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WEEK 1: Analyze the problem carefully and come up with the entities in it.

Identify what data has to be persisted in the database. This contains entities,attributes etc., problem 1: A tiny college is divided into several schools. Each school is composed of several departments. Each department may offer many coursec. Each department may have many professors assigned to it. A student may enroll in several classes.

Entity: An entity is an object in a real world that is distinguishable from other entites. EX: Building, room, chair, transaction, course, department and employee. Entities are the basic units used in modeling classes entities can have existence or concepts. Attributes: An entity is represented by set of attributes. Attributes are descriptive properties possessed by each member of an entity set. Ex:Employee entity has its own attributes such as enum, ename, esalary. An attribute is also refered by the term data item, data element, elementary item. Types of keys:
A simple key contains a single attribute. A composite key is a key that contains more than one attribute. A candidate key is an attribute (or set of attributes) that uniquely identifies a row. A candidate key must possess the following properties: A primary key is the candidate key which is selected as the principal unique identifier. Every relation must contain a primary key. The primary key is usually the key selected to identify a row when the database is physically implemented. For example, a part number is selected instead of a part description. A superkey is any set of attributes that uniquely identifies a row. A superkey differs from a candidate key in that it does not require the non redundancy property. A foreign key is an attribute (or set of attributes) that appears (usually) as a non key attribute in one relation and as a primary key attribute in another relation.

ENTITIES school course department class enroll professors student ATTRIBUTES OF SCHOOL: school code prof no school name ATTRIBUTES OF COURSE: course_code dept_code course_title crs_description ATTRIBUTES OF DEPARTMENT: dept_code school_code dept_name ATTRIBUTES OF ENROLL: student_num class_code enroll_date enroll_grade ATTRIBUTES OF CLASS: class_code prof_num class_time ATTRIBUTES OF PROFESSOR: prof_num prof_speciality prof_LName

prof_FName prof_Initial prof_Email ATTRIBUTES OF STUDENT: std_no dept_code std_LName std_FName Std_Initial std_Email TABLE NAME SCHOOL COURSE DEPARTMENT CLASSES ENROLL PROFESSOR STUDENT WEEK 2 RELATE THE ENTITIES BY DRAWING E-R DIAGRAM TO IDENTIFY STRONG AND WEEK ENTITIES. Try to incorporate generalization,aggregation and specification. Problem 1 construct an E-R diagram for university registers office maintain data such as courses,course offerings to students, instructor details and enrollment of students. PRIMARY KEY school_code course_code dept_code class_code 1.std_num 2.class_code prof_num std_num FOREIGN KEY prof_no dept_code none crs_code 1.std_num 2. class_code none dept_no

Weak Entities: An entity set attributes that does not have a primary key is termed as weak entity set . A weak entity set is represented by doubles outed box each payment entity is distinct. Strong Entity: An entity set with primary key is called strong entity set. Specialization: It is a process of identifying subset of an entity set that share some special distinguishable characteristics. Generalization:

Generalization is the process of identifying (defining) some generalized (common) characteristics of a collection of (two or more) entity sets and creating the sub classes [(hourly_emps), contract_emps etc.] are defined first, then the super class (employee) is defined next.
Overview of SQL DDL, DML and DCL Commands. DDL is Data Definition Language statements. Some examples: CREATE - to create objects in the database ALTER - alters the structure of the database DROP - delete objects from the database TRUNCATE - remove all records from a table, including all spaces allocated for the records ar removed COMMENT - add comments to the data dictionary GRANT - gives user's access privileges to database REVOKE - withdraw access privileges given with the GRANT command DML is Data Manipulation Language statements. Some examples: SELECT - retrieve data from the a database INSERT - insert data into a table UPDATE - updates existing data within a table DELETE - deletes all records from a table, the space for the records remain CALL - call a PL/SQL or Java subprogram EXPLAIN PLAN - explain access path to data LOCK TABLE - control concurrency DCL is Data Control Language statements. Some examples: COMMIT - save work done SAVEPOINT - identify a point in a transaction to which you can later roll back

ROLLBACK - restore database to original since the last COMMIT SET TRANSACTION - Change transaction options like what rollback segment to use 2 Basic SQL DDL Commands. To practice basic SQL DDL Commands such as CREATE, DROP, etc. 1. SQL - CREATE TABLE Syntax: CREATE TABLE tablename (column_name data_ type constraints, ...) Example: INPUT: SQL> CREATE TABLE Emp ( EmpNo short CONSTRAINT PKey PRIMARY KEY, EName VarChar(15), Job Char(10) CONSTRAINT Unik1 UNIQUE, Mgr short CONSTRAINT FKey1 REFERENCES EMP (EmpNo), Hiredate Date, DeptNo short CONSTRAINT FKey2 REFERENCES DEPT(DeptNo)); RESULT: Table created. SQL>Create table prog20 (pname varchar2(20) not null), doj date not null,dob date not null, sex varchar(1) not null, prof1 varchar(20),prof2 varchar(20),salary number(7,2) not null); RESULT: Table created. SQL>desc prog20; Name Null? Type --------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------PNAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(20) DOJ NOT NULL DATE

DOB NOT NULL DATE SEX NOT NULL VARCHAR2(1) PROF1 VARCHAR2(20) PROF2 VARCHAR2(20) SALARY NOT NULL NUMBER(7,2) 3 2. SQL - ALTER TABLE INPUT: SQL>ALTER TABLE EMP ADD CONSTRAINT Pkey1 PRIMARY KEY (EmpNo); RESULT: Table Altered. Similarly, ALTER TABLE EMP DROP CONSTRAINT Pkey1; 3. SQL - DROP TABLE Deletes table structure Cannot be recovered Use with caution INPUT: SQL> DROP TABLE EMP; Here EMP is table name RESULT: Table Dropped. 4. TRUNCATE TRUNCATE TABLE <TABLE NAME>; Basic SQL DML Commands. To practice basic SQL DML Commands such as INSERT, DELETE, etc. 1. SQL - INSERT INTO Syntax: INSERT INTO tablename VALUES (value list) Single-row insert

INSERT INTO S VALUES(S3,SUP3,BLORE,10) Inserting one row, many columns at a time INSERT INTO S (SNO, SNAME) VALUES (S1, Smith);S1 Smith Inserting many rows, all/some columns at a time. INSERT INTO NEW_SUPPLIER (SNO, SNAME) SELECT SNO, SNAME FROM S WHERE CITY IN (BLORE,MADRAS) 4 Other Examples: INPUT: SQL>Insert into prog values (kkk,05-may-56); RESULT: 1 row created. INPUT: SQL>Insert into prog20 values(Hema,25-sept-0128-jan-85,f,c,c++,25000); RESULT: 1 row created. INPUT: SQL>Insert into prog values(&pname,&doj); SQL> Insert into prog values('&pname','&doj'); Enter value for pname: ravi Enter value for doj: 15-june-81 RESULT: old 1: Insert into prog values('&pname','&doj') new 1: Insert into prog values('ravi','15-june-81')

