Dual-Write ALM - DWYammer
Dual-Write ALM - DWYammer
Dual-Write ALM - DWYammer
Table of Contents
Application Lifecycle Management.............................................................................................................1
What is a Dual Write Solution?................................................................................................................1
Importing entity maps via a Dual Write solution and applying to your environment [New
1. Import the Dual Write entity map solutions................................................................................1
2. Apply the Dual Write entity map Solution in your D365 F0 environment....................................1
Updating entity maps and exporting them as a solution to other environments....................................1
1. Customize your entity maps by modifying existing entity maps and adding new entity map.....1
2. Create a new Dual Write Solution and add your components (customized entity maps)............1
3. Exporting and publishing your solution.......................................................................................1
4. Test your exported solution package by importing and applying into another environment......1
5. How to use the Entity map version..............................................................................................1
How to upgrade existing Dual Write environments for Solution Awareness [Existing environments]....1
1. Import the Dual Write Core solution...........................................................................................1
2. Upgrade entity maps...................................................................................................................1
Note: There two types of solutions; There are managed and unmanaged solutions.
A managed solution cannot be modified and can be uninstalled after it is imported. When you import an
unmanaged solution, you add all the components of that solution into your environment. When you
import an unmanaged solution that contains components that you have already customized, your
customizations will be overwritten by the customizations in the imported unmanaged solution.
For more details on Solutions, please review the following guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
Importing entity maps via a Dual Write solution and applying to your environment
[New environments]
In this section, we will learn how to import entity maps from AppSource and apply to your environment.
Save the files to your local box and import the cab files via the Solutions import wizard
in PowerApps Maker portal
After you walk through the Dual Write wizard and link your CDS environment, you will
see a blank or empty page without any entity maps
Apply the solution you just imported into your Dual Write environment by clicking on
Apply Solution in the top menu
Once you apply the solution, you will see all the default entity maps published
That’s it - You successfully imported and applied a Microsoft published Dual Write entity map
solution to your environment
1. Customize your entity maps by modifying existing entity maps and adding new
entity map
Start by customizing the mappings for the default entity map (that you just installed via
a solution) by clicking on the Entity mappings tab. Similarly, you can add a new entity
map by clicking on the Add Entity button. In both cases, when you save the entity map,
you will be prompted to specify the Publisher and the Version number
Example: Adding a new ‘birthday’ field to contacts-CDS Contacts V2 entity map and
choosing default publisher
Note: When you create a new solution, later in the steps below, with these modified
entity maps, you will need to specify the same publisher
Example: Adding a new entity map Address books –
Confirm the entity maps you just modified and added. Make sure to enable and test
them to ensure they are working as expected.
2. Create a new Dual Write Solution and add your components (customized entity
Now that you have customized your mappings and added new mappings, next step is to
create a new Dual Write Solution and add these entity maps to the solution
Go to the PowerApps Maker portal and create a New solution under Solutions. Make
sure to choose the same publisher as in prior steps
After you hit Create, the new solution will show up in the Solutions list page
From the list, select the customized entity maps and Add it to the solution. The new
solution you created MyCustomeEntityMaps should now have your customized entities
With this step, you just customized your entities and put them into a solution
3. Exporting and publishing your solution
Once you run the Solution checker and make sure there are no issues, Export the
solution you just created and Publish the changes before hitting Next
Update the version number and choose to export as a managed (recommended) or
unmanaged solution
After you hit export, the solution, with all its components is exported to a .zip file
That’s it – You just customized your entities, added them to a new solution and created a
solution file that can now be imported and applied to other environments (useful to move entity
maps between test and prod environments). Similarly, you could create a backup of all your
entity maps by adding them to a solution and exporting the solution as a package which can
then be imported to restore the entity maps into to any environment.
Follow the steps in this article to publish this package to AppSource: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
4. Test your exported solution package by importing and applying into another
First import the package to a new environment
Apply the solution you just imported on your environment
Check to see the two customized entity maps are listed on the Dual Write entity maps
list page
Checking to make sure the customizations, from prior steps are preserved