Activity 1 Cell Theory Timeline 2022

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Grade, Year & Section: STEM 12 Course Number-Title: BIO11-General Biology 1

Quarter: FIRST (1 ) School 2022-2023/1ST SEMESTER
Type of Activity: Performance Task Time Frame: Week 1

Introduction Early scientists in the late 1500s revealed the invention of the microscope which shows
a whole new world of tiny cells. These tiny cells are so small and can’t be seen by our
naked eye without the help of a microscope. These discoveries of scientists from the
1600s to the 1800s led to the cell theory, which amalgamates the concept of biology.
Competency: 1. Explain the postulates of the Cell theory.
Objectives: 1. Identify the scientist who contributes to the development of Cell theory
2. To imbibe the Augustinian values of Caritas, Unitas, and Veritas
Reference: Evangelista, Luisito T. (2017). General Biology 1 for Senior High School. C & E Publishing,
ACTIVITY 1 Cell Theory Timeline
Image Type Timeline
 Ruler
 Drawing materials
 Long bond paper
Pdf Type Timeline
 Microsoft Word converted to pdf (landscape layout)


1. Research on the internet of ten (10) scientists contributes to the development of cell theory.
Summarize each significant contribution and the date of their discoveries.
2. Create a timeline showing these scientists' chronological order and contributions.
3. Label the timeline with the dates of the above scientists' discoveries. The earliest date should be on
the left of the timeline and the most recent date on the right.
4. Label each date with the corresponding scientist's name and contribution(s) in an organized and
legible manner.
5. Be sure your spacing reasonably approximates the amount of time elapsed between dates. (ex. If 1
inch = 50 years, then 1/2 inch = 25 years)
6. You can make your measurement as long as it is a reasonable approximation. Be responsible that

Email: [email protected] | Tel. No.: 09392789074 | Fax No.: (033) 337-4403


this estimation will fit in one sheet landscape orientation, legal-size layout then convert it to a pdf
7. The Cell Theory Historical Timeline is like your geological timeline the one that you did last year in
your Earth Science Subject.
8. Do not make a table like a timeline, make a timeline with scale.
9. You can draw your timeline if you want. Make a creative and unique output as long as you are
following the instructions and you can upload it as an image but make sure that the resolution is
10. This activity will assess if you are applying your Augustinian values so copying a prepared activity on
the internet and from anyone or anywhere on the internet is considered cheating.
11. You must format your File Name: Students Name and Section_Cell Theory Historical Timeline
12. Example: File Name: Juan Dela Cruz Stem 12-Y_Cell Theory Historical Timeline

Answer these: The answer should be brief and concise with a maximum of 200 words.
1. List the three postulates of cell theory and explain each briefly. (3 points)

CATEGORY 7 5 3 1 Scores

Title The timeline has The timeline has The timeline has The title is
a creative title an effective title a title that is missing or
that accurately that accurately easy to locate. difficult to
describes the describes the locate.
material and is material and is
easy to locate. easy to locate.

Dates An accurate, An accurate, An accurate Dates are

complete date complete date date has been inaccurate
has been has been included for and/or missing
included for included for almost every for several
each event. almost every event. events.

Content/Facts Facts were Facts were Facts were Facts were often
accurate for all accurate for accurate for inaccurate for
events reported almost all events most (~75%) of events reported
on the timeline. reported on the the events on the timeline.
timeline. reported on the

Readability, The overall The overall The timeline is The timeline is

Originality, and appearance of appearance of relatively difficult to read
Creativity the timeline is the timeline is readable and a and copied to
pleasing and somewhat little bit the internet.
easy to read. It pleasing and changed from
is unique and easy to read and the internet
creative creative sources

Resources The timeline The timeline The timeline The timeline

contained at contained at contained at contained fewer
least 8-10 least 6-7 events least 5 events than 5 events.

Email: [email protected] | Tel. No.: 09392789074 | Fax No.: (033) 337-4403


events related related to the related to the

to the topic topic being topic being
being studied. studied. studied.

Total ______ /35

Email: [email protected] | Tel. No.: 09392789074 | Fax No.: (033) 337-4403

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