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BCE-223L, 9535


Activity 1. Now that you know some types and properties of common construction materials let us try
to check how far you had learned. In the space provided, write the term/s being asked in the following

___ BLAST FURNACE 1. It separates the iron from the waste materials and sinters the ore
and flue dusts.
MOTTLED CAST IRON 2. is the medium stage cast iron which properties are in between
gray cast iron and white cast iron.
STEEL 3. The world’s foremost construction material that contains between
0.2% and 2% carbon by weight and sometimes small amounts of other elements, including
ASTM D 143-94 4. It is ASTM Standard Test Methods for Small Clear Specimens of
PRESTRESSING STEEL BARS 5. This is a kind of steel bar that is used in the form of strands or
HARDWOODS 6. A type of wood that are most commonly are known as deciduous
trees, more scientifically known as angiosperms.
UNIVERSAL TESTING MACHINE 7. The machine used for tensile test.
ELASTIC LIMIT 8. In the stress-strain diagram, it is the point in which the material
will no longer go back to its original shape when the load is removed.
SWELLING 9. An increase of the dimensions of wood due to changes of its
moisture content.
YIELD POINT 10. In the stress-strain diagram, it is the point at which the material
will have an appreciable elongation without any increase in load.

Let’s Analyze

Activity 1. Getting acquainted with the types and properties of some common and advanced
construction materials. what also matters is you should also be able to explain some its properties.
Now, choose 5 most important properties of metals which you believe are essential in determining its
suitability for intended used in construction. Why?

1. CONDUCTIVITY, in a sense that metals having excellent conductors of heat and electricity
it is said that also that they are ductile which means they are very much ideal for electrical
2. MALLEABILITY, we already know that a metal is naturally strong but malleable and due to
this property is much important for they can be easily bent or shaped during the construction
3. HIGH MELTING POINT, naturally most of the metals having a high melting points and all
except to the mercury were solid at room temperature. In a sense having a high melting
point metals are very essential in construction because the metals obviously not easily to
be melt when applied too much heat or such.
4. LUSTER, most metals are very lustrous which means having a shiny, scratch or polished
property. It is necessary to the construction in a sense that we can be able to distinguish
which kind of metal we used in the construction if we that luster property.
5. REACTIVITY, in the construction, metals are very exposed to too much heat, pressure or
cold that makes them change from their usual form like they tend to react to these reasons.
Having reactivity in the metal is very important in a sense when considering the uses of such
metals. If we can distinguish the high and less reactivity of a metal, we can save time and
money for expenses because we can know which is the more suitable type of metals that
can be used in the construction.
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Activity 2. Why is it important to determine the moisture content of wood?

Knowing to determine the moisture content of a wood is very important and essential in
a way that a wood should be free from objectionable defects and free from moisture that will
cause the wood to shrink and eventually develop cracks. Having the knowledge to determine
it can test the affects of the strength of the wood and helps usually in quantifying the amount
of water in it and also helps to determine to what degree of seasoning that is required to render
it suitability for building construction.

In A Nutshell
Activity 1. The study of types and properties of construction materials such as steel and woods, is
indeed pre-requisite to becoming an engineer.
Based on the topics presented and learning exercises that you have done, why would you choose
structural steel as construction material. Please feel free to write your answer below. I have indicated
1. It speeds up construction productivity.
2. Compared to other construction materials, it has a lower project cost.
Now it’s your turn.
3. In the structural steel it has that pleasing of aesthetically in a way that designers can a wide
range of options in addressing a project’s aesthetic requirements as it can be rolled, curved
and even integrated into irregular building shapes.
4. The durability of metal buildings as they can be weatherproof, corrosion resistant and
immune to the harmful effects of UV rays, ensuring a very long service.
5. Doing more with less, due to their high strength, metals can bear high loads with less
material or be used to reinforce other materials.
6. Design Freedom as metal having tendency of having high stiffness that makes them can
span greater distances.
7. Metals can be reused and recycled.
8. There are a lot of types of metals and we can choose the types with the less cost but good
built-in properties.
9. Metals are everywhere that the availability of these materials is easy to find when having a
10. Most metals are lightweight that makes them easy to transport to different sites.

Q&A List
Do you have any question for clarification?


1. None so far.

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