Athanasius.

Note: the language of Trinity is based on Latin, which has no grammatical article. E.g., no
distinction between God and the God in Latin unlike Greek. We have to notice that
capitalization, a convenient typographic scheme, makes no difference in the spoken English:
e.g., 'Father' vs. 'father', 'God' vs. 'god'; 'Son' vs. 'son'; 'holy spirit' vs. 'Holy Spirit'.

Note: Greek trinitarian theology starts from the Father as the sole “principle” (archē) and
“cause” (aitia) of divinity and denounces filioque as endangering /monopatrism.>
'Trinity God'; "God who is Trinity"; 'triune God'
'Immanent Trinity' vs. 'economic Trinity' vs. 'transcendental Trinity' – most of them are non-
biblical terms from out of sophisticated human mind (of philosophy, psychology, ideology,
intellectual sophistry for “faith seeking understanding” at the different level from

The word 'Trinity' itself is often confused with 'Trinity Doctrine':

1. [capitalized]; the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead
according to the doctrine/dogma of Trinitarian Christianism.
2. metonym for 'Trinity God' – 'the three beings, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, united as
one God' which is an object of worship [e.g., 'worship the Trinity'].

Note: Hardly found is any article on the definitions or meaning of Trinity and Trinity
doctrine which gives definitions on the words and terms – especially' 'Father' 'Son' 'Holy'
'Holy Spirit', person ('Person'), Godhead, God, and 'unity', etc. Notice that their 'God'
remains nameless throughout Trinity talks, debates, and arguments – all leading into
confusion, conflict, contradiction, and contention, even into murdering in the church history.
There pops up is the claim that Jesus is God and God is Jesus, with each G-o-d necessarily
different from the other but disguised as same. And there is a ghastly statement like 'Jesus is
Jehovah' and also 'Jehovah is Jesus', culminating into a final grotesque version of 'God Jesus
Religion', totally degenerated from 'Christianity' (from 2 nd c. CE, esp. Trinitarian Christianity
from 4th c. CE). It fits well with their denounced Marcionism (2 nd c. CE). It is ever far from
what is called 'the Way' (Act 9:2; 19:9, 23; 22:4; 24:14, 22) for the followers of Yeshua the
Nazarene as their Mashiah – the risen and exalted Lord (1 st c. CE) – which is 'Yeshua
Religion' in the true sense. Trinitarian God is a nameless God; the true Elohim is substituted
with 'God Jesus'.

Some confuse the word 'unity' with 'union'; confuses the word 'Godhead' with 'God'. Most
takes triadic phrase or expression 'Father, Son, and Holy Spirit' itself as the Trinity phrase or
Trinity itself. [the famous one is in Mt 28:29, 'into the name of Father and of Son and of the
holy spirit']

A fundamental but not-well appreciated cause of any doctrine and doctrinal contention is the
problem with the words themselves. To read and understand and interpret the Bible should
be based on the linguistic and literary critical approach. 'Leave Every No Stone Unturned" –
every word, phrase, idiom, sentence, punctuation, even thing unsaid are suspect. Unlearn
painstakingly things that has been learned and crusted; not trusting some claiming with au-
thority power and eloquence – all man's possession. It is true especially for the statements
comprising the Trinity doctrine.

Related to the Bible and Bible translation, people have to be aware of the self-evident but not well-
appreciated maxim:
<A word is not a word; A is not A. It is that A is as A, not A is A>. a
What the heck is it to begin with any argument on it? ‘It’ for any word, term, notion, etc.
such as ‘God’ ‘person’ ‘faith’ ‘love’ ‘salvation’ ‘church’ ‘bible’ etc., etc.

'A rose is a rose is a rose', it may be. But, 'a word is a word, not'. See <*Nefarious 'Is'> in the file
<Walk through the Bible #1 - Words, Words and Words>.
Taking the words 'literally' – we do it unnaturally – as the way people naturally do, they are led into
confusion, contradiction, conflict, contentions rather than meaningful discussions and debates, taking
positions to defend their doctrines, which are all men-made, disguising them as biblical teachings.

Especially pertinent an example here: Trinity talk never defines, tells what the words means. What
'father' means. What father we are talking. The father, not 'father'? 'Father', not 'father'? The Father –
whose Father? Who is 'Father'? The same has to through with the word 'G-O-D'. God? god? the God?
What is 'god'? 'God'? What God? Who is God?

