HIstory of Glebe
HIstory of Glebe
HIstory of Glebe
Suburb Profile
The suburb of Glebe is located immediately direction. Whilst Glebe is clearly defined
to the east of the suburb of Annandale and topographically, it is less hilly than the
is on the western border with the City of surrounding suburbs of Annandale and
Sydney. Glebe is bounded by Johnstons Leichhardt. The topography has resulted in
Creek and Camperdown to the west, Bay a more regular street pattern and formal
Street and Wattle Street to the east, townscape character.
Parramatta Road to the south and Rozelle The northern and eastern points of the
Bay to the north. Glebe peninsula overlook Rozelle Bay and
The suburb is strongly defined by its Blackwattle Bay, whilst an open space
topography, being located on a peninsula corridor provides a green belt running along
with a main ridge-line bisecting the suburb the perimeter of the waterfront.
and running in a north-west to south-east
Conservation Area
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iv. Broadway
3. Forest Lodge
4. Hereford
iii. Laneways
5. St. Phillip’s
iii. Laneways
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Glebe Parklands
Photo: View of substantial trees and
The Neighbourhood is also strongly active and passive recreation in
influenced by the extensive corridor of open Bicentennial Park.
space that defines its western boundary.
The Glebe Parklands, located along Rozelle
Bay, includes Bicentennial Park, Jubilee
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Leichhardt DCP – Part A suburb profile
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Urban Form
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Leichhardt DCP – Part A suburb profile
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From Forsyth Street to the Point, residential Toward the point at Leichhardt Street, a
flat buildings and new townhouses grouping of significant heritage buildings,
predominate, interspersed with remnant including Margaretta Cottage constructed in
rows of single and two-storey Victorian and 1836, are representative of the earliest
Federation cottages. The flat buildings range phase of development of the
in height from three-storeys to eight storeys Neighbourhood.
and are characterised by light coloured, Running along the entire perimeter of the
contemporary materials and large cubic Neighbourhood is the foreshore open space
forms, which are out of character and scale corridor. The corridor is discontinuous at
with the existing Victorian and Federation certain points where remnant industrial
development. developments, are located up to the
Townhouse developments range in height waterfront.
from single to elevated three-storey
development. The more contemporary
townhouse developments located adjoining
the foreshore open space area are setback
with substantial landscaping, and designed
to step with the topography.
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Building Elements
From the highest point of the ♦ ensure that development along the
Neighbourhood around Glebe Point Road boundaries of the foreshore area has a
and Cook Street the topography slopes minimal impact upon the amenity of the
down to the waterfront providing substantial public open space;
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Urban Form
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has been revegetated to enhance the ♦ maintain the consistency of the existing
habitat and bio diversity of the locality and in historic subdivision pattern in the area;
addition, the Orphan School Creek area
♦ maintain the predominant service and
provides access to Rozelle Bay foreshores.
access character of laneways within the
Development along Orphan School Creek Distinctive Neighbourhood;
consists of modern two and three storey
♦ ensure new development steps down
townhouses. The surrounding open space
the slopes to Orphan School Creek
provides a buffer zone between the creek
maintaining surrounding views.
line and the residential dwellings, varying
from 3m to 35m in width. Towards the Building Elements
southern end of Orphan School Creek there
♦ retain and enhance the consistent 2
is less vegetation, and development consists
storey terraced streetscapes in the
of residential and industrial uses.
northern section of the Neighbourhood
and along Bridge Road;
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♦ enhance and promote the viability and ♦ retain and enhance the dense wooded
potential for neighbourhood and local gully, including bushland on the
provision shops along Ross Street. embankments;
Parramatta Road
♦ retain the large allotments along this
section of Parramatta Road to
accommodate larger and bulkier These Neighbourhood Controls apply
industrial uses and maintain the buffer across the whole of the Forest Lodge
between Parramatta Road and the Distinctive Neighbourhood Glebe.
residential area;
All of the controls listed in the Suburb
♦ allow for infill development of larger Profiles section of this DCP are
bulky industrial uses. supplementary to all other Controls
within the DCP.
Minogue Crescent
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Leichhardt DCP – Part A suburb profile
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Hereford Distinctive Neighbourhood is Lodge and Annandale. Bridge Road and St.
located centrally within the suburb of Glebe, Johns Road are relatively flat, with a gradual
on the upper western slope of the main incline toward the ridgeline at Glebe Point
Glebe ridge that bisects the suburb. The Road. From this high point, impressive
major streets in the Neighbourhood, views are provided in an easterly direction of
Hereford Street, Bridge Road and St. Johns Sydney’s CBD.
