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The TEN Pillars of Success

Dr Josephine Perry

The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

Dr Josephine Perry is a chartered sports and
exercise psychologist.

The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

Success is something many of us crave and yet
achieving it is so difficult.

The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

Successful people share ingrained
psychological ‘pillars’

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What success is not…

Success is not winning. Winning might feel

great for a moment or two , but its fleeting.
Winning doesn't give us a sense of well being

The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

Success is not about being macho and
mentally tough – it is about being flexible and

Success is about who you are and not what

others think you should be.

The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

10 pillars of success
1. Belonging
2. Mastery
3. Autonomy
4. Purpose
5. Confidence
6. Process
7. Courage
8. Optimism
9. Internal insight
10. Gratitude

The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

Being a member of a group allows us to pool
our effort, resources, skills, knowledge.

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Secure individuals have high self esteem and a
strong sense of belonging.

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In sport belonging is expressed in the power of
teams. Specialist support and use of
technology can connect athletes in meaningful

The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

Belonging comes from having high quality
social interaction and a special bond with a
few people who really matter.

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Loneliness makes it harder to control and
regulate our habits and behavior.

Suicide is also higher amongst those who are


The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

A 2019 study showed that 31 % of us find it
difficult to make friends.

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The easiest way to develop social connectivity
is to join groups. Groups usually have a
common interest.

Volunteering is another way to develop social


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A genius is a talented person who has done all
his/her homework.

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Mastery is not a destination, it’s a journey,, it is
the idea that we have a knowledge base that
we can refine and expand.

True mastery requires repeated trial and error.

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Most of us can recognize competence from
incompetence. But how does one recognize

It is usually others who are able to spot that in


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When you see someone who has mastery,
there is a halo around their work, you can
make out the immense discipline they have to
bring mastery to work.

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The mastery mindset is about focus, is never
about comparing yourself with someone else.
It is about the depth of understanding and the
focus on the process of learning.

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In order to achieve mastery, you need to set
up mastery goals and set up a mastery climate
which is learning and challenging all the time.

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Perfectionism can both help and harm us.

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Autonomy is being the source of your own

Autonomy comes from:

1.The belief that we control our actions.
2.Freedom from being pressured by others
3.The flexibility to make choices.
The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv
Autonomy is not about standing alone and
shunning everyone else.

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Being autonomy supportive as a leader means
giving people candid supportive feedback, it is
about listening to the said and unsaid.

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To create autonomy supportive environments,
leaders must do the following:

1.use charisma to exert influence

2.inspirational motivation
3.intellectual stimulation and
4.individual consideration for team members

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If you want to change people, focus on
feedback on behavior- things that they
consistently display -pettiness, jealousy,
inability to give credit etc.

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Explaining is important when we set out goals.
This encourages people to commit to it.

Incorporating appreciation, delegation,

explanation and trust shapes autonomy at the

The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

Purpose is like our destination. We don’t
always know how to get there but we can have
an end point

The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

Japanese call purpose ‘ikigai’ which is living life
with energy and motivation.

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The second element of purpose is wanting to
contribute to the wider world.

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Stability of purpose enables us to be

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If we put direction, contribution and
consistency we might think of it as an
organizational framework, akin to scaffolding.

The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

People who are more purposeful show the

emotional stability
openness to experience
The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv
Purpose can also make people with bad
intentions successful. Dictators is a good

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In sport confidence is the biggest difference
between success and failure.

Confidence is a mixture of self belief and


The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

Once we have confidence from mastery, then
we tend to keep it with us for some time.

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If we plan, research and practice, we get
better confidence.

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Too much confidence can lead to arrogance,
too little and we become timid.
Overconfidence stunts our growth.

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Superstitions also give us a sense of security
and confidence.

Controlling the controllable gives us


The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

Being energized by others success can be a
way to build confidence, please don’t see
them as rivals.

The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

When you put process ahead of outcome, you
can focus on the moment

The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

Studies of successful people show that while
they have an end in mind, their day to day
focus is on process

The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

Process helps us set more effective goals and
maintain control over them. They turn our
intentions into actions by showing us where to
focus our attention.

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Look at goals as

Outcome goals
Process goals

Goals set the tone for our day to day lives and
provide us with structure.

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John Wooden the legendary coach gave
specific feedback 65 % of the time, he never
spoke in generalities like ‘ you need to practice

Being process driven is fundamental to

maintaining emotional controlling all areas of
The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv
A key trigger we often see in high performers
is perfectionism.

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You never lose if you learn.

Establishing a routine is possibly the best

process for the outcome you desire. You see
football players, golfers doing that before
every game.

The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

Courage has two dimensions – physical and
moral. Physical you get hurt.

Both have vulnerability, we must open up to

how we feel about it.

Courage is influenced by culture. We walk a

tightrope and that's called integrity.
The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv
Courage is a powerful partner to the other

Bravery demonstrates openness, this is

required to maintain close relationships,
ensuring we remain authentic.

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Social support helps people be courageous.

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Steps towards Courage
1. Become aware of what’s going on
2. Recognize that we might need to act
3. Consider our role in the situation
4. Run an internal cost benefit analysis of being involved.

The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

All courage is determined by the ethical
boundaries we set for ourselves.

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Optimism is the the belief that good things will
happen, both now and in the future.

Pessimists plan for the worst while optimists

expect the best.

Optimists take challenges/difficulties as

temporary setbacks.

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Improved health is one outcome of optimism.

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Relentless optimism is also not good.
Gambling is relentless optimism.

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Internal insight is like self awareness. Internal
insight is the ability to notice and respond to
behaviors habits, motivations and emotions.

It is an impartial attitude about ourselves and

how we feel in different situations.

The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

Internal insight is about

1.our core self

2.our social sense
3.our key emotions
4.our emotions
5.our competencies

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Internal insight supports our success.

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Insightful leaders have high levels of self
awareness, they tend to be viewed, they seem
more committed, better at mentoring, and
more able to influence people.

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A less intense way to develop self awareness is
to regularly put aside time for reflection.

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Gratitude comes when we appreciate what we
have, it is the quality of being thankful and
acknowledging the good in our life.

The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

Possessing gratitude gives us a mental
structure to kindness and benevolence.

The pilar that gratitude supports most is


The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

Gratitude helps balance our biases.

Journaling is a good way to practice gratitude.

Who should you thank for this week?

The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

Framing feedback with gratitude is a great

The Ten Pillars of Success Book Summary Shiv

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