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Artificial Intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 23 COBOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 5 Compilers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 9 Computer Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 24 Computer Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 14 Computer Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 21 Computer Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 23 Concurrency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 13 Data Structures & Algorithms . . . . . . . . . .Page 6 Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 13 Digital Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 25 Electronic Commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 29 Human Computer Interaction . . . . . . . . . .Page 14 Introductory Computer Science . . . . . . . . .Page 2 Information Technology & Information Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 26 Java . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 2 Mathematical Programming & Numerical Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 24 Multimedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 19 Networks & Communications . . . . . . . . . .Page 20 Object Technology / Distributed Objects . .Page 11 Operating Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 8 Programming - C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 4 Programming Language Concepts . . . . . . .Page 5 Programming Mobile Devices . . . . . . . . . . .Page 31 Software Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 9 Systems Analysis & Design . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 12 Web Programming & Development . . . . . .Page 16

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Introductory Computer Science

Computing in the Information Age
N. STERN, Hofstra University and R. STERN, Nassau Community College This highly regarded author team is noted for their unrivalled ability to crystallize concepts for the mainstream introductory computing student. Their careful, step-by-step explanations, and their wide array of learning aids, are the secrets to the books success. It focuses on connectivity (networking, etc.) and human issues (ethics, social, and environmental concerns) and examines the latest hardware and software products. Contents: THE BASICS; HARDWARE ADVANCES THE INFORMATION AGE; SOFTWARE DRIVES THE INFORMATION AGE; CONNECTIVITY UNITES THE INFORMATION AGE; PEOPLE POWER MAKES THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE; Appendix; Glossary; Index. ISBN 13: 9780471110613 / ISBN 10: 0471110612 528pp 1995 Hb ISBN 13: 9780471141266 / ISBN 10: 0471141267 264pp 1996 Study Guide

The Architecture of Computer Hardware and System Software

An Information Technology Approach 3RD EDITION
IRV ENGLANDER, Bentley College For full details of this title please see page 25. ISBN 13: 9780471073253 / ISBN 10: 0471073253 784pp 2002 Hb

Introduction to Programming and Design using Java
2ND EDITION - Java 5.0 version
JAIME NIO and FREDERICK HOSCH, University of New Orleans This book is an introduction to the design and implementation of software systems using object-oriented methodologies, intended for computer science undergraduates with no specific previous programming experience. Java is used throughout, with UML also being used informally for illustrating objects, object relationships, and system dynamics. While the authors present basic algorithmic constructs and essential Java syntax, the emphasis is on design and the discipline needed for developing complex software systems. The goal is to teach problem modeling using fundamental software engineering principles and concepts. Contents: Introduction to object-oriented software; Data abstraction: introductory concepts; Defining a simple class; Designing interacting classes; Conditions; Programming by contract; Building a text-based user interface: iteration and composition; Putting a system together; Interfaces; Inheritance; Modeling with abstraction; Lists; Sorting and searching; Failures and exceptions; Stream i/o; Building a graphical user interface; Integrating user interface and model: the Model-View-Controller pattern; Recursion; Implementing lists: array implementations; Implementing lists: linked implementations; Organizing list implementations Supplements: Online support material for lecturers and students including Solutions Manual, Source code, Power Point Slides, Code for DrJava interactive exercises, Lab Manual, Set of libraries used in text Please visit for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471712275 / ISBN 10: 0471712272 976pp 2005 Pr

Java Concepts
CAY HORSTMANN, San Jose State University Building on its reputation for sound pedagogy, carefully developed exercises and examples, and a strong emphasis on problem solving, Java Concepts 4E, applies Horstmanns proven formula to the new release of Java. Rather than simply teaching about Java, Cay Horstmann shows readers how to think like programmers, using the most current version of the Java language (J2SE, Version 5.0). Throughout the text, he uses his many years of experience as a career programmer and teacher to bring out the most important elements of computing, problem solving, and program design. Java Concepts introduces carefully selected topics that are crucial to learning how to program. Features: Continues to feature a strong emphasis on design and interesting Java features. Programming Style Guide - Offers readers a source for consistent style for all their programming projects. Java Examples - Java examples are broken down into the syntax, the example, and the purpose. Modular Format - Advanced topics are separated into modular sections, which you can cover as needed without interrupting the course structure. 4-colour throughout Detailed illustrations help make topics easier to understand and are completely UML compliant. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Using Objects; 3. Implementing Classes; 4. Fundamental Data Types; 5. Programming Graphics (Optional); 6. Decisions; 7. Iteration; 8. Arrays and Array Lists; 9. Designing Classes; 10. Testing and Debugging; 11. Interfaces and Polymorphism; 12. Event Handling (Optional); 13. Inheritance; 14. Graphical User Interfaces; 15. Exception Handling; 16. Files and Streams; 17. Object-Oriented Design; 18. Recursion; 19. Sorting and Searching; 20. An Introduction to Data Structures; 21. Advanced Data Structures; 22. Generic Programming. Supplements: Instructor Website containing solutions to all exercises and lecture slides; Student companion website; Blue J compiler and manual. Please visit for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470105559 / ISBN 10: 0471697044 864pp 2005 Pr

