Hazardous Chemical Exposure - ILO
Hazardous Chemical Exposure - ILO
Hazardous Chemical Exposure - ILO
X Exposure to hazardous
chemicals at work and
resulting health impacts:
A global review
Exposure to hazardous chemicals at
work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
Copyright © International Labour Organization 2021
First published 2021
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Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts: A global review
International Labour Office – Geneva: ILO, 2021
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Introduction 1
Methodology 7
Summary of Findings 9
Chemical exposures 11
Asbestos 12
Silica 16
Heavy metals 20
Spotlight on e-waste: Hazardous substances within the life cycle
of high tech electrical and electronic products 28
Solvents 33
Dyes 37
Spotlight on textiles: One of the largest employers worldwide 39
Manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs) 41
Perfluorinated chemicals (PFAS) 45
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals 49
Pesticides 56
Workplace air pollution 61
References 73
iv X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
X Acknowledgements
With the strategic oversight and research conceptualisation of Manal Azzi (Senior OSH specialist, ILO),
and technical backstopping, input and coordination from Halshka Graczyk (Technical OSH specialist, ILO),
the first draft of this review was prepared by Daniele Mandrioli (Ramazzini Institute). The ILO is thankful
to Sara Brosché (International Pollutants Elimination Network) who revised the draft and added gender
considerations, Lacye Groening (Junior technical officer, ILO) who contributed to the text, and Balint
Nafradi (Technical officer, ILO) for his valuable comments and assistance on statistics. Natasha Scott
(Independent Consultant) developed the priority actions and chemical chapter content, conducted a
technical review of the figures and text, and edited the final report in preparation for layout. We would
additionally like to thank the ILO's Bureau for Employers' Activities (ACTEMP) and the Bureau for Workers'
Activities (ACTRAV) for their valuable comments, and in particular Rory O'Neill (International Trade Union
Confederation) for his continued insight and guidance.
We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of a number of peer-reviewers, including Victoria Arrandale
(University of Toronto), Aurelie Berthet (Unisanté), Beat Brüschweiler (Swiss Federal Food Safety and
Veterinary Office), Aleksandra Fucic (Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health), Cara Haldin
(US Public Health Service), Michael Riediker (Swiss Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health),
and Kyle Steenland (Emory University).
This report was prepared in the framework of the Safety + Health for All Flagship Programme, thanks
to the financial contribution of the Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear
Safety of Germany. For more information on the project "Enhancing the role and engagement of the
world of work actors, including ministries of labour, employer and worker organisations in SAICM Beyond
2020”, see this link: https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/safety-and-health-at-work/programmes-proj-
ects/ WCMS_722473/lang--en/index.htm For more information on the Safety + Health for All Flagship
Programme, see this link: www.ilo.org/safety-health-for-all
X Executive Summary
Workers around the world are facing a global health crisis due to occupational exposure to toxic chemi-
cals. Every year more than 1 billion workers are exposed to hazardous substances, including pol-
lutants, dusts, vapours and fumes in their working environments. Many of these workers lose their
life following such exposures, succumbing to fatal diseases, cancers and poisonings, or from fatal injuries
following fires or explosions. We must also consider the additional burden that workers and their fami-
lies face from non-fatal injuries resulting in disability, debilitating chronic diseases, and other health
sequela, that unfortunately in many cases remain invisible. All of these deaths, injuries and illnesses
are entirely preventable.
The International Labour Organization (ILO) has long recognized that the protection of workers from
hazardous chemicals is essential to ensuring healthy populations as well as sustainable environments.
Nevertheless, workers continue to be disproportionally exposed to chemicals across almost all
workplace sectors. Production of chemicals as well as the industries using them are expanding, which
means a high potential for increased occupational exposure. Moreover, with new chemicals intro-
duced every year, mechanisms for regulating exposure such as the implementation of occupational expo-
sure limits, struggle to keep up. There is therefore an urgent need to take action and implement a range
of effective measures to prevent harm to workers, their families, and wider communities.
In response to growing international concern over chemical safety, the Strategic Approach to
International Chemicals Management (SAICM) was developed to serve as a policy framework to pro-
mote chemical safety. Occupational exposure considerations should be at the core of SAICM Beyond 2020
and even stronger measures are needed in this new framework to protect workers from chemical
This global review was undertaken in order to provide a sound evidence base towards policy efforts. As
such, it represents a necessary and comprehensive analysis of recent trends and priorities when it comes
to protecting the health and safety of workers from occupational chemical exposures.
Main findings
The top chemical exposures identified as priorities include:
1. Asbestos
2. Silica
3. Heavy metals
4. Solvents
5. Dyes
6. Manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs)
7. Perfluorinated chemicals (PFAS)
8. Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
9. Pesticides
10. Workplace air pollution
X For the great majority of chemical exposures, data does not exist for local, regional and global esti-
mates and the number of workers exposed cannot even be estimated.
vi X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
X Only a limited number of chemical occupational exposures are considered, monitored and regulated
in workplaces. Because of the lack of comprehensive information on chemical exposure of workers
and respective outcomes such as death, cancer, etc., global burden of disease calculations are often
missing or are severely underestimated.
X Whilst some hazardous chemicals have been phased out, a number of toxic substances are still used
globally, and workers in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) are particularly exposed.
X Cancer is the main cause of work-related death, and more than 200 different substances have been
identified as known or probable human carcinogens, with many of these exposures occurring in the
X Occupational chemical exposures have toxic effects on different body systems, including reproduc-
tive, cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems, as well as specific organs, such as the liver
and brain.
Respiratory Neurotoxicity
Immune Reproductive
toxicity toxicity
Cancer Cardiovascular
Obesity &
diabetes Endocrine
Liver toxicity
Priority Actions
This review clearly demonstrates the need for prompt action to protect workers across various economic
sectors worldwide. Key actions to ensure worker protection and prevention efforts include strict and
evidence-based occupational exposure limits, workplace measures following the hierarchy of control,
and chemical phase outs and restrictions. Additional key points include:
X Policies for the sound management of chemicals should always follow a systems approach, as out-
lined in the ILO Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention No. 187.
X International labour standards are crucial in responding to the occupational health crisis posed by
chemicals. Key ILO conventions pertaining to the safe management of chemicals, including ILO
Chemicals Convention No. 170 and the Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents Convention No.
174, should be ratified and implemented as a priority.
X A preventative safety and health culture should be established at national and workplace levels,
with diverse stakeholders engaged at all levels.
X Harmonised and evidence-based Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) must be established, up-
dated, implemented and enforced for all major hazardous chemicals.
X At the workplace level, a programme approach for the sound management of chemicals is recom-
mended, as well as a workplace strategy involving chemical identification, comprehensive risk
assessment and implementation of control measures.
X Preventative measures should be implemented following the Hierarchy of Controls, as set forth in
ILO guidance.
X There is an urgent need for harmonized global data repositories and databases of chemical expo-
sure information and resulting health effects on workers.
X Further research on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) should be considered a priority, as well the
interlinkages with chemical exposures and infectious disease. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted
the need to develop responsive policy efforts that take into consideration the multi-dimensional as-
pects of OSH.
X Efforts are needed to generate gender disaggregated data to identify and prevent exposures and
impacts that are magnified by gender and biological factors.
X Social dialogue is essential for promoting transparent and active communication between stake-
holders at all levels.
X There is a need for increased engagement of world of work stakeholders in SAICM and other
international policy efforts dealing with chemicals, as well as the development of sound governance
Although the health effects of some occupational chemical exposures are well established, it is likely that
the long-term health impacts of certain chemicals will only become evident in years to come. What is clear
however, is that the utilisation of hazardous chemicals in consumer products and industrial processes
will continue to increase in the coming years, leading to a higher burden of disease and adverse
consequences for the environment. We can no longer afford to be complacent in our global misman-
agement of chemicals and a new approach is urgently needed to protect the billions of workers exposed
on a daily basis. Effective and evidence-based systems for the sound management of chemicals
must be implemented at both the national and workplace level as a matter of urgency.
Safe and healthy working
conditions are fundamental
to decent work.
XILO Centenary Declaration for the
Future of Work, 2019
X Acronyms
X Introduction
Purpose of the study and over longer time periods, increasing their
risk of significant health effects. The ILO has
highlighted the importance of chemical expo-
As the production and use of chemicals in work-
sures as a top priority for advancing occupational
places around the world increases, workers are
safety and health (OSH) agendas worldwide and
ever more at risk of hazardous chemical expo-
calls attention to significant interlinkages that
sures which may be detrimental to their health.
exist between the world of work and other sec-
Aside from those employed by the chemical in-
tors, such as health, environment, agriculture and
dustry itself, workers from across almost all eco-
economic development.
nomic sectors are exposed to hazardous and toxic
chemicals. Previous estimates published by the In response to growing international concern
ILO have found that over 2,780,000 workers die over chemical safety, the Strategic Approach to
globally each year due to their working conditions International Chemicals Management (SAICM)
and that exposure to hazardous substances claim was developed with the overall objective of en-
the lives of almost 1 million workers (Hämäläinen suring the sound management of chemicals
et al. 2017). This translates to at least one worker throughout their life cycle. The ILO Governing
dying every 30 seconds due to occupational Body endorsed SAICM in 2006, noting that this
chemical exposure (UN 2018). global policy framework is a remarkable tool to
harmonise and integrate important elements
Due to scale of the problem, a comprehensive
needed for a universal approach to the sound
review of the evidence was needed to better un-
management of chemicals worldwide.
derstand the risks posed by hazardous chemicals
and to identify measures to protect the health An intersessional process is now underway to pre-
and safety of exposed workers. Chemical prior- pare recommendations regarding SAICM Beyond
ities in this study were identified based on the 2020. Occupational exposure considerations
following criteria: should be at the core of SAICM Beyond 2020
and even stronger measures are needed in this
X Expected burden of exposure among workers
new framework to protect workers from chem-
(the higher the exposure and production ical exposures. This global review aims to provide
trends, the higher the priority) important considerations on exposure scenarios,
X Expected burden of disease and related mor-
the magnitude of worker exposure and health
effects, as well as priorities for action during the
tality for workers (the higher the mortality, the
intersessional process and beyond. The ILO also
higher the priority).
hopes that the publication of this global review
X Potential for improving and implementing pro- will bring attention to the global health crisis
tective and preventive measures for workers workers are currently facing. It aims to promote
(i.e. chemical exposures for which occupational the meaningful and active participation by world
exposure limits are currently missing, chemical of work stakeholders, to ensure that the views of
exposures where low to middle income coun- the labour sector are fully taken into account.
tries could implement measures based on cur-
rent practices from high income countries).
