Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Gromacs: Project Report
Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Gromacs: Project Report
Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Gromacs: Project Report
Project report
1 Introduction 1
6 Conclusion 25
A Appendix 27
A.1 Comment on bonding potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
A.2 The TIP4P model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
A.3 The MD integrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
A.4 Comment on chemical reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
m Atomic mass u
p Pressure bar
q Charge e
r Position vector or distance nm
t Time ps
T Temperature K
u Velocity vector nm/ps
V Potential kJ/mol
1 ps = 10−12 s
1 nm = 10−9 m
1u = 1.660539040 · 10−27 kg ( “unified atomic mass unit”)
1e = 1.6021766208 · 10−19 C (“elementary charge”)
2 Basic Principles of MD Simulations
1 Introduction
Molecular simulations offer a way to generate thermodynamic data sets without any exper-
imental contribution, providing access to information that could otherwise not be obtained
without high effort or risk. The Molecular Dynamics (MD) and the Monte Carlo (MC) tech-
niques are the two main approaches to carry out such computer experiments.
In contrast to stochastic Monte Carlo equilibrium simulations, Molecular Dynamics are based
on an explicit time-evaluation of the dynamical behavior of a molecular system. This gives
a route to transport properties as well as time-dependent responses to perturbations [2]. In
molecular simulations, a system is often called a “box”, since the preparation process includes
the definition of a bounded volume and insertion of a certain amount of molecules into this
volume. The subsequent simulation computes how these molecules behave in this box. Finally,
desired properties such as density or viscosity can be derived from the simulated motion of
the atoms. The aim of this report is to give a short introduction to MD simulations and
present its application to a “simple” vapor-liquid equilibrium calculation using the software
package GROMACS (Groningen Machine for Chemical Simulations).
d d
ri = ui and mi · ui = f i , ∀ i = 1,...,N (2.1)
dt dt
with the atomic mass mi , its position ri , velocity ui and the force fi that causes the atom to
move in space. This force can be calculated from the potential energy V (rN ) which depends
on all positions of the N atoms in the system:
fi = − V (rN ) (2.2)
rN = (r1 , r2 , ...,rN )
and has to be calculated individually for every atom i. It should be emphasized that the
equations of motion are set up for atoms and not for molecules. However, molecular structures
are introduced by the potential.
The potential energy function V (rN ) accounts for both intermolecular and intramolecular in-
teractions. Intermolecular forces occur between non-bonded molecules that interact through
the electrostatic field of their protons and electrons. Intramolecular forces, in contrast, oc-
cur within molecules where associated atoms cannot move independently due to molecular
2 Basic Principles of MD Simulations
bonding. Within these two categories, different phenomena contribute to the potential energy
function V (rN ):
V (rN ) = Vnb (rN ) + Vb (rN ) (2.3)
Vnb (r ) =
Vij (ri ,rj ) (2.4)
i=1 j>i
Two common models for modeling intermolecular interactions are the Coulomb potential and
the Lennard-Jones potential [11]. As shown in figure 2.1 (right), a typical non-bonded po-
tential possesses a zero-gradient minimum, i.e. zero force. Two atoms in this configuration
neither attract nor repel each other.
Coulomb interactions occur between two (partially) charged atoms, as can be found in
ions or multipolar1 molecules. The related potential function contribution has the form:
1 qi · q j
VijCoulomb = · . (2.5)
4π · ε0 rij
| {z }
The factor2 f is referred to as electric conversion factor, qi and qj (unit: e) are the partial
charges of the atoms i and j. For many atomic groups these partial charges can be found in
literature. Otherwise, they can be determined by means of quantum mechanical calculations.
