Pseudo AI Bias

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Pseudo AI Bias

Authors: Xiaoming Zhai1,2,3*, Joseph Krajcik4

1 AI4STEM Education Center, University of Georgia

2 Institute for Artificial Intelligence, University of Georgia

3 Department of Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Education, University of Georgia

CREATE for STEM Institute, Michigan State University.

*Correspondence to: Xiaoming Zhai, [email protected].


Pseudo Artificial Intelligence bias (PAIB) is broadly discussed in the literature, which can result

in unnecessary AI fear in society, thereby exacerbating the enduring inequities and disparities in

accessing and sharing the benefits of AI applications and wasting social capital invested in AI

research. This study systematically reviews publications in the literature to present three types of

PAIBs identified due to: a) misunderstandings, b) pseudo-mechanical bias, and c) over-

expectations. We discussed the consequences of and solutions to PAIBs, including certifying

users for AI applications to mitigate AI fears, providing customized user guidance for AI

applications, and developing systematic approaches to monitor bias. We concluded that PAIB,

due to misunderstandings, pseudo-mechanical bias, and over-expectations of algorithmic

predictions, is socially harmful.

Pseudo Artificial Intelligence bias (PAIB) can result in unnecessary AI fear in society,

exacerbate the enduring inequities and disparities in accessing and sharing the benefits of AI

applications, and waste social capital invested in AI research. As AI bias increasingly draws

attention in every sector of society 1, concerns about the attribution of bias in AI continue

to increase. AI predictions may systematically deviate from the ground truth, generating results

either in favor or against certain groups. Such effects can be detrimental and result in social

consequences that have drawn concerns about the use of AI since it has begun to be broadly

applied in everyday life 2,3. Although AI biases may result from deficit design, skewed training

data, confounding of the algorithmic models, or the algorithm computational capacity 4, some are

not. What if AI accurately predicts something unjust by nature?

It can be even more complicated if attributions of biases to AI are artificially crafted, which

has been broadly documented in the literature. This may be particularly true if understudied

“biases” are arbitrarily attributed to AI only because users misunderstand the bias,

inappropriately operate machine algorithms, misinterpret AI predictions, or have an over-

expectation of AI predictions. This review presents three types of PAIBs identified in the

literature and discusses the potential impacts on society and probable solutions.

Misunderstanding of Bias

Many biases attributed to AI result from users’ misunderstanding of bias. Bias was broadly

referred to in social science and natural science with commonalities. We reviewed the definitions

of bias in the literature in both areas (see Supplementary Table S1) and found three critical

properties: (a) deviation – bias measures the deviation between observations and ground truth

(i.e., error); (b) systematic – bias refers to systematic error instead of random error; and (c)

tendency -- bias is a tendency to favor or against some ideas or entity over others. These three

properties characterize the idea of AI bias and are fundamental to uncovering PAIBs.

Error versus bias. Errors can be a bias only if they systematically happen. In scientific research,

errors inevitably occur, as it is challenging to reach ground truth in measurement, prediction,

classification, etc. Therefore, instead of attempting to eliminate errors, researchers put efforts

into reducing errors using various methods, such as refining measurement tools, averaging

observations, or improving prediction algorithms. In contrast, the elimination of bias can occur

once its root is identified and correct solutions are implemented 5. Therefore, bias is more

troublesome to humans than errors are. It is critical to correctly identify bias and eliminate it.

Examples in the literature are broadly cited as evidence of AI bias and demonstrate AI’s

harmfulness. However, some of them may provide examples of errors instead of bias.

Among such, the most popular is the example of humans being mistaken as Gorillas 6. In a 2015

Twitter post, Jacky Alcine shared a screenshot in which a face-recognition algorithm tagged him

and another African American as gorillas. This case shows evidence of the problem of algorithm

prediction, indicating significant work needs to be done to improve prediction accuracy.

