Huseni Research Assignment 2
Huseni Research Assignment 2
Huseni Research Assignment 2
educators when they are in different geographical locations. Technology innovation and
conducted extensive research to explore the benefits and limitations of this approach.
learning institutions such as universities and colleges. On the other hand, Mensah et al.
indicate that the outbreak of Covid 19 pandemic contributed to fueling this educational
practice as many institutions were forced to shift to digital learning to respond to the
social containment measures such as lockdowns, social distancing, and temporary closure
of public places (Mensah et al., 2020). Fidalgo et al. suggest that the practice has
provided vast benefits, including addressing the diverse educational needs of students in
various parts of the world (Fidalgo et al., 2020). Thanks to the program, information
access to the distribution of educational content have become more accessible and
of DE. The author suggests that the approach has its significant share of benefits and
limitations. The article also highlights the indispensable role technological advancements
perceived as part of the innovation which has played a pivotal role in allowing students to
maintain contact with their teachers, bridge the gap, and facilitate the distribution of
students can study from anywhere and at any time. The source also indicates that distance
education contributes significantly to saving monetary resources since they can study
from wherever they are without being required to relocate from one place to another or
travel daily to school. DE also enables students to earn while studying by offering a
flexible learning schedule that makes it easy to study after school (Sadeghi, 2019). The
instructional method also helps in saving time and provides the flexibility to choose
between different types of learning schedules that are more convenient and help meet
their needs without having to stick to a fixed schedule. The journal article by Al
Rawashdeh et al. also affirms that DE offers flexibility by allowing learners to take
classes anywhere with various learning approaches (Al Rawashdeh et al., 2021). The
source also indicates that the practice may result in a better quality of teaching and
learning. The reason is that it ensures that students participate in the learning process,
techniques that may aid in making the learning process more exciting and beneficial.
phenomenon increases the possibility of cheating and minimizes direct control (Korolkov
et al., 2020). Social isolation may interfere with some aspects of hands-on skills
development and limit the capacity to understand some practical subjects. Manijeh
interactions, or students who can help with constant reminders about impending
facilitate distance learning which often necessitates investing in various equipment, such
as a stable internet connection and a PC (Mensah et al., 2020). Again, the class sessions
may stand still if there is power disconnection, software or hardware malfunction, and
other technical issues. DE also limits social interactions since an individual study at home
alone, minimizing the physical interactions that a traditional classroom offers. The
approach may also limit learners' interaction with teachers since it relies on
communication platforms such as emails may often hinder the immediate response.
● What is your personal opinion on this issue? Do you agree with the
research? If you agree or disagree, please explain why?
● Provide examples/experiences regarding this issue from school
perspective or If you are not working in a school, from your profession. Be
specific with your examples. You can mention software/hardware names,
specific methods that you plan to use, etc.
● How would you implement this research in your career? (At least 1
Generally, researchers view distance education as an approach that has played a
crucial role in breaking geographical barriers to education. The phenomenon has allowed
learning to thrive between individuals in different locations. Studies affirm that the
learning program has its advantages and disadvantages. Some benefits include saving
time and resources, flexibility, and improving the quality of learning. The drawbacks
include increasing social isolation, overreliance on complex technology, hindering
immediate response by the instructors, lack of direct control, and the possibility of
Therefore, there is a crucial need to reexamine the method and invent appropriate
measures that can help enhance its effectiveness while ensuring that learners and
● Cite at least 5 References in APA.
● You may use for citing
your sources in APA style.
Al Rawashdeh, A. Z., Mohammed, E. Y., Al Arab, A. R., Alara, M., Al-Rawashdeh, B.,
e-Learning, 19(3), 107-117.
Education, 17(1).
students. Frontiers in Public
Health, 8.