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Manual V-2015 07

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Guidance document

Industrial Fan Selection

Version: 7.0
Venray, okt 2015

Selection Program Manual

1 rotodyne-asselbergs

Introduction _______________________________________________________ 3 
Installation ________________________________________________________ 4 
1.  Selecting a fan __________________________________________________ 5 
1.1  Getting started ____________________________________________________ 5 
1.2  The selection screen _______________________________________________ 5 
1.2.1  Choosing the type of fan_________________________________________________5 
1.2.2  Selection parameters ___________________________________________________7 
1.2.3  Selecting a fan ________________________________________________________8 
1.2.4  Printing the resulting selection ____________________________________________9 
2.  Technical parameters and mathematical equations __________________ 11 
3.  Receiving a proposal ___________________________________________ 12 
4.  Assistance ____________________________________________________ 13 
5.  Revision ______________________________________________________ 13 

Selection Program Manual

2 rotodyne-asselbergs
The fan selection tool is a handy and easy to use tool for selecting the appropriate fan by any
individual not necessarily having an in-depth background in the subject. This tool was
created in Excel which makes it easy to install on a desktop or laptop computer. In addition to
facilitating the selection of the appropriate fan this tool also allows experts and novices alike
to generate a fan data sheet and an associated drawing (for axial flow fans and D-type
radial fans) instantaneously.

After the client created the appropriate fan the resulting specification sheet can be sent to
Rotodyne whom will return a proposal for the selected fan.

Selection Program Manual

3 rotodyne-asselbergs
This selection program requires Excel 2007 (or a newer edition).

To operate properly it is important to activate a number of macro’s. Follow the next steps to
this end:
1. Press the Office button Office-knop
2. Select “Options for Excel” Opties voor Excel
3. Select “Security center” Vertrouwenscentrum
4. Select “Set up” Instellingen voor het Vertrouwenscentrum
5. Select “Set up Macro’s” Instellingen voor macro's
6. Activate all macro’s Alle macro’s inschakelen

Follow the next, simple procedure for installing the program. Copy the files “ROTODYNE
Selection Vxx.xlsm”, and “Drawing 2013.xls” to a directory where you want to install the
selection program. This can either be a location on a network drive or on your local desk top.
For certain types of fans you can generate a drawing for the synthesized fan. To this end it is
important that the file “Drawing 2013.xls” is placed in the same directory as the selection

In specifying a new fan always start from the original sheet “ROTODYNE Selection
Vxx.xlsm”, because some cells may have been overwritten during an earlier

We strongly advise to save the original sheet with this program on a separate location on
your network or system for reference at the onset of new fan specifications. If an error of
some sorts occurs it is often easiest to reload the file to your system. We also recommend to
set attributes of the two system files of the program, i.e. “ROTODYNE Selection Vxx.xlms”,
and “Drawing 2013.xls”, to “read only” from the Windows Explorer environment.

Selection Program Manual

4 rotodyne-asselbergs
1. Selecting a fan

1.1 Getting started

Open the selection file “ROTODYNE Selection Vxx.xlms” from Excel. If the steps outlined in
the Installation chapter were performed correctly, one can now start making a selection.

1.2 The selection screen

1.2.1 Choosing the type of fan

After opening the program the following view will appear


Input 1.290 kg/Nm³ 1455 1455 1/0/1.4 C5 ISO-13348 900D18
flow 20000 m³/h Best results flow static total efficiency power ErP 2015 ecodesign
pressure inlet Pa selection m³/h Pa Pa fan actual motor remarks
outle 2000 static ## CV-710/800-D16 20000 1845 1960 83% 13.1kW 15kW
temperature 20 °C CV-800/900-D16 20000 2806 2878 83% 19.3kW 30kW
altitude sea level m CV-710/900-D18 20000 2500 2613 82% 17.8kW 22kW
density: 1.202 kg/m³ CV-710/710-D12R 20000 1457 1549 81% 10.6kW 15kW
motor pole 4 2/4/6/8 CV-800/800-D12K 20000 1680 1751 80% 12.2kW 15kW
frequency 50 Hz CV-630/1000-D24 20000 2591 2977 80% 20.7kW 22kW
motor : 1455 rpm 3 kW B100 flow static total efficiency power
your selection Lock
rotation alternative rpm m³/h Pa Pa fan actual motor max curve Selection
CV-710/900-D18 21700 2354 2487 82% 18.4kW 3kW 19.9kW
Search engine accuracy low Systemcurve with fixed flo w: no Lp free in- outlet: 91dB(A) Lp radiation casing: 72dB(A) 1455 Unlock
Range standard only 900 D18 WARNING: 1 motorpower too low !! Selection
print datasheet print design
fixed type & diameter
Input data header datasheet 4500 ,70.0
Client: Rotodyne
Remarks: ,60.0

