Static Part 1

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Section - 1A)

a)knousledge Knousledgeis understonding gained hrough learning on


b) pleasant We apent a pleasat aterunoon at the beaeh

) Invitation Invitation is wrutHen spoken ruauest do to
a ort come
on event
d)Reputition Repeti tion is om act Instana o rapeoting
e) Destruchon The destnuecthon o eondemned building ill take placa soonm
limidityThe programme helps students to ourcome thiert timidid n
speakng English
3)Tender A 4ender is amal o4an a to suppha good s or do a

Jo orr an
agreed prue
n) Loss Thestorm caused widaspraad los9-o electnicity.
Choice: You made a good choice
grod co
J)Aruival We apolozise Jor tha lade aruruna o tram.

awho Who is
b) whose whose bodyguard your
birthday is it today
e) whom With whom,
ane you talkina:
dwho's I dont knos, who's
e) which calling me
Which carr are
ou oina in ?
4) that -

I thought that was the best way to

who ever carruy hen
pruze will be
given whoevert solves tha ruddle
nwhomever I will go thnough tha dail rasponsibl ities wwth shomaver
gets tha Jolo
what -

What is our
plan in his
your plan this oliday
)whadever Sha beliexes him whateven he
o. h
as done
done someth
pertson who.
. the amly
A shame to his Jar
black sheep o bad that brungs
a)The wos ashmad
because his oami
black sheep o the Jomil
He is
or his .

be needed
it migt be
Ho save mone
keep ort
oa rany day
b)To unetpectedy
had saved money orr a day
rainy day
Luekily . she
e)To be im olovert m ease and luurTy
anound in the sun
and ishing
We'l| be in dover douon there, lang
on the lake
To take fim deci gion
d)To burn one's boats >

hm nou
He has alasady burn his boat 1 cannot halp

e)To blo yourt own trumpet oast himself / yourtsel¥

He aluays bora us by blowmg his trumpet

a)It's a long time sinea she has been o 9ok
a) Solid- liquid Mo
b) le have been stayinq here s e ten korts
6)guiy-Innocant I deided Ho shit m ofhan ploco
c)expands shrunkse) 1 sa him thra dage op,uan ka boht
awake abook inbookstore

d) d'shich tho man is aa camedy play b Ahe

Which is tha
e) stragh+ - urtved brutish wruterr Hannoh
eThas is tha bast lm,1 hae ever watthad

) On the contranu It wosnt god thing on ha ses a huge

D) Sooner or later Yes,we all go soonere or laterc, some o us leave a bit soonert
thar otherts.
C) In Silenca Thay staod in slenca.
Anmed to tha teeth oth countries in tha. contliut- ane armed to Ha
Section- i(C)

Mea dowS eld o arass Couss and goat5 grazng in meadews)


gal loping Jastest pac o a horse (1he hortse rider hurts the
do the area)
likel prolonble Thena is likel o be rain tomorurow)
9ater in a
to drunk
brook- small sBruamThe lion o nast

brok hunt
to a

dinachon The black panthert leaped

leaped- move quuekly to a

shruoked when she s a s a

shniek -

Seraam m a shrullvoica(She
uidr whgped
animals with piaue of rope Th honse
whpped- hiting

he horse
to move ast)
asonished to see yo)
astonished- Suprused araatly ( I s a s d
or make a gruat efort to
Struaging -
1experuening dituly
Ha wae struug m mova because
ot his
dstessTha man wa
dup souhd ot pam

roanim Aong his pain

becase o}

Taised its ea
2 Pricked up his earts
a horse
On horse back rudina
lost the scent Losg s e n g o
At manimum velout
ot Jull speed
without a bend , ongle or urlvR
making straight or
wild uith tught
sharrp round move quickly
Serwes him rught someone who has bekaved bad
paltioular punishmenf

neve yet could make out

Leave o We ugually lewve o 4ha scho as S0on as the bell r t

Ten coou buses Ttun abot every 20minutes

HeFEA aopu TS mrt
8et o We have to
gel o}the impact o drugs trm sotie
ill do
LOrtd pruertHo use ge
He will do
aoout busses about
evey 20minules hutougn out he

um aflen
sh mu dog would'nt TUU
my ajtert carTs
dashed acrtoss Tahmid dashe d oeruOss tho bys straa to qet tha

