Cse 3045
Cse 3045
Cse 3045
Intrusion is a type of attack that attempts to bypass the security mechanism of a computer
system. Intrusion detection is the process of monitoring and analyzing the events occurring in a
computer system in order to detect signs of security problems. There are two main strategies of
IDS: misuse detection and anomaly detection. Misuse detection attempts to match patterns and
signatures of already known attacks in the network traffic. A constantly updated database is
usually used to store the signatures of known attacks. It cannot detect new attack until trained for
them. Anomaly detection attempts to identify behavior that does not conform to normal
behavior. This technique is based on the detection of traffic anomalies. The anomaly detection
systems are adaptive in nature, they can deal with new attack but they cannot identify the
specific type of attack.
(i) Bayesian Classifier -
The naïve Bayes model is a heavily simplified Bayesian probability model. The naïve Bayes
classifier operates on a strong independence assumption.
This means that the probability of one attribute does not affect the probability of the other. Given
a series of n attributes, the naïve Bayes classifier makes 2n! independent assumptions.
Nevertheless, the results of the naïve Bayes classifier are often correct. The work reported in
examines the circumstances under which the naïve bayes classifier.
It states that the error is a result of three factors: training data noise, bias, and variance. Training
data noise can only be minimized by choosing good training data. The training data must be
divided into various groups by the machine learning algorithm.
Bias is the error due to groupings in the training data being very large. Variance is the error due
to those groupings being too small.
Bayesian classification algorithm which improves the comprehensive weighting coefficient. This
algorithm adds a comprehensive weighting coefficient to the traditional Naive Bayesian
classification model. The comprehensive weighting coefficient combines covariance theory and
weighting. Coefficient makes up for the previous literature only considering the frequency
relationship of attributes, while ignoring the impact of the content of attribute values on
classification makes the original concise and efficient algorithm more perfect
(ii) Decision Trees –
Intrusion detection can be considered as classification problem where each
connection or user is identified either as one of the attack types or normal based on
some existing data.
Decision trees can solve this classification problem of intrusion detection as they
learn the model from the data set and can classify the new data item into one of the
classes specified in the data set.
Decision trees can be used as a misuse intrusion detection as they can learn a model
based on the training data and can predict the future data as one of the attack types or
normal based on the learned model.
Decision trees work well with large data sets. This is important as large amounts of
data flow across computer networks. The high performance of Decision trees makes
them useful in real-time intrusion detection.
Decision trees construct easily interpretable models, which is useful for a security
officer to inspect and edit. These models can also be used in the rule-based models
with minimum processing.
Generalization accuracy of decision trees is another useful property for intrusion
detection model. There will always be some new attacks on the system which are
small variations of known attacks after the intrusion detection models are built. The
ability to detect these new intrusions is possible due to the generalization accuracy of
decision trees.