The (empirical) Lennard-Jones potential for these contributions can be stated as:
!12 !6
σij σij
VijLJ = 4εij − (2.6)
rij rij
Molecules constituted of atoms with different electronegativity.
f = 138.935458 kJ mol−1 nm e−2
2 Basic Principles of MD Simulations
and is visualized in figure 2.1 (left). As can be seen from the figure, parameter ε (kJ/mol)
corresponds to the depth of the energy minimum, whereas the parameter σ (nm) can be
thought of as atom specific diameter. The two quantities εij and σij are mean values and
normally calculated as:
εij = εi · εj (2.7)
√ 1
σij = σi · σj (OPLS) or σij = (σi + σj ) (AMBER)
for the interaction of atoms i and j. The quantities σi , σj and εi , εj are model parameters
and have to be fitted for each atomic group i and j.
Figure 2.1: Lennard-Jones potential (left), Coulomb potential (middle) and sum of both po-
tentials (right) for the interaction between O in ethylene glycol and H in methane. Parameters
taken from OPLS force field. σ12 = 0.277 nm and ε12 = 0.2988 kJ · mol−1 calculated as in eqn.
2.7; qO = −0.7 e, qH = 0.06 e.
The potential function for internal rotation is formulated as the sum of 4-atom (1-2-3-4) chain
rotations in a molecule. This means that rotations in longer chains are split into multiple 4-
atom (i,j,k,l) chain interactions:
Vtorsion = (2.8)
Since the 1-2-3 atom chain and 2-3-4 chain form two geometrical planes, the potential contri-
bution for internal rotation is formulated as function of the angle between these two planes,
2 Basic Principles of MD Simulations
the so-called “dihedral angle” φ, see3 figure 2.2. Consequently, the geometrical configuration
of the atoms in a 4-atom chain is termed “dihedral”.
As is known, rotation around multiple bonds, e.g. the double bond in ethene, is chemically not
possible. To prevent rotation around such bonds in a simulation, “improper dihedrals” can
be defined to force all four atoms to stay in one plane, i.e. in cis or trans configuration. The
dihedral angle of improper dihedrals is then kept constant in the simulation. The introduced
terms are essential to understand the force field files presented in section 5.
Figure 2.2: Dihedral angle3 φ of H1 -C2 -C3 and C2 -C3 -H4 planes in ethane.
Typically, harmonic potentials are used for all types of intramolecular interactions listed
above. These are formulated as functions of a displacement length or bending/torsion angles,
cf. equation 2.9. For further discussion on bonding potentials see also appendix A.1 .
3 Simplifications and Computational Aspects
′ ′′
𝑟12 𝑟12
The application of periodic boundary conditions has some consequences that must be taken
into account:
1. If atoms can move through periodic walls, they can also interact through them. This
leads to the minimum-image convention which states that an atom always interacts
with the closest “image”. It is visualized in figure 3.1: r12
0 00
< r12 , i.e. V12 is calculated
through the periodic boundary.
2. Application of periodic boundaries allows to reduce the number of molecules in the
system (make a smaller box). However, this reduction is still not unrestricted. In a
system with strong long-range interactions such as ionic systems, periodicity and a too
small box introduce a big error, since the atoms would interact with lots of remote
atoms but there are no such atoms present4 .
Methods like Ewald sum, PME, PPPM can reduce this problem.
3 Simplifications and Computational Aspects
(r ) =
VijLJ (rij ) (3.1)
i j>i ∧ rij <rLJ
cutof f
NpT simulation: In such a simulation, the pressure is kept constant besides the temper-
ature. Thus, the simulator is a combination of thermostat and so-called
barostat. The pressure is manipulated by constantly rescaling one or mul-
tiple dimensions of the box, i.e. all atom coordinates, during the simula-
Note also that “simulation contexts” are often referred to as “ensembles”, a term from statis-
tical thermodynamics. An extensive discussion on the concept of ensembles is presented by
Lucas [11], but is not important for this project.