tha end oln-The end ot hen lie sBarded Ais weekend

or me -

As or me, I like chicken beler than bee

qoing on -What sas on hi mind 9

3. The dogs
dogs ran ih hairr noses to grtound to nd ond
hunt hare
b) The Sound Yo!o,D1 mad bu doqs hich modo Hhe hara
wild ith righ+
e) Tha huntsman whipped o the dogs to
pravente ba uom
Horning to pecas
Th Sadsad sight, ona o he horsa was stugnq an ondd

tko other one sos groaning made te hortse astonish e

e)iaqral with He old korrse's viQLS on hunting because hunting

tis kind osporurs hurt othar animals and damage
Chops and olds oo
mo on less- He morg on les startes the m
Ho se rus -Thay make me s e rad
tim bungM coT is being rupohus,$ fon th ims being
hnto us tha bus.
Secdion - 2 (A)

a)engaqed - 4irad/eua.b) Dravery Cowandic c)Silent DIS

d)mean - kind genarr e) sound asleep awaue

2 Seenar She dasigned a

seenany o the pla
ii) Pigeon We tha
) raaedy
con see Pigeons ng
Hert Son's daath terruble rtagedyragedy

sas a

iv)shapend They shepherded tha bil through congruss

vbicycle- I will go tharo by bigele
vi oncient - The wortld goverening bod dismissed i4 as ancient

v patiet She was tough bi wondenul th her padiends
v enemu Tradiion is the enemythe progress
ix)Jwellery- She has some lo vel piecas o jaellen
olencR - Dhuving ithou a license is an otenee
3. ) A rough diamond penson sho is genercall ogood

eHern but latk, manners, or stl2

M d arond athern is a bit o arLough diomond

i) T cast peards beorre susinewesting time by oBkrung

Sometnavalued that is helpul to someona uso daesn undarsnd it
You do valud,1 s
nod whal should be cos
ting peunls betore

in)The pple o his, eyes -

Something ort Someone is
prua ousort deat Ho hmvert
His youngest daughter was th

apple o his ayes.

iT mevern twns but itpours
wen something bad happe-
otherd things usually hoppen at the Same tme

7he team not only os tha game but thie o its besl phyens
injuned, i40,neven ains but it pourns
V) Neus brwoms sweep cloan
people n e l appointed to positio
rusponsilolH Hend Ho make
orn-reach1nA ehon hn, beea
Tha prusident will replaca mos o tha people on the stalfih
neo ornoom S

Suseap lea)

)Aaboutdozen ort so
121 dozen ort SO Carns werte panked neare the
i) on this occasion
Ho See
evenyone ogethert on 4his
with diffiuulty 1 made musel undzsdod uidh
He as ging ud in 4he diieulty
aca ondww.is0
braadhina wth
iv) ecoverrad his difAat
oroathWhen he On
had recoverted
recoverwd his braath,
braath, he tunrned
he U
me angu
v) a
square daa ALl
se want is a air ondadaal
V n.o
hurtny I am in a
hwnry to pack ond coatch tme bus to tha
vi) 9horok irnportt
his hesd
M boss shok his head ond I kneus not to ask
vIt in a tran c Raba & Marua
staung out the window in a

5. Diffenence
a) A cushion Cushions are thougt o as decorative oçcants or
CoUches, chairns
pillo w Plos sareves a role moedrom,
supportt our head

6) A sauce Sause is a
liquid usod to dss dish a
A stow
Straus is a
wayelcooking,nod a panlicalan bod.
e An ornchand isa eature olartqe garden, kdre rt serves aM
esthatic as a wdI as Prtocucdive purgose
3ardan 14 is a pbanned spoaca, usually in outdoors , ond a

halted stop
He halted us rom going thore

Sliped a Jall to a lower leve

The beok cuas slipped o4ut rom my hand

0O21n slowly truckle on seep ou osomething
lood slowly obzinq ramawond in his hand
Patallel Side
bx side ond having same distanaa between tham centinously
Ter are tuo parallel limes
Eraet .

rigidl upright on
She stood ertacd with her arms by hen Side

motionless n movin
An eagle hung almost motonlessclose to tha qtound
Aduts A parson sho is ull daveopes grousnor

now adults
Thay arte

browsed to look thnough randomly orn saaachn

bookstoras to browse
1stopped in savena

Shrill:A Ashoartp high-pitthed tone

hee had a shrilled ond hgh pHched voite.

