Set 16 - Social Science Term 2 Sample Question Paper
Set 16 - Social Science Term 2 Sample Question Paper
Set 16 - Social Science Term 2 Sample Question Paper
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Sample Question Paper - 16
Social Science (087)
Class- X, Session: 2021-22
General Instructions :
(i) This Question paper is divided into five sections-Section A, B, C, D and E.
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) Section-A: Question no. 1 to 5 are very short answer type questions of 2 marks each. Answer to each question
should not exceed 40 words.
(iv) Section-B: Question no. 6 to 8 are short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each question
should not exceed 80 words.
(v) Section-C: Question no. 9 and 10 are long answer type questions, carrying 5 marks each. Answer to each
question should not exceed 120 words.
(vi) Section-D: Question no. 11 and 12 are Case Based questions.
(vii) Section-E: Question no. 13 is map based, carrying 3 marks with two parts, 13.1 from History (1 mark) and
13.2 from Geography (2 marks).
(viii) There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has been provided in a few
questions. Only one of the choices in such questions have to be attempted.
(ix) In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary.
(Very Short Answer Questions)
2. Why industries of England were unable to recapture their hold on Indian market?
4. What is a multi-party system? Why has India adopted a multi-party system? Explain.
5. Study the diagram given below showing circulation of newspapers in India and answer the questions that
follow :
Urdu 6% Billingual and other 6%
Tamil 4%
Marathi 6%
Malayalam 3%
Kunnada 4%
Hindi 45%
Gujarati 4%
Bangla 6%
English 16%
5.1 In which language are the largest number of newspapers published in our county? Write its percentage
5.2 What do you conclude form this percentage? Give two facts in support of your answer.
(Short Answer Type Questions)
6. What is a political party? State any two points of the ideology of Bharatiya Janta Party.
“Political parties are a necessary condition for a democracy”. Analyse the statement with examples.
7. Explain any three reasons for the clashes between the weavers and the gomasthas in India during 19th
8. Why cheap and affordable credit is important for country’s development? Explain any three reasons.
(Long Answer Type Questions)
9. Enumerate the importance of banks in the development of the economy in India.
What is the concept of ‘Self Help Groups’? How does it help the rural population in their work?
10. Highlight the functions of political parties to strengthen democracy.
Why do we need political parties? Highlight any five reasons.
(Case Based Questions)
11. Read the given text and answer the following questions :
‘The British government in India has not only deprived the Indian people of their freedom, but has based itself
on exploitation of the masses and has ruined India economically, politically, culturally and spiritually’. When
the Simon Commission arrived in India in 1928, it was greeted with the slogan ‘Go back Simon’. All parties,
including the Congress and the Muslim League, participated in the demonstrations. In an effort to win them
over, the viceroy, Lord Irwin, announced in October 1929, a vague offer of ‘dominion status’ for India in an
unspecified future, and a Round Table Conference to discuss a future constitution. This did not satisfy the
Congress leaders.
11.1 What things were the Indian people deprived of by the British?
11.2 What values do you acquire from the above passage?
11.3 Why was Simon Commission boycotted ?
12. Read the given text and answer the following questions :
India has one of the largest road networks in the world, aggregating to about 54.7 lakh km (2014–15). In
India, roadways have preceded railways. They still have an edge over railways in view of the ease with which
they can be built and maintained. The growing importance of road transport vis-à-vis rail transport is rooted
in the following reasons;
(a) Construction cost of roads is much lower than that of railway lines,
(b) Roads can traverse comparatively more dissected and undulating topography,
(c) Roads can negotiate higher gradients of slopes and as such can traverse mountains such as the Himalayas,
(d) Road transport is economical in transportation of few persons and relatively smaller amount of goods
over short distances.
(e) It also provides door-to-door service, thus the cost of loading and unloading is much lower,
(f) Road transport is also used as a feeder to other modes of transport such as they provide a link between
railway stations, air and sea ports.