4 Introduction to the Case Study
GROMACS is a free available open-source software package designed for molecular dynamics
simulations as well as subsequent analysis and evaluation of generated data. It was developed
in the 90s at the university of Groningen (Sweden) and is today maintained by universities and
research centers worldwide. It incorporates an implementation of all principles discussed in
the sections above. A practical introduction to GROMACS is given in section 5. More detailed
descriptions of the different methods and commands can be found in the GROMACS user
manual [1] and on the GROMACS web page5 . The Linux version of GROMACS will be used
within this project. Since there is no graphical user interface, commands are inserted through
the console only.
4 Introduction to the Case Study
The H2 S is removed from the gas phase through physical and reactive absorption. However,
the reactive contribution is not modeled in this MD project, see also appendix A.4.
Figure 4.1: Two-phase system of methane (CH4 ), hydrogen sulfide (H2 S), ethylene glycol
(MEG), methyl diethanolamine (MDEA) and water. Objective: Absorption of hazardous
component H2 S from a raw gas stream.
Figure 4.2: Simulation strategy for a two-phase system with periodic boundary conditions.
5 Molecular Simulations with GROMACS
1. Define molecular
structure of components
.pdb files
.tpr file
.tpr file
Figure 5.1: Basics steps of a GROMACS simulation and the most important file types that
are passed along the steps.
5 Molecular Simulations with GROMACS
Figure 5.2: Illustration of an ethylene glycol (MEG) molecule in Avogadro after geometrical
optimization. SMILES code: C(CO)O
Such programs usually allow for fast building of molecular structures through insertion of
molecular codes such as the Simplified molecular-input line-entry system (SMILES). If neces-
sary, the molecular structure of a component can be edited afterwards. In order to generate
a reasonable initial arrangement of the atoms in a molecule, it is recommended to perform a
simple geometry optimization as provided by Avogadro. Further, it is advantageous to rename
the “residue” RES to a unique identifier, e.g. MEG for ethylene glycol. This enables an easy
identification of the molecules in the evaluation process and for plotting. Finally, the struc-
ture is saved as .pdb file that contains information about the type of atoms in a molecule,
their positions and connectivity. An exemplary .pdb file is given in figure 5.3.
atom coordinates (x,y,z)
HETATM 1 C MEG 1 1.263 -0.256 0.128 1.00 0.00 C
HETATM 2 C MEG 1 0.367 -0.637 1.303 1.00 0.00 C
HETATM 3 O MEG 1 -0.640 0.357 1.491 1.00 0.00 O
HETATM 4 O MEG 1 2.270 0.659 0.558 1.00 0.00 O
HETATM 5 H MEG 1 0.684 0.221 -0.670 1.00 0.00 H
HETATM 6 H MEG 1 1.771 -1.141 -0.264 1.00 0.00 H
HETATM 7 H MEG 1 0.946 -0.718 2.228 1.00 0.00 H
HETATM 8 H MEG 1 -0.141 -1.583 1.100 1.00 0.00 H
HETATM 9 H MEG 1 -1.088 0.148 2.327 1.00 0.00 H
HETATM 10 H MEG 1 2.718 0.981 -0.242 1.00 0.00 H
CONECT 1 2 4 5 6
CONECT 2 1 3 7 8
CONECT 3 2 9
CONECT 4 1 10
CONECT 5 1 connectivity
CONECT 7 2 e.g. atom 1 connected to 2, 4, 5, 6
MASTER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 10 0
Figure 5.3: The .pdb file of the ethylene gylcol (MEG) molecule.
