Script D

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Q1 (a) - 1 mark for the correct answer.

Q 1 b (2) ii - I mark for surface area and second mark were not awarded for incorrect
spelling on assimilation.

Q1(c)(ii) - 1 mark awarded for pathogens .

Q1 (d) - 1 mark for point mentioned about lymph.

Q1 (f)(i) – no marks were awarded detail explanation were not given

Q1 (f)(ii) – No point mentioned about clear zones.

Q2 (a)(ii) - 1 mark for explanation on pollination.

Q2 (a)(iii) - 1 mark given about chromosomes.

Q2(a)(iv) - 2 marks for the correct description of meiosis

Q2(b)(i) - 0 mark due to incorrect answer.

Q3(a)(i) – I mark for correct answer.

Q3(b) - 1 mark awarded description about of FSH and LH.

Q3(c) – 1 mark awarded description of LH and uterus lining.

Q3(d) - 1 mark for FSH reduction, another mark on preventing egg being released into

Q4(b) - 1 mark for synapses direction.

Q5(b) - no marks awarded incorrect answer.

Q5(c) – 2 mark for pathogen and polluted water & toxic waste.

Q6(a) - 1 mark for correct point mentioned according to MS.

Q6(b)(ii) - Q1(a) - 1 mark for the correct answer.

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