1 row created. 2. SQL - UPDATE Syntax: UPDATE tablename SET column_name =value [ WHERE condition] Examples: UPDATE S SET CITY = KANPUR WHERE SNO=S1 UPDATE EMP SET SAL = 1.10 * SAL SQL> update emp set sal=20000 where empno=7369; 1 row updated. 5 3. SQL - DELETE FROM Syntax: DELETE FROM tablename WHERE condition Examples: DELETE FROM SP WHERE PNO= P1 DELETE FROM SP INPUT: SQL>Delete from emp where empno=7369; RESULT: 1 row deleted. Basic SQL DCL Commands. To practice basic SQL DCL Commands such as COMMIT, ROLLBACK etc. 1. COMMIT Save changes (transactional). Syntax: COMMIT [WORK] [COMMENT 'comment_text'] COMMIT [WORK] [FORCE 'force_text' [,int] ] FORCE - will manually commit an in-doubt distributed transaction force_text - transaction identifier (see the DBA_2PC_PENDING view)

int - sets a specific SCN. If a network or machine failure prevents a distributed transaction from committing properly, Oracle will store any commit comment in the data dictionary along with the transaction ID. INPUT: SQL>commit; RESULT: Commit complete. 6 2. ROLLBACK Undo work done (transactional). Syntax: ROLLBACK [WORK] [TO [SAVEPOINT]'savepoint_text_identifier']; ROLLBACK [WORK] [FORCE 'force_text']; FORCE - will manually rollback an in-doubt distributed transaction INPUT: SQL>rollback; RESULT:Rollback complete. 3. SAVEPOINT Save changes to a point (transactional). Syntax: SAVEPOINT text_identifier Example: UPDATE employees SET salary = 95000 WHERE last_name = 'Smith'; SAVEPOINT justsmith;

UPDATE employees SET salary = 1000000; SAVEPOINT everyone; SELECT SUM(salary) FROM employees; ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT justsmith; COMMIT; 7 Writing and Practice of Simple Queries. To write simple queries and practice them. 1. Get the description of EMP table. SQL>desc emp; RESULT: Name -------------------------------EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL COMM DEPTNO AGE ESAL Null? Type

----------------------- ------------------------NOT NULL NUMBER(4) VARCHAR2(10) VARCHAR2(9) NUMBER(4) DATE NUMBER(7,2) NUMBER(7,2) NUMBER(3) NUMBER(3) NUMBER(10) 2. Get the description DEPT table. SQL>desc dept; RESULT: Name --------------------------------DEPTNO DNAME LOC Null? --------------------NOT NULL Type --------------------------NUMBER(2)

VARCHAR2(14) VARCHAR2(13) 3.List all employee details. SQL>select * from emp; RESULT: EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL COMM DEPTNO AGE ESAL -------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------------7369 SMITH CLERK 7902 17-DEC-80 800 0 20 25 0 7499 ALLEN SALESMAN 7698 20-FEB-81 1600 300 30 25 0 7521 WARD SALESMAN 7698 22-FEB-81 1250 500 30 25

0 7566 JONES MANAGER 7839 02-APR-81 2975 500 20 25 0 7698 BLAKE MANAGER 7839 01-MAY-81 2850 1400 30 25 0 8 4.List all employee names and their salaries, whose salary lies between 1500/- and 3500/- both inclusive. INPUT SQL>select ename from emp where sal between 1500 and 3500; RESULT ENAME ---------ALLEN JONES BLAKE CLARK SCOTT TURNER FORD

russel greg 9 rows selected. 5. List all employee names and their and their manager whose manager is 7902 or 7566 0r 7789. INPUT SQL>select ename from emp where mgr in(7602,7566,7789); RESULT ENAME ------SCOTT FORD 6. List all employees which starts with either J or T. INPUT SQL>select ename from emp where ename like J% or ename like T%; RESULT: ENAME --------JONES TURNER JAMES 9 7. List all employee names and jobs, whose job title includes M or P. INPUT SQL>select ename,job from emp where job like M% or job like P%; RESULT: ENAME JOB ---------- ---------

JONES MANAGER BLAKE MANAGER CLARK MANAGER KING PRESIDENT 8. List all jobs available in employee table. INPUT SQL>select distinct job from emp; RESULT: JOB --------ANALYST CLERK MANAGER PRESIDENT SALESMAN assistant clerk 7 rows selected. 9. List all employees who belongs to the department 10 or 20. INPUT SQL>select ename from emp where deptno in (10,20); RESULT: ENAME ----------

SMITH JONES CLARK SCOTT KING ADAMS FORD MILLER 8 rows selected. 10 10. List all employee names , salary and 15% rise in salary. INPUT SQL>select ename , sal , sal+0.15* sal from emp; RESULT: ENAME ---------SMITH ALLEN WARD JONES MARTIN BLAKE CLARK SAL ---------800 1600

1250 2975 1250 2850 2450 SAL+0.15*SAL -----------920 1840 1437.5 3421.25 1437.5 3277.5 2817.5 7 rows selected. 11. List minimum , maximum , average salaries of employee. INPUT SQL>select min(sal),max(sal),avg(sal) from emp; RESULT: MIN(SAL) MAX(SAL) -----------------3 5000 AVG(SAL) ---------1936.94118

12. Find how many job titles are available in employee table. INPUT SQL>select count (distinct job) from emp; RESULT: COUNT(DISTINCTJOB) -----------------7 13. What is the difference between maximum and minimum salaries of employees in the organization? INPUT SQL>select max(sal)-min(sal) from emp; RESULT: MAX(SAL)-MIN(SAL) ----------------4997 11 14. Display all employee names and salary whose salary is greater than minimum salary of the company and job title starts with M. INPUT SQL>select ename,sal from emp where job like M% and sal > (select min (sal) from emp); RESULT ENAME ---------JONES BLAKE CLARK SAL ----------

2975 2850 2450 15. Find how much amount the company is spending towards salaries. INPUT SQL>select sum (sal) from emp; RESULT SUM(SAL) --------32928 16. Display name of the dept. with deptno 20. INPUT SQL>select ename from emp where deptno = 20; RESULT ENAME ---------SMITH JONES SCOTT ADAMS 17. List ename whose commission is NULL. INPUT SQL>select ename from emp where comm is null; ENAME RESULT ---------CLARK SCOTT KING

ADAMS JAMES FORD 6 rows selected. 12 18. Find no.of dept in employee table. INPUT SQL>select count (distinct ename) from emp; RESULT COUNT(DISTINCTENAME -------------------17 19. List ename whose manager is not NULL. INPUT SQL>select ename from emp where mgr is not null; RESULT ENAME ---------SMITH ALLEN WARD JONES MARTIN 5 rows selected. Writing Queries using GROUP BY and other clauses. To write queries using clauses such as GROUP BY, ORDER BY, etc. and retrieving information by joining tables. Source tables: emp, dept, programmer, software, study.