Freeware, downloadable on:
5 Molecular Simulations with GROMACS
atomtypes.atp ffnonbonded.itp
[ bondtypes ]
; i j func b0 kb
CT CT 1 0.15290 224262.4 ; CHARMM 22 parameter file
CT CT_2 1 0.15290 224262.4 ; AA Calpha rest position and force constant for harmonic
CT CT_3 1 0.15290 224262.4 ; Pro CD
CT CT_4 1 0.15290 224262.4 ; Trifluoroethanol stretching vibrations in (i,j) bond
CT HC 1 0.10900 284512.0 ; CHARMM 22 parameter file
[ angletypes ]
; i j k func th0 cth
⋮ rest angle and force constant for harmonic
CT CT OH 1 109.500 418.400 ;
CT_2 CT OH 1 109.500 418.400 ; bending vibrations
CT CT_4 OH 1 109.500 418.400 ; Trifluoroethanol
[ dihedraltypes ]
;i j k l func coefficients
O C C O 3 16.73600 -3.34720 -13.38880 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ; dicarbonyls BMC 8,1881(2000)
O C N OH 3 27.62695 0.00000 -27.62695 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ; hydroxamic acids
OH CT CT OH 3 18.96607 -18.96607 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ; hexopyranoses
OH CT CT OS 3 9.03534 -9.03534 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ; hexopyranoses
OS CT CT OS 3 -1.15060 1.15060 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ; polyethers, crown ethers
Figure 5.4: Extract of parameter files from the OPLS folder in GROMACS.
5 Molecular Simulations with GROMACS
An assembly of force field parameters from the literature can be found in the OPLS files
atomtypes.atp, ffnonbonded.itp and ffbonded.itp that are part of the GROMACS li-
brary. While the former contains descriptions of the atom types, the latter two files list the
parameters for the non-bonded and bonded potential functions, respectively. An extract of
the files is presented in figure 5.4. The opls_X number denotes the atom type and is used to
find the respective parameters in ffnonbonded.itp. Note also that the bond_type attribute
in ffnonbonded.itp is used to find the correct parameter sets in ffbonded.itp.
The functional terms Vi (rN ) introduced in section 2 are implemented in the GROMACS
standard library. For OPLS, the “decision” on which functional terms to use is listed in
forcefield.tip in the oplsaa.ff folder in GROMACS’ folder structure and does not need
to be specified by the user.
For every molecule, we have to create a .itp force field file that contains information about
atom types and intramolecular interactions. A good starting point are scripts like LigParGen7 .
These scripts use the .pdb molecular geometry information from step 1 to generate a .itp
file that has code structure as required by GROMACS. In addition, the scripts assume atom
types and provide the related opls_X number (cf. fig. 5.4). This assumption, however, is often
not correct and has to be checked and modified by the user.
Suitable atom types for CH4 and H2 S were found in atomtypes.atp directly. For water,
the TIP4P model [7] is used that is compatible with OPLS and already implemented in the
OPLS folder. Atom types for MEG and MDEA were found in [4] and [5]. In a final step, the
total charge of the molecule must be checked for the chosen atom types and their related
partial charges in ffnonbonded.itp. If the total charge is nonphysical, partial charges must
be recalculated applying quantum-mechanical methods.
The complete .itp force field file for MEG is stated in figure 5.5 with already modified opls_X
references. As can be seen, it is not necessary to list the force field parameters explicitly in
this file. However, if necessary, modified parameters can be included in additional columns,
see [1]. Note also that the category funct enables the user to implement modification of the
force field functional forms. The OPLS-specific default value is set by the above-mentioned
scripts and should not be changed unless expressly intended.