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Big Java
CAY HORSTMANN, San Jose State University This text is an exploration into computer science, programming principles and advanced features of the Java language; designed for anyone interested in learning or reinforcing introductory programming concepts and beginning to take advantage of many of the exciting attributes of the Java language. Now updated with Java J2SE 5.0, Big Java, Second Edition remains the definitive introduction to programming. New to This Edition: 4-colour througout Case studies provide students with the opportunity to work on a larger project and to build upon the knowledge gained across chapters. Some case studies run through several chapters, while other case studies are chapter-specific. Longer programming projects have been added to the majority of chapters. Contents: 1 Introduction, 2 An Introduction to Objects and Classes, 3 Fundamental Data Types, 4 Graphics Programming (Optional), 5 Decisions, 6 Iteration, 8 Designing Classes, 9 Testing and Debugging, 10 Interfaces and Polymorphism, 11 Event Handling (Optional), 12 Inheritance, 13 Graphical User Interfaces (Optional), 14 Exception Handling, 15 Streams, 17 Recursion, 18 Sorting and Searching, 19 Generic Programming (Optional), 20 An Introduction to Data Structures, 21 Advanced Data Structures, 22 Multithreading (Advanced), 23 Internet Networking (Advanced), 24 Relational Databases (Advanced), 25 XML (Advanced), 26 JavaServer Pages and Servlets (Advanced)Appendix A Java Language Coding Guidelines, Appendix B Java Syntax Summary, Appendix C Java Operator Summary, Appendix D Java Keyword Summary, Appendix E The Java Library, Appendix F The Basic Latin and Latin- Subsets of Unicode, Appendix G Metric Conversion Factors, Appendix H HTML Summary, Appendix I Tool Summary, Appendix J javadoc Summary, Appendix K Number Systems, Appendix L Bit and Shift Operations, Appendix M UML Summary, Appendix N SDK Version Differences Supplements: Instructors website containing: Lab Manual, Solutions Manual, C++ Crash Course, FAQs, PowerPoint Slides, eGrade Plus. Students Website containing: student solutions manual. Blue J Lab Manual to Accompany Big Java 2e or Java Concepts 4e 0471737127 Please visit for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470105542 / ISBN 10: 0471697036 1232pp 2005 Pr

Developing Java Software

RUSSEL WINDER, Formerly of Kings College, London and GRAHAM ROBERTS, University College London Following an objects first approach, this book starts from the basics of Java programming and takes the reader through to the design and implementation of small to medium-sized object-oriented programs. As well as a thorough coverage of key language features and new extensions such as generic programming, this book also introduces the principles of test-driven programming made popular by eXtreme Programming. Test-driven programming introduces a degree of rigor into writing code, placing the emphasis on writing high-quality testable error-free programs from the outset. The book has four parts; i) an introduction to object-oriented programming with Java, ii) the programming process and testing, iii) case-studies putting the ideas from the first two parts into practice, and iv) where the Java programming language is explored in detail, including a Java language reference. Features Full, thorough and up-to-date coverage of Java 5.0 Tried, tested and successful pedagogy Many motivating examples and case studies with supporting code Provides walk through of test driven development, a new and revolutionary process for programmers Suitable for first programming courses in Java Exercises and instructor support on the accompanying website aid course management Contents: 1 Introduction. 2 Programming Fundamentals. 3 Adding Structure. 4 Introducing Containers. 5 Drawing Pictures. 6 Classes and Objects. 7 Class Relationships. 8 Exceptions. 9 Introducing Concurrency with Threads. 10 User Interfaces. 11 The Programming Process. 12 Unit Testing. 13 Test-Driven Programming Strategies. 14 Programming Tools. 15 Introducing the Case Studies. 16 Contacts Book. 17 Pedestrian Crossing Simulation. 18 A Java Language Reference. 19 Variables, Types and Expressions. 20 Flow Control. 21 Classes and Packages. 22 Inheritance and Interfaces. 23 Exception Handling. 24 Threads and Concurrency. A Glossary. B The CRC Method. C The Online Documentation. D Running Java Programs. E Class Input. F Class FileInput. G Class FileOutput. H Class DrawFrame. I Class DrawPanel. J Bibliography. Index Please visit for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470090251 / ISBN 10: 0470090251 912pp October 2006 Pr


