Credit Scoring Checklist

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Credit Scoring - Finance to Commercial Vehicle Product

Parameter Value Max Score Score


Loan Amount (Rs. InLakh)

Sr. General Criteria

1 (Gross Annual income X >=10 10
No. of years of loan >5 and <10 5
proposed) / (Loan Amount >2.50 and <=5 3
Proposed + Current Loan O/s <=2.50 0
2 (Loan Amount Proposed + <=2.50 5
Current Loan O/s) / Net- >2.50 and <3.50 3
worth of the borrower* >= 3.50 0
3 No. of dependent members <3 5
in family 03 to 05 3
>5 0
4 No. of existing vehicles in 3-4 Vehicles 5
operation 1-2 Vehicles 3
No Vehicle 0
5 Borrower’s Accommodation Owning a house 5
details Living in ancestralhouse 4
Leased /rented accommodation>2 yrs 2
Leased /rented accommodation<2 yrs 0
6 Age of Borrower <35 Years 5
>=35 years and <=50 4
> 50 Years 2
7 Borrower having a Valid In Own Name 5
DrivingLicense In the name of the family member 3
Other than Family Members 1
Total Score (out of max. possible score 40) 40
Conduct Criteria
8 (A In case of existing lending No Delays in repayment 5
) client-Pastrepayment
Maximum delay of 30 days observed & 3
Delays in repayment of above 30 days 0
8 (B Existing Satisfactory PSB’s Bank 5
) Bankingrelationship (more Other Bank (including 3
than 6 months) with Co-operative Banks,RRBs)
No banking relationship or less than 0
months relationship
9 DSCR (Average ) >2 5
>=1.5 but <=2 3
<1.5 0
10 ICR >2 5
>=1.5 but <=2 3
<1.5 0
11 CIBIL score of the >750 # 10
borrower/Firm >700 but <=750 5
>300 but <=700 3
<300 0
12 Filing IT Return Yes 5
No 0
Total Score (out of max. possible score 25) 30
Other Criteria
13 Collateral Collateral (RSV) valueequal to or more
(Applicable only for than 100% of the exposure (In case of term
cases with Loan) and/ or equal to or more than 125%
exposure above Rs.10 lakh) of the exposure (In case ofworking capital).
Collateral (RSV) value more than 75% but
lessthan 100% of the exposure (Term Loan)
and / or More than 100% but less than
125% of the exposure (Working Capital) /
Covered under Hybrid Security 7
CGTMSE coverageobtained for entire
credit facility 5
14 Experience in the related 3 years or more 5
>= 1 years but less than 3 years 3
Less than 1 year 0
Type of Vehicle Financed New 5
Old 0
16 Repayment Period of Loan upto 3 Years 5
> 3 years to 5 Years 3
> 5 years 2
17 Transport contracts Written arrangement 5
Unwritten arrangement 2
No arrangement 0
Total Score (out of max. possible score 35) 30

Total Rating Score (%) 100

* To be calculated based on Field visit and interview of the borrower.# Please refer latest CIBIL
guidelines for cut-off score.
Note: Wherever parameter is/are not applicable score to be calculated on pro-rata basis

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