Prime Time Test 1 (АБВ)

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Test 1

NAME: ___________________________________________ DATE: ________________

CLASS: ___________________________________________ MARK: ________
(Time: 50 minutes)

A Complete the sentences with the correct word.

• author • crosses • dream • favourite • fighters • famous • landmark • wavy • slim • hobby

1 Geography is my ................................ subject.

2 My ................................ is to become a famous artist.
3 Marlee has got ................................, dark hair.
4 His dad is a famous ................................ .
5 The ................................ on the UK flag are symbols of nations in the UK.
6 Joe and Bill are fire ................................ .
7 The Taj Mahal is a famous ................................ in India.
8 The Dayak women of Borneo are ................................ for their heavy earrings.
9 Janice is very tall and ................................ .
10 My favourite ................................ is painting.

Points: _____
10 x 2 20

B Underline the correct item.

1 They are Brazil/Brazilian. 4 Saturday is my favourite month/day.

2 My favourite sport is P.E/cycling. 5 Marsha has got thin/curly lips.
3 Carl is of medium height/middle- 6 Paris is the capital/nation city of
aged. France.

Points: _____
6x1 6

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Test 1

C Choose the correct item.

1 Sarah and Usef are Turkish. ......... house 9 ......... are they from?
is in Ankara. A Who B What C Where
A They B Our C Their
10 Billy is the ......... boy in our class.
2 ......... you ride a bike? A stronger B strongest
A Can B Have C Have got C strong

3 How old ......... Ben? 11 Charlie ......... dark hair. It’s fair.
A are B is C has A hasn’t got B has got C isn’t
4 Kelly is the ......... dancer in the class. 12 They ......... speak Spanish.
A worse B bad C worst A hasn’t B aren’t C can’t
5 ......... John got a car? 13 Michael Phelps is the ......... swimmer in
A Have B Has C Can the world.
A better B best C good
6 Jake is in my football team. ......... are
friends. 14 ......... is your favourite sport?
A We B Our C They A What B Where C Who
7 Bobby is ......... at Maths than Kathy. 15 Is she American? No, she ......... .
A better B good C best A is B isn’t C aren’t
8 Is ......... a nurse?
Points: _____
A her B she C they
15 x 1 15

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Test 1

D Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

Meet the Simpsons!

The Simpsons is a very popular TV show all over the world. It’s about a funny cartoon family
from Springfield, USA. The family is famous for their amusing adventures in the strange
town of Springfield.
Homer Simpson is the father of the family. He is 38 years old. He is tall and fat. His
favourite hobby is watching television. He isn’t very smart, but he is very funny.
Marge Simpson is the mother of the family. She is 34 years old. She is tall and slim. She
has got wavy blue hair and big feet. Marge can cook well and is very kind. Her favourite
hobby is painting.
Bart Simpson is the oldest child in the family. He is 10 years old. He is short and has got fair
hair. Bart is good at skateboarding. He can speak French. One of his favourite hobbies is
reading comic books. Bart is naughty, but he’s very clever.
Lisa is the smartest in the family. She is 8 years old. She is short with fair hair. She can sing
and play music well. She can also speak many languages. Horse riding and reading are her
favourite hobbies.
Maggie is the baby of the family. She is 1 year old. She is small and has also got fair hair.
She can’t talk, but she is very smart. Maggie is very cute.

1 The Simpsons are Americans. ...............

2 Homer is younger than Marge. ...............
3 Marge can’t paint. ...............
4 Bart can skateboard. ...............
5 Lisa isn’t a good singer. ...............
6 Lisa isn’t good at languages. ...............
7 Maggie is the youngest in the family. ...............

Points: _____
7x2 14

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Test 1

Everyday English
E Choose the correct response.

1 A: Are you from Spain? 4 A: How’s everything?

B: a No, I’m not. B: a Not bad.
b Nice to meet you. b See you.

2 A: See you later. 5 A: Have a nice evening.

B: a I’m OK. B: a So-so.
b Take care. b You too.

3 A: I’m your neighbour, Paul.

B: a Hi, I’m Karen. Points: _____
b I’m fine thanks. 5x2 10

F You are going to hear five people talking about their families. Match the
speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-F). There is one extra statement that
does not match.

A I have got a big family.

Speaker 1
B I’m younger than my sister.
Speaker 2
C My family is good at sports.
Speaker 3
D I’m the tallest in my family.
Speaker 4
E I haven’t got a sister.
Speaker 5
F Everyone in my family is tall and slim.

Points: _____
5x3 15

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Test 1

G Write a short email to your new English pen-friend about your best friend
(50-60 words). Include:

• their name and age,

• a description of their appearance (hair/eye colour, height, weight),
• their favourite hobby, school subject and sports,
• their favourite sports star and film star,
• ask your pen-friend about his/her best friend,
• ask your pen-friend to write back.


Points: _____

Total: _____

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