position design Rotodyne : ?

sigma schoep
Static pressure

Search engine output

Centrifugal 100.000h yes ,40.0
material impeller : S235JR Standard
type / diameter All All
Plug-in unit (WS) box 100% no 2000
Axial yes
wall ring (bell mouth) yes 1500

DIN tubes (BUK/BUL/BIFC) BUL ,20.0

Shaft output

fixed diameter All 1000

blade material one direction cast aluminum

Acoustic design tol grade: AN-3 +4

Acoustic insulation none mm 0 ,0.0

Silencer type none 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000

Directivity (indication) no 0° Flow

Distance free field 1 m ηe / ηtarget = 108%

Selection Program Manual

5 rotodyne-asselbergs
Before starting to specify a fan one can choose to search within all fans, only centrifugal or
only axial flow fans. To exclude a specific type of fans one must use the “Search engine
output” box.
Search engine output
Centrifugal 100.000h yes
material impeller : S235JR Standard
type / diameter All All
Plug-in unit (WS) box 100% no
Axial yes
wall ring (bell mouth) yes
fixed diameter All
blade material one direction cast aluminum

Choose “no” for Centrifugal or Axial fan to exclude that specific type.

Guidance at the selection of a centrifugal fan

Your search within the centrifugal fans can be made more specific by specifying the following
 material impeller: Left on “Standard” the program will select the best suitable material.
If one prefers a specific material you can make a choice using the pull down menu
box. Select the standard cell and click the pull down menu button.
 fixed diameter: Both left on “All” the program will select the best type of fan and
impellar diameter.
In the right box you can choose a preferred diameter and in the box on the left a
specific type of impeller.
o D-type: high efficiency, low noise generation, standard low- and medium
o P-type: high pressure, non-standard, low- and medium pressure.
o DAZ: double inlet fan, v-belt driven.
o DS: dual stage fan. Two fans of approx the same size will be connected
parallel, mounted on one skid.
 If one prefers to select a so-called plug-in unit (normally designed for use in oven and
dryer machines) then select “yes” at the selection cell. Subsequently, four different
options will appear in the pull down menu. Please note that due to the large number
of variations in practice, the given curves are only indicative.
o Standard: the machine has a spiral casing inside, i.e. same as the normal fan.
o Double spiral: the machine has a spiral casing with an outlet on two sides.
o Box 125%: no spiral casing but the impeller is free in two directions wide 1.8D
o Box 100%: no spiral casing but the impeller is free in two directions wide 1.4D.
o Box 50%: no spiral casing but the impeller is free in half of the directions.

Guidance at the selection of a axial fan

The search within the axial fans can be more clearly specified by the following choices:
 Choose “yes” for wall ring if you want to include wall ring mounted fans in the type
search, selecting “no” will exclude them.
 Choose the type of tube the search has to include (“BUK” for short tube, “BUL” for
long tube and “BIFC” for bifurcated tube). Choose “no” if the search is only to
includewall ring mounted fans.
 For the tubes one can choose a fixed diameter using the pull down menu at the
selection cell.
 If applicable, one can choose “yes” for an extended curve. This feature is only
applicable to certain types of axial fans.
Selection Program Manual
6 rotodyne-asselbergs
 Standard the blades are made of cast aluminum. It’s also possible to choose all kind
of plate steel materials.