Road, run across the contour in a south- The Neighbourhood, defined on the map
westerly direction. The Neighbourhood also below, is bounded by Wigram Lane, the rear
encompasses several smaller, narrow roads boundary line of properties fronting onto
and laneways that run perpendicular to the Glebe Point Road, the north side of St.
main streets. Johns Road and the eastern side of Ross
The northern section of this Neighbourhood Street.
slopes gradually from Glebe Point Road
toward Ross Street and Harold Park
providing views south-west over Forest
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Leichhardt DCP – Part A suburb profile
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carriageways of St. Johns Road and Bridge Neighbourhood. These include St. James
Road. Park and tennis courts, Dr. H.J. Foley Rest
Park, Jean Cowley Playground, Kirsova
Playground and the Arthur (Paddy) Gray
Reserve. The location of the parks and
reserves in such a densely urban area
provides visual relief and provides
recreational opportunities for the community.
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facade of the building include two large ♦ preserve and enhance views created by
billboards, which dominate the street corner. stepping buildings with the contours
where appropriate.
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local provision shops along Ross Street ♦ ensure that future development on
and on St. Johns Road, adjacent to lanes, does not unreasonably impact
Jarocin Avenue. upon the amenity of adjacent properties
and the lanescape and scenic character.
Local Area Character
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! New dwellings shall be discouraged
There are a number of areas within the on laneways where there is currently
Hereford Distinctive Neighbourhood which no residential development.
due to particular characteristics or specific
conditions affecting development, in this
area necessitate a unique set of controls
and/or development guidelines.
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Leichhardt DCP – Part A suburb profile
Leichhardt DCP – Part A suburb profile
storey public housing buildings with The historical focal point of the
matching building materials and fencing. Neighbourhood is undoubtedly the large
These recent developments, although Regency Style residence of Lyndhurst,
complementary in scale, are out of character located on the knoll overlooking Wentworth
with the adjoining original post-Regency Park. This building was part of the original
terraces and cottages. Lyndhurst Estate and is currently used as
the Historic Houses Trust office of New
Setbacks vary from development on the
South Wales.
street alignment to 2m for terraces and
single storey cottages, and between 5m to
8m for the more recent duplex, townhouse
and Department of Housing developments.
The front setbacks often contain small front
gardens or grassy yards. Fencing, although
not necessarily consistent in material,
generally matches the architectural style of
the dwelling as well as being generally
complementary in height.
Leichhardt DCP – Part A suburb profile
Leichhardt DCP – Part A suburb profile
♦ preserve the consistency of the existing ♦ ensure that development along the
historic subdivision pattern in the area; boundaries of public open space areas
has a minimal impact upon the amenity
♦ allow for contemporary redevelopment
of the open space;
where it is complementary to the
existing heritage streetscapes and ♦ maintain significant sandstone retaining
character of the Neighbourhood; walls and integrate natural rocky
outcrops into the landscape of the area,
♦ ensure new development steps down
particularly where visible from public
the slopes following the topography of
the area, hence maintaining surrounding
views; and ♦ maintain the prevalence of mature,
regularly spaced street trees as well as
♦ improve the environmental amenity and
mature and visually significant trees on
interest for pedestrians accessing the
private laneways.
Economic Viability
Building Elements
♦ enhance and promote the continual
retain and enhance the existing 19
development and ongoing viability of the
Century residential character;
industrial pocket along Wentworth Park
♦ ensure sympathetic infill to re-establish Road.
complete rows of terrace houses;
Local Area Character
♦ maintain the character of the area by
Bridge Road Commercial Area
ensuring new development is
complementary in terms of its ♦ encourage transit-oriented business
architectural style, built form and uses within the Bridge Road
materials. Commercial Area;
Leichhardt DCP – Part A suburb profile
♦ maintain and enhance the pockets of ! 3.6m building envelope applies for
public open space for recreational uses; predominantly single storey rows
(including attic),
♦ ensure that development along the
boundaries of the parks and reserves ! Where there is a mixture of single
has minimal impact upon the amenity of and two storey buildings, the 3.6m
the public open space. envelope may be varied provided new
roof forms relate to existing and do
Laneways not exceed the higher ridge height
♦ maintain the predominant service and adjoining;
access character of laneways in St. ! 6.0m building wall height applies for
Phillip’s Distinctive Neighbourhood; rows where 2 storey terraces
♦ ensure laneways within St. Phillip’s cottages and duplexes predominate;
Distinctive Neighbourhood do not ! 7.2m building wall height applies to
become dominated by garages and the Mirrabooka Housing Complex.
roller doors;
Urban Form
♦ maintain the character of laneways in St.