Thinking Recursively
With Examples in Java, 20TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION
ERIC R. ROBERTS, Stanford University Since its publication in 1986, Thinking Recursively has become a classic in a field in which books quickly become obsolete. By focusing on effective problem-solving strategies that enable students to think recursively this text has helped many students over the conceptual hurdle that recursion so often represents. Moreover, by including many more examples and exercises than typical, Thinking Recursively makes it possible for students to master recursive techniques. Features: Examples have been rewritten to use Java instead of Pascal, make the book compatible with modern approaches to introductory computer science The code use in the book is fully compatible with the libraries produced by the ACM Java Task Force, as well as with other standard approaches to teaching Java The chapters on recursive backtracking and graphical applications have been expanded to support interesting examples enabled by current technology Brief Contents: 1. The Idea of Recursion; 2. Mathematical Preliminaries; 3. Recursive Functions; 4. The Procedural Approach; 5. The Tower of Hanoi; 6. Permutations; 7. Sorting; 8. Recursive Backtracking; 9. Grahical Applications; 10. Recursive Data; 11. Implementation of Recursion. Please visit for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471701460 / ISBN 10: 0471701467 196pp Feb 2006 Pr

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Programming - C++
Introduction to Programming Using Visual C++.NET
T. GRANDON GILL, University of South Florida Gills Introduction to Programming Using Visual C++.NET emphasizes developing problem-solving techniques through concepts and exercises that reflect todays programming practices. It focuses on structured programming techniques, the building blocks of all forms of programming, using C++. Gill takes a different approach from the competitors (who are geared towards CS students) by focusing on problem-solving rather than technology and providing real world business examples. Features: Tight integration of text with multimedia content Separation of In Depth sections from required content Focus on clarity rather than performance of code Emphasis on activities that require the reader to incorporate existing code elements into his or her programs Use of graphic tools to generate code side-by-side with traditional code writing Integration of debugging tools in the text and exercises. Use of realistic exercise dealing with current issues Contents: Section 1: Introduction; 1. What is Programming?; 2. A Simple Project; 3. Numbers and Data; Section 2: Structured Programming; 4. Functions and Operators; 5. Programming Design & flowcharts; 6. Programming Constructs; 7. Elementary String Library Functions; 8. Principles of File I/O; 9. Debugging and Testing; 10. Iterative Techniques; 11. Pointers and Complex Arrays; 12. Structures; 13. Memory Management; Section 3: Object-oriented Programming; 14. Encapsulation; 15. Overloading; 16. Strings and Vectors; 17. Inheritance and Polymorphism; 18. File Stream I/O in C++; Section 4: Projects; 19. CGI Project (Structured); 20. CGI Project (OOP); Appendices: Appendix A: HTML Primer; Appendix B: FlowC Reference; Appendix C: O/S Service in C. Supplements: Online Instructors manual Please visit for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471487241 / ISBN 10: 0471487244 704pp 2004 Pr

Big C++
CAY HORSTMANN, San Jose State University and TIMOTHY BUDD This proven author team combines their professional and academic experience to offer the most relevant and comprehensive introduction to programming and C++. Features: Offers comprehensive examination of computer science, programming principles, and the C++ language Covers advanced C++ topics, such as operator overloading, memory management, polymorphism, and more Thorough coverage of STL Integration of current technologies, such as UML and patterns Provides an abundance of reference material in the appendices, including coding guidelines, C++ library summary and a comparison between C++ and Java. Contents: 1 Introduction, 2 Fundamental Data Types, 3 Objects, 4 Basic Control Flow, 5 Functions, 6 Classes, 7 Advanced Control Flow, 8 Testing and Debugging, 9 Vectors and Arrays, 10 Pointers, 11 Inheritance, 12 Streams, 13 ObjectOriented Design, 14 Recursion, 15 Sorting and Searching, 16 An Introduction to Data Structures, 17 Memory Management **, 18 Operator Overloading **, 19 Exception Handling **, 20 Name Scope Management **, 21 Polymorphism **, 22 Templates **, 23 STL: Containers **, 24 STL: Iterators and Algorithms**, 25 UML **, 26 Patterns **, 27 GUI **, 28 XML and Web Services **, 29 Databases ** (will be an online chapter) (** denotes new chapter to Big C++ not in the Concepts book) Supplements: Online Student Solutions Manual, Instructor Solutions Manual, Lecture Slides, Lab Manual, Source Code, and Free Java self-paced course based on Big Java Please visit for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471470632 / ISBN 10: 0471470635 1232pp 2004 Pr


Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2005

IVOR HORTON This book is the latest edition of one of the bestselling of all books on the C++ language and Visual C++. The author, Ivor Horton, has a loyal following who love his approach to teaching programming languages. Features The book is a comprehensive introduction to BOTH the Standard C++ language and to Visual C++.NET; no previous programming experience is required. The book provides exercises and solutions, adding to its appeal to the college and training markets. Contents: 1: Programming with Visual C++ 2005. 2: Data, Variables, and Calculations. 3: Decisions and Loops. 4: Arrays, Strings, and Pointers. 5: Introducing Structure into Your Programs. 6: More about Program Structure. 7: Defining Your Own Data Types. 8: More on Classes. 9: Class Inheritance and Virtual Functions. 10: Debugging Techniques. 11: Windows Programming Concepts. 12: Windows Programming with the Microsoft Foundation Classes. 13: Working with Menus and Toolbars. 14: Drawing in a Window. 15: Creating the Document and Improving the View. 16: Working with Dialogs and Controls. 17: Storing and Printing Documents. 18: Writing Your Own DLLs. 19: Connecting to Data Sources. 20: Updating Data Sources. 21: Applications Using Windows Forms. 22: Accessing Data Sources in a Windows Forms Application. Appendix A: C++ Keywords. Appendix B: ASCII Codes. Please visit for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780764571978 / ISBN 10: 0764571974 1200pp March 2006 Pr

Computing Concepts with C++ Essentials

CAY S. HORSTMANN, San Jose State University Teaches the principles of programming to beginning computer science students, as well as providing an introduction to object-oriented programming. Third edition includes a new chapter on pointers, expanded GUI coverage, with platform specific material on the web and includes the most recent ANSI C++ standards Features: All the code is real C++. There is no use of an author library Appendix on Advanced C++ on the web Inheritance moved earlier (after arrays) New chapter on Recursion Java appendix on the web Contents: Introduction; Fundamental Data Types; Objects Decisions; Functions; Iteration; Testing and Debugging Classes; Vectors and Arrays; Pointers (new); Streams; Inheritance; Object Oriented Design (new); Recursion (new); Algorithms; An Introduction to Data Structures; Advanced C++ (new); Graphical User Interfaces (new); Appendices; C++ Language Coding guidelines; C++ Language Summary; Java (new). Supplements: Solutions Manual; PowerPoint Slides; Lab Manual and code tab programming exercises Please visit for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471164371 / ISBN 10: 0471164372 784pp 2002 Hb

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COBOL For The 21st Century
NANCY STERN, Hofstra Univesity, ROBERT A. STERN, Nassau Community College and JAMES P. LEY, University of Wisconsin-Stout Now in its 11th Edition, COBOL for the 21st Century continues to show how to design COBOL programs that are easy to read, debug, modify and maintain. Students will learn how to write interactive programs as well as batch programs with sophisticated file processing techniques, and become familiar with valuable information processing and systems concepts. New to this edition: Updated to reflect COBOL 2008, where appropriate A new chapter on the Report Writer Module More end-of-chapter questions Contents: UNIT 1: THE BASICS; 1. An Introduction to Structured Program Design in COBOL; 2. The Identification and Environment Divisions; 3. The Data Division; 4. Coding Complete COBOL Programs: The Procedure Division; UNIT II: DESIGNING STRUCTURED PROGRAMS; 5. Designing and Debugging Batch and Interactive COBOL Programs; 6. Moving Data, Printing Information, and Displaying Output Interactively; 7. Computing in COBOL: The Arithmetic Verbs and Intrinsic Functions; 8. Decision Making using the IF and Evaluate Statements; 9. Iteration: Beyond the Basic Perform; UNIT III: WRITING HIGH-LEVEL COBOL PROGRAMS; 10. Control Break Processing; 11. Data Validation; 12. Array Processing and Table Handling; UNIT IV: FILE MAINTENANCE: 13. Sequential File Processing; 14. Sorting and Merging; 15. Indexed and Relative Rile Processing; UNIT V: ADVANCED TOPICS; 16. Improving Program Performance Using the COPY, CALL and Other Statements; 17. The Report Writer Module; Appendices; A. COBOL Character Set and Reserved Words; B. Differences Among the COBOL Standards; C. Glossary. Please visit for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471722618 / ISBN 10: 0471722618 832pp August 2005 Pr