12.1 How roadways have an edge over railways?
12.2 List two benefits of road transport.
12.3 What is meant by feeder to other modes of transport?
(Map Skill Based Question)
32. 13.1 On the given outline Political Map of India, identify the place marked as A with the help of following
information and write its correct name on the line marked near it.
A. The place where first Khilafat committee was formed in March 1919.
13.2 On the same given map of India, locate the following:
(I) Bokaro Steel Plant
Gandhinagar Software Technology Park
(II) Varanasi Textile Industry
Social Science (087)
1. Iron and steel is heavy industry using very bulky programmes for the society with a view to promote
raw material. Therefore, its location is governed by the collective good.
close proximity to raw materials and good transport The ideologies of Bharatiya Janta Party are :
system. The north eastern and southern parts of (i) Cultural nationalism
Peninsular India are mineral rich which is suitable for (ii) Revival of India’s ancient culture and value.
location of Iron and steel industry. OR
2. Industries of England were unable to recapture “Political parties are necessary condition for a
their hold on Indian market because Indian industries democracy” because :
had achieved enough development during war days (i) Without political parties, democracies cannot
and during those days England was busy in taking care exist.
of its own country. Moreover, many countries posed (ii) If we do not have political parties; in such
stiff competition to industries of England. a situation every candidate in elections will be
independent, and will have a local point of view.
3. Lenders ask for collateral while lending :
(iii) No one will be able to make any policy change.
(i) It works as guarantee to a lender until the loan is
(iv) The government may be formed but its utility will
remain uncertain.
(ii) If the borrower fails to repay the loan, the lender
(v) Elected representatives will be accountable to
has the right to sell the asset or collateral to obtain
their constituency for what they do in their locality.
But no one will be responsible for how the country will
(iii) Reduction of exposure in order to do more
business with each other when credit limits are under (vi) The role of opposition party in a democracy
pressure. necessitates the existence of political parties.
4. Multi-party system : (vii) As societies become large and complex they
If several parties compete for power, more than two also need some agencies to gather different views on
parties have a reasonable chance of coming to power various issues and to present these to the government,
either on their own strength or by alliance with others, that’s why political parties are needed.
we call it a multi-party system. 7. There were frequent clashes between Gomasthas
India adopted a multi party system because : and weavers in the village because of the following
(i) There is social and geographical diversity in India. reasons :
(ii) India is such a large country which is not easily (i) Earlier supply merchants often belonged to the
represented by two or three parties. same villages and had a close relationship with the
(iii) The system allows a variety of interests and weavers.
opinions for political representation. (ii) The company’s appointed Gomasthas were
5. 5.1 In our country the largest number of outsiders, with no long-term social link with the
newspapers are published in HIndi. Its percentage is villagers.
45% (iii) They acted arrogantly, marched into villages with
5.2 This is because sepoys and peons and punished weavers for delays.
(iv) The weavers could no longer bargain for prices or
(i) A large number of people speak Hindi.
sell to other buyers in place or the British who paid
(ii) It is the official language. low prices.
(iii) Hindi is understood by a large number of (v) In many places, Carnatic (Karnataka) and Bengal
people. weavers deserted the village, migrated or revolted
6. A political party is a group of people who come along with the village traders.
together to contest elections and hold power in 8. Cheap and affordable credit is crucial for the
the government. They agree on some policies and country’s development due to the following factors:
(i) More lending would lead to higher incomes and vary from member to member. Members can take
encourage people to invest in agriculture, engage in small loans at low interest rates, collaterals are not
business and set up small scale industries. required, repayment default is seriously followed by
(ii) Cheap credit means more income would be left the members.
with the borrower to reinvest rather than return as Objectives -To create a facility that will cater to the
interest. This leads to acceleration of economic activity. credit needs of the very poor section, targets small
(iii) Cheap credit would also allow weaker sections of and marginal farmers and rural artisans. It inculcates
society to enter formal sector of lending and rid them saving habit in the rural poor people, to enhance
of exploitation at the hands of informal moneylenders. participation, to improve capabilities of women,
(iv) Affordable credit would also end the cycle of debt to enhance the socio-economic base of villages, to
trap and lead to sustainable economic activity that encourage entrepreneurship in villages.