Order by : The order by clause is used to display the results in sorted order. Group by : The attribute or attributes given in the clauses are used to form groups. Tuples with the same value on all attributes in the group by clause are placed in one group. Having: SQL applies predicates (conditions) in the having clause after groups have been formed, so aggregate function be used. 1. Display total salary spent for each job category. INPUT SQL>select job,sum (sal) from emp group by job; RESULT JOB SUM(SAL) -----------------ANALYST 6000 CLERK 23050 MANAGER 8275 PRESIDENT 5000 13 SALESMAN 5600 assistant 2200 clerk 2003 7 rows selected. 2. Display lowest paid employee details under each manager. INPUT SQL>select ename, sal from emp where sal in (select min(sal) from emp group by

mgr); RESULT ENAME SAL ------------------chai 3 JAMES 950 MILLER 1000 ADAMS 1100 russel 2200 5 rows selected. 3. Display number of employees working in each department and their department name. INPUT SQL> select dname, count (ename) from emp, dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno group by dname; RESULT DNAME COUNT(ENAME) -------------------------

ACCOUNTING 3 RESEARCH 5 SALES 9 4. Display the sales cost of package developed by each programmer. INPUT SQL>select pname, sum(scost) from software group by pname; RESULT PNAME -------------------john kamala raju 3 rows selected. SUM(SCOST) ---------12000 12000 12333 14 5. Display the number of packages sold by each programmer. INPUT SQL>select pname, count(title) from software group by pname; RESULT PNAME --------------------

john kamala raju ramana rani 5 rows selected. COUNT(TITLE) -----------1 1 1 1 1 6. Display the number of packages in each language for which the development cost is less than thousand. INPUT SQL>select devin, count(title) from software where dcost < 1000 group by devin; RESULT DEVIN COUNT(TITLE) ---------- -----------cobol 1 7. Display each institute name with number of students. INPUT SQL>select splace, count(pname) from study group by splace; RESULT SPLACE

COUNT(PNAME) ------------------------------BDPS 2 BITS 1 BNRILLIANI 1 COIT 1 HYD 1 5 rows selected. 8. How many copies of package have the least difference between development and selling cost, were sold? INPUT SQL>select sold from software where scost dcost=(select min(scost dcost) from software); RESULT SOLD --------11 15 9. Which is the costliest package developed in Pascal. INPUT SQL>select title from software where devin = PASCAL and dcost = (select max(dcost)from software where devin = PASCAL);

RESULT no rows selected 10. Which language was used to develop most no .of packages. INPUT SQL>select devin, count (*) from software group by devin having count(*) = (select max(count(*) ) from software group by devin); RESULT DEVIN COUNT(*) ---------- ---------jsp 2 11.Who are the male programmers earning below the average salary of female programmers? INPUT SQL>select pname from programmer where sal < (select avg(sal) from programmer where sex = F) and sex = M; RESULT PNAME -------------------vijay 12. Display the details of software developed by the male programmers earning more than 3000/-. INPUT SQL>select programmer.pname, title, devin from programmer, software where sal > 3000 and sex = M and programmer.pname = software.pname; RESULT no rows selected 13. Display the details of software developed in c language by female

programmers of pragathi. INPUT SQL>select software.pname, title, devin, scost, dcost, sold from programmer, software, study where devin = c and sex =F and splace = pragathi and programmer.pname = software.pname and software.pname = study.pname; 16 14. Which language has been stated by the most of the programmers as proficiency one? INPUT SQL>select prof1, count(*) from programmer group by prof1 having count (*) = (select max (count (*) ) from programmer group by prof1); Writing Nested Queries. To write queries using Set operations and to write nested queries. Set Operations: UNION - OR INTERSECT - AND EXCEPT - - NOT NESTED QUERY:- A nested query makes use of another sub-query to compute or retrieve the information. 1. Find the name of the institute in which the person studied and developed the costliest package. INPUT SQL>select splace, pname from study where pname = (select pname from software where scost = (select max (scost) from software); RESULT SPLACE PNAME ------------------------

SAHBHARI MARY 2. Find the salary and institute of a person who developed the highest selling package. INPUT SQL> select study.pname, sal, splace from study, programmer where study.pname = programmer.pname and study.pname = (select pname from software where scost = (select max (scost) from software)); RESULT PNAME ----------MARY SAL SPLACE ------ ----------4500 SABHARI 17 3. How many packages were developed by the person who developed the cheapest package. INPUT SQL>select pname, count (title) from software where dcost = (select min(dcost) from software) group by pname; RESULT PNAME ------------VIJAY COUNT(TITLE) ---------------------1

4. Calculate the amount to be recovered for those packages whose development cost has not yet recovered. INPUT SQL>select title , (dcost-scost) from software where dcost > scost; 5. Display the title, scost, dcost, difference of scost and dcost in the descending order of difference. INPUT SQL> select title, scost, dcost, (scost - dcost) from software descending order by (scost-dcost); 6. Display the details of those who draw the same salary. INPUT SQL> select p.pname, p.sal from programmer p, programmer t where p.pname <> t.pname and p.sal = t.sal;(or) INPUT SQL>select pname,sal from programmer t where pname<>t.pname and sal= t.sal; Writing Queries using functions. AIM: To write queries using single row functions and group functions. 1. Display the names and dob of all programmers who were born in january. INPUT SQL>select pname , dob from programmer where to_char (dob,MON)=JAN; 2. Calculate the experience in years of each programmer and display along with programmer name in descending order. INPUT SQL> select pname, round (months_between(sysdate, doj)/12, 2) "EXPERIENCE" from programmer order by months_between (sysdate, doj) desc; 18 3. List out the programmer names who will celebrate their birthdays during current month. INPUT SQL>select pname from programmer where to_char(dob,MON) like to_char (sysdate, MON); 4. Display the least experienced programmers details.

