•The printing press was the big innovation in
Intercultural communication is a communication communications until the telegraph was
between at least two people from different
cultures. A globalized society needs only to use •Printing remained the key format for mass
communication as a tool for better understanding messages for years afterward, but the
telegraph allowed instant communication over
vast distances for the first time in human from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore, Maryland;
history. by 1866, a telegraph line had been laid across
the Atlantic Ocean from the United States to
•Before the printing press there were no books, Europe.
not in the sense that we understand them. • Telegraph usage faded as radio became easy to
use and popularized;
•There were manuscripts that were copied by
scribes, which contained inconsistencies and RADIO
embellishments, and modifications that suited •Radio is more than just announcers, news and
who the scribe was working for. songs.
• Until Johannes Gutenberg’s 15th-century
invention of the movable type printing press, •Radio is about companionship and the
books were painstakingly handwritten and no emotional connection with the listener.
two copies were exactly the same.
•Radio broadcasts provide real-time information,
• The printing press made the mass production and some that broadcast 24 hours a day, can
of print media possible. provide the most recent updates to listeners.
• Not only was it much cheaper to produce •Radio has the ability to reach across borders
written material, but new transportation and can become a valuable source of
technologies also made it easier for texts to information where reliable news is scarce. The
reach a wide audience. presence of radio in the home also heralded the
evolution of consumer culture in the United
The printing press halted the evolution of
symbols: For the first time maps and numbers •In 1941, two-thirds of radio programs carried
were fixed. advertising.
•The printing press increased the speed of •Radio has allowed advertisers to sell products
communication and the spread of knowledge: to a closed audience.
Far less man hours were needed to turn out 50
•This type of mass marketing has ushered in a
printed books than 50 scribed manuscripts
new era of consumer culture.
• One of the biggest developments in
communication came in 1831 when the •As the radio was being developed, the
electric telegraph was invented. telephone quickly became the fastest way to
• The contemporary media age can trace its communicate person-to-person
origins back to the electrical telegraph,
patented in the United States by Samuel Morse TELEPHONE
in 1837. Thanks to the telegraph,
communication was no longer linked to the •In 1849, the telephone was invented and within
physical transportation of messages; 50 years it was an essential item for homes and
offices, but tethering impacted the flexibility
TELEGRAPH and privacy of the device.
• Developed in the 1830s and 1840s by Samuel •Telephones made it easier for businesses to
Morse and other inventors, the telegraph communicate with each other.
revolutionized long-distance communication. •It cut down on the amount of time it took to
• It worked by transmitting electrical signals over send messages to each other.
a wire laid between stations.
• In addition to helping invent the telegraph, the •As the telephone network grew, it also
Morse code assigned a set of dots and dashes expanded the area that a business could reach.
to each letter of the English alphabet and
allowed for the simple transmission of complex •Businesses began to use telephones to connect
messages across telegraph lines. offices with each other and to build a stronger
• In 1844, Morse sent his first telegraph message, network of customers.
•The telephone revolutionized the way that this far-reaching information medium.
people communicated with each other.
•Many businesses benefited from the •Internet has opened a new world for many
advancements in communication. people around the world.
•As telephones have continued to evolve from •Many opportunities are available here. It is a
landlines and switchboards to cell phones and manifestation of never-ending innovation and
cell towers, the use of telephones has shaped creativity.
the way that businesses connect to
individuals. •It knows no boundary but brings huge
economic chances for people in every country.
•Telemarketers came about as a way to reach • Internet allows people to improve the quality of
customers in their own homes. their life.
•These companies could connect with customers • It opens access to the previously inaccessible
to learn about marketing needs and to conduct things.
surveys or sell products directly to customers.
• With almost three millions of users, internet
•It also made it easier to reach a wider available has been emerging as one of the most
audience and made it easier for potential important tools of communication.
customers to contact the business to ask • The internet has made communication easier
questions. and faster, it’s allowed us to stay in contact with
people regardless of time and location.
•Television facilitates one-way communication • It’s accelerated the pace of business and
between the sender and the receiver. widened the possibilities within the enterprise
•This allows the sender to persuade, entertain,
inform and empower the audience. • It’s allowed people to find their voice and
express themselves through social media,
•Television is widely used as a mass medium for YouTube, and memes. The internet has
advertising. Due to its ability to reach a massive connected and divided us like nothing before.
number of households, TV has become a • Now, digital methods have superseded almost
powerful way to promote products and all other forms of communication, especially in
services. business.
•For decades, television channels have sold EMAIL
blocks of broadcast time to fund their •Email (or e-mail) communication can be defined
programs. as the exchange of short informational
messages between at least two people over a
• Commercials that span a few seconds to a
computer network.
minute (or longer) appear between shows,
sporting events and news broadcasts, all •These messages containing plain text, images or
communicating about different products and document attachments are delivered through
services. email web-based services like Gmail, Outlook,
or Yahoo.
