The Pi-Phi-Ed Field
The Pi-Phi-Ed Field
The Pi-Phi-Ed Field
One of the most important themes of the book Hallu-Cygns is the knowledge that the
whole Universe is made up of one and the same holographic blueprint, from quantum
particle to the space-time continuum itself. This blueprint is called the Unified Field
and it is, logically, created by Hydrogen. Next to being the structure of the space-time
continuum, it also represents the structure of Consciousness. All the aspects of the
sacred science we will talk about, its forthcoming technologies, languages and
systems, are directly related to this Unified Field. Therefore, we will study the main
aspects of it: the structure, the scaling law, the frequency, the substance and the
Creation Process of the Unified Field. As we will see, it is constructed around the two
principal mathematical constants, Pi and Phi.
Einstein vs Haramein
Einstein was the first modern scientist who discovered that space and time are
related in a continuum that penetrates everything in the Universe. His findings
brought to light that this continuum is responsible for the creation of matter and
energy. He imagined this continuum as a kind of trampoline that is pushed in by the
several bodies (molecules, planets, etc.) attracting and forcing each other into
Einstein’s calculations made it possible to predict that this space-time grid exists of
eternally long curves (Golden Mean Spirals) ending in black holes. In his time, the
scientific world didn’t pay much attention to this theory. Today, we know that black
holes emerge everywhere in the Universe. Let’s take a closer look at the concept of a
black hole. Until now, a black hole has been defined as a massive object that has
imploded through its own gravitational force, thus creating an empty space in the
STC; a kind of gravity source without end (Phi-spiral). Such an endless curve is, at a
certain moment, supposed to press the attracted matter so that the volume becomes
eternally small and the mass eternally big. This phenomenon is also called a
singularity. In a singularity, all known physical laws of our three-dimensional reality
can no longer be applied.
We now find ourselves in the world of quantum physics. At this point, all universal
forces like gravity, electromagnetism, etc., are unified. From there comes the term
Unified Field Theory. When attempting to find a law which explains the connections
between these forces, many physicists came up with complicated theories in which
they ascribed strange qualities to the quantum world, but which were not applicable
to the macro cosmos. Although Nature may be complex, it has a certain simplicity as
well. And it is in that simplicity that lies the solution for this so-called insurmountable
problem. I saw this solution in a vision/telepathic communication with a dolphin about
the same time that the young Swiss physicist, Nassim Haramein, published a
scientific paper entitled ‘The Schwarzschild Proton,’ i for which he won the Best Paper
Award at the International Casys’ Conference in Liège. In this paper, Haramein
states that the whole universe is built up by one and the same structure, growing and
shrinking in an endless amount of dimensions. If we shrink to the microcosmos
(atoms and particles) or grow to the macro cosmos (stars and planets), we always
see the same fractal form: spheres, into bigger spheres, into bigger spheres, etc.
These spheres are actually toroids with a black hole in the core which, in turn, forms
a smaller torus with a black hole in the core, etc. The same shape is repeating itself
endlessly in both directions (imploding and expanding) and can, therefore, be called
a hologram. The Unified Field Theory aims at describing mathematically and
scientifically the mutual relation between electromagnetic radiation and gravity; let’s
say it is the Holy Grail of physical science. Until recently, nobody had been able to
express these relations in a mathematical and physical law. Now, we know that there
is a certain structure that unifies these two natural forces in a system that sustains
itself eternally: the torus.
Now, imagine that there are two spirals, interfering with each other. With each
interference, two new spirals are created in the centre which, in turn, move outwards
and, when they reach the boundary, move inwards again... The spirals rotating
around the surface of the torus implode in decreasingly smaller wavelengths, but
increasingly higher frequencies until they reach the speed of light in the core of the
torus. At this point, the energy passes into a vacuum stability. In this vacuum, the
energy potential is eternally big and everything passes in an extremely stable
equilibrium. Nikola Tesla used this vacuum energy to develop his zero point
technology. This way, he discovered that it is possible to make matter weightless,
and that time can be manipulated. The possibility to travel in time is still considered
as something unreachable. But know this: in the not so recent past, experiments
have had been carried out where objects were dematerialised in order to make them
reappear in another moment, in another place. The Philadelphia experiment was
such an American marine experiment that had been carried out in the military
harbour in Philadelphia in 1943, with the aim of affecting radar invisibility of a marine
ship through manipulation of magnetic fields. There would have been all kinds of
weird effects, such as the disappearance of crew members, time-travel effects and
even teleportation of the ship.
