K10 Quarter 1 Module 2 Activity No. 2
K10 Quarter 1 Module 2 Activity No. 2
K10 Quarter 1 Module 2 Activity No. 2
• Describe the properties of the layers of the Earth.
• Tell the composition of the layers of the Earth.
:The Earth’s Interior
1. Label the drawing corresponding to the Earth’s layers.
2. Describe the different layers of the Earth using symbols.
3. Choose from the response grid on the right the symbol that you n
to finish the figure on Our theDynamic
left. Earth
Objectives: Procedure:
4. • Draw the
Describe symbol/s
the properties of the layers in
of thethe
Earth. corresponding layer of
1. Label the drawing corresponding to thethe
Earth’s Earth.
• Tell the composition of the layers of the Earth. 2. Describe the different layers of the Earth using symbols.
3. Choose from the response grid on the right the symbol that you
need to finish the figure on the left.
4. Draw the symbol/s in the corresponding layer of the Earth.