Trends in OSH and
Why it is important to carry chemical safety
out a global review now? The chemical industry has a long history of steady
growth of about 4 to 4.5 per cent per year, al-
The sound management of chemicals and waste though some flattening has occurred over the
is directly linked to the world of work. While all past few years (UNEP 2019b). Global sales, in-
populations may be exposed to chemicals, cluding pharmaceuticals, were valued €3.47 tril-
workers tend to face exposure to higher doses lion in 2017, making the chemicals industry the
2 X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
X Figure 1. Value Chain of the Chemical Industry: from extraction to finished products
world's second largest production sector (ILO exposures can result in acute health effects,
2018). Asia is the region that currently produces such as poisoning from pesticides, or in chronic
and consumes the largest amount of chemicals. disease, such as cancers. Moreover, the produc-
China has the largest chemical industry in the tion, use and storage of chemicals can result
world, with 37 per cent of global sales. With a in fires and explosions, resulting in large scale
market share of around 16 per cent, the European fatal and non-fatal injuries. A recent example
Union (EU) ranks second, followed by the US with is the Beirut explosion (August 2020), when
around 13 per cent. The global chemical industry's ammonium nitrate held in storage led to a
production capacity nearly doubled to around series of explosions, claiming over 200 lives
2.3 billion tons between 2000 and 2017 (Cayuela and resulting in more than 7,500 injuries.
and Hagan 2019), indicating potential future in-
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as
creases in the quantity of chemicals produced.
cardiovascular disease, cancers and respiratory
Sales growth is expected to continue, though at
diseases, are another important consideration,
a somewhat slower pace than in the past decade.
as these may be triggered by exposure to haz-
The global value chain of the chemical industry ardous substances. Indeed, NCDs represent the
can be divided into key segments, as shown in vast majority of work-related diseases and an
Figure 1 (UNEP 2019a). In a first step, feedstocks increased risk of NCDs is often associated with
(e.g., natural gas and minerals) are processed into occupational chemical exposures (Budnik et al.
high-volume, low-value bulk chemicals. These are 2018). Recent estimates showed that occupational
conventionally produced in high-capacity refin- cancer accounted for 27 per cent of the 2.4 mil-
eries and milling facilities. Intermediate chemicals lion deaths per year, as shown in Figure 2 (Takala
are generally developed for further use in produc- et al. 2014; Takala 2015). The estimated number
tion or manufacturing processes, for example, of deaths attributable to occupational cancer an-
dyes for paint production. Chemical processing nually increased from 666,000 deaths in 2011 to
and product manufacturing in downstream fa- 742,000 deaths in 2015, an increase that could
cilities are connected to innumerable product be explained by different variables, such as the
manufacturers in sectors such as agriculture, con- evidence on new carcinogens, the methods of
struction and electronics. The various segments estimation, changes in the industry distribution
may span a number of countries across the world. of workers and a growing and ageing population.
Industrial and consumer product use, re-use, dis- The ILO has released global data that also shows
posal and waste can vary widely among different an increase in the number of fatal work-related
products and regions. cancers that occur every year (ILO 2018). In the
EU alone, occupational cancer was responsible
Workers face hazardous exposures at all
for 102,500 deaths in 2011 and 106,300 in 2015.
stages of the global chemicals value chain.
Considering these data, it is clear that occupa-
In addition, workers are exposed to a variety of
tional cancer now represents one of the primary
chemicals across economic sectors, including
causes of work-related deaths globally and in
but not limited to, agriculture, mining, construc-
many regions of the world, and that the numbers
tion, manufacturing, and services. Chemical haz-
continue to grow (Iavicoli et al. 2019).
ards, both classic (such as asbestos), as well as
emerging (manufactured nanomaterials), pose a
direct threat to workers and can exacerbate ex-
isting health problems. Occupational chemical
X Introduction 3
X Figure 2. Global burden of global work-related diseases by regions. Total number of work-related
fatalities was 2.4 million
Occupational injuries
Figure based on WHO regional groupings: HIGH - High Income countries Low- and middle-income countries: AFRO - countries of the African
Region AMRO - countries of the Americas EMRO - countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region EURO - countries of the European Region
SEARO - countries of the South-East Asia Region WPRO - countries of the Western Pacific Region
X Figure 3a. Sectors with prevalent female workforce (based on data for 121 countries,
representing 63% of global employment. (Data for China and India are not available)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Men Women
Gender and biological sex are important aspects carcinogens, exposed workers were 91 per cent
to consider in relation to occupational exposure to men and 9 per cent women (Scarselli et al. 2018).
chemicals. Gender should be understood as the In some sectors, male workers constitute the ma-
socially constructed differences between males jority of the workforce and are more exposed to
and females, dependent on context and within chemical hazards, as for example in construction,
societies and cultures (ILO 2007). Biological sex on mining, agriculture and metal production (ILO
the other hand refers to the biological differences 2010). However, chemical exposures in female
between men and women, including differences workers are dramatically increasing and are
in gonads and reproductive organs, hormonal often underestimated, particularly in in-
cycles, fat distribution and immune response formal sectors and in Low and Middle Income
(IPEN 2020).1 Countries (LMICs) (Hohenadel et al. 2015; IPEN
2020). Furthermore, in different sectors female
Biological sex can lead to important differences
workers constitute the majority of the workforce
in exposure and health effects when it comes to
and are more exposed to chemical hazards, for
chemicals. For example, the susceptibility of
example in health professions, textile production
women to hazardous chemicals can vary based
and in the cleaning sector (Figure 3). In the gar-
on their reproductive cycles and at different
ment sector, female workers are disproportion-
life stages such as pregnancy, lactation, and
ately exposed to a number of hazardous dyes and
menopause, when their bodies undergo phys-
solvents, some of which are proven carcinogens,
iological changes that may affect their vulner-
as well as endocrine disrupting chemicals. In ad-
ability to health damage from chemicals. This
dition, work tools and personal protective equip-
is especially pronounced in pregnant women, for
ment (PPE) has been traditionally designed for the
whom even low doses of chemicals might elicit
Western male body and therefore may fit female
dramatic effects in the developing foetus. This
workers poorly, leading to reduced protection and
is particularly relevant for endocrine-disrupting
increased risk of chemical exposure.
chemicals (EDCs) that are able to induce hormonal
effects at extremely low dosages, affecting fer-
tility, fecundity and development (Vandenberg The COVID-19 pandemic
et al. 2012; Di Renzo et al. 2015). Also, as females
are more likely to have more adipose tissue, this
and its effect on workers’
can lead to bioaccumulation of chemicals such as chemical exposures
persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy
metals like mercury. These exposures can cause The COVID-19 pandemic severely disrupted the
consequences to reproductive health, such as chemical sector worldwide and increased the
spontaneous abortion, birth defects and neu- risk of different hazardous chemical exposures.
robehavioral consequences. A range of chemicals, Indeed, the overall burden of chemical exposure
including dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) in workers did decline amid the COVID pandemic,
and phtalates, have also been shown to impact particularly in highly industrialised areas. This
male fertility and development, including devel- effect was clearly demonstrated by the ubiquitous
opment of the reproductive organs (Gore et al. reduction in air pollution amid the COVID-19 epi-
2014). demic in areas where lockdown measures were
adopted and where a severe decline of chemical
In addition, gender-related differences in the
production was observed (Bauwens et al. 2020).
occupational roles of men and women can influ-
ence level, frequency and source of exposure to However, in all workplaces, especially in key es-
chemicals. Overall, men tend to be more exposed sential services, such as health care, transporta-
to hazards caused by substances that are carcino- tion, grocery stores, emergency personnel and
genic or may cause circulatory and respiratory other sectors of the workforce, workers may find
disease (ILO 2010). In a recent study on 166,617 themselves frequently working in the presence
exposure measurements selected for 40 different of chemicals and disinfectants (ILO 2020b). Due
1 The terms “gender” and “biological sex” are not interchangeable; gender identity may or may not correspond with the bio-
logical sex assigned. Gender identity exists on a spectrum and is not necessarily confined to an identity that is completely
male or completely female (WHO 2016b).
6 X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
to a likely global increase in demand for many of Both shut down and start-up of industries require
these disinfectants, people working in the chem- special attention to prevent the occurrence of
ical industry may also work with increasing vol- chemical accidents. Two recent accident cases,
umes of these compounds (ILO 2020b). Some of that occurred when restarting a plant after shut-
the chemicals frequently used to disinfect against down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, exemplify
COVID-19 include quaternary ammonium, hy- these risks: in a polymer plant in India a leak of
drogen peroxide, peroxyacetic acid, isopropanol, hazardous gas led to the death of at least
ethanol, sodium hypochlorite, octanoic acid, phe- 11 people and injuries to hundreds more; an
nolic, triethylene glycol, L-lactic acid, glycolic acid, explosion at a plastics factory in Italy killed one
or dischloroisocynurate dehydrate (Fair, 2020). person and injured two others (EC-JRC 2020). The
Quaternary ammonium and sodium hypochlo- COVID-19 pandemic has also led to an increase
rite, in particular, carry an increased risk of COPD in the production of disinfectants, chemicals and
(Dumas et al. 2019), may impact fertility (Melin et PPE. The rapid scale up of these productions may
al. 2014) and can exacerbate asthma symptoms pose risks for industrial accidents and challenges
(Fair 2020). for OSH.
X Methodology
A scoping review was conducted to frame the cancer data were prioritised, as cancer represents
most recent trends and priorities for chemical one of the primary causes of work-related deaths
exposure and health effects for workers. Scoping globally. Data on other significant health impacts
reviews are useful for identifying and mapping associated with occupational chemical exposure,
available data and scientific literature and are including pneumoconiosis, neurotoxic effects and
particularly relevant for assessing emerging ev- endocrine disruption, were also included. As this
idence. We searched the following databases was a scoping review, it was not possible to in-
(2010-present day): PubMed, Scopus and Web clude all occupational chemical exposures and
of Science. Additionally, we searched for rele- all possible health impacts.
vant data and reports from the following agen-
Based on the priorities that emerged in the
cies repositories (2010-present day): ILO, WHO,
review, a number of actions were identified that
can help promote safer chemicals management
European Commission.
within the world of work. Actions were selected
Reviews, reports and data published after 2010 for both national and workplace levels, with re-
in English served as key references. Based on the search gaps and social dialogue also considered.
available evidence, the report identified priorities The identified actions are proposed as a working
for chemical exposures. Due to the number of ex- foundation to stimulate future discussions and
isting occupational chemicals, specific exposures are not meant to be exhaustive.
were considered in this review if they were well-
known or it was assumed that at least 1 million
workers worldwide are currently exposed to the
substance. Burden of disease and figures related
to mortality were also considered. Occupational
8 X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
X Summary of Findings
Asbestos Cancer >125,000,000 >233,000 deaths annually Phase out of asbestos has proven effective
(mesothelioma, (WHO 2018)# (GBD 2019) and has already been implemented in over
cancer of the 50 countries. Continued use and exports
lung, larynx, to LMICs continues to pose a threat to
ovary) workers. Effective and safe substitutes are
Asbestosis and needed.
pleural disease
Silica Cancer >50,000,000 >65,000 deaths annually Sandblasting bans, regulation and OELs
(lung) (Limited data (GBD 2019) have proven effective and have been
covering 35 successfully implemented, in particular in
Silicosis countries) high-income countries. Continued efforts
(OSHA 2002; IOM are needed in selected sectors (textiles,
2011) # masonry) as well as in LMICs.
Heavy metal: Cancer >1,800,000 Limited data (>900,000 due to Phasing out lead from gasoline, paint
Lead (stomach) (UE-OSHA 2014; environmental lead exposure and batteries has proven effective in
CAREX-Canada (GBD 2019)) reducing human exposure in selected
Neurotoxicity 2020) regions. Further global efforts are needed,
particularly in LMICs. Updated and
Cardiovascular harmonised OELs are needed.
Heavy metal: Neurotoxicity >19,000,000 Limited Data Stronger workplace prevention efforts
Mercury (Limited data for (>2,000,000 DALYs are needed, as well as phase out across
Nephrotoxicity artisanal small- attributable to chronic various economic sectors. The Minamata
scale gold mining metallic mercury vapour Convention has been implemented in
Immune toxicity only) intoxication) over 120 countries. Nevertheless targeted
(Steckling et al. (Steckling et al. 2017) strategies are needed at both the national
Reproductive 2017) and workplace level to protect workers’
toxicity health, particularly in LMICs and in the
informal economy.