INPUT SQL>select * from programmer where doj = (select max (doj) from programmer); 5. Who is the most experienced programmer knowing pascal. INPUT SQL>select pname from programmer where doj = (select min (doj) from programmer); 6. Who is the youngest programmer born in 1965. INPUT SQL> select pname , dob from programmer where dob = (select max (dob) from programmer where to_char (dob,'yy') = 65); 7. In which year, most of the programmers are born. INPUT SQL>select to_char (dob , YY) from programmer group by to_char (dob, YY) having count(*) = (select max (count(*)) from programmer group by to_char(dob,YY); 8. In which month most number of programmers are joined. INPUT SQL>select to_char (doj,YY) from programmer group by to_char (doj,YY) having count (*) = (select max (count(*)) from programmer group by to_char (doj,YY); 9. What is the length of the shortest name in programmer table ? INPUT SQL>select length (pname) from programmer where length (pname) = select min ( length (pname) from programmer); 10. Display the names of the programmers whose name contains up to 5 characters. INPUT SQL>select pname from programmer where length (pname) <=5; 11. Display all packages names in small letters and corresponding programmer names in uppercase letters. INPUT SQL>select lower (title), upper (pname) from software; 19 Writing Queries on views. AIM: To write queries on views. 1. Create a view from single table containing all columns from the base

table. SQL>create view view1 as (select * from programmer); 2. Create a view from single table with selected columns. SQL>create a view view2 as (select pname,dob,doj,sex,sal from programmer); 3. Create a view from two tables with all columns. SQL>create view xyz as select * from programmer full natural join software; 4. Create a view from two tables with selected columns. SQL> create view lmn as (select programmer, pname, title, devin from programmer, software where sal < 3000 and programmer.pname = software.pname); 5. Check all DML commands with above 4 views. INPUT SQL> insert into view1 values (ramu,12-sep-03,28-jan85,f,dbase,oracle,74000); RESULT 1 row created; INPUT SQL>update view1 set salary =50000 where pname like raju; RESULT 1 row updated. Note: update command does not works for all queries on views. INPUT SQL>delete from view1 where pname like raju; RESULT 1 row deleted. 20 6. Drop views which you generated. INPUT SQL>drop view view1; RESULT View dropped;

INPUT SQL>drop view view2; RESULT View dropped; INPUT SQL>drop view xyz; Writing PL/SQL block for insertion into a table. To write a PL/SQL block for inserting rows into EMPDET table with the following Calculations: HRA=50% OF BASIC DA=20% OF BASIC PF=7% OF BASIC NETPAY=BASIC+DA+HRA-PF INPUT DECLARE ENO1 empdet.eno%type; ENAME1 empdet.name%type; DEPTNO1 empdet.deptno%type; BASIC1 empdet.basic%type; HRA1 empdet.HRA%type; DA1 empdet.DA%type; PF1 empdet.pf%type; NETPAY1 empdet.netpay%type; BEGIN ENO1:=&ENO1; ENAME1:='&ENAME1'; DEPTNO1:=&DEPTNO1; BASIC1:=&BASIC1;

HRA1:=(BASIC1*50)/100; DA1:=(BASIC1*20)/100; PF1:=(BASIC1*7)/100; NETPAY1:=BASIC1+HRA1+DA1-PF1; INSERT INTO EMPDET VALUES (ENO1, ENAME1, DEPTNO1, BASIC1, HRA1, DA1, PF1, NETPAY1); END; 21 RESULT: SQL> @BASIC Enter value for eno1: 104 old 11: ENO1:=&ENO1; new 11: ENO1:=104; Enter value for ename1: SRINIVAS REDDY old 12: ENAME1:='&ENAME1'; new 12: ENAME1:='SRINIVAS REDDY'; Enter value for deptno1: 10 old 13: DEPTNO1:=&DEPTNO1; new 13: DEPTNO1:=10; Enter value for basic1: 6000 old 14: BASIC1:=&BASIC1; new 14: BASIC1:=6000; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>/ Enter value for eno1: 105 old 11: ENO1:=&ENO1;

new 11: ENO1:=105; Enter value for ename1: CIRAJ old 12: ENAME1:='&ENAME1'; new 12: ENAME1:='CIRAJ'; Enter value for deptno1: 10 old 13: DEPTNO1:=&DEPTNO1; new 13: DEPTNO1:=10; Enter value for basic1: 6000 old 14: BASIC1:=&BASIC1; new 14: BASIC1:=6000; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> SELECT * FROM EMPDET; RESULT ENO NAME DEPTNO BASIC HRA DA PF NETPAY --------- ------------------------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----------------------101 SANTOSH 10 5000 2500 1000 350 8150

102 SHANKAR 20 5000 2500 1000 350 8150 103 SURESH 20 5500 2750 1100 385 8965 104 SRINIVASA REDDY 10 6000 3000 1200 420 9780 105 CIRAJ 10 6000 3000 1200

420 9780 22 Writing PL/SQL block for checking armstrong number To write a PL/SQL block to check whether given number is Armstrong or not. INPUT DECLARE num number(5); rem number(5); s number(5):=0; num1 number(5); BEGIN num:=&num; num1:=num; while(num>0) loop rem:=mod(num,10); s:=s+power(rem,3); num:=trunc(num/10); End loop; if (s=num1)then dbms_RESULT.put_line(num1||' IS ARMSTRONG NUMBER '); else dbms_RESULT.put_line(num1||' IS NOT ARMSTRONG NUMBER '); End if; END;

/ RESULT: SQL>@arm Enter value for num: 153 old 7: num:=&num; new 7: num:=153; 153 IS ARMSTRONG NUMBER PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> / Enter value for num: 123 old 7: num:=&num; new 7: num:=123; 123 IS NOT ARMSTRONG NUMBER PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 23 Writing a PL/SQL block for checking a number even or odd. AIM: To write a PL/SQL block to check whether a given number is Even or Odd. INPUT DECLARE num number(5); rem number; BEGIN num:=&num; rem:=mod(num,2); if rem=0 then

dbms_RESULT.put_line(' Number '||num||' is Even'); else dbms_RESULT.put_line(' Number '||num||' is Odd'); end if; END; RESULT: SQL>start even Enter value for num: 6 old 5: num:=&num; new 5: num:=6; Number 6 is Even PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> / Enter value for num: 3 old 5: num:=&num; new 5: num:=3; Number 3 is Odd PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 24 Writing PL/SQL block to find sum of digits of a given number. To write a PL/SQL block to find Sum of Digits of a given Number. INPUT DECLARE num number(5); rem number(5); sm number(5):=0;

num1 number(5); BEGIN num:=&num; num1:=num; while(num>0) loop rem:=mod(num,10); sm:=sm+rem; num:=trunc(num/10); end loop; dbms_RESULT.put_line('SUM OF DIGITS OF '||num1||' IS: '||sm); end; / RESULT: SQL> @sum INPUT truncated to 2 characters Enter value for num: 123 old 7: num:=&num; new 7: num:=123; SUM OF DIGITS OF 123 IS: 6 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> @sum INPUT truncated to 2 characters Enter value for num: 456 old 7: num:=&num; new 7: num:=456; SUM OF DIGITS OF 456 IS: 15

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 25 Writing PL/SQL block for generating Fibonacci series. To write a PL/SQL block to Generate Fibonacci Series INPUT DECLARE num number(5); f1 number(5):=0; f2 number(5):=1; f3 number(5); i number(5):=3; BEGIN num:=&num; dbms_RESULT.put_line('THE FIBONACCI SERIES IS:'); dbms_RESULT.put_line(f1); dbms_RESULT.put_line(f2); while(i<=num) loop f3:=f1+f2; dbms_RESULT.put_line(f3); f1:=f2; f2:=f3; i:=i+1; end loop; END; /

