43-Article Text-209-1-10-20181215
43-Article Text-209-1-10-20181215
43-Article Text-209-1-10-20181215
Abstract: Cultural diplomacy is part of soft power that brings the idea of culture at its best presentation
abroad. This paper focuses on the cultural diplomacy imposed by the government of Indonesia and Malaysia.
This study is written to identify the role of cultural diplomacy in building up the cordial relationship between
Indonesia and Malaysia proven by the long diplomatic history way before the independence of Malaya in
1957. In conjunction of that matter this research paper sought to evaluate the cultural relations between
Indonesia and Malaysia and then raises several cultural diplomacy programs that have been conducted by the
two countries in educations, performing arts and literature. This research is a qualitative study proven by
analysing the printed and digital materials as the secondary data and bringing the constructivism concept
from Alexander Wendt. The concept that introduced by Alexander Wendt can explain the unprecedented
condition in international relations. Having analysed the data, this study found that by enhancing the cultural
diplomacy as the soft power approach in each country is able to give a good impact for Indonesia and
Malaysia relations especially in reducing the tensions among the society over several societal issues in the
past. It can be seen from the number of students who are coming to Malaysia and Indonesia to continue their
study, the number of tourist every year and also the frequency of performing arts of Indonesia in Malaysia
and vice versa.
Diplomacy plays an important role as the mainstay and the core process of relations among
nations in achieving national interest, the process of strengthening relationships, effectively
begins with the establishment of a diplomatic mission in another country (Nye, 2004).
Thereafter it is followed with diplomats being exchanged which paves the way for
diplomacy to be used as the mean through which nations begin to develop their relations.
This paper is precisely looking at cultural diplomacy as the way Indonesia and Malaysia
maintain their relationship even before the independence of Malaysia.
Culture is very broad in its form where it allows another state to imitate and be
inspired by one culture or willing to voluntarily do such cultural activities. All those soft
power are identified to have the similarity of symbolic resources. Furthermore, there is no
proof that all those five components would have the source from the military means,
weapons, and financial resources and so on instead promoting the use of education, culture,
ideas, images, theories, know-how and also the global symbol. In Nye‟s concept of soft
power, it is clearly determined that as long as there is no violence and coerce, that power is
regarded as soft power.
According to Jessica (2013), cultural diplomacy is slightly different from other kinds
of diplomacy in which interactions are no longer between government to government,
despite government to foreign populations. In this current situation, cultural diplomacy
often denotes a national foreign policy designed to support the export of representative
samples of the nation‟s culture in order to further the objectives of foreign policy.
Furthermore, cultural diplomacy attempts to manage the international environment
by making its cultural resources and achievements known overseas as well as the
facilitation of cultural transmissions abroad. In this landscape, it can be concluded that the
scope of cultural diplomacy is very broad entailing many forms of cultural recognition
between nations and cultures. Many but not all of which are mediated in some way by states
so that they can manage the international environment (Isar, 2010). By maximizing the
concept of cultural diplomacy, it is believed that it can increase the harmony of the
international non-state actors among nations. More precisely, cultural diplomacy acts as the
medium to resolve the tension between Indonesia and Malaysia relations and the impression
of both nations in order to maintain each state‟s sovereignty. This research is made to
preview various kinds of the program made by Indonesia and Malaysia government in
education and tourism sector.
In this 21st century, the use of hard power is no longer applicable so that the country
needs to find some other ways that are comparable with hard power but in a different
approach. Moreover, nowadays the film, dance, artworks, and literature are more attractive
to the world, despite the political differences. As the world is facing the erosion of the trust
towards other nation in the international community, this cultural approach will be the most
suitable way of shaping the world‟s opinion. This is just the matter of culture.
The concept of soft power may gain the success and the failure of its practice. For
the success example is from the soft power goal by „China‟s recent introduction of peaceful
rising or development and the harmonious world‟. This slogan combination creates the
policy proposal and public diplomacy that can minimize the threatening image through a
peaceful image so that the country can easily penetrate the international community as a
new transformed member.