! New development is to reinforce the
Phillip’s by keeping the fencing
streetscape orientation and stepping
consistent in height and maintaining
of the dwellings down the topography
rows of outhouses;
of the ridge.
♦ preserve and enhance the gardens to
the rear of dwellings along laneways,
which contribute to the amenity of the
vegetated corridors.
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are replaced by large freestanding mansions the use of a common colour scheme of
on substantial allotments and some cream or ochre with dark red or green trim.
contemporary development. Many of the
However, there are several examples of
dwellings here have been adaptively reused
unsympathetic alterations of dwellings,
for a range of activities relating to the
including the infill of second storey terrace
University of Sydney.
balconies and the use of inappropriately
There are a number of scattered pockets of sized dormer windows.
open space within the upper slopes of the
A considerable attribute within Bishopthorpe
Neighbourhood which provide local passive
is that of continuous footpaths unbroken by
recreational opportunities and contribute the
driveways. This contributes to and
vegetated corridors provided by the street
enhances the pedestrian amenity of the
trees and private gardens.
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On the corner of Arundel Street and ♦ allow for new low scale development on
Parramatta Road, there is a group of vacant and/or underutilised parcels of
contemporary administrative buildings land, whilst maintaining the area’s scale
owned by the University of Sydney. These and historic character;
buildings, up to six storeys in height, are
♦ preserve the consistency of the existing
considerably larger than the surrounding
historic subdivision pattern in the area;
low-scale residential area.
♦ maintain the predominant service and
access character of laneways;
Building Elements
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Leichhardt DCP – Part A suburb profile
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Leichhardt DCP – Part A suburb profile
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Leichhardt DCP – Part A suburb profile
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Land Use and Urban Form
♦ where development is not built to the
street alignment, ensure that the front ! Where appropriate, original buildings,
setback and internal areas are building elements and materials shall
landscaped to provide visual relief and a be retained.
landscaped buffer to the street; ! Industrial uses must be
♦ improve, extend and enhance the open predominantly located within the
space corridors adjacent to Johnstons building area, to minimise noise and
Creek; ensure that streetscape amenity is
♦ open up pedestrian links to the open
space corridor of Johnstons Creek, Subdivision pattern
though and around the industrial areas. ! Future lot subdivision must be
Local Area Character consistent with the prevailing
industrial lot sizes within the locality.
Parramatta Road
Siting and Setback
♦ promote the viability of compatible
industrial development (including ! Where properties are serviced by a
showroom uses) at street level to lane, they should continue the
provide an active street frontage; traditional position of construction to
the street alignment with buildings to
♦ encourage the retention of the parapet be set at right angles to the front and
roof line of industrial buildings along side boundaries.
Parramatta Road.
! Where properties are not serviced by
Guihen Street a lane, the front setback and internal
♦ maintain the existing large-scale service areas should be appropriately
character of development on Guihen landscaped to provide a visual buffer
Street. to the street.
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Vehicular Access
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The boundary of the Glebe Commercial
The Glebe Commercial Neighbourhood
Neighbourhood is defined by the rear of
comprises the length of Glebe Point Road
properties fronting onto Glebe Point Road, and
from Broadway in the south, to the commercial
includes properties located between Greek
area adjoining Forsyth Street to the north.
Street and Broadway. The Neighbourhood
Glebe Point Road is located along the main
encompasses all commercially zoned land,
Glebe ridge-line which bisects the suburb.
special uses, parks and residential properties,
From the highest point of the ridge, between
with or without associated commercial uses,
Forsyth and Hereford Streets, the land slopes
within this defined area.
down to Bridge Road and east to Wentworth
Park, providing spectacular views to the city. The Glebe Commercial Area is identified on
From Bridge Road the land slopes up to a high the map below, surrounded by black edging.
point at St Johns Road, and from here remains
relatively flat to Parramatta Road and
Leichhardt DCP - Part A suburb profile
Leichhardt DCP - Part A suburb profile
from the street, and have low-pitched rear community-oriented section of Glebe Point
skillion roofs of varied roofing materials. Road to the north.
