CR Form WRD - Gazetted Officers

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For Assistant Engineers/Assistant Executive Engineers/Executive Engineer/Superintending Engineer/Chief Engineer)
Performance Appraisal Report for the period from .......................................


1. Department: :
2. Name :
3. PEN :
4. Date of birth :

5. Present Post :

6. Date of entry in Government Service :

7. Date of appointment to the present post :

8. Date of entry in the present Office :
9. Pay and Scale of pay :
10. Date from which functioning in
the presentgrade continuously :
11. Name and address of present office :
12. Name and address (official) of Reporting
Authority for the reporting period of CR :

13. Name and address (official) of Reviewing

Authority for the reporting period of CR :

SECTION II- SELF APPRAISAL (to be filled by the Officer reported upon)

1 Educational and other qualifications

1.1 Taken prior to entry in the department
Qualification Board/University Year

1.2 Taken after entry in the Department

Qualification Board/University Year
2 Incumbency details/ Service details
Department/Office Name of Post Nature of Work Period
From To

3 Training Programs attended

Date from Date to Institute

4 Awards and
Honours received

5 Period of absence Period Type of leave/others Remarks

on leave, etc.
during the From To
reporting period

6 Brief description
of duties:
(Objective of the
position you hold
and the tasks
required to
perform, in about
100 words)

7 Nature of Office works related to Projects and

Management and execution of
current projects Administration

8 Targets/Deliverables and achievements during the reporting period

Sl. Name of Target/ Time frame of Achievement

No Project/Work/Task Deliverable deliverable or


Sl. Name of Progress as on last date
No Project/Work/Task Physical Financial

9 During the period under

report if the officer
reported up on believe
that he has made any
exceptional contribution,
eg.successful completion of
an extra ordinary
challenging task or
majorprojects (resulting is
significant benefits to the
Department and / or
reduction in time and cost
of project.If so, give a
verbal description (with in
100 words)
10 Factors if any, which
hindered the performance
of Officer reported up on
during the reporting
11 Indicate Specify areas in For the Current
which the officers post/ duties
reported up on feel that For Further
there is need to upgrade career objectives
his skills through training
12 Punishment awarded or
disciplinary action taken
on the officer reported
upon during the reporting
period, if any. If yes, give

I, Hereby declare that the details submitted by me in Section I and Section II of this Performance
Appraisal Form for the reporting period from ........................ to ......................... are true and
correct as per my knowledge and belief. I hereby undertake that I shall submit necessary proof and
evidence in connection with the authenticity of details submitted by me in the above sections, if
asked to do so.

Date ........................ Signature and name of the officer reported upon :