The most cost-effective way of exerting soft power is to produce the long-term
cooperation by creating the social habits among recipients. To practice, the society also
needs quite a long time but yet very worth to try. This similar pattern is suggested to be
applied so that there will be no additional efforts which are necessary to be done. This
framework can be explained in Table 1.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: section two discusses the literature
review related to cultural diplomacy. The discussion is focusing on the cultural impact as
the way of tighten the relationship between states. In part three of the paper the researcher
explains the research methodology of the research. While in chapter four the researcher
explain on the findings of the study followed by the overall conclusion in the last part of the
Literature Review
A number of previous study has been conducted on this discipline comprising the variety of
issues and programs in cultural diplomacy. To provide a clear discussion in this part of the
paper the researcher will analyse the long history of Indonesia-Malaysia bilateral relations
even before the independence of Malaysia followed by elaborating the concept of
constructivism by Alexander Wendt. Further, the researcher also investigate the previous
study that has been conducted by various scholars in regards to Indonesia-Malaysia
relations in order to find the gap of the research.
In the year 1293-1500, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and South Thailand were
under Majapahit Empire (Hall, 1956). Majapahit was known as the last Hindu-Budha
empires and acknowledged as the most powerful empire at that time especially in South
East region (Cribb, 2010). That is the reason that makes Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand
have a lot in common especially in terms of cultures due to the influence of the Majapahit
Empire. Malaysia and Indonesia were apart due to the influence of colonialism where
Indonesia was under the colonization of Dutch and Malaysia were under the British.
By looking at the formal perspective, Indonesia and Malaysia have engaged 60
years of diplomatic relations in the year 2017 since 1957. Even though that particular time
is considered as short, the dynamics of the relationship has been filled by a lot of issues.
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The Role of Cultural Diplomacy : Indonesia – Malaysia Relations
That condition has made Indonesia disregard this bilateral relationship as the ordinary one
because it involves historical background, political factors, economics and also social-
cultural perspectives.
Far behind, the relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia has been regarded as
important. This will be supported by the word serumpun which means bonded with the
similar cultural background, geographical factor, and historical background. The cultural
relationship between Malaysia and Indonesia has been regarded as important. It gives the
perspectives on how important the meaning of serumpun is to define the relationship
between Indonesia and Malaysia. The consequence is that the Indonesian government does
not give the baseline of serumpun to enforce the foreign policy because the diversity of
Indonesia archipelago cannot be limited to the Malays root itself (Bantarto, 1994).
The bilateral relations between Indonesia-Malaysia since the independence of
Indonesia can be divided into three stages. The first stage was during President Soekarno
where most of his foreign policy is to confront Malaysia because he adopted the anti-
imperialism and anti-colonialism. The reason because Malaysia was under the power of
British who tried to expand its area of colonization in Southeast Asia region. That‟s why the
propaganda of “Ganyang Malaysia” was established during Soekarno term. For the second
stage was during the Soeharto era. This was the totally different environment. Indonesia
regards Malaysia as a strategic partner because it can bridge Indonesia to the several
western power such us Great Britain, Australia, and the United States of America. As a
result, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Philippines was united as one to form the
regional organization called Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Besides
that, the last stage of both relationships between Indonesia and Malaysia was during the
Reformation era. This era was the critical relations between Indonesia and Malaysia where
many disputes and clashes happened. Border issue has become a great concern of the
Indonesian and Malaysian government (Mohd Noor, 2011).
Although the word of confrontations is endlessly raised, many commentators have
preferred to highlight another crucial problem such as mistreatment of Indonesian worker in
Malaysia. This has marked the multi-layered unpleasant relationships between Indonesia
and Malaysia but there must be some way out to tighten both relationships through the use
of soft diplomacy. The government to government approach is seen as the traditional steps
to penetrate each other‟s culture but the use of second track diplomacy actor has found as
the best way of doing it.
Diplomacy and international law are two keys to be enforced by the countries that
build international relations. In the practice of International Relations, International Law
helps to set the boundaries for the states to obey certain rules so that the stability in the
international arena can be felt. Additionally, the importance of diplomacy is certainly to
maintain the balance of power and the peaceful structure in this modern world (Roy, 1991).
To achieve their own interest, the country has to perform the competition among nations
and often a country willing to pursue more than one interest. The interest is somehow the
national interest and many of the cases have caused clash among nations due to different
objectives. Therefore, diplomacy is the way to manage the process of pursuing their
national interest through peaceful means of negotiation.