Concealed hiddan
T h a controls arte cancaaled behind a

a)The explorar Jound ha ood prunt n he mud.

b)They knewed 4ho th oot puts wera R ones because tha foot prtin
didnt match withh any othn cruoturuS.

e)The werr s0 aston1shed so they stopped speaking

d) The sBronge lHe craaunes was plaving onound its panents ond
oher was eaing
excited because thoy discovere d amew creature
e They we
2.a) imprinted in he so mad ha mprassion o
Hett tha
ingens in the somud
b)in an eastasy i n a stale o
o happinesS
enteme happiness

) died amy inlo a whispert -gradu all become raduced and

d) At ourt leisure-at Our con vonienci
e) can brung 4harn appearance home to you to make4hem la
awarte hos hay loo ver dangeouS
rom 4ime Ho fime Oc0sionally
)thea was a lim1t wo.s a point orn line beuond which
ig nol perunited to go.
Ostrich A large
lorge liglless lircd o the genus Stnulhio
Lizard A Small sqamate rreptile
Crocodile-A lang Squamat ruptile
Kangartod - A martsupial onimal and the ived in Australia

Comordalole -

Untom.ortable Ton Jking tuncomorclabe

)ortun i s onduneHe cant win a loteay, hs is his misorhune

baliev isoaw Dont croctemisbehevencss 0nq sHesun

is beli R ho
oruruct mcoructTka sentence, ou wrote is inoruu
id untidy Hha nsom is untidy
nestura unnaturalh ploa seems ke uwnahural
vinerushinq - unmeneshng [Ldlingninteaasting
Uin) contnue
As sanerty IS dl and unimterastin
discont1na Ta Fery
sari was discoutinuad by th
pro prucrorts
vix) polu tel- impeliely THe borcud impoli lel Jon
)pper - dsappen mon seems fo loe disap penud
Saction- 9 A)
Adjectie orms buta depIction o 4he war
utal violent. The moyie is a

cesty :impained by lack o acant pracfice

M s litle rusly
waste lul: using cargle ssly so thatwasted
We must elminale wastelul enpernditurs.
uriouS : angry He was uruous about the aecidant.
V.wty: clevern & humonous He was much in demand as a wit speaker
viHirad In need o us &Sleep 1 om s0 4inad of his dand-end olb .
vii. humourLo us unny TH a humoutous look at the wordd of ashion.
wi braothless not bathing > They werta braathless with otiuipahion.
ix blame worthy : ras
ponsible ore wrong dn3
equally blame usorhy for this aiune
Jabledmghica or imaginaru
Her ees aro
laloled to
2. Dierence
rung life to the unbortn

oExcapt speciy excluded ruom a

eategory grtoup
ive classes o adverctsement anad exespted
Aecept: consent 4o rectjve orn undertake rom control.
He accapted a pen os a ptuseNt
b) Past in time and
gone by no
Honger enstin
The donger 1s no past
Pas sed move on CAA o mova ina speuhed direction
He passed through towns omd vi|lages
Coach Someone whose Tolb is to teash people 4o
imprtove gill
I was
appoinHed a s a head cooach o this team .
Couch , Sosa
The sat on tha coucn

Piece A porction oan object

I need +he piece o meat.
Peace fraedom rom disturbanct
le try to live in peace with ousn neighborss.
dinnerc evenina meal
We had many pleasant dinnerts togelert
diner A person who's diming or

dimer closes oat Aen'o dock.

aTo have o sigh Her Sigh a S a minhuw o condemment

b)Sade ond sound He ned home eate ond sound
e) a ull speecd "he caurt is TLunning al Jull speed.
d) down aheel- The tooun has became very down at koe
eto die Quay- he rung-nally begon do die aumy in late akarom
a thousand o one 1h a Hhousand to one nothing comes ot
Lsome-thin rwm) my
just ston's 4hnos
9) a stone'shroud M schol is a

(yn shent i )

A. o s aostion
I kno He ongwert
daubled his abilty succ2ed
Doubt - Sha
1 was a dumb idea, t a efirst plac
p huge debts
Debt - T e compan hag un

dl wob in elbekuise

Knab Tunn
Hs endnsiv kxaculkdge
knowledqe -

ghly on Hla dronn

h I Lnotked
knock r

bought. I hamawenk
assiqnes us 50 o k prublams on
assiqm T Heacher
Caught He Caught l b doa by Shaap shaep-pen shaapco

