The document lists the base form, past simple, and past participle forms of many English verbs along with their Spanish translations. It provides the infinitive form of the verb in Spanish as well as an example translation of the usage. Some examples included are: arise/arose/arisen which translates to surgir or levantarse in Spanish. Other verbs listed include awake/awoke/awoken, be/was/been, begin/began/begun, and bind/bound/bound among many others. Tenses of the verb "to study" in Spanish are also provided as examples of past tense usage.
The document lists the base form, past simple, and past participle forms of many English verbs along with their Spanish translations. It provides the infinitive form of the verb in Spanish as well as an example translation of the usage. Some examples included are: arise/arose/arisen which translates to surgir or levantarse in Spanish. Other verbs listed include awake/awoke/awoken, be/was/been, begin/began/begun, and bind/bound/bound among many others. Tenses of the verb "to study" in Spanish are also provided as examples of past tense usage.
The document lists the base form, past simple, and past participle forms of many English verbs along with their Spanish translations. It provides the infinitive form of the verb in Spanish as well as an example translation of the usage. Some examples included are: arise/arose/arisen which translates to surgir or levantarse in Spanish. Other verbs listed include awake/awoke/awoken, be/was/been, begin/began/begun, and bind/bound/bound among many others. Tenses of the verb "to study" in Spanish are also provided as examples of past tense usage.
The document lists the base form, past simple, and past participle forms of many English verbs along with their Spanish translations. It provides the infinitive form of the verb in Spanish as well as an example translation of the usage. Some examples included are: arise/arose/arisen which translates to surgir or levantarse in Spanish. Other verbs listed include awake/awoke/awoken, be/was/been, begin/began/begun, and bind/bound/bound among many others. Tenses of the verb "to study" in Spanish are also provided as examples of past tense usage.
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Arise Arose Arisen Surgir, Levantarse
Awake Awoke Awoken Despertarse Be/ am, are, is Was / Were Been Ser / Estar Bear Bore Borne / Born Soportar, dar a luz Beat Beat Beaten Golpear Become Became Become Llegar a Ser Begin Began Begun Empezar Bend Bent Bent Doblar Bet Bet Bet Apostar Bind Bound Bound Atar, encuadernar Bid Bid Bid Pujar Bite Bit Bitten Morder Bleed Bled Bled Sangrar Blow Blew Blown Soplar Break Broke Broken Romper Breed Bred Bred Criar Bring Brought Brought Traer Llevar Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Radiar Build Built Built Edificar Burn Burnt / Burned Burnt / Burned Quemar Burst Burst Burst Reventar Buy Bought Bought Comprar Cast Cast Cast Arrojar Catch Caught Caught Coger Come Came