Solvents Cancer Limited data Limited data The phasing out and ban of the most
hazardous solvents has proven effective
Neurotoxic in selected countries and regions;
effects however national laws and workplace
including regulations are still needed in the majority
‘chronic of workplace settings. Increased efforts
solvent-induced are needed in LMICs and the informal
encephalopathy’ economy.
Dyes Cancer Limited data Limited Data The phasing out and ban of the most
(bladder) toxic azo dyes has been effective and
successfully implemented, in particular in
high-income countries. Evidence-based
and harmonised OELs must be developed
for all dyes.
10 X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
Manufactured Limited data Limited data Limited data National regulations based on evidence
Nanomaterials from risk assessments should be
(MNMs) Suggestion of developed for MNMs. Different OELs have
cancers been implemented, but evidence of the
(mesothelioma effectiveness of these OELs is still limited
and lung and harmonised OELs are missing.
Perfluorinated Cancer Limited Data Limited Data PFOS and PFOA have been phased out
chemicals (testicular, liver in different countries, however, these
(PFAS) and kidney) substances can bioaccumulate and remain
in tissue long after they are removed from
Immune toxicity use. There are currently thousands of
PFAS still in use and the effectiveness of
Liver toxicity OELs and other protective measures to
prevent risk in workers are still unclear.
Endocrine Reproductive Limited Data Limited Data The phasing out and ban of the most toxic
Disrupting toxicity (what we know: EDCs has been successfully implemented,
Chemicals >20 million IQ points loss, in particular in high-income countries.
(EDCs) Obesity >800,000 cases of male Increased efforts are needed to identify
infertility in the US and EDC exposure and to implement
Diabetes Europe due to environmental control strategies in LMICs. Gender
exposure at normal levels) considerations should be mainstreamed in
Neurotoxicity (Trasande et al. 2016; Attina et OSH regulations.
al. 2016)
Pesticides Poisoning Limited Data >300,000 deaths annually The phasing out and ban of the most toxic
(although due to pesticide poisoning HHPs has been successfully implemented,
Cancer (various) presumably (Jørs at al. 2018), with >10,000 in particular in high-income countries.
a significant fatalities due to unintentional Increased action is needed for LMICs,
Neurotoxicity number of global acute pesticide poisoning particularly for regulation and practical
agricultural (Boedecker 2020) workplace prevention efforts. OELs
Endocrine workers may for HHPs should be implemented and
disruption be exposed - enforced globally.
Reproductive 883 million
toxicity agricultural
workers (ILO,
2019; Carvalho
Workplace Air Cancers >1.2 billion >860,000 deaths annually Targeted pollution control strategies been
Pollution (lung) (WHO 2018c) (WHO 2018c) successfully implemented, in particular
in high-income countries. More efforts
Respiratory are needed to design and implement
disease workplace prevention measures, with a
focus on LMICs.
Indicated as main health impacts only; a number of additional health impacts may also be related to exposure to this substance.
Figures presented should be interpreted as low-end estimates, thus indicated with a “>”, given the lack of comprehensive reporting and
data available, particularly from LMICs and informal sectors.
Based on estimates from 2018. A new WHO/ILO joint estimate is under development
X Chemical exposures
Asbestos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Silica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Heavy metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Spotlight on e-waste: Hazardous substances within the
life cycle of high tech electrical and electronic products . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Solvents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Dyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Spotlight on textiles: One of the largest employers worldwide. . . . . . . . . . 39
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Pesticides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
asbestos is more likely to cause lung cancer than
mesothelioma, the estimated total burden of as-
bestos related lung cancer might still be an under-
estimate. The WHO estimates a risk ratio of 6:1 for
contracting lung cancer versus mesothelioma
each year worldwide following chrysotile exposure (WHO 2014b).
Asbestosis and pleural disease
Asbestosis is a type of pneumoconiosis caused
by the inhalation of asbestos fibres and occurs
primarily as a result of occupational exposure.
The WHO estimated that the number of deaths
per year from asbestosis was 7,000 to 24,000
(Abubakar et al. 2015). The WHO/ILO are currently
performing a series of systematic reviews that will
inform the new estimates of the Global Burden of
Disease (GBD) regarding asbestosis. Asbestos ex-
Even the most recent estimates might Latin America. China and India have been major
still be an underestimate, since they consumers of asbestos. India produces little to no
asbestos, however has become a major importer
do not account
with exponential growth in the manufacture of
asbestos cement and pipes (Frank 2014). The few
epidemiological studies available show clear evi-
dence of clusters of mesothelioma in municipal-
ities with a history of asbestos consumption and
a forecasted rise in its incidence in Argentina and
for other forms of Brazil for the next decade (Algranti et al. 2019).
cancers that have been
positively associated
with asbestos The role of gender
(cancer of the pharynx, stomach, There is a strong gender dimension in the expo-
and colorectum) sure to asbestos. Occupations that are high risk
for asbestos exposure generally involve physical
labor such as construction, mining and demolition
and are predominately held by men. The one no-
Regional trends table exception is the textile industry, which has
a large proportion of female workers, where as-
In 2018, the major producers of asbestos were bestos is often used, for example, for protective
Russia (650,000 metric tons), Kazakhstan (220,000 clothing. A study from Southeast China looked at
metric tons), China (100,000 metric tons), and mesothelioma cases in workers in asbestos textile
Brazil (100,000 metric tons) (Bernhardt and Reilly workshops, who also could perform hand-spin-
2019). It has been estimated that half of the as- ning at home in their spare time (Gao et al. 2015).
bestos produced is used by China and India, fol- Out of the 28 workers with a confirmed mesothe-
lowed by Brazil, Indonesia and Russia (Marsili et lioma diagnosis, all were females.
al. 2016).
Because of occupational gender differences,
Major producers continue to produce and export women have a higher risk of exposure from do-
asbestos to countries around the world, espe- mestic products such as talc contaminated with
cially to LMICs. Over 2,030,000 tons of asbestos asbestos, or secondary exposure to asbestos, for
are consumed annually according to the latest example from family members working with as-
available consumption data (Furuya et al. 2018). bestos carrying residues home with them (Gordon
Considerable use of asbestos has continued in et al. 2014).
much of Asia, Africa, and in some countries in
Protective textiles
*Based on estimates from 2018. A new WHO/ILO joint estimate is under development
X Update, implement and enforce OELs for various forms of asbestos and ensure global harmonisation of these OELs.
X Established OELs include: The European Union’s single maximum limit value for airborne concentrations of asbestos is 0.1
fibers/cm3, as an 8-hour TWA (Currently under review by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)).
X Replace chrysotile asbestos with safer substitutes and prevent potential exposure to any other type of asbestos already
in place.
X Promote the elimination of the use of chrysotile asbestos among contractors and suppliers.
X Monitor the work environment for contamination with various forms of asbestos.
X Ensure compliance with exposure limits and technical standards for working with asbestos.
X Establish engineering measures for control of the exposure to asbestos at source.
X Provide special training for workers involved in activities with potential exposure to asbestos.
X Provide appropriate PPE, free of charge.
X Ensure registration and medical surveillance of workers exposed to asbestos.
X Promote the identification and proper management of all forms of asbestos currently in place.
© Pxfuel
will inform new estimates of the GBD of silicosis.
Silicosis, a type of pneumoconiosis, is an incur-
of exposure to silica is the able disease with no available treatment.
of non-metallic/
mineral products
(e.g. pottery,
ceramics, bricks)
and stone cutting,
shaping and
Niche industries
using abrasive
sandblasting (e.g.
*Based on estimates from 2018. A new WHO/ILO joint estimate is under development
X Chemical exposures 19
Sources include: NIOSH 2002 and 2015, NIOSH & OSHA 2015, Colinet et al. 2010, Organiscak et al. 2009, ILO &WHO 2006, ILO & WHO
2007, ILO 2011, Wagner 1996
X Example of the range of Respirable Silica OELs from various countries and organizations (Aug 2020)
14-19 million workers
are employed as artisanal small-scale gold miners
25% and 33% of these miners
suffer from chronic metallic
mercury vapour intoxication
carry the
largest burden of
exposure for
all heavy metals
countries, including Argentina, Bangladesh, Chile, are exposed to cadmium in their workplaces
China, India, Mexico, and the United States (WHO (CAREX-Canada 2020).
2019a). There is no global estimate of occupa-
Hexavalent chromium compounds are used
tional exposure to arsenic. NIOSH estimates that
widely in applications including: pigment for
70,000 workers, including approximately 16,000
textile dyes, paints, inks, and plastics; corrosion
female workers, were potentially exposed to ar-
inhibitors; wood preservatives; metal finishing
senic and arsenic compounds in the workplace
and chrome plating; and leather tanning. In 2019
from 1981 to 1983 (NIOSH 1990). The CAREX da-
the world production of chromium from mining
tabase estimates that 147,569 workers were ex-
was 44,000,000 metric tons and the leading
posed to arsenic and arsenic compounds in the
global producers were South Africa (17,000,000
EU between 1990– 1993 (EU-OSHA 2014). CAREX
Canada estimates that 25,000 Canadians are metric tons), Turkey (10,000,000 metric tons), and
currently exposed to arsenic in their workplaces Kazakhstan (6,700,000 metric tons) (USGS 2020).
(CAREX-Canada 2020). Exposure to chromium occurs in: production, use
and welding of chromium-containing metals and
The highest potential occupational exposures alloys; electroplating; production and use of chro-
to cadmium occur in production and refining of mium-containing compounds, such as pigments,
cadmium, nickel-cadmium battery manufacture, paints, catalysts, chromic acid, tanning agents,
cadmium pigment manufacture and formulation, and pesticides (IARC 2012). The CAREX database
cadmium alloy production, mechanical plating, estimates that between 1990-93, 785,692 workers
zinc smelting, brazing with silver-cadmium-silver were exposed to hexavalent chromium com-
alloy solder and polyvinylchloride compounding. pounds in the EU (EU-OSHA 2014). CAREX Canada
In 2019, the world production of cadmium from (2011) estimates that 83,000 Canadians are occu-
refineries was 25,000 metric tons and the leading pationally exposed to hexavalent chromium com-
global producers were China (8,200 metric tons),
pounds (CAREX-Canada 2020).
the Republic of Korea (5,000 metric tons), and
Japan (1,900 metric tons) (USGS 2020). The main Lead is used mainly in the production of lead-acid
anthropogenic sources of cadmium in the atmos- batteries, plumbing materials and alloys, as well
phere are smelting of non-ferrous metal ores, as in cable sheathing, paints, glazes and ammuni-
fossil fuel combustion, ferrous metal produc- tion (WHO 2017a). Lead is also still used in some
tion, municipal waste incineration and cement countries as a stabiliser in polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
production (WHO 2019b). There is no global esti- (ECHA 2016) and lead chromates as pigments in
mate of occupational exposure to cadmium. The yellow plastics (Stenmarck et al. 2017). In 2019,
CAREX database estimates that between 1990-93, the world production of lead from mining was
207,350 workers were exposed to cadmium and 4,500,000 metric tons and the leading global pro-
cadmium compounds in the EU (EU-OSHA 2014). ducer was China (2,100,000 metric tons) (USGS
CAREX Canada estimates that 35,000 Canadians 2020). The manufacture of these lead-containing
22 X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
products can result in widespread occupational mercury and gold particles to form a paste which
exposure. Occupational exposure can also occur is applied to the idols. The mercury is then burned
during the application and removal of lead-con- off, leaving a gold coating and exposing the
taining paints; during the grinding, welding and workers to the mercury vapours (IPEN 2014).