6. Houso None kaaP

e n C30p/ Hen house
a quaruum

sBable Hen crop

Horrse Small dhiehken
bexs Hrve
Cow shed rabbts hutch
tam birtds s t s ,
P'sy/Pigsty Ooqskennel
Secdion 30)
assuled- violent attack
He. l t assulted ort.his behaviour
thrash- to hit a pernson ort animal and imes as a punshme
He thrashed 4he horse with his w
Retneat to go to a sale place In orider to avoida danger
Dhen h has done Somehmg Unong,he ratsa-ds to his bednoom.

Clench 4o hold somethimg tia"d

He clenched his Jist and aved it ad the crowd
pummelmng act o kiting Tepeactedl
H e knows how back
to come rum a
stopped the top half of tho lbody bent Jortusard and dour
Sha is small
ond slighlly slonped
Sham ake ot to przetend
He iS Just shamm1ng that ha is upset
tracturad -to braak ort erack
She racturad kan skull in 4ha octident
torun cloth
Tag a pie o
1 use this rags or eleaning
Surli do in a churish manner

He ted
wos sunlilu
2.Fnprussion meaning.
a)You have no business hena: You have no wor to do kar

bChe rud o To raeaom

e) suallow sueh on insult oaccept an Insult
dlose uarnt beceme digcourage Physieal
e) in parttect doing, activities on else
tranIna praparuna pertectl
.a) East &Tom atacked Flashman because Flaghmam was
brutal to evenybo du and stucked Tom

b)Diags sas he w see

atair play
In inst ound, flashman stnuek Tom
d)Tom and
Sil - Police otficans have to be skilful drivens

eight Seven phs one is eaal to ea

welfth Sheinished tuoelfth in har oage
weleome She welcomed
the students into herr home
Solemn He spoke m a solemm and thought mannert
wo6llen t h i c k wollen uwinten cocct is a sponge

begnnmg We missed tha beginn mg o} +he movie

Ceiling The ainplane hos cailing o 32,004fA

awkwarnd - Amy made an auwkwartd gestura with hand

pproach - He d i d n t
approach tha ront daor at on

3. a) auwn He bagom youning and lookimg at his wateh.

b) Sneeaæ -

Sneeze koften happens suddenly and wi4h at wornina

e) recipy Teed the racipy to make a home -made cakae.
d)exhausBed - she natarn heme exhausted tuom the wonk
e) Phone book sha ound +ha suruname in phonebook

2a)Thera's plenty o od, so

halp younset
b)Did 40u sleep wel in our mes house ',
e) You go
ond, a good_holiday
d) Don'
woruu 1
wory. can take
cara o myself
Wrap up well, T4s cold oudside
f) Look out, h's
ot a gun
)You nees to be care jul anDum d men

a)Atar> the table in dishian church lBrnds
eea omatoode-oe

AlHer0> make stnucturas changes

Halter v
She us shll
still younq
youna tohan sha was lad to tha altan
He alterad is will to leave evenythng to his sister
dindy Youn hands a dirty
dimgy Her haur uus dinqy onoun cblourn

14hy Wash youw hands kay arte

Hhy Leney dirdy
Ckenglan seized jols nom he able on sd datn
Ppe and escaped in to 4le igE
Ceascd he bird'> song ca sedabup
have yan ide too on
e) broak
ortake B r e -He applied h bakesbt ilad t
Twd bruack H aanumnd
brcach -

I hav oruends
7. Taenot many)
Som A2ew I hve a truonds

He (a bit oLndly We have htle time t

ompunt) Naish
Hle (small 4n Thenu's a tle cwne to in
Section- 5 (A)
shana he
elions largest parct o someth1nga
He did the hon's hara o 4he wornk
A man o h i s wortd A man who keeps promises
He 1s a man of his uword.
To clip one's wing s To rcastruet one's reedom.pouser
7 M mother is always ryng to keep dp m umg

