Research Methodology - Lung Cancer Prediction

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Subject : Research Methodology Group 1

Topic Name
Detection of Lung Cancer using Deep

Group Members Roll Number

Team Mentor :
► The main objective of this work is to detect the cancerous
lung nodules from a given input lung image and to classify
and detect the lung cancer using Deep Learning
► Very common disease with very high incidence rate.

► One of the leading causes of death in recent year.

► Help increase survival rate by early detection of disease

Background Scenario
● An attempt to reduce the incidence rate of lung cancer by early
detection of the tumor
● Several detection and classification algorithms are there but still a lot
of work can be done in this field
● Deep Learning claimed to be one of the most efficient technologies
among the existing ones
● An extensive study was done based on which we have given our own
● A larger dataset can be taken for more accurate results
● In some cases it was found that there could be complex situations due
to selection of the parameters
Literature Review
● The study in paper [1] by Tekade in 2018 aims to improve lung nodule detection
efficiency and malignancy level prediction using lung CT scan images. The Artificial
Neural Networks is used in analysing the dataset, extracting features and
classification. U-Net architecture is adapted for segmentation of lung nodules from
lung CT scan images and 3D VGG architecture is used to classify lung nodules and
predict malignancy level. Combining these approaches, better and accurate results
has been achieved for predicting lung nodule detection and malignancy level with
an accuracy of 95.66% and loss 0.09 and Dice coefficient 90% and log loss as
● From paper [2] by Bhatia in 2019, it has been observed that an approach to lung
cancer detection employing feature extraction is understood using deep residual
networks. We compare performance of tree-based classifiers like Random Forest
and XGBoost. The highest accuracy we get is 84% using an ensemble of Random
Forest and XGBoost classifiers.
Literature Review
● The study in paper [3] by Radhika in 2019, states that, lung cancer
prediction is a way to enhance the survival rate of people, also
unnecessary check-ups, tests need not to be done and medical test
timings will be very less after using these algorithms where SVM shows
the best result rather than Logistic Regression, Naive-Bayes, Decision
Tree techniques. By the preprocessing of data, there can be less mistakes
and improvement of detection of lung cancer.
● In paper [4] by Shakeel in 2019, for predicting lung cancer correctly, it is
very important to segment and cluster the pixels properly and identify the
affected region. Also, edge detection is very much important. Through
IPCT & DITNN methods it can be done very efficiently. All the data were
collected from Cancer Imaging Archive (CIA) dataset. So, this is an
approach to predict lung cancer with much more efficiency.
Literature Review
● A. Asuntha & Andy Srinivasan in their research paper [5] in 2020,
extracted features for classification and Severity finding to detect the
location of the cancerous lung nodules using Deep learning methods. First
the input image was enhanced by using histogram equalization for image
contrast and then denoised by using Adaptive Bilateral Filter (ABF). After
pre-processing, the next step was to find the lung region extraction. To
extract the lung region, Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) segmentation
approach was applied. After finding the location of the cancerous lung
nodules the next process is to classify the lung disease name and its
severity based on the feature extraction. Different classification technique
like Bag classifier, Naïve-Bayes classifier, KNN, Adaboost classifier,SVM,
ELM Classifier, FPSOCNN was used to train the model.

● Similarly in paper [6] by Joshua in 2020, an extensive study on various

machine learning algorithms to classify malignancies was done using SVM
and Decision Tree with accuracies of 62.5% and 58.11% respectively. The
approach of ML is also studied for the progression and treatment of
cancerous conditions. The challenges of the segmentation of nodules is
also done.
Literature Review
● In paper [7] by Alsinglawi in 2022, the aim is to find the potential of
machine learning to predict the length of stay of ICU cancer-based
hospitalization in particular lung cancer patients efficiently. The Lung
Cancer LOS predictive framework provides a practical framework to be
exploited by clinical oncologists, hospital bed managers, and healthcare
givers as a robust predictive and explainable artificial intelligence tool for
lung cancer patients in ICU settings.
● From paper [8] by Yan, Sha in 2022, it is clear that the amalgamated
model is more accurate and its correct image segmentation and
classification can improve in the healthy life of lung cancer patients. For
predicting that, it’s very important to decrease the misdiagnosis rate of CT
images which is possible by the HFFM Model.
Proposed Work
● Our proposed work is to hybridize the best methods in
each part of detection of Lung Cancer using deep learning.
● We can increase the survival rate of the patients and also
decrease the mis-detection percentage
● Amalgamation of the methods of Histogram Equalization
on Image Preprocessing, Improved Profuse Clustering
Technique on Image Segmentation, Convolutional Neural
Network on Feature Extraction and Classification part.
● Finally, we can predict if the patient is lung cancer attacked
or not.
Proposed Work

Sample Segmentation using

Image Preprocessing Improved Profuse
using Histogram Clustering
Equalization Technique(IPCT)

Feature Extraction and

Classification using
Lung Cancer Convolutional Neural
Detection Network(CNN)
● Approach to lung cancer detection using deep learning.
● Evaluation of CT images through Histogram Equalization.
● Summarization of extensive study on various machine
learning algorithms to classify lung cancer detection.
● The potential of deep learning to predict lung cancer
efficiently so that survival rate can be increased.
[1] Tekade, Ruchita, and K. Rajeswari. "Lung cancer detection and classification using deep learning." 2018 Fourth
International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA). IEEE, 2018.
[2] Bhatia, Siddharth, Yash Sinha, and Lavika Goel. "Lung cancer detection: a deep learning approach." Soft Computing for
Problem Solving. Springer, Singapore, 2019. 699-705.
[3] Radhika, P. R., Rakhi AS Nair, and G. Veena. "A comparative study of lung cancer detection using machine learning
algorithms." 2019 IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT).
IEEE, 2019.
[4] Shakeel, P. Mohamed, Mohd Aboobaider Burhanuddin, and Mohamad Ishak Desa. "Lung cancer detection from CT
image using improved profuse clustering and deep learning instantaneously trained neural networks." Measurement 145
(2019): 702-712.
[5] Asuntha, A., and Andy Srinivasan. "Deep learning for lung Cancer detection and classification." Multimedia Tools and
Applications 79.11 (2020): 7731-7762.
[6] Joshua, Eali Stephen Neal, Midhun Chakkravarthy, and Debnath Bhattacharyya. "An Extensive Review on Lung Cancer
Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Systematic Study." Rev. d'Intelligence Artif. 34.3 (2020): 351-359.
[7] Alsinglawi, Belal, et al. "An explainable machine learning framework for lung cancer hospital length of stay prediction."
Scientific reports 12.1 (2022): 1-10.
[8] Yan, Sha, et al. "Computed Tomography Images under Deep Learning Algorithm in the Diagnosis of Perioperative
Rehabilitation Nursing for Patients with Lung Cancer." Scientific Programming 2022 (2022).
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