How To Use The VLC Media Player v17
How To Use The VLC Media Player v17
How To Use The VLC Media Player v17
The VLC Media Player can be used to stream audio from the PC to the Barix Exstreamers or Barix
Annuncicoms. But it can also listen to Barix encoders, like the Barix Instreamer and the Barix Annuncicom.
It is a freeware software and can be downloaded from
This document is referring to the current available VLC Media Player version 2.0.6.
To stream from the VLC to a Barix Exstreamer or Annuncicom execute the following steps:
Option command for RTP Streaming (requires RTP Listen Port on Barix devices) :
(generates a RTP multicast stream to port number 4444, this stream is e.g. Streaming Client compatible)
for that other applications like the ICgraph application from Barix are better.
Nevertherless it is possible but a little bit tricky.
The microphone interface on the PC is only as PCM audio available, to stream it is should be converted to MP3.
(Attention, both commands are for RAW UDP streaming, before you copy and paste the commands change the IP address
and port number to your required settings!)