Although there are opposed versions of the so-called experiment, many versions give
descriptions of severe side effects experienced by the crew. Some crew members
would have melted together with the barriers of the ship, while others would have
suffered from psychological disturbances. Other members of the crew would have
disappeared during the experiment. It is also said that the crew members had been
subjected to brainwashing in order to maintain the secrecy of the experiment. This
experiment was based on an aspect of the Unified Field Theory. However, in the end,
it is Haramein who completed the theory and who gave me the keys I searched for in
order to complete the puzzle. In his work, I found something that I hadn’t been aware
of before. This link is the fact that the torus has a kind of geometrical straight-lined
framework called a cube octahedron, or more popularly known as Vector Equilibrium
It deserves this name because this shape is, just as the torus itself, the most stable
form that exists in the Universe. We could say that the VE is the male counterpart of
the female torus. The edges of the shape have the same length as the 12 radiuses.
In addition, all the angles are exactly 60°. However, the main key is to dissect the
cube octahedron (VE) in 64 interrelated tetrahedrons.
As you will see in the next chapters, these fractals of tetrahedrons will be very
important when decoding the Sri Yantra and the Flower of Life, both ancient but
complex mathematical symbols. This, then, proves that earlier civilisations had a
complete understanding of the Unified Field.
The Torus
Let us now look to the geometrical qualities of the torus. The torus can be seen
in two different ways. The first and most known comparison is that of the
doughnut, or the smoking ring of a cigarette (see image below). The smoke
turns inwards on the upper side of the ring and comes out on the down side,
turning outwards. This is a very stable kind of flow, which permits the energy to
come in and out at the same time on the same surface of the torus.
Smoking ring torus
A second type of torus is produced by a vortex. Note that each vortex is one
Golden Spiral that forms a spherical surface around the black hole, after which it
spirals back inwards to the core, only to repeat this same process again and
again. In the double torus, there are two of these spirals/toroïds over each other.
A question that many people ask is why these vortices are kept within the
spherical boundaries. In other words: why do the vortices not expand into
eternity? According to Dan Winter, this is due to the phase-conjugating
properties of the Phi-proportion itself. He discovered and proved that Phi-spirals
are the cause of gravity, charge-collapse and negentropy.
Seen from above one of the two poles, a single torus/spiral looks like a circle or
a serpent that is eating its own tail, signifying mortal or finite life. Therefore,
there must be two of these spirals/toroïds in order to keep the information in the
system from getting lost.
We can conclude that the single torus is a temporary self-maintaining, self-
regenerating system that will eventually die anyway. For this reason, it could be
the signature of (only) the material, Phi-nite dimension of the Universe. When
there are two of them rotating in opposite directions, information can be kept in
the system and transmutation is possible.
As you can see, there are four visible lines indicated with a wavelength (in
nanometre). These wavelengths are 410.2, 434.0, 486.1 and 656.3 nm. When we
calculate the ratios between these wavelengths, starting with the division of 656 by
the next smaller wavelength, then by the following, etc., we get the following results:
656/486: 1,35
656/434: 1,51
656/410: 1,6
As you see, these ratios increasingly approach the transcendental number Phi:
1,618, etc., derived from the Golden Section, also named the Golden Mean, the
Divine Proportion, etc. This Golden Proportion is called DIVINE because it DIVIDES
a line in two IN-EQUAL segments so that the ratio of the biggest segment with the
smallest segment is equal to the ratio of the complete line to the biggest segment:
This kind of division can be repeated eternally and creates what is called the Golden
Spiral. The Golden Mean is found in and controls all organic matter, from molecules
to cells, from falanxes to star systems. The irrational number that results from the
fraction of these two inequal segments is called Phi (1.618033988749895, etc.) and
is, logically, eternally long. There are several ways to obtain the Golden Mean by
using only a compass and a rule. The easiest way to see the Golden Section is in the
pentagram. The path of Venus makes a pentagram over een eight-year period,
observed from Earth. Interestingly, ‘penta’ means five (‘PHI-ve’). This could be the
reason why the number five, the Hand of Fatima/Venus and the Phi-proportion are
associated with female fertility.
The Pentagram The ‘Rosabelle’ pattern of Venus The Hand of Venus
As I said, a Phi-spiral is not really visible in our 3D world since it has no beginning or
end. However, there is a proportion in nature which very closely approaches the
Golden Section but which does have a beginning and, therefore, belongs more in our
3D world. This proportion is called the Fibonacci proportion and can be found in our
finger phalanxes, wings of butterflies, flowers, and many more things in organic
(mortal) nature. The Fibonacci spiral is formed by the Fibonacci numbers (1 – 1 – 2 –
3 – 5 – 8 – 13 – 21 – 34 – 55, etc.), of which two numbers lying next to each other
added up form the next number.