God is God; Father is Father; Son is Son?

No, it is "God is as God; Father is as Father; Son is as Son".
Father is God, not! God is as Father.

'God' is as our Father – YHWH Elohim (- after Hebrew 'YHWH ha-Elohim', e.g., 1Ch 22:19. Cf.
'YHWH the Elohim' after Kurios Theos). In the Trinitarian jargon, we have 'God', 'God who is Fa-
ther' (God the Father), 'God who is Son' (God the Son), 'God who is the Holy Ghost' (God the
Holy Ghost), 'Trinity God', Creator God, God who was put to death on the cross, God Jesus, God
– pre-human Jesus; God the Risen; god-man Jesus of Nazareth.

"The reverse is also true", not! The converse may or may not true; it is true only for the case
when A and A are reversed in the statement 'A is A'.

*Triadic phrases and formulas – recruited as Trinitarian formula and proof-texts for
Trinity Doctrine, the texts having nothing to do with the Trinity:

 Mt 28:19b “Immersing them; into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
holy spirit …"
 2Co 13:14 "The grace through the Lord Yeshua the Mashiah and the Love from
Elohim and the fellowship [of Life] in the holy spirit be with yoů all."
 1Jn 5:7 " … in heaven the Father, the Word, and the holy spirit, and these three are
one [in testimony] …"]

Study of the bible begins with study words themselves in English as well as in the original
languages (Gk. & Heb.) – based on the linguistic and literary critical approach. We have to
undertake rather thorough unlearning in order to come out of the swamp of productions of
presupposition, presumption, preconception, preferences, philosophies and playing a with
words and ideasb full of bias and intellectual and spiritual blindness.

The words! Meaning, sense, vocabulary, word picture and association and usage in differ-
ent context. We have a word which has come after another. What is it? What does it mean?
How is it used in the particular place and also in other places? It is different from another; it
may have changed. But why different? How and how much different? How far diverted
from what it should have been?
E.g., ousia, homoousian vs. homoiousian.
The words! Meaning, sense, vocabulary, word picture and association and usage in dif-
ferent context. We have a word which has come after another. What is it? What does it
mean? How is it used in the particular place and also in other places? It is different from
another; it may have changed. But why different? How and how much different? How far
diverted from what it should have been?
[See collections on 'Trinity']

Quote for kindle book page:

"… Thus, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are in the same God state. They have the
same essence, attributes, power, and privileges.
In essence, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the same. All three are spirit. All
three are the Word. … " Larum (2018), Wind, Water, and Fire: Understanding the
Holy Spirit through Biblical Symbolism. [Confusion galore on the triad of Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit. Is it a variant of unitarian idea? – ARJ]

Ref. Hurtado (1998, 2nd Ed), One God, One Lord – Early Christian Devotion and Ancient Jewish Monotheism
Ref. Trinity (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
[a copy for each – in <IRENT Vol. III - Supplement (Collections #3A.2 - on Trinity)>

Trinity 101:

 Did ‘Jesus’ talk to, pray to, praise, and worship ‘God the Holy Ghost’?
 Did ‘God the Holy Ghost’ talk to, ask, pray to, praise and worship God the
 Did ‘God the Holy Ghost’ talk, pray to, worship, or praise ‘God the Son’?
 If they are ‘unity’, then they don’t have to do such things?
 Did ‘God the Holy Ghost’ give the gift of holy spirit to the Disciples at
Pentecost? Was it God Father? Or ‘God the Son’ also?
 How do we pray to Father differently to ‘God the Son’, and differently to
Yeshua, and differently to ‘God Holy Ghost’? Or is it same? Pray in the name
of God the Father? Pray in the name of ‘God the Holy Ghost’; or pray in the
name of Yeshua, as Yeshua himself told to so? What is ‘prayer’ anyway?
 How come they did not bother the Holy Ghost is a person at the time of
Council of Nicaea? Not matured enough to be called until Council of
 Where did they get the images/icons of three-faced Trinity; three-headed
Trinity, in addition to three-figure Trinity?
 "Three persons are one God"?? – What does it mean by or refer to 'God'?
 'The Holy Ghost' (Holy Spirit) – is not 'God', but it is the very spirit 'of God'. It
is not a person. It's not a 'Lord'. It is not 'he'; it is 'it'. Something in
personification is not to be confused with its personhood (x: personality).
Trinity graphic images:

Michael Servetus (1511-1553) participated in the Protestant Reformation and translated the
Hebrew Bible into Latin. In July 1531, he published his book De Trinitatis Erroribus (On
the Errors of the Trinity) in which he explained clearly that the Trinity was a 3-headed

Three-Headed Trinity or Three-Faced Head Trinity.


