CR Form WRD - Gazetted Officers
CR Form WRD - Gazetted Officers
CR Form WRD - Gazetted Officers
1. Department: :
2. Name :
3. PEN :
4. Date of birth :
5. Present Post :
SECTION II- SELF APPRAISAL (to be filled by the Officer reported upon)
4 Awards and
Honours received
6 Brief description
of duties:
(Objective of the
position you hold
and the tasks
required to
perform, in about
100 words)
I, Hereby declare that the details submitted by me in Section I and Section II of this Performance
Appraisal Form for the reporting period from ........................ to ......................... are true and
correct as per my knowledge and belief. I hereby undertake that I shall submit necessary proof and
evidence in connection with the authenticity of details submitted by me in the above sections, if
asked to do so.
13 Concluding remarks of the Reporting Authority on the on the officer reported upon on the
overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and weakness and
recommendations ifany.
------------ ·-------------------------------------------·----------------------------
SECTION IV-REVIEW BY THE REVIEWING OFFICER (to be filled by the Reviewing Authority)
I have read the report and not agree with the assessment made by the reporting and reviewing
Officers. I would like to have a review on this PAR specific to the following attributes of Section-III
based on reasons as give below
Overall grade:
Date: Name and Signature of Reporting Officer