RESULT: SQL> start fib Enter value for num: 10 old 8: num:=&num; new 8: num:=10; THE FIBONACCI SERIES IS: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 26 Writing PL/SQL block for checking palendrome. To write a PL/SQL block to Check the Given String is Palindrome or Not. INPUT DECLARE name1 varchar2(20); name2 varchar2(20); l number(5); BEGIN

name1:='&name1'; l:=length(name1); while l>0 loop name2:=name2||substr(name1,l,1); l:=l-1; end loop; dbms_RESULT.put_line('REVERSE OF STRING IS:'||NAME2); if(name1=name2) then dbms_RESULT.put_line(name1||' IS PALINDROME '); else dbms_RESULT.put_line(name1||' IS NOT PALINDROME '); end if; END; / RESULT Enter value for name1: LIRIL old 6: name1:='&name1'; new 6: name1:='LIRIL'; REVERSE OF STRING IS:LIRIL LIRIL IS PALINDROME PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> / Enter value for name1: MADAM old 6: name1:='&name1'; new 6: name1:='MADAM';

REVERSE OF STRING IS:MADAM MADAM IS PALINDROME PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 27 Writing PL/SQL block to demonstrate Cursors. To write a Cursor to display the list of Employees and Total Salary Department wise. INPUT DECLARE cursor c1 is select * from dept; cursor c2 is select * from emp; s emp.sal%type; BEGIN for i in c1 loop s:=0; dbms_RESULT.put_line('----------------------------------------------'); dbms_RESULT.put_line('Department is :' || i.deptno ||' Department name is:' || i.dname); dbms_RESULT.put_line('-------------------------------------------'); for j in c2 loop if ( i.deptno=j.deptno) then s:=s+j.sal; dbms_RESULT.put_line(j.empno|| ' '|| j.ename || ' '|| j.sal ); end if; end loop; dbms_RESULT.put_line('----------------------------------------------');

dbms_RESULT.put_line('Total salary is: '|| s); dbms_RESULT.put_line('----------------------------------------------'); end loop; END; RESULT: SQL> @abc -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Department is :10 Department name is : ACCOUNTING -----------------------------------------------------------------------------7782 CLARK 2450 7839 KING 5000 7934 MILLER 1300 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Total salary is: 8750 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28 Department is :20 Department name is:RESEARCH -----------------------------------------------------------------------------7369 SMITH 800 7566 JONES 2975 7788 SCOTT 3000 7876 ADAMS 1100 7902 FORD 3000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total salary is: 10875 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Department is :30 Department name is:SALES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------7499 ALLEN 1600 7521 WARD 1250 7654 MARTIN 1250 7698 BLAKE 2850 7844 TURNER 1500 7900 JAMES 950 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Total salary is: 9400 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Department is :40 Department name is:OPERATIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total salary is: 0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 29 Writing PL/SQL CURSOR To write a Cursor to display the list of employees who are Working as a Managers or Analyst. INPUT

DECLARE cursor c(jb varchar2) is select ename from emp where job=jb; em emp.job%type; BEGIN open c('MANAGER'); dbms_RESULT.put_line(' EMPLOYEES WORKING AS MANAGERS ARE:'); loop fetch c into em; exit when c%notfound; dbms_RESULT.put_line(em); end loop; close c; open c('ANALYST'); dbms_RESULT.put_line(' EMPLOYEES WORKING AS ANALYST ARE:'); loop fetch c into em; exit when c%notfound; dbms_RESULT.put_line(em); end loop; close c; END; RESULT: EMPLOYEES WORKING AS MANAGERS ARE: JONES BLAKE CLARK

EMPLOYEES WORKING AS ANALYST ARE: SCOTT FORD PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 30 Writing PL/SQL CURSOR To write a Cursor to display List of Employees from Emp Table in PL/SQL block INPUT DECLARE cursor c is select empno, ename, deptno, sal from emp ; i emp.empno%type; j emp.ename%type; k emp.deptno%type; l emp.sal%type; BEGIN open c; dbms_RESULT.put_line('Empno, name, deptno, salary of employees are:= '); loop fetch c into i, j, k, l; exit when c%notfound; dbms_RESULT.put_line(i||' '||j||' '||k||' '||l); end loop; close c; END; RESULT: SQL> @EMP

Empno,name,deptno,salary of employees are:= 7369 SMITH 20 800 7499 ALLEN 30 1600 7521 WARD 30 1250 7566 JONES 20 2975 7654 MARTIN 30 1250 7698 BLAKE 30 2850 7782 CLARK 10 2450 7788 SCOTT 20 3000 7839 KING 10 5000 7844 TURNER 30 1500

7876 ADAMS 20 1100 7900 JAMES 30 950 7902 FORD 20 3000 7934 MILLER 10 1300 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 31 Writing PL/SQL CURSOR To write a Cursor to find employee with given job and deptno. INPUT DECLARE cursor c1(j varchar2, dn number) is select empno, ename from emp where job=j and deptno=dn; row1 emp%rowtype; jb emp.job%type; d emp.deptno%type; BEGIN jb:='&jb'; d:=&d; open c1(jb,d); fetch c1 into row1.empno,row1.ename;

if c1%notfound then dbms_RESULT.put_line('Employee does not exist'); else dbms_RESULT.put_line('empno is:'||row1.empno||' ' ||'employee name is:'|| row1.ename); end if; END; RESULT: SQL> @CUR Enter value for jb: MANAGER old 7: jb:='&jb'; new 7: jb:='MANAGER'; Enter value for d: 20 old 8: d:=&d; new 8: d:=20; empno is:7566 employee name is:JONES PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> / Enter value for jb: CLERK old 7: jb:='&jb'; new 7: jb:='CLERK'; Enter value for d: 40 old 8: d:=&d; new 8: d:=40; Employee does not exist PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