However, although we find this example deplorable, numerous authors who cited this case as

“AI bias” did not provide sufficient evidence that this terrible misidentification resulted from

inherent AI bias—a single case is challenging to testify the errors “systematically” happen for a

specific group. Another example includes face recognition software labeling a Taiwanese

“blinking” 7, and an automated passport system not being able to detect whether an individual

from Asia had his eyes open for a passport picture 8, etc. These cases reported AI errors caused

by human programming of the algorithms that need to be addressed instead of AI bias because

no evidence has shown that these errors occur systematically.

Confusing bias with errors could extend the societal fear of AI, particularly toward certain

groups. As mentioned above, we see these errors as deploring, and we need to work hard to

ensure these errors don’t happen, but in the world of programming, “bugs” happen, and we just

need to make sure that public announcements such as bias are made with evidence. Currently,

society invests trillions of dollars in technology developments every year, while certain groups

underrepresented in society have been found less likely to benefit from these innovations

because of fear of these technologies that resulted from human error and the result of some

engrained bias in the technology. The unfairness could be even worse if the extended AI fear

happens explicitly to the underrepresented groups. Therefore, researchers should use these

mislabeled alerts to further examine potential bias due to programming and increase the accuracy

of AI predictions instead of overselling errors as bias.

Favoriting percentage versus ground truth. Amazon's AI recruiting tool is a broadly cited case

for evidence of "AI bias." According to Dastin 9, this tool favored male applicants compared to

females, resulting in many believing that the software was biased towards females and eventually

disbanded by Amazon. Although widely citing this case to demonstrate that AI is biased against

females, seldom has research referred to the prediction “deviations” from the ground truth—the

outcomes based on recruiting criteria. A higher percentage favoring male candidates than

females can hardly support a valid conclusion about AI bias before we know the actual numbers

of applicants by gender and the false prediction cases. This PAIB results from a lack of

information-- the gender breakdown of Amazon’s technical workforce, according to Dastin, was

not even disclosed at that time. Therefore, it is problematic to claim AI bias until more data

becomes available and a deep investigation of gender parity can verify the PAIBs.

This type of PAIB harms people’s trust in AI. The predicted favoring percentage toward males is
hard to justify discrimination before we know the “deviations.” As argued by Howard and

Borenstein 10, favoring a group might also be justified if the evidence supports the facts. For

example, charging teenagers more for car insurance seems “discriminating” but arguably

justified given that evidence shows a higher risk of accidents for teenage drivers. A higher

charge for teenage drivers may prevent unnecessary risky driving by teenagers. A key to

determining AI bias requires examining the ground truth and comparing it to the then findings

instead of seeking the favoriting percentage.

Fairness versus bias. Accuracy is the primary measure for algorithm predictions, while bias is

the extent to which the results are systematically and purposely distorted. Therefore, computer

scientists pursue high accuracy and avoid bias. Fairness, however, is beyond measurement. It is a

social connotation incorporating factors such as access to social capital and the purpose of

fairness 11. A broadly cited example is Equality and Equity (see Fig. 1). When asked which

picture represents the best practice of fairness, an educator might point to the right picture

without hesitance as it represents the pursuit of equity—everyone has an opportunity to observe

the game. Interestingly, when an Asian baseball player was shown this picture, he said he was

never given equal opportunity to play in the game. Should athletes be granted equal opportunity?

Why do observers deserve equity while

athletes who play the game seldom have

such considerations? These questions

justify that fairness is based on social

needs and the purpose of activities. It is

hard to absolutely declare that equity is

closer to fairness than equality in every Fig. 1 Fairness: equality (left) and equity (right).
case. With such a complex societal concept, it is difficult to demand an algorithm to achieve

fairness goals.

Nevertheless, our research shows that AI was held full accountable for fairness in some cases.