Programming Language Concepts

Programming Language Design Concepts
DAVID A. WATT, University of Glasgow Timely reappraisal of language paradigms with focus on OO First book to introduce design of Scripting Languages to the study of programming languages Java, C and C++ used as exemplar languages Additional case-study languages Python, Haskell, Prolog and Ada Deepens study by examining the motivation of programming languages not just their features

Contents: Preface. PART I: INTRODUCTION. 1. Programming Languages. PART II: BASIC CONCEPTS 2. Values and Types. 3. Variables and Storage. 4. Bindings and Scope. 5. Procedural Abstraction. PART III: ADVANCED CONCEPTS. 6. Data Abstraction. 7. Generic Abstraction. 8. Type Systems. 9. Control Flow. 10. Concurrency (by William Findlay). PART IV: PARADIGMS 11. Imperative Programming. 12. Object-Oriented Programming. 13. Concurrent Programming (by William Findlay). 14. Functional Programming. 15. Logic Programming. 16. Scripting. PART V: CONCLUSION. 17. Language Selection. 18. Language Design. Bibliography. Glossary. Index Supplements: Companion Website containing slide presentations and sample solutions to most of the exercises Please visit for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470853207 / ISBN 10: 0470853204 492pp 2004 Pr

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Data Structures & Algorithms


Objects, Abstraction, Data Structures and Design

Using Java 5.0
ELLIOTT KOFFMAN and PAUL WOLFGANG, Temple University Features: Coverage of fundamental data structures Emphasis on software design and object-oriented programming More than 20 case studies reinforce problem solving with real applications Use of the Java Collection Framework Learning Objectives are outlined at the beginning of each chapter Boxes in the chapters highlight Syntax, Program Style, Programming Pitfalls, and Design Concepts. Hundreds of examples and exercises throughout the chapter Contents: Introduction to Java; Introduction to Software Design; Program Correctness and Efficiency; Inheritance and Class Hierarchies; Event Oriented Programming; Arrays, Lists, and Collections; Stacks; Queues; Recursion; Trees; Sorting; Sets and Maps; Self-Balancing Binary Search Trees; Graphs Supplements: Lecture slides, solutions, lab manual, test-bank, source code for all examples. Please visit for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471692645 / ISBN 10: 0471692646 864pp 2005 Pr

Data Structures and Algorithms in Java

MICHAEL T. GOODRICH, University of California, Irvine , ROBERTO TOMASSIA, Brown University Now revised to reflect the innovations of Java 5.0, Goodrich and Tamassia's Fourth Edition of Data Structures and Algorithms in Java 5.0 continues to offer accessible coverage of fundamental data structures, using a consistent object-oriented framework. The authors provide intuition, description, and analysis of fundamental data structures and algorithms. Numerous illustrations, web-based animations, and simplified mathematical analyses justify important analytical concepts. Features: Hundreds of exercises categorized by "Reinforcement," "Creativity," and "Projects" get students thinking like programmers and applying what they've learned. Online animations and an effective in-text art program illustrate data structures and algorithms in a clear, visual manner. Visual proofs help students develop a better understanding of mathematical topics. Discussion of object-oriented design and the Java programming language, including the Collections Framework and Design Patterns help students grasp both data structures and object-oriented design issues. The book presents several object-oriented design patterns and important Java language constructs, like iterators and generic types, as well as all the traditional data structures topics. Contents: 1. Java Programming Basics; 2. Object-Oriented Design; 3. Arrays, Linked Lists, and Recursion; 4. Analysis Tools; 5. Stacks and Queues; 6. Lists and Iterators; 7. Trees; 8. Priority Queues; 9. Maps and Dictionaries; 10. Search Trees; 11. Sorting, Sets, Selection; 12. Text Processing; 13. Graphs; 14. Memory; A. Useful Mathematical Facts; Bibliography; Index Please visit for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471738848 / ISBN 10: 0471738840 720pp 2005 Cl