32 Writing PL/SQL BLOCK using string functions. To write a PL/SQL block to apply String Functions on a given input String. INPUT DECLARE a varchar2(20); l number(5); BEGIN a:='&a'; l:=length(a); dbms_RESULT.put_line('Using Lower Function:' || lower(a)); dbms_RESULT.put_line('Using UPPER Function:' || upper(a)); dbms_RESULT.put_line('Using Initcap Function:' || initcap(a)); dbms_RESULT.put_line('Using Substring Function:' || substr(a,l,1)); dbms_RESULT.put_line('Using Substring Function:' || substr(a,1,3)); dbms_RESULT.put_line('Using Ltrim function for xxxabcxxxx:' || ltrim('xxxabcxxxx','x')); dbms_RESULT.put_line('Using Rtrim function for xxxabcxxxx:'|| rtrim('xxxabcxxxx','x')); dbms_RESULT.put_line('Using Lpad function :'|| lpad(a,l+4,'*')); dbms_RESULT.put_line('Using Rpad function :'|| rpad(a,l+4,'*')); END; RESULT: SQL>@STR Enter value for a: santosh reddy old 5: a:='&a';

new 5: a:='santosh reddy'; Using Lower Function:santosh reddy Using UPPER Function:SANTOSH REDDY Using Initcap Function:Santosh Reddy Using Substring Function:y Using Substring Function:san Using Ltrim function for xxxabcxxxx:abcxxxx Using Rtrim function for xxxabcxxxx:xxxabc Using Lpad function :****santosh reddy Using Rpad function :santosh reddy**** PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> / Enter value for a: UMA SHANKAR old 5: a:='&a'; new 5: a:='UMA SHANKAR'; Using Lower Function:uma shankar 33 Using UPPER Function:UMA SHANKAR Using Initcap Function:Uma Shankar Using Substring Function:R Using Substring Function:UMA Using Ltrim function for xxxabcxxxx:abcxxxx Using Rtrim function for xxxabcxxxx:xxxabc Using Lpad function :****UMA SHANKAR Using Rpad function :UMA SHANKAR**** PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

34 Writing PL/SQL triggers To write a TRIGGER to ensure that DEPT TABLE does not contain duplicate of null values in DEPTNO column. INPUT CREATE OR RELPLACE TRIGGER trig1 before insert on dept for each row DECLARE a number; BEGIN if(:new.deptno is Null) then raise_application_error(-20001,'error::deptno cannot be null'); else select count(*) into a from dept where deptno=:new.deptno; if(a=1) then raise_application_error(-20002,'error:: cannot have duplicate deptno'); end if; end if; END; RESULT: SQL> @trigger Trigger created. SQL> select * from dept; DEPTNO DNAME LOC --------- -------------- ------------10 ACCOUNTING NEW YORK

20 RESEARCH DALLAS 30 SALES CHICAGO 40 OPERATIONS BOSTON SQL> insert into dept values(&deptnp,'&dname','&loc'); Enter value for deptnp: null Enter value for dname: marketing Enter value for loc: hyd old 1: insert into dept values(&deptnp,'&dname','&loc') new 1: insert into dept values(null,'marketing','hyd') insert into dept values(null,'marketing','hyd') * ERROR at line 1: ORA-20001: error::deptno cannot be null 35 ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.TRIG1", line 5 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SCOTT.TRIG1' SQL> / Enter value for deptnp: 10 Enter value for dname: manager Enter value for loc: hyd old 1: insert into dept values(&deptnp,'&dname','&loc') new 1: insert into dept values(10,'manager','hyd') insert into dept values(10,'manager','hyd') *

ERROR at line 1: ORA-20002: error:: cannot have duplicate deptno ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.TRIG1", line 9 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SCOTT.TRIG1' SQL> / Enter value for deptnp: 50 Enter value for dname: MARKETING Enter value for loc: HYDERABAD old 1: insert into dept values(&deptnp,'&dname','&loc') new 1: insert into dept values(50,'MARKETING','HYDERABAD') 1 row created. SQL> select * from dept; DEPTNO DNAME LOC --------- -------------- ------------10 ACCOUNTING NEW YORK 20 RESEARCH DALLAS 30 SALES CHICAGO 40 OPERATIONS BOSTON 50 MARKETING HYDE 36 Locking Table. AIM: To learn commands related to Table Locking

LOCK TABLE Statement Manually lock one or more tables. Syntax: LOCK TABLE [schema.] table [options] IN lockmode MODE [NOWAIT] LOCK TABLE [schema.] view [options] IN lockmode MODE [NOWAIT] Options: PARTITION (partition) SUBPARTITION (subpartition) @dblink lockmodes: EXCLUSIVE SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE ROW SHARE* | SHARE UPDATE* If NOWAIT is omitted Oracle will wait until the table is available. Several tables can be locked with a single command - separate with commas e.g. LOCK TABLE table1,table2,table3 IN ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE; Default Locking Behaviour :

A pure SELECT will not lock any rows. INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE's - will place a ROW EXCLUSIVE lock. SELECT...FROM...FOR UPDATE NOWAIT - will place a ROW EXCLUSIVE lock. Multiple Locks on the same rows with LOCK TABLE Even when a row is locked you can always perform a SELECT (because SELECT does not lock any rows) in addition to this, each type of lock will allow additional locks to be granted as follows. ROW SHARE = Allow ROW EXCLUSIVE or ROW SHARE or SHARE locks to be granted to the locked rows. ROW EXCLUSIVE = Allow ROW EXCLUSIVE or ROW SHARE locks to be granted to the locked rows. 37 SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE = Allow ROW SHARE locks to be granted to the locked rows. SHARE = Allow ROW SHARE or SHARE locks to be granted to the locked rows. EXCLUSIVE = Allow SELECT queries only Although it is valid to place more than one lock on a row, UPDATES and DELETE's may still cause a wait if a conflicting row lock is held by another transaction. Generation of Forms using ORACLE FORM BUILDER To design a form using Oracle Developer 2000 Introduction Use Form Builder to simplify for the creation of data-entry screens, also known as Forms. Forms are the applications that connect to a database, retrieve information requested by the user, present it in a layout specified by Form designer, and allow the user to modify or add information. Form Builder allows you to build forms quickly and easily. In this Hands-On, you learn how to: Create a Data block for the Customer table, Create a layout, Use content canvas, Use execute query, Navigate a table, Use next, previous

record, Enter query, Manipulate tables record, Insert, Update, Delete and Save record. Form Builder Tool Open the "Form Builder" tool. Welcome window You will get the Welcome to the Form Builder window. If you dont want to get this window anymore uncheck the Display at startup box. You can start your work with any of the following options: Use the data Block Wizard Build a new form manually Open an existing form Build a form based on a template The default is Use the data Block Wizard. If you want to build a new form manually, click on "Cancel or check Build a new form manually and click OK. Connect to database In the Object Navigator window, highlight "Database Objects." Go to the Main menu and choose "File," then "Connect." In the Connect window, login in as scott password tiger, then click CONNECT. 38 Notice that the box next to Database Objects is not empty anymore and it has a + sign in it. That will indicate that this item is expandable and you are able to see its entire objects. Click on the + sign next to the Database Objects to expand all database schemas. Create a Module In the Object Navigator window, highlight module1. This is a default name. Go to the Main menu and choose File, select Save as to store the new object in the iself folder and save it as customer data entry. "c:_de." In this example the DE abbreviation stands for Data Entry.