The topology (.top) file can be regarded as data set that incorporates all constant attributes
of a molecular system, i.e. references to all force field parameter files, the functional terms of
the force field and the number of molecules of all species as will be inserted during step 3,
figure 5.6. In contrast, dynamic attributes, such as positions and velocities that are generated
5 Molecular Simulations with GROMACS
[ moleculetype ]
; Name nrexcl
[ atoms ]
; nr type resnr residue atom cgnr charge mass
1 opls_157 1 MEG C 1
2 opls_157 1 MEG C 1
3 opls_169 1 MEG O 1
4 opls_169 1 MEG O 1
5 opls_140 1 MEG H 1
6 opls_140 1 MEG H 1
7 opls_140 1 MEG H 1
8 opls_140 1 MEG H 1
9 opls_170 1 MEG H 1
10 opls_170 1 MEG H 1
[ bonds ]
2 1 1
3 2 1
4 1 1
indices for calculation of stretching vibration
5 1 1
6 1 1 potential function
7 2 1
8 2 1
9 3 1
10 4 1
[ angles ]
; ai aj ak funct
1 2 3 1
2 1 4 1
2 1 5 1
2 1 6 1
1 2 7 1
1 2 8 1 indices for calculation of bending vibration
2 3 9 1 potential function
1 4 10 1
4 1 5 1
5 1 6 1
3 2 7 1
3 2 8 1
4 1 6 1
7 2 8 1
[ dihedrals ]
; ai aj ak al funct no double or triple bonds in MEG, thus empty
[ dihedrals ]
; ai aj ak al funct
8 2 1 6 3
7 2 1 5 3
7 2 1 6 3
8 2 1 5 3
5 1 2 3 3
6 1 2 3 3
7 2 1 4 3 indices for calculation of internal rotation
8 2 1 4 3
potential function
9 3 2 1 3
10 4 1 2 3
10 4 1 5 3
9 3 2 8 3
9 3 2 7 3
10 4 1 6 3
4 1 2 3 3
[ pairs ]
3 4 1
3 5 1
3 6 1
1 9 1
4 7 1
5 7 1
4 8 1 1-4 pairs for modified Lennard-Jones and
2 10 1 Coulomb interactions (see appendix A.1)
6 7 1
5 8 1
6 8 1
5 10 1
7 9 1
6 10 1
8 9 1
Figure 5.5: The .itp force field file for MEG with correct opls_X number.
5 Molecular Simulations with GROMACS
during the simulation run are stored in coordinate and trajectory files. Since the liquid and
gas phase will be initialized separately, we have to generate two topologies. Note that the
compound and their number of molecules must be stated in the order as they are inserted
during the box-making process. This is why creating the topology might be done after step
3. For a better understanding of the topology file structure in GROMACS, the references in
the topology file are visualized in figure 5.7.
[ system ] [ system ]
; Name ; Name
MDEA/MEG/H2O liquid box H2S/CH4 gas box
[ molecules ] [ molecules ]
; Compound #mols ; Compound #mols
MDEA 800 H2S 500
MEG 1500 CH4 1000
SOL 5000
Figure 5.6: Topology .top files ( and for gas and liquid phase.
In this step we also have to decide on the number of molecules that will be simulated. When
decreasing this number, the statistical influence on the results increases and reduces the qual-
ity of generated data. In contrast, a high number of molecules increases the computation time.
This decision is thus always a trade-off and must be made with experience and refinement
5 Molecular Simulations with GROMACS
Since a liquid system is characterized by high packing density, it is usually not possible to de-
fine total molecule number and box volume according to the desired density. The GROMACS
procedure would then lead to a “never-ending” insertion run or abnormal termination due
to massive overlap of atom shells. Instead, the recommended strategy for setting up a liquid
box is to define a much bigger box (factor 10) and shrink it after the insertion procedure in
a molecular simulation run (see step 5b).
As mentioned previously, the TIP4P model is applied to model water molecules. In this case,
the molecular geometry of TIP4P water is defined in a .gro file. A brief introduction to the
TIP4P model is given in Appendix A.2 together with tip4p.gro.
The resulting atom position file liquid_box.gro can be plotted to visualize the initial state,
figure 5.8. The exact same procedure has to be conducted for the gas box as well, figure 5.9.
However, due to the low density it is not necessary to shrink and equilibrate the gas box in
an individual simulation before assembling the final two-phase box.
