Pas Kelas 7 Putri
Pas Kelas 7 Putri
Pas Kelas 7 Putri
MADRASAH TSANAWIYAH ( MTs. ) AL AMIN BUGIH PAMKASAN A. 15 years old C. 13 years old
STATUS : TERAKREDITASI B, NSM : 121235280036, NPSN : 20526882 B. 14 years old D. 12 years old
Alamat : Pondok Pesantren Al-Amin, Jl. Pintu Gerbang 171, Bugih Pamekasan
Kab. Pamekasan, Madura Jawa Timur, E-mail : [email protected] 5. Why does Chelsea Wells enjoy studying at Jakarta Internastional School?
A. she has a new friend
B. she studies in Indonesia
TAHUN PELAJARAN 2022/2023 C. she studies at SMP
Nama : Hari/Tanggal : D. she has a lot friends there
I have a pet. Its name is Kenari. Kenari is male canary bird. Canary bird is originally
21. The correct greating based on the picture is ....
from Canary Island, Africa. My pet has beautiful feathers. He flies fast and can make
clear melodious voice. I got Kenari as my birthday present from my parents. I feed him
A. Goog afternoon C. Good evening
three times a week and I always clean his cage every saturday. Last week, I registered
B. Good morning D. Good night
Kenari for a competition in the park near my house. Before that, I had trained Kenari
for several weeks at home. So, he could sing beautifully. At the end of that day, he
22. When we meet somebody at 6 p.m, we greet him by saying ....
became the runner up. I'm really proud of Kenari.
A. Good afternoon C. Good evening
B. Good morning D. Good night 1. What is mainly discussed in the story?