Come Venir Cost Cost Cost Costar Cut Cut Cut Cortar Choose Chose Chosen Elegir Cling Clung Clung Agarrarse Creep Crept Crept Arrastrarse Deal Dealt Dealt Tratar Dig Dug Dug Cavar Do (Does) Did Done Hacer Draw Drew Drawn Dibujar Dream Dreamt /Dreamed Dreamt /Dreamed Soñar Drink Drank Drunk Beber Drive Drove Driven Conducir Eat Ate Eaten Comer Fall Fell Fallen Caer Feed Fed Fed Alimentar Feel Felt Felt Sentir Fight Fought Fought Luchar Find Found Found Encontrar Flee Fled Fled Huir Fly Flew Flown Volar Forbid Forbade Forbidden Prohibir Forget Forgot Forgotten Olvidar Forgive Forgave Forgiven Perdonar Freeze Froze Frozen Helar Get Got Got / Gotten Obtener Give Gave Given Dar Go (Goes) Went Gone Ir Grow Grew Grown Crecer Grind Ground Ground Moler Hang Hung Hung Colgar Have Had Had Haber o Tener Hear Heard Heard Oir Hide Hid Hidden Ocultar Hit Hit Hit Golpear Hold Held Held Agarrar Celebrar Hurt Hurt Hurt Herir Keep Kept Kept Conservar Know Knew Known Saber Conocer Kneel Knelt Knelt Arrodillarse Knit Knit Knit Hacer punto Lay Laid Laid Poner Lead Led Led Conducir Lean Leant Leant Apoyarse Leap Leapt Leapt Brincar Learn Learnt / Learned Learnt / Learned Aprender Leave Left Left Dejar Lend Lent Lent Prestar Let Let Let Permitir Lie Lay Lain Echarse Light Lit Lit Encender Lose Lost Lost Perder Make Made Made Hacer Mean Meant Meant Significar Meet Met Met Encontrar Mistake Mistook Mistaken Equivocar Overcome Overcame Overcome Vencer Pay Paid Paid Pagar Put Put Put Poner Read Read Read Leer Ride Rode Ridden Montar Ring Rang Rung Llamar Rise Rose Risen Levantarse Run Ran Run Correr Say Said Said Decir See Saw Seen Ver Seek Sought Sought Buscar Sell Sold Sold Vender Send Sent Sent Enviar Set Set Set Poner(se) Sew Sewed Sewed / Sewn Coser Shake Shook Shaken Sacudir Shear Shore Shorn Esquilar Shine Shone Shone Brillar Shoot Shot Shot Disparar Show Showed Shown Mostrar Shrink Shrank Shrunk Encogerse Shut Shut Shut Cerrar Sing Sang Sung Cantar Sink Sank Sunk Hundir Sit Sat Sat Sentarse Sleep Slept Slept Dormir Slide Slid Slid Resbalar Smell Smelt Smelt Oler Sow Sowed Sowed / Sown Sembrar Speak Spoke Spoken Hablar Speed Sped Sped Acelerar Spell Spelt Spelt Deletrear Spend Spent Spent Gastar Spill Spilt / Spilled Spilt / Spilled Derramar Spin Spun Spun Hilar Spit Spat Spat Escupir Split Split Split Hender / partir / rajar Spoil Spoilt / Spoiled Spoilt / Spoiled Estropear Spread Spread Spread Extender Spring Sprang Sprung Saltar Stand Stood Stood Estar en pie Steal Stole Stolen Robar Stick Stuck Stuck Pegar Engomar Sting Stung Stung Picar Stink Stank/Stunk Stunk Apestar Stride Strode Stridden Dar zancadas Strike Struck Struck Golpear Swear Swore Sworn Jurar Sweat Sweat Sweat Sudar Sweep Swept Swept Barrer Swell Swelled Swollen Hinchar Swim Swam Swum Nadar Swing Swung Swung Columpiarse Take Took Taken Coger Teach Taught Taught Enseñar Tear Tore Torn Rasgar Tell Told Told Decir Think Thought Thought Pensar Throw Threw Thrown Arrojar Tirar