Objects, Abstraction, Data Structures and Design

Using C++
ELLIOT KOFFMAN, Temple University, PAUL WOLFGANG, Temple University Koffman and Wolfgang introduce data structures in the context of C++ programming. They embed the design and implementation of data structures into the practice of sound software design principles that are introduced early and reinforced by 20 case studies. The text assumes a first course in programming and is designed for Data Structures or the second course in programming, especially those courses that include coverage of OO design and algorithms. Features: Data structures follow the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) format. Data structures are taught in the context of software design principles. Objects covered early. Contents: P. A C++ Primer; 1. Introduction to Software Design; 2. Program Correctness and Efficiency; 3. Inheritance and Class Hierarchies; 4. Sequential Containers; 5. Stacks; 6. Queues and Deques; 7. Recursion; 8. Trees; 9. Sets and Maps; 10. Sorting; 11. Self-Balancing Search Trees; 12. Graphs; Appendix A Advanced C++ Topics; Appendix B Overview of UML; Appendix C The CppUnit Test Framework; Glossary Supplements: Instructors Solutions Manual; Additional Homework Problems; PowerPoint Slides; Test Bank; Source Code; Student Solutions Manual Please visit for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471467557 / ISBN 10: 0471467553 832pp 2005 Pr

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Data Structures & Algorithms

Algorithm Design
Foundations, Analysis, and Internet Examples
MICHAEL T. GOODRICH, Johns Hopkins University, and ROBERTO TAMASSIA, Brown University Michael Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia, authors of the successful, Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, have written Algorithm Design, a text designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the design, implementation and analysis of computer algorithms and data structures from a modern perspective. This text addresses the often neglected issue of how to actually implement data structures and algorithms. The title Algorithm Design reflects the authors approach that designing and implementing algorithms takes more than just the theory of algorithms. It also involves engineering design principles, such as abstract data types, object-orient design patterns, and software use and robustness issues. Contents: Part A. Fundamental tools; Algorithm Analysis; Fundamental Data Structures; Search trees and Skip Lists; Sorting, sets, and selection; Algorithmic Design Patterns; Part B. Graph algorithms; Graphs; Weighted graphs; Maximum Flow and Matching; Part C. Internet algorithmic; Text processing; Cryptography and Network Security; Routing algorithms and distributed computing; Part D. Additional topics; Geometric algorithms and data structures; NP-completeness and approximation algorithms; Algorithmic Frameworks. Supplements: Instructor and Student websites. Please visit for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471383659 / ISBN 10: 0471383651 720pp 2001 Pr

Java Collections
An Introduction to Abstract Data Types, Data Structures and Algorithms
DAVID WATT, University of Glasgow, and DERYCK BROWN, The Robert Gordon University This text offers a unique angle by concentrating on the in-built collection classes in Java 2, enabling more emphasis on software design, and less on theory. It is designed to give programmers the ability to choose the best collection classes for each application. The focus of the book is on abstract data types (ADTs) that turn up again and again in software design. Features: Motivates study of algorithms and data structures by introducing them in context. Adopts a practical (software engineering) approach, rather than a theoretical one. Maintains an ADT-centred approach. Pays close attention to Java 2 collection classes. Includes numerous worked examples. Contents: Introduction; Algorithms; Array Data Structures; Linked-List Data Structures; Abstract Data Types; Stack ADTs; Queue ADTs; List ADTs; Set ADTs; Binary Tree Data Structures; Map ADTs; Hash-Table Data Structures; Priority Queue ADTs; Tree ADTs; Advanced Tree Data Structures; Graph ADTs; Conclusion; Answers to Selected Exercises; Summary of Mathematics for Algorithm Analysis; Summary of Java; Summary of Java Collection Classes; Bibliography; Index. Please visit for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471899785 / ISBN 10: 047189978X 566pp 2001 Pr

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Operating Systems
Operating Systems Concepts with Java
AVI SILBERSCHATZ, Yale University GREG GAGNE, Westminster College PETER BAER GALVIN, Corporate Technologies This bestseller provides a clear description of the concepts that underlie operating systems. It uses Java to illustrate many of these ideas and includes numerous examples that pertain specifically to popular operating systems such as UNIX, Solaris 2, Windows NT, Mach, the Apple Macintosh OS, IBMs OS/2 and Linux. This new edition (previously entitled Applied Operating System Concepts) is even more hands-on than before with several programming examples written in Java and C. New coverage includes recent advances in Windows 2000/XP, Linux, Solaris 9, and Mac OS X. Features Style is even more hands-on than the previous edition, with extensive programming examples written in Java and C Detailed case studies of Windows XP and Linux give readers full coverage of two very popular operating systems Contents: Part I: Overview, Part II: Process Management, Part III: Storage Management, Part IV: I/O Systems, Part V: Distributed Systems, Part V: Protection and Security, Part VI: Case Studies, Appendix A: The FreeBSD System (Contents Online) Appendix B: The Mach System (Contents Online) Appendix C: Windows 2000 (Contents Online) Appendix D: Distributed Communication (Contents Online) Appendix E: Java Primer (Contents Online) Please visit for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471452492 / ISBN 10: 0471452491 976pp 2003 Hb