Create a Data Block In the Object Navigator window, highlight "Data Blocks, and click on the "create icon. The Create icon is in the vertical tool bar in the Object Navigator window. It is a green + sign. If you drag your cursor on the icon a tooltip will show Create. New Data Block In the New Data Block window, choose the default option Data Block Wizard and click "OK." Welcome Data Block In the Welcome Data Block Wizard window click on the NEXT icon. Type of Data Block Select the type of data block you would like to create by clicking on a radio button. Select the default option Table or View and then click NEXT again. Selecting Tables Click on browse. In the Tables window, highlight the "cust11 table; then click "OK." Selecting columns for the Data Block Wizard To choose all columns, click on the two arrow signs in the Data Block Wizard window. To choose selected columns, click on the one arrow sign. And then select all columns, and click next. Layout Wizard 39 End of the Data Block Wizard and beginning of the Layout Wizard In the Congratulations screen, use the default checkmark radio button (Create the data block, then call the Layout Wizard), and click "Finish." You can also use the Data Block Wizard to modify your existing data block. Simply select the data block in the Object Navigator and click the Data Block Wizard toolbar button, or choose Data Block wizard from the Tools menu.

Welcome screen In the Welcome to the Layout Wizard window, click Next. Selecting canvas In the Layout Wizard window, select the "new canvas" option. Canvas is a place that you will have your objects such as columns, titles, pictures, etc. If you have already had your canvas, select the canvas and then click on the next. The following are different types of canvases: Content, Stacked, Vertical Toolbar, Horizontal Toolbar, and Tab. Think of the Content canvas as one flat place to have all your objects. In the stacked canvas, you can have multiple layers of objects and it is the same as the tab canvas. You use the vertical or horizontal toolbar canvases for your push buttons. Check the different types of canvases by clicking on the down arrow box next to the Type field. Select "content," then click Next. Selecting Columns for the Layout Wizard In the Layout Wizard window, select all the columns. These are the columns that you want to be displayed on the canvas. Then click Next. Change your objects appearances Change size or prompt if needed. In this window, you can enter a prompt, width, and height for each item on the canvas. You can change the measurement units. As a default the default units for item width and height are points. You can change it to inch or centimeter. When you change size, click Next. Selecting a layout style Select a layout style for your frame by clicking a radio button. Select "Form," if you want one record at a time to be displayed. Select Tabular, if you want more than one record at a time to be displayed. Select "Forms," and then click next. Record layout 40

Type the "Frame Title" and click "next." Checkmark the Display Scrollbar box when you use multiple records or the Tabular option. Congratulation Screen In the Congratulations window, click "Finish." You will see the output layout screen. Make some window adjustments and then run the form. To run the form, click on the Run icon. The Run icon is on the horizontal toolbar in the CUSTOMER_DE canvas. The object module should be compiled successfully before executing the Form. Execute Query Click on the "Execute Query" icon below the main menu. If you drag the cursor on the toolbar in the Forms Runtime window, a tooltip will be displayed and you see Execute Query. So to know all your option, drag your cursor to view all the icon descriptions. Next Record Click on the "Next Record" icon to navigate to the next record. Previous Record Click on the "Previous Record" icon to navigate to the previous record. This is an easy way to navigate through the Customer table. Enter Query Click on the "Enter Query" icon to query selected records. Insert Record Click "Insert Record" to add new customer. All items on the forms will be blanked. You can either type all the customer information or duplicate it from pervious record. Duplicate Record To duplicate the previous record, go to the main menu and select the Record sub-menu. A drop down menu will be displayed. Select the Duplicate option in the sub-menu.

Apply the changes. Remember in this stage, your record was inserted but not committed yet. Next and Previous Record 41 Click "next record" and "previous record" to navigate through the records and the one was added. Save transactions Click "Save" to commit the insert statement. Delete Record Click "Remove Record" to delete the record. Lock a Record You can also lock the record. Exit from Form Runtime Exit the FORM Runtime. If you have not committed any transaction, you will be prompted to save changes. Click YES to save changes. Click OK for acknowledgement. Dont forget to save the Form. RABAD 42 Selecting the type of form to create 43 Object wizard 44 Selecting the canvas on which data block can be displayed 45 Form showing the Employee details 46

EXPT#28. Generating REPORTS using Oracle Developer 2000 AIM: To design reports using Oracle Developer 2000 Introduction Tabular report shows data in a table format. It is similar in concept to the idea of an Oracle table. Oracle, by default, returns output from your select statement in tabular format. Hands-on In this Hands-On, your client is a stock broker that keeps track of its customer stock transactions. You have been assigned to write the reports based on their reports layout requirements. Your client wants you to create a simple listing report to show list of the stock trades by using stocks table for their brokerage company Your tasks are: 1- Write a tabular report. 2- Apply user layout Format mask. 3- Run the report. 4- Test the repot. You will learn how to: use report wizard, object navigator, report builder, date model, property palette, work on query and group box, see report style, use tabular style, navigating through reports record, change the format mask for dollar, numeric and date items. Open Report Builder tool Open the "Report Builder" tool. Connect to database In the Object Navigator, highlight "Database Objects, choose "File," then select the "Connect" option. In the Connect window, login as iself password schooling, then click CONNECT. Save a report

In the Object Navigator, highlight the "untitled" report, choose File, and select the Save as option. In the Save as window, make sure to save the report in the ISELF folder and name it "rpt01_stock_history, report number 1 stock history. Data Model In the Object Navigator, double click on the "Data Model" icon. Create SQL box In the Data Model window, click on the "SQL Query" icon. Then drag the plus sign cursor and click it anywhere in the Data Model screen where you wish your object to be. In the SQL Query Statement window, write a query to read all the stocks record sorted by their symbol. 47 (SQL Query Statement) SELECT * FROM stocks ORDER BY symbol Click OK. Change SQL boxs name In the Data Model window, in the SQL box, right click on the Q_1 and open its property palette. In its property palette, change the name to Q_STOCKS. Then close the window. Change GROUP boxs name In the Data Model, right click on the group box (G_SYMBOL) and open its property palette. In the Group property palette, change the name to G_STOCKS, and close the window. Open Report Wizard In the Data Model, click on the Report Wizard icon on the horizontal tool bar. In the Style tab, on the Report Wizard window, type Stock History in the Title box and

choose the report style as Tabular. Notice that when you change the report style a layout of that report will be displayed on the screen. Choose a different style to display its layout of its report style. Data, Fields, Totals, Labels and Template tabs Click NEXT to go to the Data tab. In the SQL Query Statement verify your query. Click NEXT to navigate to the Fields tab, select the fields that you would like to be display in your report. Select all the columns to be display. Click NEXT to navigate to Totals tab, select the fields for which you would like to calculate totals. We have none in this hands-on exercise. Click NEXT to open the Labels tab, modify the labels and widths for your fields and totals as desired. Click NEXT again to go to the Template tab, and choose a template for your report. Your report will inherit the templates colors, fonts, line widths, and structure. Use the default template and click finish. Running a report Now, you should have your output report on the screen. Resize an object Maximize the output report and format the report layout. To resize an object , select it and drag its handler to the preferred size. Move an object To move an object, select and drag it while the cursor is on the object. This is a simple report. 48 Navigate through the output To navigate through the output report in the Report Editor - Live Pre-viewer, click on the