Fibonacci spiral
Fibonacci numbers and spirals are found in all organic lifeforms such as sunflowers,
pine cones, etc. If you take any scale on a pine cone, for example, and you start
counting in both directions until you reach the same scale again, you will get two
different numbers which are always lying next to each other in the Fibonacci series.
In fact, they appear as two counterrotating spirals that interfere at Fibonacci ratios.
Divisions of numbers lying next to each other in the Fibonacci series approximate
more and more the number Phi, but never reach it perfectly. It is a fact that the
Golden Mean and Fibonnacci numbers are omnipresent in the material Universe. But
let us take a closer look to the underlying cause and consequences of Phi-based
living systems. We all know that organic nature as we know it is finite. Every living
being needs to eat other living materials in order to sustain itself. The more we grow,
the more food we need; but, in the end, we die anyway. However, spiritual and
religious thought teaches us that the material Universe is an illusion which we need
to transcend in order to evolve to a higher ‘immortal’ state of being. Every religion
tells us that we have to go back to Source and that we have to become IN-PHI-nite.
When we look once more to the sounds that surround us, we cannot fail to notice the
Hi-Fi music and Wi-Fi electromagnetic waves that surround us everywhere we go.
Today, there are almost no spots left on the whole planet where we are saved from
Wi-Fi frequencies. However, let’s talk first about the ‘natural Phi’. Why would we be
surrounded by (High) Phi all the time?
We just saw how Phi is caused by the ratios between Hydrogen emission lines and
that these ratios are signified by Hydrogen radii. Dan Winter has developed a new
equation that proves that everything in the material Universe literally is Phi and that
the Golden Ratio is the cause of gravity, charge-collapse and negentropy. On p.29
(‘Musical perception’) we have seen that the Golden Spiral has a dampening effect
on musical resonance. The harmonic interference function between both resonance
and dampening shows how nature balances itself between a close circle (resonance)
and an ‘in-phi-nite’ spiral.
Apparently, all organic beings are musically tuned to this Uni-phi-ed (Gaussian)
Wave. Since the Universe can be described as a hologram, we are not surprised to
see material reflections of this Unified Wave in the formation of a foetus, the
Fibonacci ear shell, shoulder blades, tectonic plates, etc. In short, the material
Universe NEEDS Phi in order to ground itself in the material level. However, even
more interesting in Merrick’s research is the significant role of the number nine or
ninth harmonic in a chromatic musical scale in regard to the Gaussian Wave. In the
graphic below, you can see how the damping Phi-wall occurs exactly between the
ninth and tenth harmonic on the chromatic scale.
First, we notice that each number is directly opposite its inverted pair (1 and 8, 2 and
7, 4 and 5). This allows us to look at the cycle as a sine wave. When the wave dips
down, all the numbers repeat themselves but become inverted, subtracted from 9. As
a result, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5... are mirrored in 8, 8, 7, 6, 4... just like in the Rodin Coil!
Interestingly, the importance of the 9/11 jump seems even more clear in the Rhodin-
Fibonacci wheel. Again, it indicates the completion of one cycle and the jump to the
next cycle: death and rebirth.
However, we know that the Egyptians used the infinite number series (1, 2, 4, 8, 16,
32, 64, 128, 216, 512, etc.) long before the decimal number system was introduced.
In the Cosmic Octave, the ninth harmonic of this number series is 216, equivalent of
the green D- or Re-note in the natural musical scale. In the infinite number series, the
cycle is never ended and, thus, energy doesn’t stop at the ninth step to be ‘reborn’ or
‘reincarnated’. Instead, the musical ‘jump’ from 216 Hz to 512 Hz (from 9 to 10 in the
decimal system) would then literally ‘sound the embryo into life’ or ‘guide the energy
into the next octave’ instead of ‘ending the cycle to restart a new one’. Interestingly,
this jump from green to blue, or from the lower Heart Chakra to the Voice Chakra, is
said to activate the Higher Heart Centre (found at 528 Hz), the place where Cosmic
Consciousness is calibrated.
It is clear that the Rodin Coil obliges the multiplying (infinite) number system to ‘die’
and ‘to be reborn’. They form the boundary around the eight basic components,
which are achieved when the Cosmic Octave reaches equilibrium or maturity; thus,
they prevent the singularity-octave from replicating or to ‘ascending’ to a higher
octave. This is also the reason why the Flower of Life is not sacred when it is singular
and why, on the wall of the Osiris temple in Abydos, there are two instead of one
Flower of Life depicted. It is the twentieth Ring of Sauron that controls all the other
Rings of Power and forces them to die and reincarnate.