Operating System Concepts

ABRAHAM SILBERSCHATZ, Yale University, PETER BAER GALVIN, Corporate Technologies, GREG GAGNE, Westminster College Operating System Concepts 7/e, the best-selling introductory text in the market, continues to evolve with emerging course needs and to provide a solid theoretical foundation for understanding operating systems. The seventh edition has been updated to offer coverage of the most current topics and applications, improved conceptual coverage and additional content to bridge the gap between concepts and actual implementations. The new two-color design allows for easier navigation and supports student motivation. New exercises, lab projects and review questions help to further reinforce important concepts. WileyPLUS, including a test bank, self-check exercises, and a student solutions manual, is now part of the comprehensive support package. Features: New end-of-chapter lab exercises/problems Updated to be the most current and relevant book in the market Contents: Introduction, Operating System Structures, Processes, Threads, CPU Scheduling, Process Synchronization, Deadlocks, Memory Management, Virtual Memory, FileSystem Interface, FileSystem Implementation, MassStorage, Structure, I/O Systems, Protection , Security, Distributed System Structures, Distributed File Systems, Distributed Coordination, Realtime and Embedded Systems , Multimedia Systems, The Linux System, Windows XP, Influential Operating Systems, Appendix A The FreeBSD System (online), Appendix B The Mach System (online), Appendix C The Nachos System (online) Supplements: Instructors Website containing: Wiley+, Instructors Manual, Slides in PostScript, PDF and PowerPoint, and an Instructors Manual with all solutions; Online Case Studies. Students website containing: eGrade Plus, Online Case Studies, Student Solutions Manual Please visit for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471694663 / ISBN 10: 0471694665 976pp 2005 Hb

Operating System Concepts with Java

ABRAHAM SILBERSCHATZ: Yale University, Peter Baer Galvin: Corporate Technologies, GREG GAGNE: Westminster College Completely updated, this new edition employs Java to give readers an understanding of operating systems concepts. It also includes a Java Primer, which enables readers who are unfamiliar with Java to quickly bring themselves up-to-speed with the language. By staying current, remaining relevant, and adapting to emerging course needs, this market-leading text has continued to define the operating systems course. This Seventh Edition not only presents the latest and most relevant systems, it also digs deeper to uncover those fundamental concepts that have remained constant throughout the evolution of today's operation systems. With this strong conceptual foundation in place, students can more easily understand the details related to specific systems. New edition from the award winning author team of Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne! Presents the most modern coverage of the topic while providing the perfect balance of concepts and hands-on applications. Uses the Java language as the tool, and offers a better way to teach and learn operating systems. Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471769071 / ISBN 10: 047176907X 992pp December 2006 Cl

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Modern Compiler Design
D. GRUNE, H. BAL, C. JACOBS and K. LANGENDOEN, all of Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Features: Focuses on essential techniques common to all language paradigms, and gives students the skills required for modern compiler construction. Covers all the major programming language types - imperative, object-oriented, functional, logic and distributed, most competing titles only cover imperative languages. Focuses on essential concepts rather than special cases or extraneous theory. Practical emphasis on implementation and optimisation techniques, including tools for automating compiler design. Experienced author team with a wealth of hands-on knowledge of compiler construction. Contents: Introduction; From Program Text to Abstract Syntax Tree; Annotating the Abstract Syntax Tree - The Context; Processing the Intermediate Code; Memory Management; Imperative and Object-oriented Programs Functional Programs; Logic Programs; Parallel and Distributed Programs; Answers to Exercises. Supplements: Instructors website Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471976974 / ISBN 10: 0471976970 754pp 2000 Pr