cutting of materials coated with lead-containing
paints such as in shipbuilding, construction and
demolition industries; when recycling PVC and
Health effects
other plastics (Stenmarck et al. 2017); and in the
fabrication and carving of lead crystal glassware Cancer
(WHO 2019c). Mining, smelting, and formal and
IARC (2012) has classified arsenic, cadmium and
informal processing and recycling of electric and
hexavalent chromium as carcinogenic to humans
electronic waste can also be significant sources
(Group 1), noting that there is sufficient evidence
of exposure. Lead was used widely in the form of
to conclude that:
tetraethyl and tetramethyl lead as antiknock and
lubricating agents in petrol, emitting inorganic X Arsenic and inorganic arsenic compounds
lead particles from vehicles. This use has been cause cancer of the lung, skin, urinary bladder.
phased out in almost all countries, which has re- Also, positive associations have been observed
sulted in a significant reduction of human expo- between exposure to arsenic and inorganic ar-
sure and mean blood lead concentrations (UNEP senic compounds and cancer of the prostate,
2020b). The CAREX database estimates that be- kidney, liver and bile duct.
tween 1990-93, 1,500,000 workers were exposed
to lead and inorganic lead compounds in the EU X Cadmium and cadmium compounds cause
(EU-OSHA 2014). CAREX Canada estimates that cancer of the lung and positive associations
277,000 Canadians are presently occupationally have been observed between exposure to cad-
exposed to lead (CAREX-Canada 2020). mium and cadmium compounds and cancer of
the prostate and kidney.
Occupational exposure to mercury occurs in
mining, e.g. in mercury mining, gold mining X Hexavalent chromium compounds cause
where mercury is used in amalgamation, and cancer of the lung. Positive associations have
mining of other metals such as copper, zinc and been observed between exposure to hexava-
silver. In 2019, the world production of mercury lent chromium compounds and cancer of the
from mining was 4,000 metric tons and the
nasal cavity and paranasal sinus (IARC 2012).
leading global producer was China (3,500 metric
An increased risk of stomach cancer was also
tons) (USGS 2020). Approximately 15 million
observed in workers exposed to hexavalent
people participate in artisanal small-scale gold
chromium (Welling et al. 2015). However, ac-
mining (ASGM) in developing countries (Gibb and
cording to IARC there is limited evidence that
O’Leary 2014). Mercury is also used as a catalyst
hexavalent chromium compounds cause
in chlor-alkali production, vinyl chloride monomer
cancer of the stomach (IARC 2012).
production and other manufacturing processes,
posing a risk for occupational exposure. Mercury X Inorganic lead compounds have been clas-
occurs naturally in the earth´s crust, which leads to sified as probably carcinogenic for humans
coal and crude oil being contaminated by mercury (Group 2A) IARC (2006). This is supported by a
and potential for occupational exposure in coal- recent study that analysed data on two cohorts
fired power plants and the oil sector (IPEN 2014). of almost 30,000 lead-exposed workers with
Phenyl mercury acetate is sometimes added to past blood lead data (Finland: n=20,752, Great
pulp in the paper-making process as a fungicide Britain: n=9,122), which showed increased inci-
or slimicide, which can lead to occupational ex- dence trends for lung and brain cancer with in-
posure. In addition, mercury is a component of creasing blood lead level (Steenland et al. 2019).
dental amalgam and a source of occupational
exposure in dental care (Bjørklund et al. 2019).
Other health outcomes
Finally, mercury can be used in gold plating in a
process called “mercury gilding” or “fire gilding”, Long-term occupational exposure to high levels
practiced in the manufacturing of gilded crafts of inorganic arsenic often affect the skin, with
and religious idols. This involves mixing metallic hyperpigmentation as the most common dermal
X Chemical exposures 23
Heavy metals
effect (Baker et al. 2018), and hyperkeratosis in hexavalent chromium industries showed that
with bilateral thickening of the palms and soles exposure induced developmental toxicity of the
may also occur. Other effects of exposure to placenta (Banu et al. 2017).
high levels of inorganic arsenic include periph-
Chronic occupational exposures resulting in blood
eral neuropathy, gastrointestinal symptoms,
lead levels as low as 10 µg/dL in adults are asso-
conjunctivitis, diabetes, renal system effects, en-
ciated with impaired kidney function, high blood
larged liver, bone marrow depression, high blood
pressure, nervous system and neurobehavioral
pressure and cardiovascular disease (Baker et
effects, cognitive dysfunction later in life, and
al. 2018). Most cases of acute arsenic poisoning
subtle cognitive effects attributed to prenatal ex-
occur in occupational settings from accidental
posure (Banu et al. 2017). Occupational lead ex-
ingestion of insecticides or pesticides (Ratnaike
posure was recently shown to be associated with
2003). The clinical features initially invariably
increased risk of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
relate to the gastrointestinal system and include
(Meng et al. 2020). It is estimated that lead ex-
nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhoea
posure accounts for 1.06 million deaths and 24.4
(Ratnaike 2003).
million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) due
The kidney is the main target of cadmium and to long-term effects on health (IHME 2020). In
cadmium accumulates primarily in the kidneys the United States, environmental exposures to
with a biological half-life in humans of 10–35 lead have been estimated to be responsible for
years (WHO 2019b). Osteomalacia (softening of 256,000 deaths a year from cardiovascular dis-
the bones) and osteoporosis may occur in those ease and 185,000 deaths a year from ischaemic
exposed through living or working in cadmi- heart disease (Lanphear et al. 2018).
um-contaminated areas. Long-term, high-level
Mercury and methylmercury are toxic to the
occupational exposure is associated with lung
central and peripheral nervous system. The in-
changes, primarily characterised by chronic ob-
halation of mercury vapour can produce harmful
structive pulmonary disease (WHO 2019b).
effects on the nervous, digestive and immune
Exposure to hexavalent chromium exposure can systems, lungs and kidneys, and may be fatal
induce asthma, irritation, kidney damage, liver (Bernhoft 2012). The inorganic salts of mercury
damage, pulmonary congestion and oedema. are corrosive to the skin, eyes and gastrointestinal
Some workers can also develop an allergic tract, and may induce kidney toxicity if ingested
skin reaction, called allergic contact dermatitis (Bernhoft 2012). One study showed that mercury
(OSHA 2006). A recent study in women working exposure in mining populations in Brazil lead to
24 X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
X Case study: Mercury exposures and symptoms in smelting workers of artisanal mercury
mines in China
Mercury exposures to smelting workers of artisanal mercury mines in Wuchuan,
China were evaluated by urine and hair mercury levels. The mean urinary mercury
(U-Hg), hair total mercury (T-Hg), and hair methyl mercury (Me-Hg) for smelting
workers was 1060 µg/g creatinine (µg/g Cr), 69.3 and 2.32 µg/g, respectively. The
results were significantly higher than that of control group, which is 1.30 µg/g Cr,
0.78 and 0.65 µg/g, correspondingly. The average urinary beta2-microglobulin (be-
ta2-MG) was 248 µg/g Cr for the exposed group, compared to 73.5 µg/g Cr for the
control group. The results showed a serious adverse effect on the renal system for
the smelting workers. The workers were exposed to mercury vapour through in-
halation and the exposure route of Me-Hg may be through intake of polluted diet.
Clinical symptoms including finger and eyelid tremor, gingivitis, and typical dark-line
on gums were observed in six workers. This study revealed that smelting workers
in Wuchuan had higher levels of mercury in their urine and hair, and also exhibited
higher levels of preliminary health impacts, evidenced by increased beta2-MG and
clinical symptoms (P. Li et al. 2008).
Bone toxicity
Lung toxicity
Skin toxicity
Liver toxicity
26 X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
Sources include: UNEP 2012 and 2019a, WHO 2016c, ILO 2017
Sources include: WHO 2017 and 2019c, OSHA n.d., HSE 2002
Spotlight on e-waste:
Hazardous substances
within the life cycle of
high tech electrical and
electronic products
© industriall-union.org
X Health risks may result both in workers as well The majority of the
workforce in the
as in the community from direct contact with
heavy metals, from inhalation of toxic fumes
and particulate matter, hand to mouth transfer,
electronics industry
are young women
as well as from accumulation of chemicals in
soil, water and food.
X Figure 4. Chemical classification of e-waste components and sources and routes of exposure
Polychlorinated biphenyls Dielectric fluids, lubricants and coolants in Air, dust, soil, and food Ingestion, inhalation
generators, capacitors and transformers, (bioaccumulative in fish and or dermal contact, and
fluorescent lighting, ceiling fans, dishwashers, seafood) transplacental
and electric motors
Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and Released as combustion byproduct Air, dust, soil, food, water, and Ingestion, inhalation,
dibenzofurans vapour dermal contact, and
Dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls Released as a combustion byproduct but Released as combustion Ingestion, inhalation, and
also found in dielectric fluids, lubricants byproduct, air, dust, soil, and dermal absorption
and coolants in generators, capacitors and food (bioaccumulative in fish and
transformers, fluorescent lighting, ceiling seafood)
fans, dishwashers, and electric motors
Perfluroalkyls Fluoropolymers in electronics Water, food, soil, dust, and air Ingestion, dermal
contact, inhalation, and
Polyaromatic hydrocarbons
Acenaphthene, acenaphthylene, Released as combustion byproduct Released as combustion Ingestion, inhalation, and
anthracene, benz[a]anthracene, byproduct, air, dust, soil, and food dermal contact
benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[e]pyrene,
benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[g,h,i]
perylene, benzo[j]fluoranthene,
benzo[k]fluoranthene, chrysene,
dibenz[a,h]anthracene, fluoranthene,
fluorene, indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene,
phenanthrene, and pyrene
Lead Printed circuit boards, cathode ray tubes, light Air, dust, water, and soil Inhalation, ingestion, and
bulbs, televisions (1·5–2·0 kg per monitor), dermal contact
and batteries
Chromium or hexavalent chromium Anticorrosion coatings, data tapes, and floppy Air, dust, water, and soil Inhalation and ingestion
Cadmium Switches, springs, connectors, printed circuit Air, dust, soil, water, and food Ingestion and inhalation
boards, batteries, infrared detectors, semi- (especially rice and vegetables)
conductor chips, ink or toner photocopying
machines, cathode ray tubes, and mobile
Mercury Thermostats, sensors, monitors, cells, printed Air, vapour, water, soil, and food Inhalation, ingestion, and
circuit boards, and cold cathode fluorescent (bioaccumulative in fish) dermal contact
lamps (1–2 g per device)
Zinc Cathode ray tubes, and metal coatings Air, water, and soil Ingestion and inhalation
Nickel Batteries Air, soil, water, and food (plants) Inhalation, ingestion,
dermal contact, and
Lithium Batteries Air, soil, water, and food (plants) Inhalation, ingestion, and
dermal contact
Barium Cathode ray tubes, and fluorescent lamps Air, water, soil, and food Ingestion, inhalation and
dermal contact
Beryllium Power supply boxes, computers, x-ray Air, food, and water Inhalation, ingestion, and
machines, ceramic components of electronics transplacental
In addition to its hazardous components, the Although e-waste is not generated exclusively by
processing or dismantling of electronic products wealthy countries, such countries contribute sub-
can also give rise to additional toxic by-products stantially to e-waste problems in LMICs because of
likely to affect human health, and not assessed regulatory ambiguities that allow e-waste export
in original product manufacture (Heacock et al. for re-use, regardless of actual product function-
2016). A systematic review showed that several ality (Heacock et al. 2016). The decommissioning
known neurotoxicants are found in e-waste, such of solar photovoltaic panels, a specific form of
as lead, mercury, cadmium, and brominated e-waste, also presents a considerable challenge.
flame retardants. Exposure to these substances With an average life of 30 years, many solar pho-
can lead to irreversible cognitive deficits in adults tovoltaic panels in the United States, Japan and
and children and behavioral and motor skill dys- Europe will soon reach the end of useful life and
function across their lifespan (Grant et al. 2013). will need to be recycled appropriately (Invernizzi
In particular, workers may directly encounter at al. 2020).
hazardous substances in fumes or dust through
One of the largest e-waste sites in the world is
inhalation, skin contact, or oral intake via dis-
Agbogbloshie, an area in Ghana’s capital city Accra
mantling activities they perform themselves or
that is also home to up to 80,000 people (Oteng-
that are performed by others nearby (Grant et al.