A list of all GROMACS commands can be found on
5 Molecular Simulations with GROMACS
Figure 5.8: Liquid box of 5 nm × 5 nm × 50 nm after the box filling procedure. Visualization
of liquid_box.gro with the program VMD:
5 Molecular Simulations with GROMACS
; Parameters describing how to find the neighbors of each atom and how to calculate the interactions
nstlist = 1 ; Frequency to update the neighbor list and long range forces
cutoff-scheme = Verlet
ns_type = grid ; Method to determine neighbor list (simple, grid)
coulombtype = PME ; Treatment of long range electrostatic interactions
rcoulomb = 1.0 ; Short-range electrostatic cut-off
rvdw = 1.0 ; Short-range Van der Waals cut-off
pbc = xyz ; Periodic Boundary Conditions (yes/no)
Figure 5.10: The .mdp file containing all simulation settings for an energy minimization
simulation. Optimization: slow but robust steepest descent algorithm.
Not part of the real simulation procedure since we perform an energy minimization prior to the actual
NpT simulation (see next step).
5 Molecular Simulations with GROMACS
The obtained liquidbox_minim.tpr file is then used to start the minimization simulation
with gmx_mpi mdrun, in this case on 32 CPU cores. The duration of energy minimization
simulations is in the range of seconds or minutes rather than hours.
For example, the energy minimization before the box-shrinking simulations led to a reduction
of the potential energy from 108 kJ/mol to 3 · 104 kJ/mol, i.e. a tremendous reduction of
physically unfavorable molecular configurations and prevention of “kicks” at the beginning
of the simulation.
With energy minimization a typical simulation run has already been introduced. Such a sim-
ulation creates different types of files and saves them to the folder from where the simulation
was started. Important result files are:
*.gro: Coordinate file with atom positions and velocities at the end of the simulation.
*.trr: Phase space trajectory file with atom positions and velocities (and forces) saved
every nstxoutth10 and nstvoutth time step, respectively.
*.xtc: Compressed trajectory file, much smaller than .trr file. Useful for visualization.
*.edr: Energy file. Important for analysis of simulation results.
The .gro file from a simulation can be used as initial positions for a subsequent run.
As described before, the liquid box was initialized to be oversized and must be shrinked
to obtain a liquid phase with desired density. For that reason, this step is concerned with
reduction of the box volume. Shrinking a box is realized with a barostatic simulation, where
the pressure control in the MD algorithm reduces the box dimensions until the specified
pressure is reached. The respective simulation settings are listed in npt.mdp. To accelerate
the simulation, the pressure in the rescaled box dimension11 can be defined quite high in a
first simulation, e.g. 1000 bar. A second simulation is then performed for “fine-tuning” at the
desired pressure.
Dimension with non-zero compressibility, here z-direction.
5 Molecular Simulations with GROMACS
Note that box-shrinking requires small time steps (e.g. ∆t = 0.0001 ps) because atoms move
a lot in these simulations. A visualization of the shrinked box after a 1000 bar and subsequent
20 bar simulation is given in figure 5.11.
density / (kg/m )
0 100 200 300 400 500
time / ps
5 Molecular Simulations with GROMACS
The described simulation starts in a not equilibrated state and reaches equilibrium at a cer-
tain point during the simulation. This process is called equilibration and can be visualized
with the analysis functions in GROMACS subsequent12 to the simulation, figure 5.12. Appar-
ently, 500 ps simulation is long enough to reach mechanical (density) equilibrium. Chemical
equilibrium is not considered in this pre-simulation.
The .gro position file of the equilibrated liquid box is presented in figure 5.13.
Figure 5.13: The .gro position file of the equilibrated liquid box.