If uncertain about the type of fan (axial/centrifugal) required, leave both types on “yes”.

1.2.2 Selection parameters

Input 1.290 kg/Nm³
flow 20000 m³/h
pressure inlet Pa
outle 2000 static
temperature 20 °C
altitude sea level m
density: 1.202 kg/m³
motor pole 4 2/4/6/8
frequency 50 Hz
motor : 1455 rpm 3 kW B100
rotation alternative rpm

 Flow: enter in the required flow. Specify the units of the flow by the pull down menu in
the selection cell “m³/h”.
 Pressure: one can enter the required pressure the fan has to produce. Choose the
units selection cell “Pa” to change it into the required units. Choose the “static”
selection cell to alter between static or total pressure. In situations where
(under)pressure conditions occur at inlet this must be entered at the inlet cell (minus
for under pressure or suction). The density will be adjusted.
 Specify the operating temperature of the fan. This will also cause adjustment of the
o Temperatures up to 1000˚C can be specified. Above the 500˚C the range will
be altered to “not standard included”. The range will be restricted just to the
fans suitable for high temperatures.
o For temperatures above 620°C one can toggle between strength calculations
based on 100.000h or 10.000h.
o Change the material button to “all materials” if there are no restrictions. The
selection program will then choose the best material.
 One can specify the height of the installed fan above sea level if applicable. It will
adjust the density (not specifying something in this cell in will not have have any
 If required to overrule the density of the medium (not influenced by other parameters)
one can enter it in the density cell. When entering a value here the fan selection will
be calculated with the specified value throughout, and the latter will not be changed if
in response to changing related parameters such as for example the temperature.
 Enter the desired number of poles of the motor (this parameter is related to the motor
rotation speed: 2-pole for 3000 rpm, 4 pole for 1500 rpm, etc.).
 Choose the motor supply frequency 50Hz or 60Hz. Alternatively, a value can be
entered, for example a frequency controlled motor. The selection program will notify
that this is not a standard frequency.
 If available an indication of the power consumption of the motor can be specified. This
value can be adjusted to match the required power for the selected fan. After
choosing a different motor it is possible that the rotation speed is changed and the
program needs a new selection. The warning “please choose again" will
consequently appear.

Selection Program Manual

7 rotodyne-asselbergs

For V-belt driven fans or specified, fixed rotation speed set the required speed in the
“rotation alternative cell” cell. Take care with the rotation speed of a V-belt driven fan,
as there are only fixed pulley combinations resulting in discrete speed ratios.
 In case you have different “Normal cubic meters” you can alter this at the top of the
Input box. In almost all cases it should be left on 1.29kg/Nm³.
Entering and/or changing these parameters will result in all possible fans being displayed in
the right top of the screen.

1.2.3 Selecting a fan

IEntering all parameters and search limitations leads to the result set showing the selected
fans within the product portfolio of Rotodyne.

Best results flow static total efficiency power ErP 2015 ecodesign
selection Pa Pa fan actual motor remarks
CV-710/800-D16 20000 1845 1960 83% 13.1kW 15kW
CV-800/900-D16 20000 2806 2878 83% 19.3kW 30kW
CV-710/900-D18 20000 2500 2613 82% 17.8kW 22kW
CV-710/710-D12R 20000 1457 1549 81% 10.6kW 15kW
CV-800/800-D12K 20000 1680 1751 80% 12.2kW 15kW
CV-630/1000-D24 20000 2591 2977 80% 20.7kW 22kW
flow static total efficiency power
your selection Lock
m³/h Pa Pa fan actual motor max curve Selection
CV-710/900-D18 21700 2354 2487 82% 18.4kW 3kW 19.9kW
Systemcurve with fixed flo w: no Lp free in- outlet: 91dB(A) Lp radiation casing: 72dB(A) 1455 Unlock
900 D18 WARNING: 1 motorpower too low !! Selection
print datasheet print design