In international relations, the Constructivism gives a significant contribution due to
its intersubjective perception and shared understandings (Shannon & Kowert, 2011). The
social dynamics marked by the development of technology discovery, advanced
transportation and communication have successfully changed the social structure of
international relations. The idea of Wendt in his book Social Theory of International
Relations believes that the structure of human association is determined primarily by shared
ideas rather than material forces and the identities, thus the shared idea is naturally formed
through interaction and socialization.
Through this concept, it can be seen that the national interest of Indonesia to
Malaysia and vice versa has been changing along the way. As noted by Wendt in his book
Social Theory of International Politics that the national interest is include life, liberty, and
property (namely survival, autonomy and economic well-being). Those three elements will
then lead to the fourth interest which is collective self-esteem. Self-esteem refers to the
good feeling of each state actor about themselves for respect or status. Thus the prestige of
the country is not merely on the military ownership and other materials but rather on the
collective identity. By having that aspect of interest the country will feel safe and ready to
set the foreign policy. The concept of constructivism is also required the scale priority on
which aspect do they want to focus first. In the context of Indonesia and Malaysia relations,
the economic well-being is focusing the most.
The topic of this research has been discussed by various scholars especially from the
international relations discipline as Indonesia and Malaysia has been regarded as the
controversial neighbourhood due to their cultural similarity. Thus Constructivist on comes
in place to explain the social dimension in various perspective. The strategy of
constructivism is far from the materialist explanation rather close to the factor that shapes
the mind-set of the decision makers towards the societal changes that exist. The cultural
diplomacy back then in the year 1950‟s is totally different with the cultural diplomacy that
is applicable to the year 2010 and above.
Among the scholars that have discussed this topic is Ho Ying Chan (2016) from
Malaysia wrote a qualitative research to examine the concept of the special relationship
between Indonesia and Malaysia. From that research, it is found that Indonesia-Malaysia
relations, as a special relationship, produce double-edged effects, that of substantial
cooperation and substantial conflicts, between the two states. Meanwhile, the Indonesia-
Malaysia Special Relationship, like other special relationships, constitutes a security
regime, which means the two states are committed to avoiding war between them. Because
of this commitment, the substantial conflicts between Indonesia and Malaysia will not
easily become violent ones.
The scholar from Indonesia Mestika Zed (2015) is also doing the qualitative research
in order to discuss the relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia in the perspective of
culture especially in the light of the spirit of a kinship-relation of Melayu Nusantara. From
the research, the writer found that Indonesia and Malaysia relation is facing the challenges
due to the global political changes which cultural similarity is no longer regarded but what
matter is the national interest.
From another scholar Marshall Clark (2013) was interested to examine two of the
most prominent bilateral spats in terms of this ongoing politicization of cultural heritage:
(1) the Southeast Asian (SEA) Games held in Jakarta and Palembang in 2011; and (2)
UNESCO‟s awarding of batik as a distinctly Indonesian form of intangible cultural
heritage. From that research, the writer found that Indonesia and Malaysia bilateral ties over
the last decade have been marked by rivalry, acrimony, and conflict. Key issues include
Malaysia‟s cavalier treatment of Indonesian foreign workers and various border or
territorial disputes. Underlying these tensions is a low-level dispute over shared Indo-Malay
cultural heritage and art forms, which increasingly overshadows all other aspects of the
bilateral relationship.
However, this research sees the gap among the above mentioned where the element
of cultural programs applied by several government body has a significant impact for
bilateral relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia. Indonesia and Malaysia is known
has organized several cultural program that involved both government and non-government
parties and it shows that cultural diplomacy has the significant impact in blending the
foreign society.
Research Methodology
In order to provide a wide range explanation on the context of cultural diplomacy, this
research is using the qualitative research method so that it can satisfy the objectives of the
paper. The characteristics of qualitative research are most appropriate for small samples and
the outcomes are not measurable and quantifiable. However, this method offers a complete
description and analysis of research subject without limiting the scope of the research and
nature of participant‟s responses (Collis & Hussey, 2003). In order to make sure the
effectiveness of the qualitative research, it is important to be aware of the skills and ability
of the researchers, while the outcomes may not be perceived as reliable because it mostly
comes from the researcher‟s personal judgments and interpretations. Even though it is more
appropriate for small samples, it is also risky for the results of qualitative research to be
perceived as reflecting the opinions of a wider population (Bell, 2005). In the process of
collecting qualitative data is more time consuming and less able to generalize with the
researcher plays a role as the data gathering instrument.
