Theories of Dyes
Theories of Dyes
Theories of Dyes
Shifting of λmax
Bathochromic shift (or red shift)
It is the shift of λmax to a longer wavelength due to substitution with
certain functional groups (e.g., -OH and -NH2) and conjugation.
• If a structure change in a dye molecule shifts the absorption towards
higher wavelengths, it will deepen, the colour of the dye in
accordance to the following sequence:
yellow → orange → red → purple → violet → blue → green
• Any group or a factor that produces the deepening of the colour in
accordance to the above sequence is knwn as bathochrome and the
effect, i.e., the deepening of colour, is known as bathochromic
• When a bathochromic group is introduced into a dye, it will increase
the resonance which in turn decreases the energy gap of the ground
state-excited state transitions with visible colour production.
• The shifting of the absorption towards higher wavelengths with the
introduction of bathochromes has been illustrated in following
Figure: Absorption spectra of benzene, aniline, nitrobenzene
and p-nitroaniline.
Hypsochromic shift (or blue shift)
It is the shift of λmax to a shorter wavelength due to removal of
• If a structural change in a dye molecule shifts the absorption from
higher to lower wavelength, it will lighten the colour of the dye in
accordance to the following sequence:
green → blue → violet → purple → red → orange → yellow
• Any group or a factor that will lighten the colour of the dye in
accordance to the above sequence is known as hypsochrome and its
effect produced is known as hypsochromic effect.
• The hypsochrome group diminishes resonance, often by forcing π-
orbitals out of coplanarity.
Hyperchromic effect (or shift)
• Changes in the structure of a dye due to which the intensity of
absorption increases are said to be hyperchromic.
• This effect involves an increase in the intensity of absorption.
• It is usually brought about by introduction of an auxochrome.
Hypochromic effect (or shift)
• On the other hand, structural changes which decrease the intensity
of absorption are termed as hypochromic.
• It involves a decrease in the intensity of absorption.
• Bathochromic, hypsochromic, hypochromic and hyperchromic
effects are represented by the absorption spectra (following figure)
which are obtained by plotting the intensity of absorption against
wavelength (λ).
A substance which can be
readily converted into a dye
or other coloured compound.
Classification of chromophore
Independent chromophore
• When a single chromophore is sufficient and does not need
auxochrome to impart color to the compound, then it is called
independent chromophore.
• Examples: —N=O (Nitroso), —NO2 (Nitro), —N=N— (Azo) etc.
Dependent chromophore
• When more than one chromophore is required to impart color in the
chromogen, then it is called dependent chromophore.
• Examples: >C=C< (Ethylenic), >C=O (Keto) etc.
• This type is exemplified by various examples.
• For example, acetone, containing one carbonyl groups, is yellow.
• A single C = C group does not produce colour in the compound but
if a number of them are present in conjugation, the colour usually
• For example, ethylene, CH2=CH2 is colourless while
CH3(CH2)6CH3 is yellow.
• Diphenylpolyenes provide another example.
• The formula of these is Ph(CH=CH)nPh.
• When n = 0, 1 or 2, the compound is colourless.
• However, when n is 3, the compound becomes yellow and when n
is further increased, the colour gets deepened, i.e., when n is 5, the
colour is orange, when n is 7, the colour is copper-bronze and when
n is 11, the colour is violet-black.
• The shade of the colour is also influenced by the proximity of the
• If these are separated by other groups, the compound becomes
• For example
(ii) Auxochrome: Certain groups, while not producing color
themselves, when present along with a chromophore in an organic
substance, intensify the color.
• Such color assisting groups are called auxochromes (Greek word,
auxanien = to increase; chrome = color), i.e., they make the color
deep and fast and fix the dye to the fabric.
• An auxochrome is a functional group of atoms attached to the
chromophore which modifies the ability of the chromophore to
absorb light, altering the wavelength or intensity of the absorption.
• They are color helping or color intensifying groups.
• The auxochrome by itself does not produce color but it:
– Generally deepen the color of a chromogen.
– Helps the chromogen to adhere to the textile fiber.