In this step the created and equilibrated boxes are placed next to each other and connected
to one big box. For this purpose, we must translate the coordinates of the boxes first. For
this all atoms in the equilibrated liquid box (liquidbox_simulation.gro) are shifted by the
z-length of the first gas box. Similarly, all atoms of the second gas box are shifted by the
summarized length of first gas box and liquid box. The dimensions of the boxes are stated at
the end of the respective .gro files, compare figure 5.13. The related command for shifting a
box is gmx_mpi editconf.
see section 5.7
5 Molecular Simulations with GROMACS
The three boxes can then simply be combined with the command (not a GROMACS com-
Finally, the user has to (manually) remove old headlines and bottom lines in the merged
document and sum up atom numbers and dimensions to generate a correct new headline and
bottom line. A visualization of the new VLEbox.gro position file is given in figures 5.15 and
Since we have obtained a box with all components, a new topology file must be created.
Again, in the topology file components must be stated in the order as they were inserted and
merged. The topology file thus becomes:
#include "oplsaa.ff/forcefield.itp"
#include "MDEA.itp"
#include "MEG.itp"
#include "oplsaa.ff/tip4p.itp"
#include "H2S.itp"
#include "CH4.itp"
[ system ]
; Name
[ molecules ]
; Compound #mols
H2S 500
CH4 1000
MDEA 800
MEG 1500
SOL 5000
H2S 500
CH4 1000
Figure 5.15: Visualization of VLEbox.gro in VMD before energy minimization and simulation.
5 Molecular Simulations with GROMACS
Figure 5.16: Visualization of liquid phase in VLEbox.gro in VMD before energy minimization
and simulation
Prior to the main simulation, an energy minimization is again performed to avoid adverse
atom configurations in the not yet equilibrated gas phase and in regions where two boxes
have been interconnected.
The pressure in the resulting gas box can be determined with analysis methods described in section 5.7.
The insertion process for the gas box is thus iterative (until the desired gas pressure is met).
5 Molecular Simulations with GROMACS
As can be seen, the analysis function in GROMACS requires an energy file (.edr) as well as
trajectory file (.xtc) and information about the simulation (.tpr) that was used to generate
the data. Subsequently, “density” could be selected in the appearing menu in the console.
The generated data is saved in table-form into a .xvg file and can be plotted in MATLAB.
Figure 5.17 displays the system pressure over time. Pressure is a typical system quantity
that fluctuates strongly with time since its calculation is very sensitive to slight changes
in atom positions. Even though the very noisy shape does not seem very informative, the
time-average value is relatively exact.
pressure / bar
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
time / ps
Figure 5.17: Pressure of VLE system during the first 3 ns of NVT simulation at approx.
60 bar. Averaged pressure (red) for intervals of 1 ps.
5 Molecular Simulations with GROMACS
The chemical equilibration procedure is shown in figure 5.18 as the species density of H2 S
at different instants of time. The generated .xvg file was plotted in MATLAB. The calcu-
lated species number density is averaged over a time integral of 200 ps and determined along
z-direction for 100 ∆z slices. In this analysis method the .trr file provides the actual in-
formation. Therefore, it is crucial that the nstxout log frequency in the simulation settings,
cf. fig A.4, was set to a small enough value (here 5 ps). Otherwise the amount of available
information in a time integral of 200 ps is too low to generate accurate data.
Apparently, the chemical component H2 S accumulates in the liquid phase, but is also present
in the gas phase, figure 5.18. The relatively smooth and constant distribution in the liquid
phase at t = 100 ns indicates approach to an equilibrium. However, since the density profile
in bulk and boundary layer differs significantly between 60 ns, 80 ns (not shown for the sake
of clarity) and 100 ns, the simulation should be extended until a fully equilibrated state is
0.2 ns
5 ns
number density / (1/nm )
60 ns
100 ns
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
coordinate z / nm
Figure 5.18: Species density of H2 S in VLE system at different instants of time. Simulation:
120 ◦ C, approx. 20 bar, 100 ns.
6 Conclusion
Figure 5.19: Visualization of the final system state in VMD. H2 S molecules as yellow van-
der-Waals spheres, all other components in blue. Simulation: 120 ◦ C, approx. 20 bar, 100 ns.
6 Conclusion
GROMACS is a versatile software package for simulation and analysis of molecular systems.