In the process of collecting data, the researcher analyze the literature from journals,
books and official government website as the secondary data. The analysis process of this
research is collected by the researcher from online journals, books, articles and also
government publications. As noted by Moore & McCabe (2005), this is the type of research
whereby data gathered is categorized in themes and sub-themes, so as to be able to be
comparable. One of the main positive outcomes of content analysis is that, is able to help in
data collected being reduced and simplified, while at the same time producing results that
may then measure using quantitative techniques. Moreover, the content analysis gives the
ability to researchers to structure the qualitative data collected in a way that satisfies the
accomplishment of research objectives. However, human error is highly involved in content
analysis, since there is the risk for researchers to misinterpret the data gathered, thereby
generating false and unreliable conclusions (Krippendorff & Bock, 2008).
A. Findings
As far as the researcher is concerned, the cultural diplomacy has bunches of advantages if
one country successfully promotes it in such a way as to be able to create the fundamental
trust with other people in order to reach political and economic agreements. Not only that,
cultural diplomacy helps the nations, in this case, Indonesia to demonstrate the values,
interest and counter the violent and godless. Outside of the country, Indonesia has to put a
lot of extra effort in reaching the influence in the foreign societies that cannot be reached
through traditional embassy function. This approach is considered as the neutral platform
for people-to-people contact and involving the young people, non-elites, to broad audiences
with a much-reduced language barrier. In fact, the maximization of cultural diplomacy is
able to counterbalance misunderstanding, hatred, and terrorism that has become the real
enemy in this world without border area.
The love-hate relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia is often recognized
along the journey of ASEAN as the united organization that unites both of the sovereign
states. The peak of the relationship may influence the regional security that impacted the
neighboring country such as Thailand and Philippine. Over the years, the leader of each
country has figured out uncountable effort to fill the gap between the two states.
Undeniably it was starting from constructing the sentimental society until finally resorting
into a mutual understanding in cutting off the solution from the problems. It was not an easy
task as both countries have to deal with the diverse society with even diverse characteristics
available in the field.
To a certain extent, for the country that has the intersected historical background
found as a viable relationship. Two sovereign nation would have to share the common
socio-cultural in the daily life. Despite uncountable claims and clashes, both Indonesia and
Malaysia will remain as the blood brother that inseparable no matter how hard the
negotiation is. Those issue in the past will certainly happen again in the future but due to the
maturity of its 60 years of bilateral relations, it will create the problem-solving process. This
paper attempts to unravel the tension that turns into romanticism in conducting the
international politics.
The concept of international relations between Indonesia and Malaysia seems
unpredictable as the dynamic is socially constructed and nobody could ever anticipate what
the future issue could be. The constructivism theory has brought the view that the rational
and obvious cause and effect in exploring the bilateral relationship between Indonesia and
Malaysia. In conjunction with that, the role of state‟s leader in neutralizing the sentiments
among the societies through the bilateral negotiations in a peaceful means is beyond
important. In contrast, there is a paucity of studies that focus predominantly on the bilateral
dynamics in this relationship. Finally, this paper will make the reader realize that it has
always been the bilateral edifice that lies at the heart of questions of regional security.
B. Conclusion
The relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia is often recognized along the journey of
ASEAN as the united organization that unites both of the sovereign states. The peak of the
relationship may influence the regional security that impacted the neighboring country such
as Thailand and Philippine. Over the years, the leader of each country has figured out
uncountable effort to fill the gap between the two states. Undeniably it was starting from
constructing the sentimental society until finally resorting to a mutual understanding in
cutting off the solution from the problems. It was not an easy task as both countries have to
deal with the diverse society with even diverse characteristics available in the field.
The concept of international relations between Indonesia and Malaysia seems
unpredictable as the dynamic is socially constructed and nobody could ever anticipate what
the future issue could be. The constructivism theory has brought the view that the rational
and obvious cause and effect in exploring the bilateral relationship between Indonesia and
Malaysia. In conjunction with that, the role of state‟s leader in neutralizing the sentiments
among the societies through the bilateral negotiations in a peaceful means is beyond
important. In contrast, there is a paucity of studies that focus predominantly on the bilateral
dynamics in this relationship. Finally, this paper will make the reader realize that it has
always been the bilateral edifice that lies at the heart of questions of regional security.
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