Ababio and Grant 2019). The people working in
2013). Alarmingly, children and adolescents are
this area have typically no mechanisms in place
commonly employed in e-waste recycling, posing
to protect against exposure to the hazardous
a significant risk to neurodevelopment (Heacock
chemicals in the e-waste they are handling, or
et al. 2016). A cohort of children and adolescents
protection against dust and the smoke at the site
exposed to lead through burning cable activities
that is contaminated with hazardous substances.
were assessed in Uruguay and showed an av-
Numerous studies have provided evidence of
erage blood level of 9.19 μg/dL, almost double
occupational exposure to chemicals and their
when compared to the level of concern (5 μg/dL)
health impacts at this site. Specifically, exposures
(Pascale et al. 2016).
to persistent organic pollutants such as PCBs
and dioxins, toxic metals and arsenic have been
Regional trends documented, as well as health impacts including
cancer, lung diseases, and cardiovascular disease.
In 2016, Asia was the region that generated by far Due to the extent of chemical contamination at
the largest amount of e-waste (18.2 million tonnes the site, Agbogbloshie has been named one of
- Mt), followed by Europe (12.3 Mt), the Americas the world’s ten worst toxic threats (Blacksmith
(11.3 Mt), Africa (2.2 Mt), and Oceania (0.7 Mt). Institute 2013).
32 X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
X Case study: Contamination levels in the breast milk of Ghanaian women from an e-waste
recycling site
A recent study assessed the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in breast milk
samples from 128 Ghanaian women. PAHs have carcinogenic and mutagenic properties and
therefore have the potential to adversely impact the health on infants. These chemicals can be
produced unintentionally as a result of pyrolysis or incomplete combustion, for example when
burning plastic casings of e-waste. Samples were collected from a group of working women
from Agbogbloshie and one control group from non-working women living in a nearby resi-
dential area. Alarmingly, a total of 18 PAHs were detected in the samples from women in both
groups. The most carcinogenic of all the PAHs, benzo[a]pyrene (Kato et al. 2011), was detected
in 92 per cent of the milk samples from the working women in Agbogbloshie, but were below
the limit of detection in all the samples from women in the residential area. Overall, the mean
concentration levels of 13 of the 18 PAHs in the breast milk samples from working women in the
Agbogbloshie e-waste site were higher than the respective mean concentrations from residen-
tial non-working women (Asamoah et al. 2019).
The role of gender women and children conduct the manual pro-
cessing and therefore are more exposed to the
As described in the evidence above, many women hazardous chemicals (UNEP 2020c). A system-
work along the life cycle of the electronics sector
atic review showed that pregnancy outcomes
and suffer from adverse health effects as a result.
were negatively affected in workers exposed
In many cases these are young women. For ex-
to e-waste, including increases in spontaneous
ample, the electronics industry in Vietnam em-
abortions, stillbirths, premature births and re-
ployed 634,440 people in 2016, where around 70
duced birth weights (Grant et al. 2013).
per cent of the workforce was female. Over 85 per
cent of those workers were under the age of 35 Nevertheless, it is important to note that evidence
(UNIDO 2019). from this sector have shown that exposure and
In many countries, women and children play dom- resulting health impacts occur in both women
inant occupational roles in e-waste, increasing and men due to the wide variety of hazardous
their risk for potential exposures from chemicals chemicals used. As many of these chemicals may
released from the burning and disassembling affect the reproductive system, it is important to
of various electronic products. In some coun- conduct additional epidemiological studies to un-
tries, the work tasks included are segregated derstand the gender dimensions of OSH in this
by gender, where the men collect the waste and continually expanding sector.
riage, newborn infection and childhood cancer
(Rim 2017). Acute health impacts include skin, eye
have been suggested following and lung irritation, headache, nausea, dizziness
and light-headedness (ILO 2004). Very high levels
exposure to toluene
can lead to unconsciousness, seizures and even
death, for example in unventilated spaces (Dick
and occupation as a painter has 2006).
consistently been associated with a Chronic exposure in the work environment can
Regional trends
Solvent exposure is one of the most common
Exposure to benzene continues to be a major
chemical exposures in the workplace, following
occupational health concern. The presence of
benzene in petrol and as a common industrial gases and dusts (Benke et al. 2017). As aware-
solvent can result in significant occupational ness of the dangers of solvent exposure have
exposure and a range of acute and long-term become more evident, legislation and advances
health effects. Although benzene concentration in technology have resulted in decreased use of
in petroleum is now limited in many regions and the more hazardous solvents in Europe and the
solvent use is also restricted, exposure to benzene US. For example, the 1987 Montreal Protocol led
remains high in some industries, including shoe- to the restriction or phase out of many ozone-de-
making, painting, printing and rubber manufac- pleting solvents and water-based paints have
turing (Loomis et al. 2017). Acute effects include
replaced traditional, solvent-based coatings
headache, dizziness, confusion, tremors and eye,
(Dick 2006). In some industries, for example dry
skin and respiratory irritation. Chronic exposure
cleaning, improvements to equipment and pro-
can lead to cancers such as leukaemia, aplastic
anaemia, DNA damage and immunosuppressive cesses have lessened solvent use. In LMICs how-
effects (WHO 2019e). ever, standardised regulations are minimal and
solvent use is most likely inadequately controlled.
X Case study: The association between occupational solvent exposure and cognitive
The French CONSTANCES study evaluated the association between occupational solvent exposure and cognitive
performance in a cohort of over 40,000 participants, aged 45-69 years old. Cognitive function, episodic verbal
memory, language ability and executive function were evaluated using a standardised battery of cognitive
tests. Results showed that men occupationally exposed to gasoline, white spirits or cellulosic thinner were at
greater risk of cognitive impairment, whilst women exposed to white spirits or exposed for more than 20 years
had poorer cognitive performance, with an exposure-effect relationship found for the number of solvents used
and cumulative exposure time. Specifically, cognitive performance decreased with the number of solvents to
which individuals were occupationally exposed and with the cumulative exposure time (Letellier et al 2020).
Textiles; clothing;
leather; footwear
Dry cleaning
36 X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
Dyes Exposure
Dyes are chemical substances that bond to a
X Synthetic dyes are used in different industries, substrate and are classified according to their
such as textiles, leather, pharmaceuticals, food chemical properties and solubility. They are used
and cosmetics. to modify the colour of different substrates,
such as textiles, paper and leather. Occupational
X Azo dyes, the most commonly used dye, are
exposures to dyes occur during their produc-
aromatic hydrocarbon derivatives of benzene,
tion and use. There are an estimated 800 dyes
toluene, naphthalene, phenol and aniline.
70% with
ment, as well as being at risk of sexual harass-
ment and gender-based violence.
azo dyes
38 X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
Chemical industries
Food; drink
X Chemical exposures 39
Spotlight on textiles:
One of the largest
employers worldwide
The Asia-Pacific region accounts for 60 per cent
of the world’s total apparel exports – a fact that
has led it to be labeled the “clothing factory of the
world” (ILO, 2020c). The region employed an esti-
mated 65 million garment sector workers in 2019,
accounting for 75 per cent of all garment workers,
bringing the global total to 80 million (ILO 2020c).
Three of the world’s top five garment exporters
are China, Bangladesh and Vietnam (ILO 2019f).
Despite some progress in occupational standards,
concerns about working conditions in LMIC persist
and exposures to hazardous substances remain
high (Barua and Ansary 2017; Ahsan et al. 2019).
Thousands of dyes and solvents are used in textile
production, many of which have mutagenic and
carcinogenic properties (Singh and Chadha 2016).
Commonly used chemicals include:
Women constitute more than as well as increased mortality for diabetes and is-
chaemic heart disease (Zanardi et al. 2011).
Women constitute more than 80 per cent of the
80 of the workforce
% workforce in the textiles, clothing, leather and
footwear industry (ILO 2019). Within the Asia-
in the textiles, Pacific region, the majority of garment workers
are women (35 million), with the garment sector
clothing, leather and employing 5.2 per cent of all working women in
footwear industry the region (ILO 2020c). Many of these are young
women and therefore concerns exist regarding
X Flame retardant chemicals: These include or-
the potential impact on current and future preg-
nancies (ILO 2019e). For example, trichloroeth-
ganophosphorus and organobromine com-
ylene, a solvent used to scour cotton, wool, and
pounds, which have been associated with
other fabrics has been shown to cross the pla-
adverse health outcomes.
centa and can cause congenital heart defects in
X Azo dyes: Constitute 60-70% per cent of all the developing fetus (ATSDR 2019).
dyestuff used in textile production (Rawat et Phasing out the most hazardous chemicals is
al. 2016), however are known to release car- considered a priority action for the textile in-
cinogenic aromatic amines, many of which are dustry. The EU has provided a good example by
banned from clothing textiles in the EU. restricting the use of 33 substances classified as
Increased incidence of bladder cancer and lung carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction
cancer have been consistently reported in textile (CMR) in the textile/garment sector, starting from
industry workers exposed to carcinogens (Singh November 2020 (EU-Commission 2018). Extending
and Chadha 2016). In addition, increased inci- this ban globally could prevent exposure to chem-
dence of dermatitis has been reported in textile icals known to be carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic
workers (Chen et al. 2017). Higher frequency of for reproduction. The EU restriction covers polar
chronic bronchitis and COPD have also been ob- aprotic solvents and azo-dyes and acrylamines, as
served among textile workers (Nafees et al. 2016) well as a number of others.
X Case study: A disease burden analysis of garment factory workers in Bangladesh proposal
for annual health screening
Health status of garment and textile factory workers in Bangladesh was charac-
terized in a retrospective review of worker health information using 1906 medical
records. The mean age of the workers was 27.9±7.3 y, with 60 per cent female and
40 per cent male. One-fifth of all workers were found to be anaemic. Elevated blood
pressure was also present among 12 per cent of workers, and elevated fasting blood
glucose among 8 per cent. A majority of these health conditions had not been pre-
viously diagnosed. Despite the relatively young mean age, significant percentages
of workers were identified as having undiagnosed health conditions which required
urgent medical attention. The findings suggest that provision for annual health
screening, either by mobile on-site clinics or by training the existing in-house medi-
cals staff, will help improve health of garment workers (Solinap et al. 2019).
The Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint (Lead Paint Alliance) is a voluntary partnership formed by the United
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to prevent exposure to lead
through promoting the phase-out of paints containing lead. The ILO has joined the Alliance and leverages its
unique tripartite structure to promote social dialogue towards the phase out of the manufacture and sale of lead
paint. More information on tools to promote the phase out of lead in paint can be found here.
X Chemical exposures 41
Manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs)
© Pxfuel
nanomaterials (MNMs)
X Manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs) do not
belong to any specific group of chemicals, Humans have long been exposed
but are defined as materials that have at least
to unintentionally produced
one dimension (height, width or length) that is
smaller than 100 nanometers. However, they
can be grouped further according to compo-
X Case study: Carbon nanotube and nanofiber exposure and sputum and blood biomarkers of
early effect among U.S. workers
the mucosa, and the selection of preneoplastic which means that workers in these countries are
cells in vitro (Bettini et al. 2017). at greater risk of the potential negative health
effects than their counterparts in high-income
Other health outcomes countries (WHO 2017b).
Health services
Titanium Dioxide Cancer (lung cancer) Limited data Limited data
Mechanical and
electrical engineering
Textiles; clothing;
leather; footwear
© Pxfuel
X Case study: Male workers exposed to polyfluoroalkyl acids with high internal dose of
perfluorooctanoic acid
The association between exposure to PFASs and mortality in a cohort of 462 male employees in a
factory that had been producing PFOA and PFOS was investigated. Measurements of workers´ PFOA
serum concentration were used to predict a cumulative serum PFOA concentration of each cohort
member. Mortality rates were compared to the regional population using the standardised mortality
ratio (SMR) and to workers of a nearby metalworking plant in terms of risk ratio (RR), across categories
of probability of PFASs exposure and tertiles of cumulative serum PFOA concentrations. Internal PFOA
serum concentration among 120 PFAS workers was classified as very high (Geometric mean: 4048 ng/
mL; range 19-91,900 ng/mL). Overall mortality in the PFAS worker cohort was increased for liver cancer
and malignant neoplasm of lymphatic and haematopoietic tissue. In comparison with metalworking
plant workers, the RRs for mortality were increased in PFAS workers for overall mortality, diabetes, liver
cancer and liver cirrhosis. Mortality for these causes increased in association with probability of PFASs
exposure and with cumulative PFOA serum concentrations. The cohort showed increased mortality
for all causes and subjects in the highest cumulative internal dose of PFOA had a statistically significant
increase for mortality of liver cancer, liver cirrhosis, diabetes, malignant neoplasms of lymphatic and
haematopoietic tissue in both comparisons (Girardi and Merler 2019).
Liver Toxicity
Textiles, clothing,
leather, footwear Reproductive Toxicity
Emergency response
© FotoAndalucia / stock.adobe.com
Exposure to EDCs
can occur in a very
US$340 billion US$217 billion wide range of
per year per year
50 X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
Chemical Name CAS Completed assessments as the Other completed Ongoing and planned
Number(s) basis for inclusion * assessments assessments
Benzophenone-1; 131-56-6 SIN, Danish Criteria (Cat. 2a) EU Priority List
2,4-Dihydroxybenzophenone; Category 1
Benzophenone-2; 131-55-5 SIN, Danish Criteria (Cat. 1) EU Priority List
2,2',4,4'-tetrahydroxybenzophenone Category 1
Benzophenone-3; Oxybenzone 131-57-7 SIN, Danish Criteria (Cat. 2a) EU Impact Assessment EU CoRAP
4,4'-dihydroxybenzophenone 611-99-4 SIN, Danish Criteria (Cat. 2a) EU Priority List
Category 1
3-Benzylidene camphor (3-BC); 15087-24-8 SIN, Danish Criteria (Cat. 1) EU Impact
1,7,7-trimethyl-3- (phenylmethylene) Assessment, EU
bicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-one Priority List Category 1
3-(4-Methylbenzylidene) camphor; 36861-47-9 SIN, Danish Criteria (Cat. 1) EU Priority List
1,7,7-trimethyl-3-[(4- methylphenyl) Category 1
methylene]bicyclo[2.2.1] heptan-2-one
2-ethylhexyl 4-methoxycinnamate 5466-77-3 /
83834-59-7 SIN, Danish EU Impact Assessment, EU EU CoRAP
Criteria (Cat. 1) Priority List Category 1
Bisphenol F 620-92-8 SIN
Bisphenol S 80-09-1 SIN EU Impact Assessment EU CoRAP
Methylparaben 99-76-3 Danish Criteria (Cat. 2a) EU Impact EU CoRAP
Assessment, EU
Priority List Category 1
Ethylparaben 120-47-8 Danish Criteria (Cat. 2a) EU Priority List EU CoRAP
Category 1
Propylparaben; propyl 94-13-3 SIN, Danish Criteria (Cat. 2a) EU Impact EU CoRAP
4-hydroxybenzoate Assessment, EU
Priority List Category 1
Butylparaben; butyl 94-26-8 SIN, Danish Criteria (Cat. 1) EU Priority List
4-hydroxybenzoate Category 1
Diethyl phthalate (DEP) 84-66-2 SIN, Danish Criteria (Cat. 2a) EU Impact US EDSP, Japan EXTEND
Assessment, EU
Priority List Category 1
Dihexyl phthalate (DHP) 84-75-3 SIN, Danish Criteria (Cat. 1) EU Impact Japan EXTEND
Assessment, EU
Dicyclohexyl phthalate (DCHP) 84-61-7 SIN, Danish Criteria (Cat. 1) EU Priority List EU CoRAP, Japan
Category 1 EXTEND
Dioctyl phthalate 117-84-0 SIN
Diisodecyl phthalate (DiDP) 68515-49-1 / SIN
Diundecyl phthalate (DuDP), branched 3648-20-2 SIN
and linear
4-nitrophenol 100-02-7 SIN, Danish Criteria (Cat. 2a)
2,4,6-tribromophenol 118-79-6 SIN
Resorcinol 108-46-3 SIN, Danish Criteria (Cat. 1) EU Impact EU CoRAP
Assessment, EU
Priority List Category 1
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) 128-37-0 SIN EU CoRAP
Tert.-Butylhydroxyanisole (BHA); tert- 25013-16-5 SIN, Danish Criteria (Cat. 1) EU Impact EU CoRAP, US EDSP
butyl-4-methoxyphenol Assessment, EU
Priority List Category 1
Metam-sodium 137-42-8 SIN, Danish Criteria (Cat. 1) EU Priority List
Category 1
Zineb 12122-67-7 SIN, Danish Criteria (Cat. 1) EU Impact Japan EXTEND
Assessment, EU
Priority List Category 1
Ziram 137-30-4 SIN EU Impact Assessment EU CoRAP, US EDSP,
X Chemical exposures 51
Perfluorinated chemicals (PFAS)
Source: UNEP
The chemicals which appear in this table have not been identified as known or suspected EDCs as part of a regulatory review which considers
and weighs all available evidence, engages external peer review and is open and responsive to public review and comment.
* Specific categorization from the Danish criteria results is provided. Cat. 1 = Category 1 (endocrine disruptor), Cat. 2a = Category 2a (suspected
endocrine disruptor).
** This initiative has chemicals included specifically due to their endocrine disrupting potentials, however, these chemicals were included in
the initiative for other reasons.
Chemical Name CAS Number(s) Completed assessments as Other completed Ongoing and planned
the basis for inclusion assessments assessments
Bis(2-ethylhexyl) 117-81-7 EU REACH SVHC EU Impact US EDSP, Japan EXTEND
phthalate; DEHP Assessment, EU
Priority List Category
Diisobutyl phthalate; 84-69-5 EU REACH SVHC EU Impact
DIBP Assessment
131-55-5 SIN, Danish Criteria (Cat. 1) EU Priority List
Category 1
Dibutyl phthalate; DBP 84-74-2 EU REACH SVHC EU Impact US EDSP, Japan EXTEND
Assessment, EU
Priority List Category
Benzyl butyl phthalate; 85-68-7 EU REACH SVHC EU Impact US EDSP, Japan EXTEND
BBP Assessment, EU
Priority List Category
4-(1,1,3,3- 140-66-9 EU REACH SVHC EU Impact
tetramethylbutyl) Assessment, EU
phenol Priority List Category
4-(1,1,3,3- 2315-67-5/ 2315-61-9/ 9002-93-1/ EU REACH SVHC
tetramethylbutyl) 2497-59-8/ Others not specified
phenol, ethoxylated
4-Nonylphenol, 84852-15-3/ 26543-97-5/ 104-40-5/ EU REACH SVHC EU Priority List EU CoRAP*
branched and linear 17404-66-9/ 30784-30- 6/ 52427- Category 1
13-1/ 186825-36-5/ 142731-63-3/
90481-04-2**/ 25154-52-3**/ Others
not specified
4-Nonylphenol, 104-35-8/7311-27-5/ 14409-72-4/ EU REACH SVHC EU Priority List EU CoRAP
branched and linear, 20427-84-3/ 26027-38-3/ 27942- Category 1
ethoxylated 27-4/ 34166-38-6/ 37205-87-1/
127087-87-0/ 156609-10-8/ 68412-
54-4**/ 9016-45-9**/ Others not
4-Heptylphenol, 6465-71-0/ 6465-74-3/ 6863-24-7/ EU REACH SVHC
branched and linear 1987-50-4/72624-02-3/ 1824346-
00-0/ 1139800-98-8/ 911371-07-8 /
911371-06-7 /911370-98-4/ 861011-
60-1/ 861010-65-3/ 857629-71-1/
854904-93-1/ 854904-92-0/ 102570-
52-5/ 100532-36-3/ 72861-06-4/
71945-81-8/ 37872-24-5/ 33104-11-9/
30784- 32-8/ 30784-31-7/ 30784-27-1
p-(1,1-dimethylpropyl) 80-46-6 EU REACH SVHC EU Impact EU CoRAP
phenol Assessment
Source: UNEP
* This initiative has chemicals included specifically due to their endocrine disrupting potentials, however, these chemicals were included in
the initiative for other reasons.
** Identified as additional CAS numbers by ChemSec for these compounds on the SIN List and are not originally on the EU REACH SVHC list.
52 X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
The definition of EDCs proposed by the WHO
Exposure to EDCs varies widely within and among and International Programme on Chemical
countries. It has been estimated that the majority Safety (IPCS) in 2002 is now widely accepted
(WHO 2002): “an endocrine disrupter is an exog-
of the health related costs caused by EDCs in the
enous substance or mixture that alters function(s)
United States are related to flame retardants,
of the endocrine system and consequently causes
while in Europe they are related to organophos-
adverse health effects in an intact organism, or its
phate pesticides (Trasande et al. 2016; Attina et progeny or populations.” An adverse effect is de-
al. 2016).The costs estimated for the health effects fined as: “a change in the morphology, physiology,
of exposure to 10 EDCs was US$217 billion per growth, development, reproduction or life span
year in the EU (Trasande et al. 2016) and US$340 of an organism, system or population (Tanakaya
billion USD per year in the United States (Attina et al. 2015) that results in an impairment of func-
et al. 2016). An additional important conclusion tional capacity, an impairment of the capacity to
to draw from these studies is the limited availa- compensate for additional stress or an increase in
bility of data on the burden of EDCs worldwide. susceptibility to other influences.”