If the list contains a suitable fan it can be selected with the selection button. Before making
this selection do select the correct motor power (most right column shows the required motor
power for the complete curve) first. Use the pull down menu in the selection parameters input
box to select the appropriate motor power.
Input 1.290 kg/Nm³ 1455 1455 1/0/1.4 C5 ISO-13348 900D18
flow 20000 m³/h Best results flow static total efficiency power ErP 2015 ecodesign
pressure inlet Pa selection m³/h Pa Pa fan actual motor remarks

altitude sea level
outle 2000 static
20 °C
## CV-710/800-D16
Note that the first 3 colors of
density: 1.202
motor pole
4 2/4/6/8
50 Hz
the result correspond with the
motor : 1455 rpm
rotation alternative
3 kW B100
your selection
fan actual
motor max curve Lock
fan curves in the presented
CV-710/900-D18 21700 2354 2487 82% 18.4kW 3kW 19.9kW
Search engine accuracy
Range standard only
low Systemcurve with fixed flow:
print datasheet
no Lp free in- outlet:
print design
91dB(A) Lp radiation casing:
1 motorpower too low !!
72dB(A) 1455 Unlock
graphs. This facilitates
fixed type & diameter
Input data header datasheet
Client: Rotodyne
4500 ,70.0 choosing a curve that best fits
position design Rotodyne : ?
,60.0 your application.
sigma schoep
Static pressure

Search engine output

Centrifugal 100.000h yes ,40.0
material impeller : S235JR Standard
type / diameter All All
Plug-in unit (WS) box 100% no 2000
Axial yes
wall ring (bell mouth) yes 1500

DIN tubes (BUK/BUL/BIFC) BUL ,20.0

Shaft output

fixed diameter All 1000

blade material one direction cast aluminum

Acoustic design tol grade: AN-3 +4

Acoustic insulation none mm 0 ,0.0

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000
Silencer type none
Directivity (indication) no 0° Flow
Distance free field 1 m ηe / ηtarget = 108%

If one suspects that the appropriate fan is not in the list, or if there is no results at all, one can
try to change the search database.

Search engine accuracy low

Range standard only
fixed type & diameter

Change the range from “standard only” to “non-standard included”. Note that the “standard
only” fans can be delivered in shorter delivery times and are financially more attractive

Selection Program Manual

8 rotodyne-asselbergs
The search engine accuracy can be changed to “middle” or “high” if it is suspected that the
result lies to far from the desired requirements.
In case a fan type is well known you can select the specific type and diameter from drop
down menu "fixed type & diameter". The button will become green and the search engine is

Once a fan has been selected it will be displayed in the selection box (yellow). If applicable,
there can be a message or warning (such as motor power too low). An attempt should be
made to resolve this by changing the selection parameters. Some warnings, such as starting
time for example, have to be verified by a Rotodyne engineer. Resolving these warnings
require some expertise or system knowledge and need to be addressed when discussing
your selection with Rotodyne.

flow static total efficiency power

your selection Lock
m³/h Pa Pa fan actual motor max curve Selection
CV-710/900-D18 21700 2354 2487 82% 18.4kW 3kW 19.9kW
Systemcurve with fixed flo w: no Lp free in- outlet: 91dB(A) Lp radiation casing: 72dB(A) 1455 Unlock
900 D18 WARNING: 1 motorpower too low !! Selection
print datasheet print design

If the chosen fan is appropriate, the “Lock Selection” button can be used to focus on this fan
only. The parameters associated with the selected fan can now be fiddled with to investigate
their influence on this fan. Press the “Unlock Selection” button if you want to start a new

System curve with fixed flow: if “yes” is selected the flow of the working point will be fixed and
only the pressure will float. If “no” is selected (default setting) both flow and pressure will be

Changing the generated acoustic noise characteristics

If the selected fan produces too much noise for the considered application a sound
attenuator and/or acoustic isolation can be opted for.