The intent of this report is to provide the reader with a simple and vivid introduction to
molecular simulations. However, many details have only been barely covered since MD simu-
lations involve many different methods for simulation and analysis. Nevertheless, the reader
of this report should be able to set up simple MD simulations and assess the most impor-
tant simulation parameters displayed in figures A.4 and A.5. A well written and fine-grained
description of all MD principles and their implementation in GROMACS can be found in
the GROMACS manual [1], which is frequently refined and updated by the developers. Since
GROMACS does not have a graphical user interface, the Linux console is used for inser-
tion of all commands. GROMACS commands are, however, very straightforward, even for
the Linux-unexperienced user, and should not be seen as obstacle for performing molecular
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A Appendix
A Appendix
A.1 Comment on bonding potentials
Interactions between bonded atoms have a special quantum mechanical character that is
approximated by harmonic potentials. The Lennard-Jones (and Coulomb) pair interaction
models are not valid for these types of atom pairs and must be excluded from the calculation
of the potential. Otherwise the short distance of bonded atoms would lead to high repulsion
in the Lennard-Jones potential and thereby cause the molecule to break apart. As explained,
direct bonding of atoms is modeled by stretching potentials, whereas bending vibration (1-3
interaction in 1-2-3 chain) is accounted for by bending potentials. Even the “1-4 interaction”
between the first and the last atom in a four-atom chain cannot be modeled with the standard
Lennard-Jones and Coulomb potential. For these interaction an internal rotation potential
is applied in combination with corrected intermolecular potentials (often reduced by factor14
0.5 or individual LJ parameterization for 1-4 interactions). Relevant 1-4 interaction pairs are
listed in the category [pairs] in the .itp files. In contrast, atoms separated by more than
two atoms, i.e. 1-5, 1-6 pairs and so on, are considered to interact with regular Lennard-Jones
and Coulomb forces.
Figure A.1: The TIP4P molecular construct for modeling water. Source:
fudgeLJ and fudgeQQ
A Appendix
∆t ∆t ∆t
ui (t + ) = ui (t − )+ · fi (A.1)
2 2 mi
ri (t + ∆t) = ri (t) + ∆t · ui (t +
the so-called “leap-frog” integrator15 . Apparently, this algorithm needs initial information on
both velocity and position. While positions are specified in terms of an initial box, initial
velocities are often not defined during the box-making process. In such a case velocities are
generated based on the relation between temperature and kinetic energy (from kinetic theory
of gases) as Maxwell-Boltzmann probability distribution p:
mi vi2
p(vi ) = exp − (A.2)
2πkT0 2kT0
with Boltzmann constant k and temperature T0 for generation of initial velocities, compare
last category in .mdp files, figures A.4 and A.5.
𝐫 𝐮 𝐫 𝐮
Mental association, since velocities and positions are updated as frogs jump over each other.
A Appendix
A Appendix
cutoff-scheme = Verlet
nstlist = 10
; ns algorithm (simple or grid) =
ns_type = grid
; Periodic boundary conditions: xyz or none =
pbc = xyz
; nblist cut-off =
rlist = 1.0
Figure A.4: File structure of NpT simulation settings file. V-rescale for thermostat, Berendsen
for barostat.
A Appendix
cutoff-scheme = Verlet
nstlist = 10
; ns algorithm (simple or grid) =
ns_type = grid
; Periodic boundary conditions: xyz or none =
pbc = xyz
; nblist cut-off =
rlist = 1.0
A Appendix
liquidbox_simulation.gro liquidbox_simulation.trr more files ...
Step 5b
Step 4*
Step 5
Energy minimization
Step 4
Step 2 Step 3
Step 2
Step 1
reference to file
ffnonbonded.itp ffnonbonded.itp
combination of files or information flow
Figure A.6: Complete file structure and flow diagram for liquid box equilibration in GROMACS.