• Depending on the popularity of the television
• Email is an important method of business
program and the timespan given to the
communication that is fast, cheap, accessible
commercial, the channel can charge a high
and easily replicated. Using email can greatly
amount to the advertiser.
benefit businesses as it provides efficient and
• After television was perfected and content for it
effective ways to transmit all kinds of electronic
was well developed, it became the dominant
form of mass-communication technology;
• the internet came next, and newspapers, radio,
telephones, and television are being rolled into The advantages of using email
Email can increase efficiency, productivity, and your would have been a sci-fi dream.
business readiness. Using email in business is:
• Now, with smartwatches, audio sunglasses, and
• cheap - sending an email costs the same other emerging wearable technology, these
regardless of distance and the number of capabilities are a part of our daily lives.
people you send it to
• fast - an email should reach its recipient in
minutes, or at the most within a few hours •The next generation of VR has only been
around since 2016, but it’s already shaking up
• convenient - your message will be stored until communications.
the recipient is ready to read it, and you can
easily send the same message to a large •The beauty of VR—presence—means you can
number of people connect to someone in the same space at the
same time, without the time sink and cost of
• permanent - you can keep a record of messages travel, even if participants are on different
and replies, including details of when a continents.
message was received • VR also helps to facilitate better
Disadvantages of using email
• In a typical discussion, a lot of information is
• Despite the host of benefits, there are certain non-verbal communication which can be
weaknesses of email that you should be aware transcribed in VR.
of, such as
• Voice tone, hesitations, and head, and hand
• Spam - unsolicited email can overwhelm your movements greatly improve the understanding
email system unless you install a firewall and of the participants' emotions and intents.
anti-spam software. Other internet and email
security issues may arise, especially if you're • Plus in VR, all distractions are removed and
using the cloud or remote access. people can be fully focused on what is
happening around them.
• Viruses - easily spread through email
attachments. See how to detect spam, • In fact, MeetinVR claims that there is a 25%
malware, and viruses. increase in attention span when meeting in
virtual reality compared to video conferencing.
• Sending emails by mistake - at a click of a • In addition, research suggests we retain more
button, an email can go to the wrong person information and can better apply what we have
accidentally, potentially leaking confidential learned after participating in virtual reality.
data and sensitive business information. You • 3D is a natural communication language
should take care to minimize the likelihood of overcoming linguistic barriers as well as
business data breaches and theft. technical jargon.
• Data storage - electronic storing space can 5G
become a problem, particularly where emails
with large attachments are widely distributed. • 5G, the 5th generation of mobile network,
promises much faster data download and
WEARABLE TECHNOLOGY upload speeds, wider coverage, and more
stable connections.
• The first instance of wearable technology was a
handsfree mobile headset launched in 1999, • These benefits will bring about significant
which became a piece of tech synonymous with improvements in communication.
city workers. Instantaneous communication will be possible
and those patchy frustrating video calls will be a
• It gave businesspeople the ability to answer thing of the past.
calls on the go, most importantly, while driving.
• Ten years ago, the idea that you could make a
video call from an item other than a phone How Has Technology Improved Communication?
• Gone are the days when people used to travel • Chat rooms and discussion forums enable
on horses and camels from one place to people to meet each other without having to be
another. there in person.
• The invention of the automobile has changed • This has given them much more flexibility when
the notions of transportation. it comes to dealing with social anxiety.
• Similarly, the concept of communication has • Online relationships are now becoming a social
evolved radically since Graham Bell invented norm.
the first telephone. • Social media platforms, Twitter, WhatsApp,
• Technology and communication are two sides Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., are
of the same coin. examples of how communication has changed.
It allows people to connect with anyone
• Technology in communication is affecting us in globally. It also allows people to show their
so many ways. skills and creativity to the whole world.
Do you know how technology has improved
2. Speed
communication and how technology improves
communication? • This is clearly the biggest improvement
communication has experienced through
technology – speed.
• Technology is volatile, hence a progressive
thing. It keeps on changing and rapidly moving • Modern communication is instant. You receive
forward. the message the other is trying to convey
within milliseconds.
• We have reached a point where instant
• Wireless signals, satellites, undersea cables, and
communication anywhere in the world is a
other advanced technology helps
communication by ensuring the instant delivery
• We are witnessing the pinnacle of globalization, of messages and other forms of data to any
and no one knows what else is to come. location on the planet. It also means the user
doesn’t have to be physically present at specific
• Nevertheless, technology has positively places like the post office or mail room. He can
impacted the sector of communication in send the message from the comfort of his
numerous ways. home, or anywhere his phone finds a signal.
• Initially, users sometimes faced problems in
sending and receiving messages via mobile
The following points are indicative of the fact how phones. But as the technology improved,
advancement in technology aids in improving internet speed/strength also increased with
communication time and still improving every day. Even people
in remote areas are connected with the world.
1. Better Interaction People are virtually connected, which is a result
of improved communication systems.
• Communication is instant now. It is how
technology has affected communication in the 3. Reliability
modern world. We were expected to wait for
several days and even months to receive a reply • Electronically transmitting these messages is
from the other side in earlier times. This much more reliable than using physical letters.
modern era has eliminated this requirement.
