Food Vocabulary

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Waiter: Hello, Can I help you?
Fruit: Dairy Products : Sara: Sure. We are hungry and we want to eat something.
Apple: manzana Milk : leche John: Sara is right, but we are in a hurry and we don’t have much
Pear: pera Butter : mantequilla time.
Orange: naranja Cheese : queso Waiter: I understand. Are you ready to order?
Banana: plátano Yoghurt : yogur Sarah : Not yet . Can we have the menu, please?
Grape: uvas Egg : huevo; Waiter: Of course, here you are. Shall I bring you something to
Strawberry: fresa Fried eggs: huevos fritos drink?
Peach: melocotón Jam/Jelly : merrmelada. John: I’d like some wine. What about you, Sarah?
Vegetables: verduras Breakfast Sarah: I prefer some mineral water. I’m the driver and I can’t drink
Bean: judía Cornflakes : cereales any alcohol.
Potato: patata Juice : zumo Waiter: Good thinking. Now. Do you want a starter?
Carrot: zanahoria Biscuits/ cookies : galletas John: Yes, some noodle soup for me, please.
Lentils: lentejas Toast : tostada Breakfast: desayuno Sarah: I don’t want any starters, thanks. I feel like eating an
Spinach: espinacas. Sauces and Seasoning Lunch: comida omelette and some chips
Mushroom: champiñón (salsas y condimentos) Tea: merienda Waiter: Sir, What about the main course?
Meats: Vinegar : vinagre Early evening meal : John: I want two fried eggs with some lettuce and some ham.
Beef: carne de vaca Salt : sal (After their lunch)
Merienda-cena Waiter: Can I bring you anything else? Any dessert, a coffee?
Veal: ternera (muy joven) Oil: aceite
Lamb: cordero
Dinner. cena John: No thank you. Just the bill.
Onion: cebolla
Pork: cerdo Garlic; ajo Waiter: Certainly.
Chicken: pollo Tuna: atún. Starter. entrante Sarah: I don't have my glasses. How much is it?
Turkey: pavo Cucumber: pepino Main course: plato fuerte Waiter: That's $9.35.
Steak : filete Others Dessert: postre John : Here you are. Thank you very much.
Chop: chuleta Fish: pescado Set menu: Menú del día Waiter: Wait, don’t forget your change.
Saussage: salchicha Bread: pan John: You can keep it.
Verbs Sandwich: sandwich Waiter: Are you serious? It’s a lot of money for a tip. Thanks a
Eat-ate-eaten: comer Crisps(BrE)/chips(AmE) patatas fritas million.
To taste: degustar/ saber Omelette: tortilla John: You're welcome. Have a good day.
Soup: sopa Waiter: Thank you, the same to you.
Sarah: Oh, John, how wonderful and generous you are!

EXPRESSIONS: 1.- Enjoy your meal: ¡ qué aproveche!

2.- To go out for a meal: salir a comer/cenar fuera.
3.- To pig out: ponerse hasta arriba de comida.
4.- Pre-cooked / ready- made meals: comida precocinada
5.- Junk food: comida basura
6.- To eat between meals: comer entre horas.
7.- .- I’m starving: me estoy muriendo de hambre.
8.- To be a fussy eater: Ser muy tiquismiques con la comida.
‘Where do you want to go for lunch?’ ‘I’m not fussy.’ —¿Dónde quieres ir a comer? —Me da igual.
9.- Takeaway food: comida para llevar
10.- What’s for lunch: ¿ qué hay para comer?

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