Acoustic design tol grade: AN-3 +4

Acoustic insulation none mm

Silencer type none
Directivity (indication) no 0°
Distance free field 1 m

For the isolation of the housing use the pull down menu and select the isolation thickness.
The result for the sound pressure level will be displayed immediately in the yellow selection
box at “Lp radiation housing”. In the same way a choice can be made between standard
sound attenuators to reduce the sound pressure level at the out- and/or inlet. More detailed
information on the acoustic performance of the fan can be found on the datasheet.
If there is a specific directivity you can choose a angle of directivity. Standard ( selection
"no") the directivity will be spherical.
Standard tolerance grade: AN-3

1.2.4 Printing the resulting selection

Having selected an appropriate fan one can directly print the fan data sheet. Push the “print
datasheet” button and the selection program will generate the print example of the data
sheet. Then print it to a printer or to Adobe for a pdf-file.

Selection Program Manual

9 rotodyne-asselbergs
Do specify information about your company and the project (reference) at the “input data
header datasheet”. This information will be shown at the fan data sheet and the drawing. You
can also choose an orientation of the outlet. (design position)

Input data header datasheet

Client: Rotodyne
position design Rotodyne : ?

A drawing can be generated for some types of fans. In the current version of the selection
program the drawings for axial wall rings, BIFC, BUK and BUL can be generated. Drawings
for the D and P-type fans are also included. Rotodyne will continue to extend the database
so that drawing for other types can also be generated in future.

Selection Program Manual

10 rotodyne-asselbergs
2. Technical parameters and mathematical equations
The extra tab "f(x)" is added for technical use. If mathematical conversions from
measurement to data are needed in the PLC one can copy and paste the equation in cubic
format from this excel sheet. However, at present this can only be used for centrifugal fans.
 Normally the curves of a fan have the flow along the x-axis of the floww graph, the
pressure on the y-axis on the left and the shaft power on the right y-axis. The cubic
equation of these curves can be found in the A chapter of the tab f(x).
 One often has a given pressure but needs to know the corresponding flow at a certain
rotation speed and temperature. The required equation can be found in the B
chapter. The only remaining problem is the possibility of two results at the same time.
This requires confining the curve to the desired area. The thin black curve gives the
accuracy of the defined equation.

restricted area
cut off static pressure Q Pst

m³/h Pa
curve restriction 1 44410 678 -MIN PRESSURE
cut off 1 2 39480 1105
3 34540 1468
4 29610 1769
5 24670 2014
6 19740 2205
curve restriction 7 14800 2346
cut off 8 8 9870 2439 -MAX PRESSURE
9 9870 2439
10 9870 2439

Simply alter the “cut off” amount (in this case 1 and 8) and decide if the created curve
suits the needs. The “min pressure” and the “max pressure” give the range of the
 Chapter C the same, only now the input is the shaft power. In the case that only the
current or supply power, i.e. one of the electrical power quantities, is available, first
transform these quantities to the (mechanical) shaft power.

Selection Program Manual

11 rotodyne-asselbergs
3. Receiving a proposal
After sleceting an appropriate fan a commercial proposal can be solicited from Rotodyne by
completing the Inquiry sheet.

Please use the button on the “inquiry sheet” to send your request to your preferred Rotodyne
relation (from the list) or to the general address at [email protected]. We will respond

If any additional specifications need to be considered a note can be added in the area
labeled “remarks” on the “inquiry sheet”. Alternatively it can be described in the message
accompanying the request. We will take consider these additional specifications in a
complete proposal.

Selection Program Manual

12 rotodyne-asselbergs
4. Assistance
Please do not hesitate to contact Rotodyne when needing assistance. Please also report
faults or a lack of clarity in selections to Rotodyne.

Our contact data:

Rotodyne Ventilatoren B.V.
Keizersveld 14
5803 AN Venray
Tel.: +31 478 559955
Fax.: +31 478 559900
e-mail: [email protected]

You can of course always contact your contact at Rotodyne for assistance.

5. Revision
02 - installation: activate iterative calculation
03 - DAZ: double inlet fans.
- Inquiry sheet
- Activate iterative calculation not necessary any more.
04 - fixed flow
05 - overall appearance
06 - No solver needed.
- DS: Dual Stage fans.
- Acoustic design: tolerance grade and directivity
- fixed type & diameter
- documentation ecodesign ErP
07 - general update.

Selection Program Manual

13 rotodyne-asselbergs

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