One example is the Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions

(COMPAS), an algorithm used to predict the risk of recidivism, the tendency of a convicted

criminal to re-offend. According to a report 12, COMPAS achieved equal prediction accuracy for

both black and white defendants. That is, a risk score that is correct in equal proportion for both

groups. However, the report also suggests that black defendants were twice as likely to be

incorrectly labeled as higher risk than white defendants. In reality, nevertheless, white

defendants labeled as low risk were more likely to be charged with new offenses than black

defendants with similar scores. According to research from four independent groups13, to satisfy

both accuracy and “fairness” is mathematically impossible given that Blacks were re-arrested at

a much higher rate than Whites. However, because the purpose of the risk score is to help the

judge make decisions in court without considering the defendants' race, COMPAS’s performance

satisfied the cornerstone criteria 13. This case illustrates overly tasking AI algorithms for fairness,

which could increase the suspicions of AI applications in societal issues. COMPAS yielded

fairness concerns but the scores predicted were equally accurate for the ethnic groups. Confusing

bias with fairness is detrimental to the broad use of AI in solving problems. “Statistics and

machine learning are not all-powerful.14” It is the users’ responsibility to clearly identify the

societal goals of the prediction before using algorithm predictions.

Pseudo-mechanical Bias

In many cases, bias is created because of users’ ignorance of critical features of data or

inappropriate operations in the algorithm application processes, instead of the capacity of

algorithms. This type of bias is not due to the algorithm mechanism but to pseudo-mechanical

bias. It is feasible to avoid pseudo-mechanical bias as long as users appropriately apply the AI

applications. Thus, attributing pseudo-mechanical bias to AI is misleading—we thus also call it

PAIB. Below, we introduced four categories of pseudo-mechanical bias presented in the

literature (see Fig. 2).

Emergent error. Emergent error bias results from the out-of-sample input. It is widely assumed

that AI algorithms can best predict samples close to the training data. In reality, this is not always

the case, as ideal training data are challenging to collect. In this sense, users must be aware of the

limitations of AI algorithms to avoid emergent bias. This type of error frequently appears in

clinical science, where they are attributed to distributional shifts 15. That is, prior experience may

not be adequate for new situations because of “out of sample” input no matter how experienced

the “doctors” are. It is obvious that algorithms are especially weak in dealing with distributional

shifts. Therefore, it is critical for users of AI systems to be aware of the limitations and apply AI

to appropriate cases to avoid emergent errors.

Distinct types of data for training and testing. Currently, supervised machine learning requires

using the same type of data for training and testing. Cheuk argues that algorithms would fail to

respond to questions of one language if trained using a different language 16. In the example she

raised, an AI trained in English was asked by a Chinese heritage “Have you eaten?” in Chinese

(i.e., 你吃了吗). The author suspected that the algorithm would not be able to respond to this

question as expected by the Chinese. Instead, the computer might respond intelligently, “No, I

haven’t eaten,” because the computer might interpret the question as to whether the Chinese care

about its diet. However, according to their culture, the Chinese’ question “Have you eaten?”

equals “How are you?” in English. This example is absolutely correct, but it is almost impossible

for an English-speaking Chinese to ask AI questions and expect the answer to follow the Chinese

culture. In other words, it is the users’ responsibility to be aware that the algorithm was trained in

English and expect the response to follow the same conventions in English. These types of

situations in which the algorithm is incapable of interpreting could lead to bias because the AI

algorithm lacks appropriate training to respond, creating PAIBs at worst.

Distinct feature distribution among groups. In a recent study, Larrazabal and colleagues17

examined the gender imbalance of algorithm capacity to diagnose disease based on imaging

datasets. They found that for some diseases like Pneumothorax, the algorithms consistently

performed better on males than females regardless of how researchers tried to improve the

training set. This unintended error was created because patients have unique biological features

that prevent algorithms from performing equally based on the gender of the patient. For

instance, females’ breasts occluded imagining of organs responsible for the disease when using

x-ray technology to collect the imaging data of the diseased organs, resulting in poorer

performance of algorithms when identifying disease. If users apply the algorithms without being

aware of the limitations of the algorithms, it could generate PAIBs.