• The auxochromes are acidic or basic functional groups.
• An auxochrome is a functional group of atoms with nonbonded
electrons when attached to a chromophore, alters both the
wavelength and intensity of absorption.
• If these groups are in direct conjugation with the π-system of the
chromophore, they may increase the wavelength at which the light
is absorbed and as a result intensify the absorption.
• A feature of these auxochromes is the presence of at least one lone
pair of electrons which can be viewed as extending the conjugated
system by resonance.
Table: Some typical auxochromes.
• The auxochromes serve two functions, namely.
(a) They increase the intensity of the colour
• This is illustrated by the toll owing example
– Benzene (no chromophore) is colourless
– Nitrobenzene (-NO2 as a chromophore) is pale yellow
– p-Nitroaniline (NO2 as a chromophore and -NH2 as an auxochrome) is dark
(b) They make the chromogen a dye by fixing it to the fabric or the
material to be dyed either by association or by salt formation
• The fixing of the dye to the fibre is generally due to the formation
of chemical bond between the fibre and the auxochrome.
• This is best illustrated by the following example:
Types of auxochromes
• Auxochromes are mainly of two types:
Bathochromic auxochromes
• These are the groups which increase the depth of the colour.
• These shift the absorption maxima from the violet towards the red
and thereby bring about the deepening of the colour.
• It is called red shift.
• When the hydrogen atoms in an amino group -NH2 are replaced by
-NHR or -NR2, a bathochromic effect is produced.
Hypsochromic auxochromes
• These are the groups which decrease the depth of the colour.
• These shift the absorption maxima from the red to violet and this
results in the fading of the colour.
• It is called blue shift.
• A hypsochromic effect is observed when -OH or -NH2 group of a
dye is replaced by –OCOCH3 or -NHCOCH3 group respectively.
• Witt's theory has been proved extremely useful empirical guide in
developing many of the dyes.
Effects of auxochrome on chromophore
• Auxochrome increases the color of any organic compound.
• For example, benzene does not display color as it does not
have a chromophore; but nitrobenzene is pale yellow color
because of the presence of a nitro group (-NO2) which acts as
a chromophore.
• But p-hydroxynitrobenzene exhibits a deep yellow color, in
which -OH group acts as an auxochrome.
• Here the auxochrome (-OH) is conjugated with the
chromophore -NO2.
• Similar behavior is seen in azobenzene which has a red color,
but p-hydroxy azobenzene is dark red in color.
• The presence of an auxochrome in the chromogen molecule is
essential to make a dye.
• However, if an auxochrome is present in the meta position to
the chromophore, it does not affect the color.
• An auxochrome is known as a compound that produces a
bathochromic shift, also known as red shift because it
increases the wavelength of absorption, therefore moving
closer to infrared light.
• Woodward-Fieser rules estimate the shift in wavelength of
maximum absorption for several auxochromes attached to a
conjugated system in an organic molecule.
• An auxochrome helps a dye to bind to the object that is to be
• Electrolytic dissociation of the auxochrome group helps in
binding and it is due to this reason a basic substance takes an
acidic dye.
Explanation for the colour modification
• A molecule exhibits colour because it absorbs colours only of
certain frequencies and reflects or transmits others.
• They are capable of absorbing and emitting light of various
• Light waves with frequency very close to their natural frequency are
absorbed readily.
• This phenomenon, known as resonance, means that the molecule can
absorb radiation of a particular frequency which is same as the
frequency of electron movement within the molecule.
• Chromophore is the part of the molecule where the energy difference
between two different molecular orbitals falls within the range of the
visible spectrum and hence absorbs some particular colours from
visible light.
• Hence the molecule appears coloured.
• When auxochromes are attached to the molecule, the natural frequency
of the latter gets changed and thus the colour gets modified.
• Different auxochromes produce different effects in the chromophore
which inturn causes absorption of light from other parts of the
• Normally, auxochromes which intensifies the colour are chosen.
• The important auxochromes are:
– Acidic: -COOH, -OH, -SO3H
– Basic: -NHR, -NR2, -NH2