Three-figure statue or drawing –

/Trinity_by Andrei_Rublev Russian painter 15th c. – famous for iconographic works.

Cf.– 'Bosom of Abram' a fresco by /Daniel_Chorny

Cf. Three-personed Godhead
cf. in pagan religions. Three-headed goddess /Hecate
Trinity statements in English

Trinity serving the trinitarian church to keep in shape and in power and in unity –
incomprehensible, difficult to understand, mysterious concept – sprinkled with illustrations
and analogies recruited as they found palatable and plausible – with mountains of writing on
the relation of Father, Son, Holy Spirit. a Proof-texts recruited galore from NT as well as OT
(even from Gen 1:1) reading 'literally' as necessary.

Since it was formed and developed fully in Latin Christianism (e.g. Constantine Catholic
Church), the Trinity statement is based on Latin expression. Latin has no grammatical article.

Basic ingredients: God, Godhead; is, is not; one, three; Father, Son, Holy Ghost; Person.

Latin English
PATER Father
DEUS God ‘Godhead’
‘One God’; ‘Compound one’;

Father is God [instead of "God is (as) Father"] b - what the heck is father to
begin with? What father, which father, whose father? a nameless one to
Son is God [instead of the Son of God] – what the heck is son? What son,
which son, whose son? Father – holy ghost impregnating the perpetual
virgin Mary of Catholic Queen of Heaven? Name 'Jesus', not Yeshua?
What the heck is God here?
Holy Ghost is God [instead of <the Elohim is as spirit>]. What the heck is
ghost (in KJV); what the heck is spirit? Holy Spirit different from God's
spirit? Ghost/spirit is a person? A nameless person! To be worshiped or to
be prayed to??
There is only one God – Godhead?
‘One’ is not one, but compound one.
persona. What the heck is person? Or Person?
Three persons, each one is God. But there are no three Gods? How
1 + 1 + 1 = 1 ≠ 3 ??? Confused with 1 x 1 x 1 = 1?

Claim: Jesus is Son; so, Jesus is God.

prob. not of father-mother-children which does not fall into patriarchal god-language.
E.g., 'Elohim our Father (Rm 1:7)' means 'Elohim is as our Father', not that 'our Father is
Claim: The Bible also teaches that there is only one God, not three (to 'worship').
So, 'God' is 'Jesus'; so, 'Jehovah' is 'Jesus' [???]
Trinity statement in Athanasian Creed (in Latin and English)
Portion relevant to Trinity
From the so-called Athanasian Creed
ut unum Deum in Trinitate, that we worship one God in Trinity,
et Trinitatem in unitate veneremur. and Trinity in Unity;

Neque confundentes personas, neither confounding the Persons,

neque substantiam separantes. nor dividing the Essence.

Alia est enim persona Patris For there is one Person, Father;
alia Filii, Another, Son;
alia Spiritus Sancti: and another, Holy Spirit.

Sed Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti una est divinitas, But Godhead of Father, of Son, and of Holy Spirit is one;
aequalis gloria, coeterna maiestas. Glory equal, Majesty coeternal.

Qualis Pater, talis Filius, talis [et] Spiritus Sanctus. As Father is; so is Son; and so is Holy Spirit.

Increatus Pater, Father uncreated;

increatus Filius, Son uncreated;
increatus [et] Spiritus Sanctus. and Holy Spirit uncreated.

Immensus Pater, Father unlimited;

immensus Filius, Son unlimited;
immensus [et] Spiritus Sanctus. and Holy Spirit unlimited.

Aeternus Pater, Father eternal;

aeternus Filius, Son eternal;
aeternus [et] Spiritus Sanctus. and Holy Spirit eternal.

Et tamen non tres aeterni, And yet they are not three eternals;
sed unus aeternus. but one eternal.

Sicut non tres increati, As also there are not three uncreated;
nec tres immensi, nor three infinites,
sed unus increatus, but one uncreated,
et unus immensus. and one infinite.

Similiter omnipotens Pater, So likewise Father is Almighty;

omnipotens Filius, Son Almighty;
omnipotens [et] Spiritus Sanctus. and Holy Spirit Almighty.