There are also examples of freestanding This area includes a mix of commercial and
Italianate residences and elevated two storey residential development as well as Foley Park
Victorian terraces. The Victorian Italianate and St. Johns Church. The commercial
dwellings have well-established front gardens, development provides a range of services and
some with large eucalypts and with average includes the Valhalla Cinema and shops with
front setbacks of approximately 7m. Fencing Art Deco styling.
materials and styles are consistent with the
The commercial buildings are predominantly
style of the dwellings, with iron palisade and
two storey in height and are of varied
sandstone plinths predominating. Vehicular
architectural styles. At street level many of the
access is to the rear.
original shopfronts have been substantially
The area also contains significant community modified, although there are examples of
buildings and services including the Glebe original shopfronts within this area.
Library, Benledi and the St Helens Community Cantilevered awnings are a consistent feature
Centre. “Bidura”, a significant early villa that of the commercial properties, however the
was designed, built and occupied by Edmund footpath width is variable and ranges between
Blackett in 1858, is located on the eastern side 1.5 and 3m in width. For this reason, between
of the commercial area. The building is Bridge Road and St Johns Road footpath
currently used as part of the Department of planting is not achievable, however this lack of
Community Services and has a large multi- street planting is offset by the well-landscaped
level Remand Centre located to the rear. church grounds and Foley Park.
Photo: St Helens Community Centre The most significant residential building group
in this area is the ‘Palmerston Terraces’, which
are a row of 16 two-storey Victorian terraces
with elaborate parapet treatment and unified
intact façade detailing. These terraces follow
the topography and step down towards Bridge
Road. They each have rear lane access and
present as three-storey buildings from the
Leichhardt DCP - Part A suburb profile
Leichhardt DCP - Part A suburb profile
To the west of University Hall and extending Along Parramatta Road to the west of the
into Derwent Street is a mix of building forms Grace Bros buildings, the Broadway
including the corner hotel (converted for Commercial area encompasses a range of
commercial uses) and a range of terraces activities including computer and furniture
between two and three storeys in height. retailers, a hotel and the Department of
Housing offices, providing an active frontage
Footpaths are generally between 3 to 3.5m in
along the street. Building heights range from
width and are planted with poplars. This
two to five storeys, with large, contemporary
planting has been reinforced with additional
commercial retailers interspersed with narrow,
planting that has been carried out as part of
older style office buildings.
the Glebe Point Road Streetscape
Management Plan. Rear lane access is
available to most properties in this area and
signage is primarily located below or on
awnings, although there are examples of
projecting wall signs where there are no
Leichhardt DCP - Part A suburb profile
for the commercial buildings that front onto ♦ maintain the predominant bulk, scale and
Parramatta Road. siting of buildings that create a degree of
Greek Street, which forms the northern uniformity;
boundary of the commercial area, is a narrow, ♦ improve the environmental amenity and
6m wide street, with three-storey development
interest for pedestrians accessing the
built to the boundary line, and car parking for
the Broadway shopping complex located to the area;
south of the street. The primary entries to the ♦ improve accessibility to take full advantage
car park are located on Francis Street and Bay of public transport services in the area;
Street. and
The northern section of Greek Street contains ♦ protect and enhance the residential
renovated warehouses, the Church of amenity of dwellings in and adjoining the
Scientology with its unobtrusive wall banner neighbourhood.
signage, and a large-scale contemporary
Building Elements
development containing a ground floor
commercial premises, with two floors of ♦ maintain the character of the area by
residential development located above. retaining original buildings where
appropriate and keeping new development
Minogue Park, located on the corner of
complementary in architectural style, form
Francis Street and Franklin Street, provides a
and materials;
landscaped respite leading to the coffee shops
and restaurants of Glebe Point Road. ♦ retain traditional shopfronts, and reinstate
Adjoining the park is a large auditorium for shopfront elements to heritage buildings in
community uses, a single storey warehouse a design and material appropriate for the
and residential development. period;
Further information on the streetscape
significance of individual buildings and ♦ The area‘s landscaping and public domain
building improvement recommendations should be enhanced in accordance with
can be obtained from the Glebe Point Road the Streetscape Management Plan. Key
components of this Plan include:
Main Street Study.
- upgraded disabled access,
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Leichhardt DCP - Part A suburb profile
Commercial Siting and Setback The Additional Controls only apply to the
! Commercial development should areas specifically identified below.
respect the siting and setback of the
existing built form. Development
should predominantly continue the
traditional position of construction to ! A maximum parapet wall height of 11m
the street alignment except where there shall apply for new commercial
is an existing front landscaped area. development fronting onto Parramatta
Road. A maximum building height of
14m may be achieved where a setback
Signage of a minimum of 3m from the building
! Signage within the neighbourhood frontage is achieved.
must complement the existing signage
of the streetscape.
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