Thrust Thrust Thrust Introducir Tread Trod Trodden Pisar, hollar Understand Understood Understood Entender Undergo Underwent Undergone Sufrir Undertake Undertook Undertaken Emprender Wake Woke Woken Despertarse Wear Wore Worn Llevar puesto Weave Wove Woven Tejer Weep Wept Wept Llorar Wet Wet Wet Mojar Win Won Won Ganar Wind Wound Wound Enrollar Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn Retirarse Wring Wrung Wrung Torcer Write Wrote Written Escribir 1 Pasado Simple I STUDIED ENGLISH 2 Pasado Continuo I WAS STUDYING ENGLISH 3 Pasado Perfecto I HAD STUDIED ENGLISH 4 Pasado Perfecto continuo I HAD BEEN STUDYING ENGLISH 5 Pasado Condicional perfecto I WOULD HAVE STUDIED ENGLISH 6 Pasado Condicional perfecto continuo I WOULD HAVE BEEN STUDYING ENGLISH 7 Presente Simple I STUDY ENGLISH 8 Presente Continuo I AM STUDYING ENGLISH 9 Presente Perfecto I HAVE STUDIED ENGLISH 10 Presente Perfecto continuo I HAVE BEEN STUDYING ENGLISH 11 Presente Condicional simple I WOULD STUDY ENGLISH 12 Futuro Simple I WILL STUDY ENGLISH / I AM GOING TO STUDY ENGLISH 13 Futuro Continuo I WILL BE STUDYING ENGLISH 14 Futuro Perfecto I WILL HAVE STUDIED ENGLISH 15 Futuro Perfecto continuo I WILL HAVE BEEN STUDYING ENGLISH YO ESTUDIÉ INGLÉS 1 YO ESTABA ESTUDIANDO INGLES 2 X X X X YO ESTUDIO INGLES 3 YO ESTOY ESTUDIANDO INGLES 4 YO HE ESTUDIADO INGLES 5 X X YO VOY A ESTUDIAR INGLES 6 YO ESTARÉ ESTUDIANDO INGLES 7 X X noun translation action acción ACCION ❌ ✅ age edad EDAD ✅ air aire AIRE ✅ animal animal ANIMAL ✅ answer respuesta RESPUESTA ✅ apple manzana MANZANA ✅ art arte ❌ baby bebé BEBE ❌ ✅ back espalda BULTO ❌ ball bola, pelota BALON ❌ ✅ bank banco BANCO ✅ bed cama CAMA ✅ bill factura ❌ bird pájaro PAJARO ❌ ✅ blood sangre ❌ boat barco ❌ body cuerpo CUERPO ✅ bone hueso ❌ book libro LIBRO ✅ bottom fondo, parte bajo FONDO ❌ ✅ box caja CAJA ✅ boy niño (masculino) NIÑO ❌ ✅ brother hermano HERMANO ✅ building edificio EDIFICIO ✅ business negocio NEGOCIO ✅ call llamada LLAMADA ✅ capital capital DINERO ❌ case caso, estuche ❌ cat gato GATO ✅ cause causa CAUSA ✅ cent céntimo ❌ center centro CENTRO ✅ century siglo ❌ chance oportunidad ❌ change cambio CAMBIO ✅ check cheque ❌ child (pl children) niño NIÑO ✅ church iglesia IGLESIA ✅ circle círculo CIRCULO ❌ ✅ city ciudad CIUDAD ✅ class clase, curso CLASE ❌ ✅ clothes ropa ROPA ✅ cloud nube NUBE ✅ coast costa ❌ color color COLOR ✅ company empresa COMPAÑÍA ❌ ✅ consonant consonante CONSONANTE ✅ copy copia COPIA ✅ corn maíz ❌ cotton algodón ALGODÓN ✅ country país, campo PAIS ❌ ✅ course curso ❌ cow vaca VACA ✅ crowd multitud ❌ day día DIA ❌ ✅ dictionary diccionario DICCIONARIO ✅ direction dirección DIRECCION ❌ ✅ distance distancia DISTANCIA ✅ doctor médico DOCTOR ❌ ✅ dollar dólar DÓLAR ✅ door puerta PUERTA ✅ ear oreja OREJA ✅ earth tierra TIERRA ✅ egg huevo HUEVO ✅ energy energía ENERGIA ❌ ✅ example ejemplo EJEMPLO ✅ experience experiencia EXPERIENCIA ✅ eye ojo OJO ✅ game juego, partido JUEGO ❌ ✅ garden jardín