Et tamen non tres omnipotentes, And yet they are not three Almighties;
sed unus omnipotens. but one Almighty.

Ita Deus Pater, So Father is God;

Deus Filius, Son is God;
Deus [et] Spiritus Sanctus. and Holy Spirit is God.

Et tamen non tres dii, And yet they are not three Gods;
sed unus est Deus. but one God.

Ita Dominus Pater, So likewise Father is Lord;

Dominus Filius, Son Lord;
Dominus [et] Spiritus Sanctus. and Holy Spirit Lord.

Et tamen non tres Domini, And yet not three Lords;

sed unus [est] Dominus. but one Lord.

Quia, sicut singillatim unamquamque personam Deum For like as we are compelled by the Christian verity;
ac Dominum confiteri christiana veritate compellimur: to acknowledge every Person by himself to be God and
Ita tres Deos aut [tres] Dominos dicere catholica
religione prohibemur. So are we forbidden by the catholic religion; to say,
There are three Gods, or three Lords.

Pater a nullo est factus: The Father is made of none; neither created, nor begotten.
nec creatus, nec genitus.
Son is of Father alone;
Filius a Patre solo est: not made, nor created; but begotten.
non factus, nec creatus, sed genitus.
Holy Spirit is of Father and of Son; neither made, nor
Spiritus Sanctus a Patre et Filio: created, nor begotten;
non factus, nec creatus, nec genitus, but proceeding.
sed procedens.

Unus ergo Pater, non tres Patres: So there is one Father, not three Fathers;
unus Filius, non tres Filii: one Son, not three Sons;
unus Spiritus Sanctus, non tres Spiritus Sancti. one Holy Spirit, not three Holy Spirits.

Et in hac Trinitate nihil prius aut posterius, And in this Trinity none is before, or after another;
nihil maius aut minus: none is greater, or less than another.

Sed totae tres personae coaeternae sibi sunt et But the whole three Persons are coeternal, and
coaequales. coequal.
Ita, ut per omnia, sicut iam supra dictum est, et So that in all things, as aforesaid; the Unity in
unitas in Trinitate, et Trinitas in unitate veneranda Trinity, and the Trinity in Unity, is to be
sit. worshipped.

Qui vult ergo salvus esse, ita de Trinitate sentiat He therefore that will be saved, let him thus think of
the Trinity.
Trinitarian jargons have anything to do with Biblical truth?

"In the unity of this Godhead, there are three persons of one individual essence

The phrase three persons comes from the Greek word that is used at that time:
hypostases, actual personalities or persons.

There are three hypostases, but there is one individual essence: homoousios, one
substance." – attributed to Athanasius.

Analogy galore for the Trinity, like an egg, or a three-leaf clover. However, when
you think about essence, and three distinct things at the same time, consider water,
ice, and vapor. They’re all three H20, all one essence, but they’re just three different

From www.patheos.com/blogs/jaredingle/2018/06/the-trinity-recognizing-beauty-in-

Terms and vocabulary for Trinitarianism:

Study of the bible begins with study words themselves in English as well as in the
original language – Gk. & Heb. – based on the linguistic and literary critical
approach. We have to go through rather thorough unlearning as well to overcome the
productions of presupposition, presumption, preconception and preference with bias

Meaning, sense, vocabulary, word picture and association and usage in different

We have a word which has come after another. What is it? What does it mean? How
is it used in the particular place and also in other places?
It is different from another; it may have changed. But why different? How and how
much different? How far diverted from what it should have been?

 Vocabulary related with Trinity:

Holy Trinity
Doctrine of Trinity; Trinity Doctrine
Trinity dogma
Trinity of God
Trinity Godhead; Trinity God
God Trinity
Trinitarian God.
Triune God
Trinitarian statement
Trinitarian formula.

 History of Trinitarian doctrine. Fights and killings in the name of some God.
"Three does not mean three, one does not mean one, and person does not mean
person." Bishop David Jenkins, an Oxford sermon on the Trinity [Quoted in O'Collins
(1999), The tripersonal God: understanding and interpreting the Trinity (in
Introduction)] www.scribd.com/doc/315857695/The-Tripersonal-God-Understanding-and-

K. Beshears (2017), Mormon Monolatry: Seeking A Historically Informed

Definition of The Mormon Godhead [from www.academia.edu ]

"I have always declared God to be a distinct personage, Jesus Christ a separate
and distinct personage from God the Father, and that the Holy Ghost was a
distinct personage and a Spirit: and these three constitute three distinct
personages and three Gods." – Joseph Smith, Jr., 1844

Mormonism has opted for an inversion of the creedal formulations of the

Trinity; where the councils [e.g., Nicene] described a God of three-in-one,
Mormonism contends for a Godhead of one-from-three.

