Initialization Gem
Initialization Gem
Initialization Gem
Initialization – GEM
Data Validation
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Initialization – GEM
The Initial Conditions section allows you to enter information regarding the state of the reservoir
at initial time. To some extent the required information for this section depends on the
information entered in the Component Properties section (see Fluid Model – GEM).
Additional information that can be entered in this section includes the capillary-gravity method
of calculating vertical equilibrium, bubble point and dew point pressure, light oil volume
fraction, reference depth and pressure, three phase contact depths, and datum depth).
Other information includes gas plant tables, specification of non-EOS stream density
calculations and well separators.
The initialization interface can be accessed in two ways, either through the main menu Initial
Conditions | Initialization Settings or through Initial Conditions in the tree view. When
accessing initial conditions interface from the tree view, double-click the desired tree item and
the appropriate interface will be displayed.
The current status of the Initial Conditions information is indicated by the icons under the tree
view button labeled Initial and on the different items on the tree view.
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Initialization – GEM
• Display dataset for section: Displays the Initial Condition information as it will be stored
in the dataset.
• Expand/Collapse tree: Expands or collapses the branch for the different items on the tree.
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Initialization – GEM
The Initial Conditions dialog box has three tabs – Calculation Methods, Init. Region
Parameters, and Advanced Parameters.
The Initial Conditions dialog box has four buttons at the bottom:
• OK: Closes the interface and saves any changes that were made.
• Cancel: Closes the interface but does not save any changes made unless Apply was
clicked first.
• Apply: Saves any changes that were made but does not close the interface.
• Help: Displays help information about the item with the current focus. Pressing the
F1 key has the same effect.
Use the Comments button at the bottom far left to view and edit comments related to
specific interface items.
Calculation Methods
Advanced Parameters
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Calculation Methods
• Selection of the initial phases (water and oil, water and gas, or water, oil and gas, or
user-specified composition) needed to perform gravity-capillary equilibrium
Depending on the options selected in the Calculations Method tab, parameters on the other
tabs will be enabled or disabled based on what is allowed of not allowed for the different
If you select User specified pressure and saturation for each grid block, specification of
initial pressures and saturations, and the initial grid block global composition on a component-
by-component basis, are required. These properties must be entered in the Reservoir tree view
button under the Array Properties tree item, using the Specify Property and Calculate
Property options (see Reservoir Description).
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The Init. Region Parameters tab holds most of the initialization parameters for the different
initialization regions. The initialization region information includes reference depth,
reference pressure and three phase contact depths, capillary pressure at phase contacts, water
saturation, critical depth, oil and gas capillary composition tables, and a variation of
composition with depth table (only when using the COMP option).
The parameters for the different regions can be viewed by selecting the desired region in the
Initialization Region box.
For reference, a sentence just below the Initialization Region box describes the number of
blocks defined for the selected region and also the depth range of the region. This notice is
related to the Initialization Region Type grid array property, which can be viewed in the
Reservoir tree view tab. If an Initialization Region Type property is not defined for an
Initialization Region then the notice will be updated to reflect that.
Clicking the right- arrow key will display a menu with the following selections.
a) Add New Region: Creates a new region with all fields empty.
c) Copy Values From A Region: Copies information from another region to the
region that is currently displayed.
d) Delete Current Region: Deletes the region that is currently displayed.
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Advanced Parameters
The Advanced Parameters tab holds parameters and options that are less often used, including
the capillary pressure at the phase contacts, residual oil saturation, initial fluid-in-place calculation
methods, and injector standard pressure, temperature and EOS set.
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Initialization – GEM
There are two types of separators.
• Default Separator: Defined in the initial conditions section and used for initial
fluid-in-place calculations.
• Well Separators: Defined in the well and recurrent section. These are separators
through which the produced fluids are assigned surface stream compositions, molar
rates, and volumetric rates.
To access any of these separator options, select the appropriate tree view button. For the
Default Separator select Initial Conditions. For the Well Separators, select
Well & Recurrent. On the tree view, you will then find the corresponding tree view items.
To create a new separator, double-click the Default Separator tree item for Initial
Condition or Separators for the Well & Recurrent section. To edit an existing separator,
double-click the specific separator. In either case, the Separator dialog box is displayed.
Note: Right-clicking the tree view item will display a menu that allows you to add, delete,
edit and validate the separators.
By clicking different items on the tree, the right side will change to allow the appropriate
items to be edited. Separator Format (that is, long or short) can be selected in the top left.
With the Long Format, different stages can be added or deleted by clicking the Add Stage or
Delete Stage buttons.
The separator streams can be modified through the Separator dialog box, as follows. Select
a stream from the tree view and the right side of the dialog box will change, revealing the
different streams available and allowing you to edit them.
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Initialization – GEM
Selecting different items on the tree will update the Editing Separator Related Tables dialog
box, allowing you to modify the item.
To add or delete tables or sets, select the appropriate item on the tree then click the Add Table
or Delete Table button as appropriate.
The date for which the table is set may be selected through date combo box. If the date does not
appear in the list, a new date can be entered through the date button.
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Initialization – GEM
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Initialization – GEM
Data Validation
When a dataset is initially read in, errors that are encountered in the section are indicated by
error or warning messages. As well, the corresponding status icon will be displayed on the
Initial button of the tree view. You can enter the Initial Conditions interfaces and review the
information. Required changes can be made and saved.
The information entered in the Standard or Advanced interfaces is again validated when the
Apply or OK buttons are selected.
Under certain circumstances, if there is information needed which has not been entered, you are
not allowed to exit the interface until the required information is entered. In these cases, a list of
relevant error messages is given.
Basic validation is performed when values are entered; for example, if a numerical value is
expected and a non numerical value is entered, an error message will be displayed. As well,
values entered will be displayed with their respective current working units. Values may be
entered as a number only or as a value followed by a space and the units used. Values entered
with units different than the current working units will be converted and the converted value
will be displayed with the current working units.
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