JARDIN ❌ ✅ gas carburante GAS ❌ girl chica, niña NIÑA ❌ ✅ glass vidrio, vaso VIDRIO ❌ ✅ gold oro ORO ✅ government gobierno GOBIERNO ✅ grass hierba, césped ❌ group grupo GRUPO ✅ hair pelo PELO ✅ hand mano MANO ✅ hat sombrero SOMBRERO ✅ head cabeza CABEZA ✅ heart corazón ❌ heat calor, calefacción ❌ history historia HISTORIA ✅ hole agujero, hueco ❌ home casa, hogar CASA ❌ ✅ horse caballo CABALLO ✅ hour hora HORA ✅ house casa CASA ✅ ice hielo HIELO ✅ idea idea IDEA ✅ inch pulgada ❌ industry industria INDUSTRIA ✅ information información INFORMACION ❌ ✅ insect insecto INSECTO ✅ interest interés INTERES ❌ ✅ iron hierro, plancha PLANCHA ❌ ✅ island isla ISLA ✅ job puesto de trabajo TRABAJO ❌ ✅ key llave LLAVE ✅ lake lago ❌ land tierra ❌ language idioma LENGUAJE ❌ ✅ law ley ❌ leg pierna PIERNA ✅ level nivel NIVEL ✅ lie mentira ❌ life vida VIDA ✅ light luz LUZ ✅ line línea LINEA ❌ ✅ list lista LISTA ✅ machine máquina MAQUINA ❌ ✅ man (pl men) hombre HOMBRE ✅ map mapa MAPA ✅ material material MATERIAL ✅ meat carne CARNE ✅ middle medio MEDIO ✅ mile milla MILLA ✅ milk leche LECHE ✅ mind mente MENTE ✅ minute minuto MINUTO ✅ money dinero DINERO ✅ month mes MES ✅ moon luna LUNA ✅ mouth boca BOCA ✅ music música MUSICA ❌ ✅ nation nación NACION ❌ ✅ night noche NOCHE ✅ nose nariz NARIZ ✅ note nota NOTA ✅ number número NUMEROS ❌ ✅ object objeto OBJETO ✅ ocean océano OCEANO ❌ ✅ office oficina OFICINA ✅ oil aceite, petróleo ACEITE ❌ ✅ page página PAGINA ❌ ✅ pair par ❌ paper papel PAPEL ✅ paragraph párrafo PARRAFO ❌ ✅ park parque PARQUE ✅ part parte PARTE ✅ party fiesta, partido FIESTA ❌ ✅ past pasado PASADO ✅ person (pl people) persona, gente PERSONA ❌ ✅ pound libra ❌ president presidente PRESIDENTE ✅ problem problema PROBLEMA ✅ product producto PRODUCTO ✅ property propiedad ❌ question pregunta PREGUNTA ✅ race carrera ❌ radio radio RADIO ✅ rain lluvia LLUVIA ✅ reason razón RAZON ❌ ✅ record récord GRABACION ❌ region región REGION ❌ ✅ ring anillo SONIDO ❌ river río RIO ❌ ✅ road camino CAMINO ✅ rock roca ROCA ✅ ✅ row fila ❌ rule regla REGLA ✅ sand arena ARENA ✅ school escuela ESCUELA ✅ science ciencia CIENCIA ✅ sea mar OCEANO ❌ ✅ seat asiento ❌ second segundo SEGUNDO ✅ sentence frase ORACION ❌ ✅ set set, serie ❌ side lado ❌ sign señal, signo SEÑAL ❌ ✅ sister hermana HERMANA ✅ size talla, tamaño TALLA ❌ ✅ skin piel PIEL ✅ snow nieve NIEVE ✅ soldier soldado SOLDADO ✅ solution solución SOLUCION ❌ ✅ son hijo (masculino) ❌ spring primavera ❌ square cuadrado, plaza CUADRADO ❌ ✅ star estrella ESTRELLA ✅ state estado ❌ stop parada ALTO ❌ ✅ street calle ❌ student estudiante ESTUDIANTE ✅ sugar azúcar AZUCAR ❌ ✅ sun sol SOL ✅ village pueblo ❌ vowel vocal (a, e, i, o, u) VOCAL ❌ ✅ war guerra ❌ weather tiempo (clima) CLIMA ❌ ✅ weight peso PESO ✅ wife esposa CASA ❌ window ventana VENTANA ✅ winter invierno VIENTO ❌ woman (pl women) mujer MUJER ✅ word palabra PALABRA ✅ world mundo MUNDO ✅ year año AÑO ✅ 157
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