State whether you agree with the responses given by the Yes() No ()
1 officer reported upon for Sl. No1 to 6 in section
If not, furnish factual details/your comments
State whether you agree with the responses given by the Yes() No ()
2 officer reported upon for Sl. No 7 in section II. If not,
furnish factual details/your comments
Comment on the claim (if made) of exceptional Yes() No ()
contribution by the officer reported upon
Has the officer reported upon met with any significant Yes() No ()
4 failures in respect of his work? If yes, please furnish
factual details
Do you agree with the skill up-gradation needs as Yes() No ()
identified by the officer if any
Do you agree with Punishments awarded or disciplinary Yes() No ()
actions as noted by the officer if any
Do you know of any physical disability of health problem Yes() No ()
7 which prevent this Officer from working to full capacity?
If yes, please explain the nature of this problem
Has anything come to your knowledge which reflects  Yes() No ()
8 adversely on the officer’sloyalty? If Yes, please give
a) Has anything come to your knowledge either as oral or  Yes() No ()
written complaint or otherwise which reflects adversely
i.On the Officer’s ability to honestly execute his duties Yes() No ()
ll.Showing favouritism in discharging his duties Yes() No ()
9 b) Is there been any preliminary finding regarding the Yes() No ()
corrupt practices of the Officer
Has any case of corruption on the Officer been referred to
Vigilance Department after preliminary enquiries?If‘Yes'
give details
Assessment of personnel Attributes (on a scale of 1-10).
Score-by Reviewing
No Item Reporting Officer
Officer (difference in
opinion if any)
Ii. Intelligence    
10 ii. Initiative and resourcefulness    
iii. Discipline and punctuality .  
iv Responsibility and dependability    
v Co-operation and personal relations    
vi Interest in the assignment    
Job knowledge- technical and general
knowledge about the job he/she is doing
viii Noting, drafting and correspondence-
Ability to prepare notes, drafts and handle
correspondence with special reference to -
accuracy, thoroughness, power of analysis
and power of expression
ix Leadership and Drive
x Power of Analysis and Judgment- Capacity
to analyse problems and ability to arrive at
sound conclusions and ability to appraise
subordinate officers
xi Ability to communicate and Receptiveness
to ideas and adaptability to change
xii Attitudes / achievements in the
implementation of programmes Schemes
ofSCs/STs and prevention of atrocities on
Average Grading on Personal Attributes
(Total score/12) rounded to the nearest
integer (if the decimal part is 0.5 and below-
then rounded to nearest lowest integer. If the
decimal part is above 0.5 -then rounded to
next integer)
Assessment of Work (on a scale of 1-10).
Score-by Review
No Item Reporting Officer
Officer (difference in
opinion if any)
Supervision and Control -Ability to
supervise and control. Skill in
Ii. maintaining the morale of his /her staff.    
Capacity to train, help advise and handle
ii. Use of delegated powers    
Accomplishment of deliverables/Tasks
in time .  
11 iv Quality of work/deliverables    
Knowledge of manuals/ laws/ rules/
procedures/ proficiency in use of
Department's e- Governance or IT
related systems and awareness of
engineering standards in the relevant
area of work
Accomplishment of exceptional work/
unforeseen tasks performed
Average Grading on work assessment
(Total score/6, rounded to the nearest
integer ifthe decimal part is 0.5 and
below then rounded to nearest lowest
integer,if the decimal part is above 0.5 -
then rounded to next integer.)
12 Overall grade (on a score of 1-10)- This 1s the average score of (Reporting (Reviewing
items 10 and 11 rounded to the nearest integer (if the decimal Officer) Officer)
part is 0.5 and below- then rounded to nearest lowest integer, if
the decimal part is above 0.5 -then rounded to next integer)

13 Concluding remarks of the Reporting Authority on the on the officer reported upon on the
overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and weakness and
recommendations ifany.

------------ ·-------------------------------------------·----------------------------

Signature of Reporting Officer

Date Designation:

SECTION IV-REVIEW BY THE REVIEWING OFFICER (to be filled by the Reviewing Authority)

I Do you agree with the assessment made by the reporting Yes() No ()

officer with respect to the work output and the various
attributes in section III?

2 Do you agree with the assessment of the reporting Yes() No ()

officer in respect of extraordinary achievements and/ or
significant failures officer reported upon?

3 Do you agree with the numerical assessments of Yes() No ()

attributes? In case you do not agree with any of the
numerical assessments of attributes please record your
assessment in the column provided for you in that
section and initial your entries
In case of difference of opinion details and
reasons for the same may beg iven

4 Overall grade of the officer reported upon (as per item

no-12 of Section-III) according to the item no-3 above. .

Date Signature of the Reviewing Officer/ Authority

SECTION V-ACCEPTANCE (tick appropriate and strikeout whichever is not applicable)
I have read the report agrees with the assessment made by the reporting and reviewing Officers

I have read the report and not agree with the assessment made by the reporting and reviewing
Officers. I would like to have a review on this PAR specific to the following attributes of Section-III
based on reasons as give below

Date: Name and Signature of Officer reported upon

Comments of the Reporting Authority (on the above representation)

Overall grade:
Date: Name and Signature of Reporting Officer

Comments of the Reviewing Authority (on the above representation)

Date: Name and Signature of Reviewing Officer

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