"next page" or "previous page" icon on the horizontal toolbar. Do the same with the "first page" or "last page" icon. Use the zoom in and zoom out icon to preview the report. Know reports functions To know each icon functionalities, drag your cursor on it and a tooltip will display its function. Change Format Mask To change the "format mask" of a column, the column should be selected. Then go to the toolbar and click on the $ icon, "add decimal place," and the right justify format to the all currency columns (Todays Low, Todays High, and current price) Select the traded today column, and click on the ,0 icon (apply commas), and make it right justify. Also, you can change any attributes of field by opening its property palette. To open an objects property palette, right click on it and select the Property Palette option. Right click on the "trade date" column and open its "property palette." Change the date "Format Mask" property and make it year 2000 complaint (MM-DD-RR). 49 Selecting type of report 50 Creating reports Selecting the format of reports 51 Selecting the Table in database 52 Selecting the columns in the report 53

Modify the labels in a table 54 Choose a template to represent the report 55 To specify the completion of report generation 56 57 EXPT#29. Providing Security using GRANT and REVOKE. AIM: To learn GRANT and REVOKE commands to restrict privileges. (1) GRANT Statement Grant privileges to a user (or to a user role) Syntax: Grant System-wide Privs: GRANT system_priv(s) TO grantee [IDENTIFIED BY password] [WITH ADMIN OPTION] GRANT role TO grantee [IDENTIFIED BY password] [WITH ADMIN OPTION] GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES TO grantee [IDENTIFIED BY password] [WITH ADMIN OPTION] Grant privs on specific objects: GRANT object_priv [(column, column,...)] ON [schema.]object TO grantee [WITH GRANT OPTION] [WITH HIERARCHY OPTION] GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES [(column, column,...)] ON [schema.]object

TO grantee [WITH GRANT OPTION] [WITH HIERARCHY OPTION] GRANT object_priv [(column, column,...)] ON DIRECTORY directory_name TO grantee [WITH GRANT OPTION] [WITH HIERARCHY OPTION] GRANT object_priv [(column, column,...)] ON JAVA [RE]SOURCE [schema.]object TO grantee [WITH GRANT OPTION] [WITH HIERARCHY OPTION] grantee: user role 58 PUBLIC system_privs: CREATE SESSION - Allows user to connect to the database UNLIMITED TABLESPACE - Use an unlimited amount of any tablespace. SELECT ANY TABLE - Query tables, views, or mviews in any schema UPDATE ANY TABLE - Update rows in tables and views in any schema INSERT ANY TABLE - Insert rows into tables and views in any schema Also System Admin rights to CREATE, ALTER or DROP:

cluster, context, database, link, dimension, directory, index, materialized view, operator, outline, procedure, profile, role, rollback segment, sequence, session, synonym, table, tablespace, trigger, type, user, view. (full list of system privs) object_privs: SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, ALTER, DEBUG, EXECUTE, INDEX, REFERENCES roles: SYSDBA, SYSOPER, OSDBA, OSOPER, EXP_FULL_DATABASE, IMP_FULL_DATABASE SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE, EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE, DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE AQ_USER_ROLE, AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE - advanced queuing SNMPAGENT - Enterprise Manager/Intelligent Agent. RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER - rman HS_ADMIN_ROLE - heterogeneous services plus any user defined roles you have available Notes: Several Object_Privs can be assigned in a single GRANT statement e.g. GRANT SELECT (empno), UPDATE (sal) ON scott.emp TO emma WITH HIERARCHY OPTION will grant the object privilege on all subobjects, including any created after the GRANT statement is issued. WITH GRANT OPTION will enable the grantee to grant those object privileges to other users and roles.

59 "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES..." may also be written as "GRANT ALL..." (ii) REVOKE Statement Revoke privileges from users or roles. Syntax: Roles: REVOKE role FROM {user, | role, |PUBLIC} System Privs: REVOKE system_priv(s) FROM {user, | role, |PUBLIC} REVOKE ALL FROM {user, | role, |PUBLIC} Object Privs: REVOKE object_priv [(column1, column2..)] ON [schema.]object FROM {user, | role, |PUBLIC} [CASCADE CONSTRAINTS] [FORCE] REVOKE object_priv [(column1, column2..)] ON [schema.]object FROM {user, | role, |PUBLIC} [CASCADE CONSTRAINTS] [FORCE] REVOKE object_priv [(column1, column2..)] ON DIRECTORY directory_name FROM {user, | role, |PUBLIC} [CASCADE CONSTRAINTS] [FORCE] REVOKE object_priv [(column1, column2..)] ON JAVA [RE]SOURCE [schema.]object FROM {user, | role, |PUBLIC} [CASCADE CONSTRAINTS]

[FORCE] key: object_privs ALTER, DELETE, EXECUTE, INDEX, INSERT, REFERENCES, SELECT, UPDATE, ALL PRIVILEGES 60 system_privs ALTER ANY INDEX, BECOME USER, CREATE TABLE, DROP ANY VIEW RESTRICTED SESSION, UNLIMITED TABLESPACE, UPDATE ANY TABLE plus too many others to list here roles Standard Oracle roles SYSDBA, SYSOPER, OSDBA, OSOPER, EXP_FULL_DATABASE, IMP_FULL_DATABASE plus any user defined roles you have available FORCE, will revoke all privileges from a user-defined-type and mark it's dependent objects INVALID. The roles CONNECT, RESOURCE and DBA are now deprecated (supported only for backwards compatibility) unless you are still running Oracle 6.0 Error ORA-01927 "cannot REVOKE privileges you did not grant" - This usually means you tried revoking permission from the table owner, e.g. Oracle will not allow REVOKE select on USER1.Table1 from USER1 Owners of objects ALWAYS have full permissions on those objects. This is one reason it makes sense to place tables in one schema and the packaged prodecures used to access those tables in a separate schema. REFERENCES:

1. Oracle 9i Release 2 (9.2) SQL Reference, www.cs.ncl.ac.uk/teaching/facilities/swdoc/oracle9i/server.920/a96540/toc.htm. 2. Oracle 9i Release 1 (9.0.1) SQL Reference, http://download-east.oracle.com/docs/cd/A91202_01/901_doc/server.901/a90125/toc.htm. 3. An A-Z Index of Oracle SQL Commands (version 9.2) http://www.ss64.com/ora/. 4. Database Systems Instructor: (http://ocw.mit.edu). Prof. Samuel Madden Source: MIT Open Courseware 5. RDBMS Lab Guide, www.campusconnect.infosys.com userid:demo@infosys and passwork:infosys. 6. Orelly PL/SQL Pocket Reference, http://www.unix.org.ua/orelly/oracle/langpkt/index.htm 7. PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference, Release 2 (9.2), http://www.lc.leidenuniv.nl/awcourse/oracle/appdev.920/a96624/toc.htm. 61 62

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