IDC Position On Immigration Detention

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Children should not be detained

Alternatives to detention must be pursued

Conditions of detention must meet human rights standards

Detention Of Refugees, Asylum Seekers & Migrants

Position of the International Detention Coalition1
1. The detention of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants is inherently undesirable. 2. Vulnerable individuals including children, pregnant women, nursing mothers, survivors of torture and trauma, trafcking victims, elderly persons, the disabled or those with physical or mental health needs should not be placed in detention. 3. Children should not be detained for migration-related purposes. Their best interests must be protected in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Children should not be separated from their caregivers and if they are unaccompanied, care arrangements must be made. 4. Asylum seekers should not be detained or penalized because they were compelled to enter a country irregularly or without proper documentation. They must not be detained with criminals and must have the opportunity to seek asylum and to access asylum procedures. 5. Detention should only be used as a measure of last resort. When used, it must be necessary and proportionate to the objective of identity and security checks, prevention of absconding or compliance with an expulsion order. 6. Where a person is subject to detention, alternatives must rst be pursued. Governments should implement alternatives to detention that ensure the protection of the rights, dignity and wellbeing of individuals. 7. No one should be subject to indenite detention. Detention should be for the shortest possible time with dened limits on the length of detention, which are strictly adhered to. review. Detainees must have the right to challenge the lawfulness of their detention, which must include the right to legal counsel and the power of the court to release the detained individual. 9. Conditions of detention must comply with basic minimum human rights standards. There must be regular independent monitoring of places of detention to ensure these standards are met. States should ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture, which provides a strong legal basis for a regular and independent monitoring of places of detention. 10. The connement of refugees in closed camps constitutes detention. Governments should consider alternatives that allow refugees freedom of movement.

8. No one should be subject to arbitrary detention. Decisions to detain must be exercised 1 Based on identied international law, standards and in accordance with fair policy and procedures guidelines. For the full position of the IDC please visit: and subject to regular independent judicial

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