Disconnected interpretations of labels. In practice, if users interpret the meaning of the AI

predictions differently from the information encapsulated in the training data, it could generate

PAIBs. For example, Obermeyer and colleagues18 examined the most extensive commercial

medical risk-prediction system, which is applied to more than 200 million people in the US each

year. The system was trained using patients’ expenses and was supposed to predict the ideal

solutions for high-risk patients. The authors found the “ideal solutions” discriminating-- Black
patients with the same (predicted) risk scores as White patients tend to be sicker, resulting in

unequal solutions provided to patients of color. In this case, the “predicted risk score” was

generated based on past medical expenses, which is a combination of both the risk and the

affordability of medical service. Suppose doctors interpret this score as an indicator of risk to

providing medical care, it would likely put at risk a certain group’s life (e.g., Black patients who

might generate less medical expense). This assumption is problematic because the assumed bias

resulted from doctors’ misinterpretation of the risk score-- disregarding the fact that the scores

reflect not only the severity of illness but also the affordability of the medical service provided to

the patients. Obermeyer and colleagues19 attributed the medical bias to label choice—

Training Testing Training Testing

① ②

③ ④

Fig. 2. Artificial mechanical bias. ① indicates emergent bias, where testing data include
samples not included in the training data. ② indicates distinct data for training (e.g., Chinese
vs. English). ③ indicates Distinct samples for training and testing. Samples within the dashed
box indicate having an illness, and gray indicates that the illness was predicted by the
algorithm—④indicates disconnected interpretations of labels.
fundamentally reflecting a disconnect between the interpretation of predictions (i.e., the risk of

illness) and the information encapsulated in the training samples (i.e., both the risk of illness and

the affordability of medical care). They also provided empirical evidence that altering the labels

is effective in reducing biased results.

Over Expectation
In many cases, over-expectations can result in PAIBs. For example, Levin 20 reported that in a

beauty contest judged by Beauty.AI, 44 winners were nearly all white, with a limited number of

Asian and dark skin individuals. Many pinpoint this case as evidence for AI bias. What makes it

problematic is that the criteria for beauty are perceptional and vary across people--some care

more about color while others concern more about symmetry. It is even challenging to generate a

consensus criterion by humans. How could we expect AI to identify the beauty winners to satisfy

a diverse population? In this case, AI should be treated as an intelligent individual, equal to a

human individual, instead of some intelligence that can overcome diversity dilemmas. In other

words, Beauty.AI learned from human-labeled examples and thus is expected to perform as what

was learned. The bias does rest in the AI algorithms but in the humans that developed the

algorithm. It may be unreasonable to expect the algorithm to perform in a way to satisfy all

stakeholders, who might even disagree with each other.

Impacts and Solutions

This review by no means argues that AI biases are not worthy of being addressed. Indeed, “the

growing scope of AI makes it particularly important to address” 4. In this review, however, we

contend that understanding the mechanisms and potential bias of AI is essential. As the dual-use

of AI is increasingly recognized in the field, researchers have the responsibility to confirm the

ethics before AI becomes mainstream in our society. In this review, our main concern focused on

whether AI biases are correctly identified and appropriately attributed to AI. We focus this

review on PAIBs as they have societally consequential. The public needs to realize that PAIBs
result from users’ or developers’ misunderstanding, mis-operations, or over-expectations, instead

of the fault of the AI. Our position is that humans create algorithms and train machines. The

biases reflect human perspectives and human errors. Realizing the many kinds of PAIBs and

how humans are at the center of them could help limit societal fear of AI.

Human fear of AI emerged earlier and faster than the progress in AI research because of

numerous science fiction stories that struck and impacted human thinking about AI. The history

of technophobia can be traced back to the 1920s when Rossum’s Universal Robots proposed the

scenes of enlarged robots 18. However, it did not draw much fear until the recent flood of AI

developments, which refreshed humans’ fear of AI gleamed from these science fiction stories.

Cave and Dihal analyzed 300 documents and identified four types of AI fears: inhumanity,

obsolescence, alienation, and uprising 21. Because many AI fears are rooted in artificial scenes

presented in science fiction books or movies 22, it is unsurprising that part of the fears might be

artificial. Their survey of more than 1,000 UK citizens reveals that the common perception of AI

suggests significantly more anxiety than excitement 23.