The propositional statements of Trinity doctrine. We find no definition whatsoever given to

any word appearing in the statements. 'Father' – What is father? 'Son' – What is 'Son'? What
Son? God – what is God? What God? Which God? Whose God? Person – what is 'person'?
When a human being is not a human person? 'Holy Spirit' – what is 'holy'? What is 'spirit'?
What spirit? Which spirit? "Trinity God" – another god other than three Gods (Father God,
Son God, Holy Ghost God)?

Implication of Trinity – Is Father worshipped and prayed to? Is Son worshipped and prayed
to? Is the Holy Spirit worshipped and prayed? What is prayed for? What does it mean to
worship? Each of three Persons does different things? Sits on a separate throne? Does
things different way? How different? At different time? For different things? How and
when do they ‘communicate’? Are there as in the picture of three ‘persons’ in the heavenly
realm – each sitting on its own throne (tri-theism) at one table? Or as in the image of one
person with three heads? Or as in the icon of a three-faced head? The three are to be equal –
equal of what? Equal size, glory? Equal power? God the Father has power, and God the
Son has power, and God the Holy Ghost has power? What power? Same power? Different
power? Same power tapped by each for one’s own use and purpose?

[See a file in <IRENT Vol. III. Supplement – Collections #3A.2 – On Trinity>.]

Related words – Nicene Creed, Arianism, Modalism (Sabellianism, Noetianism, Patripassianism),

Docetism, Tritheism, Adoptionism, Partialism, Macedonianism, Trinitarianism, etc.
[http://lifeinchristministries.com/daily-teachings/archives/teachings.php?id=82 Trinitarian
Heresies: Part 1 to 9]

Tertullian, Origen, Arius, Athanasius, St. Augustine; /Praxeas /Sabellius

Cf. triad, triadic, ternary – pattern, formula, expression

Cf. ‘binitarian (binarian; bitarian)’ vs. ‘dyadic’
[ https://larryhurtado.wordpress.com/2012/09/10/binitarian-dyadic-triadic-early-christian-god-talk-and-
devotion/ “Binitarian,” “Dyadic,” “Triadic”: Early Christian God-talk and Devotion]
Cf. Concepts of nature (divine vs. human) – what is 'nature'? 'divine nature' is only in a God?
Cf. Concept of 'will' (divine vs. human): 'divine will' cannot be in a human?
Cf. Concept of 'essence' (divine vs. human) 'substance' (not material)}
Cf. concept of ‘worship’ and ‘devotion’ (at to a God-figure).
Cf. Concept of ‘God’, ‘Godhead’, ‘deity’; ‘divine person’ 'divinity'; meaning of '(being) divine'. God, god,
a god, the God, gods, (pagan) gods; Elohim, elohim, el.
Cf. Terms – Latin tinitas (Tertullian c. 155 – c. 240 CE) Gk. triados (Theophilus of Antioch ca 170
CE) – used in the sense of triad or tri-unity, not the concept of ‘trinity’ (as in the creed at the
Council of Constantinople). The word ‘trinity’ in Athanasian Creed in Latin (298 - 373 CE).
“3. … the That we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; …ut unum Deum in Trinitate, et
Trinitatem in Unitate veneremur www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/creeds2.iv.i.iv.html -- what does it mean by
'trinity' here in Latin phrase?
[Trinitarian incongruous claims in their perplexity and complexity of its creedal system: Father is God;
Son is God; and Holy Ghost (Spirit) is God, but there is only on God. Jesus is God – fully God and
fully Man – fully divine and fully human? a However as Father is God, the Son is God. "Jesus is God"
but it can only in the sense of "Jesus is as God". If Father is God and Son is as God; they are not same.
Son is subordinate, Son has a beginning. Son who does not have beginning is a fictional being.]

The Logos in Jn 1:1, which is the word of Elohim ('the Word of God'), is claimed to be God person,
God the Son, pre-existing Jesus, eternal Jesus, Christ (whatever it means, but not same as Messiah or
Mashiah); 'Cosmic Christ' (whatever it means), etc.