Cud to quick ca someone deep disBness by a huntul ramark orachon

she oas cat to quck by his accusathon

wth a slact A sudden involumdarty move men

He ake with a startt

a) He itends to stay in hecoundrnyort tuso mon ths

Stop He stopped to usatkh 4he sunset
b) He was wanderung what he should do when he had inishe d his

uwondarting- He lisBened with on cirt ot onderung astonishment

)Therca have been eight editions o his back mtenears

addihon The holel is eended with addrion o nine rooms,

dHe had he halot o smokmg a

pipe oter lunch
ustom Tha ald English custom o} dancing ound tha mayp

e) He was no allowed to o ouct ater 8o clock because o tha darngen

oloud a raads tha leter aloud

A wol in sheep's elothing a pernson o some thing appearis ruendl

ort hanmless bud is hostile
a uwolt in sheep's
believe that any proposal o them was

traunt gchool without
To play to miss
Iraund 1om
She was geting inlo trouble over
playng rauH
deep seted
To have a
grudge against: Having a eelmg o
ort ill-wil
had a
grudae against you o gmortun

To come o age become ully erlabdlished

Spasa travel will theninally come o g

1To hit the nail on the head : And exacdly tha rught onsuert

the naul
I h e had beed nding a
uay to imprcass Plu,he had Ho hid
on tha hexd

Section 5 ( )
animal that is
0Statue A three dimensional taprusetation o a person ,
Produced by sculpturunq , modalina or cagtina

The statue o iberdy is locate d n Neus Yor .

Column A verdical division o a page or text orc

An upright pillan supponting a staucture

Turtn to page ve coklamn seven
Alighted To came dousn rom somedhing Synonym (y> lomd touch douwn
Artomym ) toke ot
7 Thay alighted rom t h bus

Curuous eagert to knos something

The cact us cunuous atoou its nes enviortonment.

Dranclu causing on involuing griad satrun rom kast on un happrness,

thought,it would be druadhul on me .
Detenmined having mado a irm decision.
He sas detornined to make us cake
drenched Wet roghlg
She 9aS drunched and sha king rcom cold
imposim height ot,
sha skowed lo
p Sha
hovina aaugty over bearun
bearuna manner

e Coanse Loose orr .

disraganud on their objections
Local rtough in textura
industnes iclude
include 4th
oster T seunlg tha cøarse clolhes

You have to asten youn Sead belt beore duvin

put uP aAe
3aest 9omeone oT a

Looked rtound : to go through placa in ortdort to see whad is then

lled uith pity: Capocity to
d pha
Cannot chsose but have no alHernativa Ho do something
seated at t i n position
yna ill to sound arificial
nothing to give him
Sank into a
delicious slumbert deep sleep

A hy did Ahe susallous alight between tha Jee o the hopP

hapy Pin

The scsallos alighted belween the kat o the happy pruna

to take rust. I+ usas a ne positionith a plentg t
resh ourL

)what was the curuous thimgs thad happened to the susallous?

The CuruouS thimg that happened
Ahima Ho susallous
uos alna a

lange dtop o waterr on him although thara usas no cloud in the ska.

e h waS the so-called happy princa not hapP

The So-Called happy prunce sas not happu because he could al 4ha see

and miseny o his cidy but a couldn do anthingorr them.

3ne ss
D) what did he slatue ask e Sudallos Ho do "
The statue asked the guallo o orvinga thu podr woman
tha ruby ou o his swortd-hilt.
ELwhat made Hhe liHle sick boy all asleep
onning o the allous made th liHle sick bo tall asleep

Seetion - 6 (A)

1 . i ear in yeart out . rapeated over a peruod o eart

h e y tented the same bonglou yacar. m,2rn out

Sugar the pill make an unpleasani on

painul necessiHy morte
The government stopped but the
age Imereases suguned pill bg
naduci ng taxes

egsed him on To
ure Orc encousta
Oum Suuu his Juends eqed him on Ho stamt Hha tood taht.
vroining eats8 dogs tams very hard
I+ sil
rauning cats &dogs alAer Hea
to aca the musiebe conromted uwith the unpleasant con saquentas
oone's aclion.
You sould dater have to tha muSIC
ace oNer ourn bold moves

2.Keenness The
qualHy oj bemg very tenegted or
eagen about
ohn approved o keenness tousork

Dizziness -a term used to destrube a

nmge o sensatioms
such eeling faint, usozy , weak
as on
7Dizziness is aHenm used to deserube a
ronge osRn sations
SAch as eeling aint or weak.

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