The social consequences can even be worse if research enlarges the factors that yield the fears—

factors such as PAIBs. The users and developers of AI need to take responsibility to avoid

PAIBs by clearly understanding the limitations of machine algorithms and the mechanisms of AI

biases. Researchers, on the other side, have the responsibility to guide the use of AI applications

and avoid extending PAIBs in academic work. Researchers need to put effort into examining and

solving true AI biases instead of PAIBs. To deal with PAIBs, we recommend the following:

Certify users for AI applications to mitigate AI fears. PAIBs resulted because of users’

unfamiliarity with AI mechanics, as well as misunderstanding of bias that was enriched both by

measurement and social connotations. To mitigate AI fears, users need professional education.

Osborne, a researcher from the University of Oxford, suggests providing professional

certifications to AI users such as doctors, judges, etc. 24. Such professional education could

eliminate most PAIBs and help users mitigate AI fears.

Provide customized user guidance for AI applications. Some PAIBs developed due to the

diverse configurations of the AI algorithms and the complex conditions of applying AI. For

example, some algorithms might influence a certain group under a given condition. Unless users

know of these constraints, they are not likely to appropriately employ the algorithms for

predictions and decision makings. Therefore, customized user guidance, accompanied by

professional education, is essential to alleviate the fear of AI and use AI appropriately.

Develop systematic approaches to monitor bias. The best approach to clarify PAIBs will stem

from the development of tools and criteria to systematically monitor bias in algorithms. Such an

approach could ease the public worry about AI applications and prevent biases in the first place.

Aligned with this goal, the Center for Data Science and Public Policy created the Aequitas, an

open-source bias toolkit to audit machine learning algorithm biases 25. This toolkit could audit

two types of biases: 1) biased actions or interventions that are not allocated in a way that is

representative of the population and 2) biased outcomes through actions or interventions that

result from the system being wrong about certain groups of people.

AI has the potential to serve as a viable tool and partner for many professions, including

medicine and education. However, AI will never reach its potential unless researchers eliminate

sources of bias and the public comes to know that many biases result from human errors in

operating algorithms and in misinterpreting the results of AI. Although dealing with AI bias is

critical and should draw substantial attention, overselling PAIBs can be detrimental, particularly

to those who have fewer opportunities to learn AI, and may exacerbate the enduring inequities

and disparities in accessing and sharing the benefits of AI applications.


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9 Dastin, J. Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool that showed bias against women. San
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Funding: This study was partially funded by National Science Foundation (NSF) (Award #
2101104 and 2100964) and National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation. Any opinions,
findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the founders.

Competing interests: Authors declare no competing interests.

Supplementary Materials:

Table S1 Definitions of bias in authoritative literature of social science and natural science
Resources Definition
Oxford Tendency to favor or dislike a person or thing, especially as a result of a
English preconceived opinion, partiality, prejudice.
Dictionary (Statistics) Distortion of a statistical result arising from the method of
sampling, measurement, analysis, etc.; an instance of this

Dictionary of A systematic tendency to take irrelevant factors into account while ignoring
Cognitive relevant factors (p. 352).
Science Algorithms make use of additional knowledge (i.e., learning biases; p. 228).
The Science In common terms, bias is a preference for or against one idea, thing, or
Dictionary person.
In scientific research, bias is described as any systematic deviation between
the results of a study and the “truth.”

Wikipedia Bias is disproportionate weight in favor of or against an idea or thing, usually

in a way that is closed-minded, prejudicial, or unfair. Biases can be innate or
learned. People may develop biases for or against an individual, a group, or a
belief. In science and engineering, a bias is a systematic error. Statistical
bias results from an unfair sampling of a population or from
an estimation process that does not give accurate results on average

APA Systematic inaccuracy of assessment (p. 139).

Handbook of
Testing and
Assessment in


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