They do not define ‘Father’ (– what is and who is), nor ‘Son’ (– what is and who is), in other than in
circular illogicity. Nor they do know what spirit is, and what holy spirit is. The call them persons,
without giving what the term means; they concocted the pompous sounding Greek metaphyseal
philosophical vague technical abstract undefinable, beyond-logic terms – ousia, hypostasis – to Latin
persona (‘actors in drama’). They assert that Jesus is a human being but not a ‘human person’, but a
‘divine person’. Three is one – what they call ‘mystery of Trinity’. How is ‘trinity’ used – a doctrine or
God itself as Trinitarian God?] [Only a few misinterpreted Bible verses in eisegesis they fall back in
futile attempt to prove Jesus is God and the God of Yeshua is Himself compound one made of two or
three (even asserting that ‘Jewish Trinity’ is to be found in OT texts).

Trinity lingo

1. 'Trinity God': one 'God' in three 'persons' (– each person co-eternal, co-essential, co-equal, of
eternal generation – in their union each nature preserves its distinction in nature – 'oneness of
God'. (what is 'person' -- 'faces' 'role' 'model' in Latin?) (What is 'God'? How many gods?)
2. 'Christ' – dual natures of 'Christ'; in one person 'Christ', there exists two wills, both divine and
human that never conflict (– what is referred to 'Christ'? Another name, but not Messiah?);

Cf. Yeshua carried Father's will and was Father's glory.

3. '*Fully God and fully man'; 'fully divine and fully human'

"very God of very God" – Council of Nicaea (325 CE); Council of Constantinople (381 CE)
'truly God and truly man' – Council of Chalcedon (451 CE). Confession provides a statement on
the two natures of Christ, human and divine

*Fully – what does it mean by 'fully'? Fully divine, not partly divine? Fully human, not partly divine? E.g.,
'fully pregnant' – does it ever make sense?
Refuting Trinitarian claims and proof-texts


Shady interpretations

Gen 1:26-27; 18: -19:

Deu 6:4; Psa 49:7; 110:1; Isa 9:6; 42:8; 43:11;
Mt 28:19; Mk 2:7; 10:18; Lk 1:76
Jn 5:18, 23; 10:30; 12:41; 14:9; 17:3; 18:6; 20:18
1Co 8:4; 10:4; 2Co 2:17; Phi 2:9-11
1Tim 2:4; 6:1-16; Tit 2:13; Heb 13:8
1Jn 5:20; Rev 1:17; 3:14
<Why I rejected the Trinity – Kel>

Fabricated, lie, false, deceived, deluded, duped, idol-worship, doctrines – men-made

One true God is God and Father of Lord Yeshua the Mashiah, the risen and exalted one.

 God is not one, but compound one. In the OT, one of them is pre-human Jesus.
 Father is God (Jn 6:27; Rm 1:7; 1Pe 1:2). The Father is not God; God is (as) Father.
 *Holy Spirit is God (Acts 5:3-4; 'lie to the spirit of the holy')
The holy spirit is God the Holy Spirit (or 'God the Holy Ghost') →The holy spirit is
the spirit of God – the spirit of the Elohim – not God the Holy Spirit; it is not a

 Son is God (Jn 1:1, 14; Rm 9:5; Heb 1:8; 1Jn 5:20) → 'The Word' is the very word of
the Elohim; it is not a person, not God, not a god (NWT), not pre-human Jesus, etc.
'Jesus is God; God is Jesus' – but what Jesus, which Jesus, and whose Jesus? What
God, which God, whose God? What the heck is God? (Linguistic issues – Pandora's
Problem Box for Words)

Son is qualified to be a ‘God’ – Col 2:9; no human father – making him a god-man.
Worship Jesus – it is the risen exalted Lord Yeshua the Mashiah we worship; not
because he is God, but worship as God as we would worship the Elohim. Pray to him;
yes, not because he is God.
 Eph 3:9b v.l. " … the Elohim, who created all things{+mss} —: ░░  {xx: + dia Iēsou Christou
/xxx: by Jesus Christ – KJV; /through Jesus Christ – NKJV} [Cf. Eph 2:10] [Cf. Col 1:16]
 1Tim 3:16 'God manifest in the flesh' (KJV) – from hand-corruption on "he who was
revealed in the flesh" – NASB ['he' ← 'Mashiah Yeshua' v. 13]

[End of the File]

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