would allow borrowers to invest in better technology Benefits - Develops the habit of initiating action,
to make their business more competitive. improves living conditions, makes the members
9. Banks play a very important role in the responsible for their actions, helps in capacity building,
development of the industry and trade. They provide develops self confidence amongst members, promotes
the important resource money that is necessary for the trust and mutual help, encourages resource pooling
economic development. Banks in India are governed and leads to financial inclusion.
by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and are the main 10. The function of a political party that strengthens
source of formal credit for the general public. As the democracy are as follows :
we know that the agriculture is the backbone of the (i) Contesting elections: Political parties contest
economy of India. Banks provide loans to facilitate elections. It nominates its candidate for the electoral
agricultural activities to small and big farmers. contest in various constituencies. This provides a
Banks take deposits from the people who have surplus variety of choice of personalities for the people to vote
money and act as a its custodians. They keep a small for.
proportion of their deposits as cash with themselves. (ii) Policies : Political parties put forward different
A large part of this money is given away as loan. Thus policies and programme so that the voters can choose
banks act as a link between the people with money from amongst them. The policies and programme of
and the people who need money. the ruling party generally become the government
Today banks also support all the modern forms of policies.
money transactions such as Credit/Debit Cards and (iii) Making law : Political parties play a decisive role
Cellphone applications. This makes the transaction in making laws for the country that benefits the whole
very convenient and efficient without carrying cash. population.
OR (iv) Playing opposition : A party which does not get
majority or come under the majority coalition, needs
Self Help Groups (SHGs) are recent phenomena. An
to play the role of opposition. This forms the basis of
SHG is comprised of small number of people about
checks and balances in a democracy.
15 – 20 members. The members pool their savings.
(v) Shaping public opinion : Political parties shape
The collection is then utilized to lend small amounts
public opinion. They do so by raising and highlighting
of money which may be required by any of the
issues in the legislature and in the media.
members. The group charges interest on the loan. The
(vi) Providing Access to Government Machinery :
arrangement of loans through Self Help Groups is also
Through political parties people get access to
known as microfinance because the small amount of
government machinery and welfare schemes. Parties
loan is involved.
need to be responsive to people’s needs and demands
It was the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh which began
thus bring good governance.
experimenting with microfinance. The founder of
Grameen Bank, Mohammad Yunus was conferred OR
with Nobel Prize in 2006. We need political parties for the following reasons :
SHGs have helped immensely in reducing the influence (i) If there were no political party, then each and
of informal lenders in rural areas. every candidate would be independent. So, many
Features -Comprising 15-20 members, Neighbours individuals would only have interests for their own
together save small amounts regularly, saving may constituencies.
(ii) They would not think about the collective national 11.3 New Tory government in Britain constituted
interest. a Statutory Commission under Sir John Simon. The
(iii) Thus, a political party is necessary to bring diverse commission was to look into the functioning of the
people on a common platform, so that bigger issues constitutional system in India and suggest changes.
can be taken care of.
However the commission did not have a single Indian
(iv) The democracy which is being practiced all
over the world is called representative democracy. member. They were all British. When the Simon
In this system, governance is done through people’s Commission arrived in India in 1928, it was greeted
representative because it is impossible for each citizen with the slogan ‘Go back Simon’
to directly participate in governance.
12. 12.1 They can be easily built over various tracts of
(v) The need for representative democracy has given
land economically.
rise to political parties.
12.2 They provide last mile connectivity and they are
11. 11.1 The Indians were deprived of their freedom.
convenient for smaller number of people and freight.
Besides this, they were also exploited economically
and culturally. 12.3 Feeder means the link to other modes of
11.2 (i) Resistance and will power transport. For example we go to the airport , railway
(ii) Respect for freedom station or the sea port by road.
(II) Varanasi
Textile Industry
(I) Bokaro
Steel Plant