• Technology has come up with new ways of • Chatting apps are a norm now, which eliminates
communication; online means being the most the possibility of an error happening in the
prevalent one. transmission.
• It is common to meet people of different • As long as data lines are secure, you can rely on
cultures and communities on online forums and your device to convey the message on the other
instantly communicate with them. side.
• It can get hindered due to glitches and errors
from weather conditions or human faults. Types of academic text
• There is one risk of hackers who can try stealing
data and information shared on communication 1. Essay - fairly short, self-contained argument,
platforms. However, most messaging platforms often using sources from a class in response
like WhatsApp come with end-to-end to a question provided by the instructor.
encryption, making it hard for the developers to
2. Research paper - more in-depth
decrypt them.
investigation based on independent
4. Easy Self-Service research, often in response to a question
• Another example of technology improving chosen by the student.
communication includes easy self-service. 3. Thesis/dissertation - the large final research
project undertaken at the end of a degree,
• It allows customers to order products using
voice commands on IoT quickly. usually on a topic of the students choice.
4. Research proposal - an outline of a potential
• They can also try out the products using topic and plan for a future dissertation or
augmented reality without interacting with
company associates and employees. research project.
5. Literature review - a critical synthesis of an
• Most information and queries related to
existing research topic, usually written in
products and services are available easily on
the company’s website. order to inform the approach of a new piece
of research.
• The customer can seek an answer by visiting
the forum or knowledge base on the website. 6. Lab report - a write-up of the aims,
Some companies also provide video tutorials, methods, results and conclusions of a lab
articles, walkthrough guides, onboarding experiment.
emails, etc. 7. Annotated bibliography - a list of books or
other works) that includes descriptive and
evaluative comments about the sources
cited in your paper. These comments are
also known as annotations.
Academic Communication - also called scholarly
communication. Communication refers to methods
Academic writing is
of communication that are highly structured and
1. Formal and unbiased - conveying
generally only used in pedagogical settings. It
information in an impartial way. All claims
involves presenting ideas effectively and formally in
should be supported with relevant
a scholastic environment. It can include the words
evidence, not just asserted.
and structures used to express ideas, as well as the
2. Clear and precise - It’s important to use
methods by which ideas are disseminated.
clear and precise language to ensure that
your reader knows exactly what you mean.
Academic writing - is a formal style of writing used
This means being as specific as possible and
in universities and scholarly publications. It is clear,
avoiding vague language
concise, focused, structured, and backed up by
3. Focused and well structured - it needs to
evidence. Its purpose is to aid the reader’s
have a clear purpose.
understanding. It has a formal tone and style, but it
4. Well sourced - they use source to support
is not complex and does not require the use of long
its claims.
sentences and complicated vocabulary.
5. Correct and consistent - applying stylistic simply present additional notes about the topic at
conventions. hand.
Academic writing is not.. "citation"is the way you tell your readers that
1. Personal - avoid being too personal certain material in your work came from another
2. Long-winded - aim to be as concise and source.
direct as possible.
3. Emotive and grandiose - you should avoid A bibliography is a list of all of the sources you have
appeals to emotion and inflated claims. used (whether referenced or not) in the process of
researching your work.
Characteristics of academic writing
1. Planned and focused: answers the question Lesson 8 - BUSINESS LETTER
and demonstrates an understanding of the
subject. Business letters- are formal paper communications
2. Structured: is coherent, written in a logical between businesses and usually sent through the
order, and brings together related points post office or by courier. Called as snailmail
and material. - Most people who have an occupation have
3. Evidenced: demonstrates knowledge of the to write business letters.
subject area, supports opinions and - Sender and recipient
arguments with evidence, and is referenced - Any business letter is a legal document
accurately. between the interested parties
4. Formal in tone and style: uses appropriate - These letters can be held for 7 years.
language and tenses, and is clear, concise
and balanced Basic elements of a business letter
Format of business letter
APA Reference (American Psychological Association) 1. Sender's address - letterhead, one line
Author’s surname, initials(s).(date published).title above the date
of source.location of publisher: publisher.retrieved 2. Date - when the letter was written, best to
from URL use U.S standard format (september
20,2022), use the date when the letter was
Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or finished
ideas as your own, with or without their consent, 3. Receipts address - one line below the date,
by incorporating it into your work without full first line: name, 2nd line: job title, 3rd line:
acknowledgement. company name, then the remaining line
includes the address
Footnotes-These numbers usually appear as 4. Salutation - the name and title of the
superscripts and correspond with numbers placed recipient, followed by colon
at the bottom of the page, next to which appears 5. Body - 1st: introduce yourself and state why
further information that is both necessary and you are writing, 2nd: expand on why you
supplementary. Sometimes this information will are writing with background information
come in the form of citations, but sometimes it will and important details, 3rd: restate the
purpose of the letter.
6. Closing / signature - stick with a more 2. Quality of the paper
formal closing such as “ sincerely” or “ 3. Color of the paper
thank you” 4. Folding of letter
7. Enclosures - additional items to enclose 5. Envelope
with the letter, list them so the recipient
will remember.