Year 9 Physics Exams 2022-2023

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NAME SCORE:________________

SUBJECT: Physics

Year 9 Time: 1h00mins


Write with a good sharpened pencil

You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Answer all questions.
The total number of marks for this paper is 40.

1|P a g e
1. Which of these will happen when energy is conserved?
Tick one correct answer.

The quantity of energy will increase

The quantity of energy will stay the same.

A quantity of energy can be made

A quantity of energy can be destroyed

(2 marks)

2. Which of these shows conservation of energy in an electric lamp?

Tick one correct answer

Energy input to the lamp equals energy output from the lamp

Energy imput to the lamp is greater than energy output from the lamp.

Energy input to the lamp is less than energy output from the lamp.

The lamp should be switched off when not being used.

(2 marks)

3. 100J of electrical energy is supplied to a moter. The electrical energy is changed to thermal
and kinetic energy in the motor. White down the total quantity of the thermal and kinetic
energy charged in the motor.


(2 marks)

2|P a g e
4. A car engine changes chemical energy to thermal and kinetic energy. A total of 3500J of
thermal and kinetic energy are changed. Write down the quantity of chemical energy
changed in the engine.

(2 marks)

5. Write down the law of conservation of energy.


(2 marks)

6. An electic lamp changes electric energy to light and thermal energy. Explain how the law
of conservation of energy applies to this electric lamp.
(2 marks)

7. An electric motor changes electrical energy into kinetic and thermal energy. 65% of the
electrical energy is changed to kinetic energy. Calculate the percentage of electrical energy
changed to thermal energy.

(2 marks)

8. An electrical lamp takes in 1000 J of electrical energy. The lamp wastes 850J of
energy.Calculate the quantity of useful energy changed by the lamp.

(2 marks)

3|P a g e
9. A television changes electrical energy into thermal, light and sound energy. 50% of the
energy is changed to the thermal.
30% of the energy is changed to light.
a. Calculate the percentage of the energy changed to sound.

(2 marks)

b. Draw a labelled energy flow diagram for the television in the space below.

(2 marks)
10. Two objects are in contact. The two objects are at different temperatures. Describe the
direction of thermal energy transfer between these two objects.


(2 marks)

4|P a g e

5|P a g e

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