OOP Question Paper 1

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BVI3/CBcS) INT-Vc-3036/22


(Held in 2022)

QP : Master Trainer to Junior Software Developer

Paper INT-VC-3036

(Object Oriented Programming using C++ )

Full Marks 60

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks

for the questions

1. Answer the following as directed 1x7-7

Define class.

b What is an array?
What is OOP?

What is the of <iostream.h> in a

(d use


(e " is called extraction operator

(State True or False )

22A/79 (Turn Over)


What is scope resolution operator?

What is concrete class?


2. Answer any four of the following questions:


Differentiate between class and object.

What do you by friend function'?

(b mean

(c) Explain the instruction int*p.

(d) What is pure virtual function?

Observe the following C++ code and

write the names of the header files to
run it in a C++ Compiler :

Void main()
char name[30],c;
c tolower (name| 1 );

Write the differences between Private

and Protected.

22A/79 ( Continued)
Answer any three of the following questions

What js destpuctor? Why destructor

cannot be overloaded?

b) Write a C++ program to showthe use of

friend function.

Whaticostructor? Explain different

ypes of parameterized constructor.

(d What is static data member? Write the

characteristics of static member
Define polymorphism. Which operators
cannot be overloaded?

4. Answer any three of the following questions

Write the differences between C and
CWrite a program to overload a
unary operator usingnon-static
member function.

What is inheritance? Explain.

Explain duterent types


Turn Ouer )

aWtphortnotes on the following

unction overlcading
Virtual function
What are data member and member
function Eaplain the various ways to
define a member function

VG/CBCsy INT-VC-3036/22

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