Pentaho Server - Optimizing Connection Pools
Pentaho Server - Optimizing Connection Pools
Pentaho Server - Optimizing Connection Pools
Connection Pools
Change log (if you want to use it):
This document covers some best practices on the optimization of database connection pools within
the Pentaho Server.
These limits apply to each Pentaho Server; if you are running more than one server, check with
your database administrator (DBA) for guidance about the correct number of connections.
This document is not intended to dictate what the best options are, but rather to present some best
practices for customers who are interested in optimizing performance and response time in their
Pentaho installations. Some of the topics covered here include connection parameters and
considerations for configuring database server resources.
Software Version(s)
Pentaho 6.x, 7.x, 8.0
The Components Reference in Pentaho Documentation has a complete list of supported software and
This document assumes that you have knowledge of database connections and Pentaho, and that you
already have Pentaho installed and configured for your environment.
More information about related topics outside of this document can be found in the Pentaho
Use Case
Fabiola’s users have been complaining about painfully slow connections to the database,
especially reports that are very slow to load or save. She’s also noticed a spike in resource usage in
general, reasons that the two issues could be related, and decides to investigate ways to optimize
the database connection pools to see if that would help.
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Normally, the server uses relational databases via Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 3 and 4 compliant
drivers. Other types, such as HTTP/REST services or custom libraries are supported for reporting and
transformations, but the built-in data sources must be relational.
The focus of this document is to provide guidance on the built-in (Repository) database connections
of the server, and relational JDBC connections in general.
Table 1: Defaults for Built-In Connections
Built-In Connection Name Default Username Default Database and Schema Name
Jackrabbit jcr_user jackrabbit: public
Hibernate hibuser hibernate: public
Audit hibuser hibernate: public
Quartz pentaho_user quartz: public
PDI_Operations_Mart hibuser hibernate: pentaho_operations_mart
pentaho_operations_mart hibuser hibernate: pentaho_operations_mart
live_logging_info hibuser hibernate: pentaho_dilogs
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<Resource name="jdbc/Hibernate"
auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
username="hibuser" password="password"
validationQuery="select 1" />
In this configuration:
Table 3: JNDI Parameters
Parameter Definition
maxTotal This is the maximum number of connections that can be borrowed
from the pool at one time. A negative value means no limit. Other
requests for a connection will wait if this limit is reached.
maxIdle This is the maximum number of connections that can remain ready
and unused in the pool.
maxWaitMillis This is the maximum number of milliseconds that the pool will wait
for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception.
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The JNDI names that you add to context.xml become available to the Pentaho Server application,
and referenceable under Manage Data Sources > Database Connection as shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1: Pentaho Server > Manage Data Sources > Database Connection
Configure JNDI
Add your own JNDI definitions to the Pentaho Server for your regularly used database connections,
and then reference them from your data source configuration with Pentaho Design tools and the
Server Data Source configuration page.
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For example, a standalone PostgreSQL server install has a default max_connections of 100, while it
is common for Enterprise database servers to support 200 or more concurrent connections.
Consider this maximum connection limit when configuring your connection pool, remembering that:
• Read transactions are relatively fast, depending on the complexity of the query.
• Write transactions, such as with extract, transform, and load (ETL), require substantially
more resources from the database server.
• Multiple concurrent writes to databases should be minimized.
Parameter Definition
maxIdle The maximum number of connections that can remain idle
in the pool.
maxConnLifetimeMillis The maximum number of milliseconds that a connection
can remain opened. The default (negative value) indicates
an infinite time.
timeBetweenEvictionRunMillis The number of milliseconds that the evictor thread waits
between cycles. By default, no evictor thread is run.
testWhileIdle Indicates whether objects will be validated by the evictor
thread. Default = false.
testOnBorrow Indicates whether a connection will be validated just before
a borrow event. Default = true.
removeAbandonedTimeout The number of seconds before an abandoned connection
is considered for removal from the pool.
removeAbandonedOnMaintenance Indicates that borrowed (inactive) connections can be
removed if the timeout is reached.
The usage profile of your application determines the best combination of values for your purposes.
For example, if you have many reports that are used throughout the day, many idle connections are
reasonable. If you have sporadic numbers of users, with extended periods of no activity, a small
number of idle connections is reasonable.
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The DBCP connection pool will allow up to maxTotal connections if they are actively being used. The
following settings will help keep the number of connections to a minimum (maxIdle) when the
connections are not being used.
• maxIdle = 5
• maxConnLifetimeMillis = 60000
• timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 60000
• testWhileIdle = true
• removeAbandonedTimeout = 300
• removeAbandonedOnMaintenance = true
To ensure fast response on initial requests, it is good to populate the initialSize and minIdle
parameters with a small value. This will initially open connections and keep them open.
• initialSize = 2
• minIdle = 2
The application log files will report an exception if a connection is not available to the application. You
should have a process that scans the application logs regularly for these types of ERROR events. Live
monitoring of JNDI resources can be done via JConsole and MBeans as shown:
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Related Information
Here are some links to information that you may find helpful while using this best practices document:
Finalization Checklist
This checklist is designed to be added to any implemented project that uses this collection of best
practices, to verify that all items have been considered and reviews have been performed.
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