Furthermore, these studies considered a limited
number of EDCs effects (only 10 EDCs were in-
cluded in the analysis), suggesting a possible un-
derestimation of the costs. The life cycles of EDCs Health effects
are of particular concern, since many of them can
While EDCs belong to different chemical groups
contaminate workers even decades after their
and have a wide range of different chemical-phys-
use has been discontinued. This is the case for
ical properties, they all share the capacity of
PCBs: even though their production was banned
altering the endocrine system. Hormones are se-
worldwide in the 1970s, they are still present and
creted into the blood or within organs and act on
continue to contaminate workers due to their bi-
target tissues throughout the body at extremely
opersistence (Ma et al. 2018; Gioia et al. 2014). The
low concentrations (typically in the part per tril-
life cycle of plastics containing EDCs represents,
lion to part per billion range). Similarly, endocrine
in particular, a global challenge, in light of the
disruptors can act at very low doses, acting as ex-
increasing production volumes and ubiquitous
ogenous hormones or altering the endogenous
environmental contamination with microplastics
hormone balance. UNEP has recently produced
(Chen et al. 2019). However specific data on prev-
three overview reports on EDCs (UNEP 2017a,
alence of exposure to EDCs in workers and related
2017b, 2017c) and produced a list of 45 substances
health effects, especially associated with fertility,
identified as EDCs or potential EDCs belonging to
are missing.
18 chemical groups.
The construction and plastics industries employ
millions of workers globally, which use large Cancer
quantities of chemicals that are known or sus-
Strong evidence has accumulated since the 1970s
pected EDCs. Current health surveillance of these
for an implication of oestrogens in the incidence
workers gives very limited insight into the health
of different types of cancers. Synthetic oestrogen
risks associated with exposure to EDCs (Butchko
diethylstilboestrol (DES) has been shown to in-
and Stargel 2001). A recent systematic review on
crease the risk of breast and vaginal cancer fol-
biomonitoring of occupational exposure to phtha-
lowing intra-uterine exposure (Newbold 2008;
lates highlighted the lack of recent occupational
Schrager and Potter 2004). Another example is
studies on both old and new phthalate exposure
a drug against breast cancer, Tamoxifen, which
in the EU and the need for a harmonised approach
inhibits oestrogen-stimulated growth of breast
(Fréry et al. 2020).
cancer cells, but is associated with potent oes-
trogen activity in the uterus. Consequently, ta-
moxifen has been classified by IARC as a known
carcinogen for the endometrium (Yang et al. 2013).
Bisphenol A (BPA), a common chemical in plastics,
also interacts with the oestrogen receptors and is
a possible risk factor for breast cancer (Seachrist
et al. 2016). Additionally, experimental evidence
X Chemical exposures 53
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals
indicates that BPA exposure can lead to increased the risk increased with the increasing number of
susceptibility to prostate cancer (Seachrist et al. EDCs groups that women were exposed to (Birks
2016). Epidemiological case-control studies docu- et al. 2016).
mented that the xeno-oestrogenic burden, which
Both epidemiological and experimental studies
corresponds to the overall oestrogen-like activity
have shown that prenatal exposure to multiple
from molecules stemming from outside the body,
EDCs can diminish IQ or increase risk of neurode-
can be a predictor of breast cancer incidence
velopmental disorders and obesity (Braun 2017;
(Pastor-Barriuso et al. 2016). Increased incidence
Mughal et al. 2018; Ghassabian and Trasande
of papillary thyroid cancer has also been linked
2018). Some of the best studied EDCs adversely
by epidemiology and experimental evidence to
affecting neurodevelopment include PCBs, where
EDCs, including flame-retardants and pesticides
reductions in cognitive function were observed al-
(Perdichizzi et al. 2014; Hoffman 2017).
ready decades ago for the highest maternal PCBs
exposures (Jacobson and Jacobson 1996). Other
Other health outcomes known or suspected EDCs that can affect brain
A range of EDCs have been implicated in multiple development include phosphorylated and bromi-
reproductive disorders in men and women, from nated flame retardants, some phenols, phthalates
reduced fertility, fecundity (Trasande et al. 2016; and perchlorate (Demeneix 2019). Furthermore,
Skakkebaek et al. 2019) and testicular dysgenesis exposures to different EDCs have been associ-
syndrome (Skakkebaek et al. 2016). One of the ated with type-2 diabetes and obesity, including
EDCs most clearly linked to male reproductive BPA, phthalates, triclosan and benzo(a)pyrene (Le
disorders are phthalates (such as DEHP), which Magueresse-Battistoni et al. 2018).
have been linked to cryptorchidism, hypospadias,
reduced anogenital distance (Toppari et al. 2010;
Lioy et al. 2015). In females, phthalates, benzophe-
nones and dioxins have been linked to endometri- The construction and
osis (Smarr, Kannan, and Louis 2016; Bruner-Tran
et al. 2017). Experimental studies have shown that plastics industries
maternal exposure to different EDCs (DES, vin- employ
clozolin, BPA and PCBs) adversely affect mating,
reproduction and exert multigenerational effects
(Walker and Gore 2011; Krishnan et al. 2018).
Results from a meta-analysis on a large popula-
millions of workers
tion-based birth cohort design (almost 134,000
mother–child pairs) indicate that employment
during pregnancy in occupations classified as pos-
which use large quantities of
sibly or probably exposed to EDCs, was associated chemicals that are known or
with an increased risk of low birth weight. Further,
suspected EDCs
54 X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
Impacts of EDCs on
female reproductive health include
early puberty, infertility, abnormal
cyclicity, premature ovarian failure/
menopause, endometriosis, fibroids,
and adverse pregnancy outcomes
Reproductive toxicity
Reproductive toxicity
Sources include: UNEP 2017a, 2017b and 2017c, EU 2020, Kassiotis et al. 2020
56 X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
The developing embryo and fetus is especially plastics manufacturing, food canning, and met-
susceptible to EDCs during pregnancy. Exposure alworking, with the risk of premenopausal breast
to EDCs during this time can lead to adverse cancer highest for automotive plastics and food
birth outcomes and developmental effects and canning.
in some cases irreversible, life-long impacts
(Diamanti-Kandarakis et al. 2009). Since there is
a diverse range of chemicals with endocrine-dis-
rupting properties, there are also a wide range
of exposures. For women, occupational expo-
sures include for example agriculture, manufac-
turing facilities, and service jobs. A case control
study found that women in jobs with potentially
high exposure to carcinogens and EDCs have an
elevated breast cancer risk (Brophy et al. 2012).
These jobs included agriculture, automotive
1 Pesticide formulations that meet the criteria of Classes Ia or Ib of the WHO Recommended
Classification of Pesticides by Hazard
2 Pesticide active ingredients and their formulations that meet the criteria of carcinogenicity Categories
1A and 1B of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS)
3 Pesticide active ingredients and their formulations that meet the criteria of mutagenicity Categories 1A
and 1B of the GHS
4 Pesticide active ingredients and their formulations that meet the criteria of reproductive toxicity
Categories 1A and 1B of the GHS
5 Pesticide active ingredients listed by the Stockholm Convention in its Annexes A and B, and those
meeting all the criteria in paragraph 1 of annex D of the Convention
6 Pesticide active ingredients and formulations listed by the Rotterdam Convention in its Annex III
8 Pesticide active ingredients and formulations that have shown a high incidence of severe or irreversible
adverse effects on human health or the environment.
In addition, pesticides that appear to cause severe dermal and inhalation routes during application.
or irreversible harm to health or the environment Ingestion might occur through consumption of
may be considered to be highly hazardous (see contaminated food during or following work or
HHPs Criteria table). However, to date there is no through oral contact with contaminated hands.
harmonised, internationally agreed list of HHPs. Contaminated clothing is a significant source of
While some pesticides are classified as HHPs and exposure. Stocks of obsolete pesticides still rep-
banned in specific countries, in other countries resent an exposure hazard in many countries, in
they are approved for use. For example, phorate, particular if storage or disposal is inappropriate
which is classified as extremely hazardous (Class (WHO 2019d).
1a) by WHO has been banned in the EU, Brazil
and China, while it remains approved for use in Health effects
the United States (Donley 2019). WHO considers
HHPs as a major public health concern (WHO
2019d) and the introduction of regulations to Cancer
phase out the use of HHPs has saved innumerous A range of different pesticides have been classi-
lives (WHO/FAO 2019). fied by IARC as carcinogenic to humans (group 1):
pesticide poisoning (UAPP) deaths occur globally every year due to pesticides,
representing up to 20 per cent of global suicides
occur annually world-wide (Mew et al. 2017).
A systematic review of data published between
2006 and 2018, supplemented by mortality data
from WHO, found that there were approximately
740,000 annual cases of unintentional, acute
X Case study: Occupational exposure to pesticides and resultant health problems among
cotton farmers of Punjab, Pakistan
Cotton is an important cash crop for Pakistan, but the amount of pesticides used in
crop production in Pakistan has increased rapidly in the recent years. At the same
time, farmers are unaware of the hazard and how to prevent exposure. A study
including 318 randomly selected male cotton farmers was conducted in 2008, as-
sessing exposure to pesticides and self-reported health problems. A quarter of the
participants did not know how to read and write. Based on WHO´s classification,
23 per cent of the amount of pesticides used (assessed as kg of active ingredient)
belonged to the category ‘highly hazardous’, and 55 per cent to the category of
‘moderately hazardous’. Common high exposure risks included: pesticide spills in
the stage of spray solution preparation (76 per cent), the use of low-technology and
faulty sprayers (68 per cent) and spraying in inappropriate weather (47 per cent).
More than a third of the farmers reported multiple symptoms caused by pesticide
use, where the most common were irritation of skin and eyes, headache and dizzi-
ness. It is worth noting that most farmers thought these symptoms were nothing out
of the ordinary and that few reported visiting the doctor (Khan and Damalas 2015).
south-eastern Asia and east Africa with regards East and Southeast Asia (FAO 2011). Data related
to non-fatal UAPP (Boedeker 2020). The propor- to gender aspects of pesticide use is incom-
tion of pesticide self-poisoning varies consider- plete and results inconsistent, partly because
ably between regions, from 0.9 per cent in LMICs of country differences due to cultural and social
in the European region to 48.3 per cent in LMICs norms, educational levels and awareness. For
in the Western Pacific region (Mew et al. 2017). example, it was noted that South African women
Since the 1960s, when pesticides were intro- farmers were on average as responsible for
duced into small-scale farming, an estimated spraying on their farms as men, and that women
14 million premature deaths have resulted carry out the bulk of spraying on oil palm plan-
from pesticide self-poisoning and over 95 per tations in Indonesia, but that male farmers were
cent of these deaths have occurred in LMICs much more likely to use pesticides in smallholder
(WHO/FAO 2019). rice production in northern Ghana (UNEP 2018).
There are also gender differences in exposures
The role of gender to pesticides other than during application in
tasks typically carried out by women, such as
The gender balance of agricultural work force during cotton picking, weeding and thinning
varies between regions. One estimate is that sprayed crops, picking tea leaves, washing out
women on average make up 40 per cent of agri- pesticide containers or washing pesticide-con-
cultural workers in LMICs, ranging from about 20 taminated clothing (Memon et al. 2019; Tsimbiri
per cent in Latin America to 50 per cent in Africa, et al. 2015).
