This document outlines 17 criteria for scoring commercial vehicle loan applications, divided into general, conduct, and other criteria. It provides the scoring assigned to different potential values for each criteria, with the maximum total scores being 40 for general, 25 for conduct, and 35 for other criteria. The overall rating is calculated as a percentage of the total scores achieved across all criteria. Key criteria include loan repayment history, income to loan ratio, collateral value, CIBIL score, and experience in the related industry.
This document outlines 17 criteria for scoring commercial vehicle loan applications, divided into general, conduct, and other criteria. It provides the scoring assigned to different potential values for each criteria, with the maximum total scores being 40 for general, 25 for conduct, and 35 for other criteria. The overall rating is calculated as a percentage of the total scores achieved across all criteria. Key criteria include loan repayment history, income to loan ratio, collateral value, CIBIL score, and experience in the related industry.
This document outlines 17 criteria for scoring commercial vehicle loan applications, divided into general, conduct, and other criteria. It provides the scoring assigned to different potential values for each criteria, with the maximum total scores being 40 for general, 25 for conduct, and 35 for other criteria. The overall rating is calculated as a percentage of the total scores achieved across all criteria. Key criteria include loan repayment history, income to loan ratio, collateral value, CIBIL score, and experience in the related industry.
This document outlines 17 criteria for scoring commercial vehicle loan applications, divided into general, conduct, and other criteria. It provides the scoring assigned to different potential values for each criteria, with the maximum total scores being 40 for general, 25 for conduct, and 35 for other criteria. The overall rating is calculated as a percentage of the total scores achieved across all criteria. Key criteria include loan repayment history, income to loan ratio, collateral value, CIBIL score, and experience in the related industry.
Credit Scoring - Finance to Commercial Vehicle Product
Parameter Value Max Score Score
Loan Amount (Rs. InLakh)
Sr. General Criteria
No. 1 (Gross Annual income X >=10 10 No. of years of loan >5 and <10 5 proposed) / (Loan Amount >2.50 and <=5 3 Proposed + Current Loan O/s <=2.50 0 2 (Loan Amount Proposed + <=2.50 5 Current Loan O/s) / Net- >2.50 and <3.50 3 worth of the borrower* >= 3.50 0 3 No. of dependent members <3 5 in family 03 to 05 3 >5 0 4 No. of existing vehicles in 3-4 Vehicles 5 operation 1-2 Vehicles 3 No Vehicle 0 5 Borrower’s Accommodation Owning a house 5 details Living in ancestralhouse 4 Leased /rented accommodation>2 yrs 2 Leased /rented accommodation<2 yrs 0 6 Age of Borrower <35 Years 5 >=35 years and <=50 4 > 50 Years 2 7 Borrower having a Valid In Own Name 5 DrivingLicense In the name of the family member 3 Other than Family Members 1 Total Score (out of max. possible score 40) 40 Conduct Criteria 8 (A In case of existing lending No Delays in repayment 5 ) client-Pastrepayment Maximum delay of 30 days observed & 3 Experience regularized Delays in repayment of above 30 days 0 OR 8 (B Existing Satisfactory PSB’s Bank 5 ) Bankingrelationship (more Other Bank (including 3 than 6 months) with Co-operative Banks,RRBs) No banking relationship or less than 0 months relationship 9 DSCR (Average ) >2 5 >=1.5 but <=2 3 <1.5 0 10 ICR >2 5 >=1.5 but <=2 3 <1.5 0 11 CIBIL score of the >750 # 10 borrower/Firm >700 but <=750 5 >300 but <=700 3 <300 0 12 Filing IT Return Yes 5 No 0 Total Score (out of max. possible score 25) 30 Other Criteria 13 Collateral Collateral (RSV) valueequal to or more (Applicable only for than 100% of the exposure (In case of term cases with Loan) and/ or equal to or more than 125% exposure above Rs.10 lakh) of the exposure (In case ofworking capital). 10 Collateral (RSV) value more than 75% but lessthan 100% of the exposure (Term Loan) and / or More than 100% but less than 125% of the exposure (Working Capital) / Covered under Hybrid Security 7 CGTMSE coverageobtained for entire credit facility 5 14 Experience in the related 3 years or more 5 >= 1 years but less than 3 years 3 Less than 1 year 0 Type of Vehicle Financed New 5 Old 0 16 Repayment Period of Loan upto 3 Years 5 > 3 years to 5 Years 3 > 5 years 2 17 Transport contracts Written arrangement 5 Unwritten arrangement 2 No arrangement 0 Total Score (out of max. possible score 35) 30
Total Rating Score (%) 100
* To be calculated based on Field visit and interview of the borrower.# Please refer latest CIBIL guidelines for cut-off score. Note: Wherever parameter is/are not applicable score to be calculated on pro-rata basis