There is an urgent need to phase out all HHPs, starting from the
Phasing out HHPs most toxic ones, in order to prevent deaths caused by exposure. The
has reduced introduction of regulations to control the use of HHPs in high-income
countries has saved innumerous lives, and mortality rates for acute
mortality rates poisoning are dramatically lower than in LMICs (WHO/FAO 2019).
X Figure 8. Air pollution levels and avoided cause-specific deaths during the COVID-19 outbreak in China
Mean tropospheric nitrogen dioxide column density (µ2)mol/m Nitrogendioxide PM2·5
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 ≥ 500 Hypertensive disease
Coronary heart disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Other diseases
guideline for PM2.5 pollution of 10 μg/m³ of am- biological differences such as hormonal status,
bient air annually (WHO 2020). lung volume and body size or gender differences
in exposure such as activity patterns, smoking
behaviours and occupational roles is unknown,
The role of gender
but an interplay between the two is likely. While
The role of gender in air pollution and respira- results of studies vary, more studies on adults
tory health is emerging through growing epi- indicate stronger effects among women and
demiologic evidence that exposure and health studies of children suggest stronger effects
impacts may differ between women and men among boys in early life and among girls in later
(Cloughert y 2010). Whether this is due to childhood.
X Case study: Workers’ exposure to air pollutants during commuting in London - Are there
inequalities among different socio-economic groups?
Low income workers often experience higher exposures to air pollutants. Exposure
to particulate matter (PM1, PM2.5 and PM10), black carbon (BC) and ultrafine particles
(PNCs; 0.02–1 μm) for typical commutes by car, bus and underground from four London
areas with different levels of income deprivation was compared (G1 to G4, from most
to least deprived). The highest BC and PM concentrations were found in G1while the
highest PNC was in G3. Workers from less income-deprived areas have a predominant
use of cars, receiving the lowest doses during commute, but generating the largest
emissions per commuter. Conversely, workers from high income-deprived areas have
a major reliance on the bus, receiving higher exposures, while generating less emission
per person. These findings suggest an aspect of environmental injustice and a need to
incorporate the socioeconomic dimension in air pollution exposure assessments.
Cardiovascular disease
64 X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
Based on the priorities that emerged in the review, a number of actions have been identified that can help promote safer
chemicals management within the world of work and beyond. Priority areas have been divided into:
Research priorities
Social dialogue
The actions are proposed as a working foundation to stimulate future discussions and are not meant to be exhaustive
or apply to every situation.
Such a national policy framework should aim at the continuous harmonisation, integration and improvement of
preventive and protective OSH measures, management systems and tools and capacity building, encompassing
both the workplace and the environment. This includes effective labour inspection services provided with the means,
qualifications and training to fulfil their duties.
As per the ILO Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187) and its accom-
panying recommendation (No. 197), a national system for OSH:
X Laws and regulation, collective agree- X A national tripartite advisory body, or bodies, addressing OSH
ments where appropriate and any issues related to chemicals.
other relevant instruments on OSH X Information and advisory services on OSH measures regarding
pertaining to the sound management chemicals.
of chemicals.
X The provision of OSH training regarding the sound management
X An authority or body, or authorities or of chemicals.
bodies, responsible for OSH of chem-
icals, designated in accordance with X Occupational health services for workers exposed to chemicals, in
national law and practice. accordance with national law and practice.
X Mechanisms for ensuring compliance X Research on OSH for chemicals exposures.
with national laws and regulations X A mechanism for the collection and analysis of data on occupa-
regarding chemical management, in- tional injuries and diseases related to chemical exposures, taking
cluding systems of inspection. into account relevant ILO instruments.
X Arrangements to promote, at the X Provisions for collaboration with relevant insurance or social se-
level of undertaking, cooperation curity schemes covering occupational injuries and diseases from
between management, workers and chemical exposures.
their representatives, as an essential
X Support mechanisms for a progressive improvement of occupa-
element of workplace-related preven-
tional safety and health conditions for enterprises using chemicals,
tion measures for the sound manage-
including micro-enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises
ment of chemicals.
and the informal economy.
66 X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
Instruments dealing with the fundamental OSH principles that provide a framework for risk management,
including chemical risks
* Requiring further action to ensure continued and future relevance, as determined by the Governing Body upon recommendation of the
SRM TWG in 2017
Tackling Carcinogenic Chemicals: The Occupational Cancer Convention, 1974 (No. 139), provides for the
measures to be taken for the control and prevention of occupational hazards caused by carcinogenic substances
and agents. Key provisions include:
X periodically determining the carcinogenic substances and agents to which occupational exposure shall be
prohibited or made subject to authorisation or control;
X making every effort to have carcinogenic substances and agents to which workers may be exposed in the
course of their work replaced by non-carcinogenic substances or agents or by less harmful substances or
X reducing the number of workers exposed to carcinogenic substances or agents and the duration and degree
of such exposure to the minimum.
identification and recognition of occupational diseases, including those caused by chemical substances. Section No. 1.1
of the Annex lists 40 different chemical substances and groups of substances, of which exposure to can cause disease.
Implement the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS)
The GHS is an internationally-agreed upon system to standardise hazard information of chemicals through labels and
safety data sheets. Correct classification and labelling, as well as comprehensive worker training, can help improve
OSH and workplace safety systems. Appropriate handling, use and storage of hazardous substances can in turn
contribute to preventing hazardous exposures, as well as major industrial accidents. Social partners have supported
global implementation of GHS as a way to share safety and health information to prevent workers’ exposures to
hazardous substances.
X Create a priority system for OELs, to focus on those that do not exist or need to be updated
X Ensure that OELs are easily understandable and accessible
X Consider all potential health hazards, rather than only acknowledging single health effects
X Develop an approach covering all chemicals in the workplace, rather than focusing on individual chemicals only
X Produce and implement harmonised international guidelines for OELs
X Promote OELs on an international level with policy makers and industry representatives to ensure that OELs are enforced
X Update key OELs on a systematic basis to reflect advancements in science and technology
General obligations, responsibil- X Role of the competent authority; responsibilities and duties of employers,
ities and duties workers, and suppliers
X Rights of workers
Classification and Labelling X Criteria for classification of hazards
following the GHS X Methods for classification
X Type of labelling on containers of hazardous chemicals
Chemical Safety Data Sheets X Provision of information and training
X Content of safety data sheet
Operational Control Measures X Assessment of control needs and elimination of hazards
X Control measures for: health hazards; flammable, dangerously reactive
or explosive chemicals; disposal and treatment of chemicals, and so forth
as appropriate
68 X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
Identification of
Identification of
control masures based
Classification of on risk assessment
hazards/labels and
Implementation of
safety data sheets
controls; evaluation of
STEP 2 effectiveness; and
maintenance of level
STEP 1 of protection
Determination of
potential exposures in
the workplace
Risk assessment
1. The first step is to identify what chemicals are present; classify them as to their health, physical, and environmental
hazards; and prepare labels and safety data sheets to convey the hazards and associated protective measures.
Without such information on chemicals in the workplace, or released to the environment, it is not possible to go
farther in terms of an evaluation of impact, and determination of appropriate preventive measures and controls.
Information provides the underlying structure needed to achieve the sound management of chemicals.
2. The second step is to evaluate how the identified and classified chemicals are used in the workplace, and
what exposures can result from this use. This may be accomplished through exposure monitoring, or through
application of tools that allow for estimation of exposures based on factors regarding the quantity used, the
potential for release given the conditions in the workplace or facility, and physical characteristics of the chemical.
X Priority action areas 69
3. Once the hazards have been identified, classified, communicated, and their risk has been assessed, the third
step is to use this information to design an appropriate preventive and protective programme for the workplace,
using the Hierarchy of Controls (below). Other provisions of a thorough program that support and enhance
these controls are exposure monitoring; information and training for exposed workers; recordkeeping; medical
surveillance; emergency planning; and disposal procedures.
Replace the hazard
Engineering Controls
Isolate workers from the hazard
Change the way work is performed
Protect the worker
with PPE,
as the last resort
Less effective
Most effective
Replace the e.g. Substitute toxic pesticides such as paraquat and neonicoti-
chemical noids for less toxic versions, such as biopesticides
e.g. Adjust work tasks or schedules to limit the time workers are
Administrative Change the way
exposed to chemicals and create written operating procedures
Controls work is performed
on handling hazardous substances
Least effective
Elimination and substitution should be considered priority actions where possible. PPE should be only be used as
a last resort. When necessary, employers should make available, free of charge, a range of appropriate PPE that is
designed to effectively protect workers of all body types, including physiological differences between genders. When
clothing is contaminated it should be changed promptly to avoid absorption through the skin.
70 X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
Research priorities
Increase research and harmonise global OSH data, specifically for LMICs and informal
For the great majority of chemical exposures, data is not available and the number of workers exposed cannot be
even estimated because of the lack of such data (both locally and globally). As such, there is an urgent need for
increased research and harmonised global data repositories of chemical exposure information and related health
effects amongst workers. Moreover, whilst some evidence does exist for HICs, there is a there is a general lack of
data from LMICs. This includes studies about informal economy workers, who are at high risk of hazardous chemical
exposures. Due to the nature of the work, workplace protections are often limited and there is minimal adherence
to OSH regulations and general safety culture.
Strengthen Global Burden of Disease (GBD) estimates for occupational exposures and
Due to the lack of information on chemical exposure of workers and relative outcomes (death, cancer, etc.), GBD
calculations are mainly missing or are severely underestimated. Enhanced data on economic costs to society
would promote stronger policy responses. When sufficient data are available, initiatives such as the WHO-ILO Joint
Methodology to produce systematic reviews on occupational exposures and risk factors are necessary to provide
the evidence-base to produce reliable estimates of the GBD.
Social dialogue
The extent of national-level social dialogue within the chemicals industries and throughout sectors using chemicals
varies from country to country. Nevertheless, employers and workers in the chemical industries, and governments,
have recognized the importance of social dialogue to help create an enabling environment to ensure safe, healthy,
decent and productive work (ILO, 2013). Social dialogue in the chemicals sector can increase profits by leading to
greater productivity and enhanced worker satisfaction (ILO, 2006). While examples and case studies of social dia-
logue in the chemicals industries have previously been reported there is a need to expand the scope of social dialogue
to additional sectors using chemicals and to further promote the exchange of information at levels.
X Employers have a duty to take preventive and protective measures, through assessment and control of the risks
at work, including to those related to chemical exposures. They also can promote sound governance frameworks
at the national and workplace levels.
X Workers and their organisations have a right to be involved at all levels in formulating, supervising and imple-
menting prevention policies and workplace programmes. They have a right to be protected from workplace risks
and to take an active role in governance both at the national and workplace level.
X Policy makers, managers, supervisors, OSH professionals, and workers all have important roles to play, through
effective social dialogue and participation in risk-management systems as well as the promotion of sound gov-
ernance frameworks at all levels.
72 X Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts:
A global review
While social partners, including employers from the chemical industries and workers organisations, have demon-
strated their commitment to SAICM and its processes, there is a continued need for enhanced participation and
engagement of key world of work stakeholders in ongoing policy negotiations. Occupational exposure considera-
tions should be at the core of SAICM Beyond 2020 and even stronger measures are needed in this new framework to
protect workers from chemical exposures. As such, enhanced social dialogue will be critical during the intersessional
process leading up to Fifth session of the International Conference for Chemicals Management (ICCM5), and beyond.
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