Software Engineering

Software Engineering
Principles and Practice 2ND EDITION
H. VAN VLIET, The Vrije University Amsterdam Providing students with both breadth and depth in the subject, Software Engineering: Principles and Practice, 2e, challenges the student to appreciate the issues, design trade-offs and team/project-based nature of software development. The authors mission is to educate the reader with sound engineering principles. To reflect changes in the Software Engineering curricula, coverage has been extended to include chapters on: Software Architectures, covering Software Design Patterns. Object-oriented Analysis & Design incorporating the now de facto notation, UML. Web support includes: Instructors Manual; Examples; Interactive Projects; Hypertext and CASE Tools; Links to related Web resources Contents: Preface; Introduction; Software Management; The Software Lifecycle Revisited; Configuration Management; People Management and Team Organisation; On Managing Software Quality; Cost Estimation; Project Planning and Control; Requirements Analysis; Formal Specification; Software Architecture; Software Design; Object-Oriented Analysis and Design; Testing; Software Reliability; Software Tools; Software Reusability; Software Maintenance; Appendix. Supplements: Instructors Website Please visit: vliet for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471975083 / ISBN 10: 0471975087 748pp 2000 Hb

Software Testing and Analysis:

Process, Principles and Techniques
MICHAL YOUNG, University of Oregon, MAURO PEZZE, University of Milan Software Testing & Analysis teaches readers how to test and analyze software to achieve an acceptable level of quality at an acceptable cost. Readers will be able to minimize software failures, increase quality, and effectively manage costs. By incorporating modern topics and strategies, this book will be the standard software-testing textbook. Software Testing and Analysis integrates software testing and analysis techniques into modern software development practice. Promotes a vision of software testing & analysis that is integrated into modern software engineering practice Provides balanced coverage of software testing & analysis approaches, not oriented toward ultra-high reliability or high-speed development approaches Covers techniques that are suitable for near-term application, with sufficient technical background to indicate how and when to apply them Presents software testing and static analysis techniques in a coherent framework as complementary approaches for achieving adequate quality at acceptable cost. Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. Software Management. 3. The Software Life Cycle Revisited. 4. Configuration Management. 5. People Management and Team Organization. 6. On Managing Software Quality. 7. Cost Estimation. 8. Project Planning and Control. 9. Requirements Engineering. 10. Software Architecture. 11. Software Design. 12. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. 13. Testing. 14. Software Maintenance. 15. Formal Specification. 16. User Interface Design. 17. Software Reusability. 18. Software Reliability. 19. Software tools. Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471455936 / ISBN 10: 0471455938 608pp January 2007 Pr

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Software Engineering

Requirements Engineering:
From System Goals to UML Models to Software Specifications
AXEL VAN LAMSWEERDE: University Catholique de Louvain Good oriented Requirements Engineering presents a systematic approach to the engineering of high quality requirements documents. The approach covers the entire requirements life cycle and integrates state of the art techniques for requirements elicitation, specification, analysis, documentation and evolution. Coverage is broken down into four core areas: fundamental concepts and principles, system modeling, goal-based reasoning techniques, and finally beyond requirements engineering to software specifications and to software architecture. The accompanying website provides tools which enable students to build models and specifications involved in the books exercises and case studies, helping them to discover the latest RE technology solutions. Instructor resources can also be accessed, such as slides, solutions, models and animations. Features: Fresh and unique technical approach Authors work is pre-eminent in the field Based on broadly applied KAOS method Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470012703 / ISBN 10: 0470012706 416pp May 2007 Cl

Requirements Engineering
A Good Practice Guide
I. SOMMERVILLE and P. SAWYER, both of University of Lancaster This book presents a set of guidelines which reflect the best practice in requirements engineering. Based on the authors experience in research and in software systems development, these guidelines explain in an easy-to-understand way how you can improve your requirements engineering processes. The guidelines are applicable for any type of application and apply to systems and software engineering. A marvellous book..a unique focus on what practising engineers need to do. Watts Humphrey, Software Engineering Institute, USA Requirements Engineering Contents: Practical Process Improvement; The Requirements Document; Requirements Elicitation; Requirements Analysis and Negotiation; Describing Requirements; System Modelling; Requirements Validation; Requirements Management; Requirements Engineering for Critical Systems; System Modelling with Structured Methods; Formal Specification; Viewpoints; Index. Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471974444 / ISBN 10: 0471974447 404pp 1997 Pr

Testing Computer Software

C. KANER, JACK FALK, HUNG Q. NGUGEN Thousands of people have already relied on this bestselling classic guide to learn how to test computer software under real-world conditions. Written by highly experienced test managers at well-known Silicon Valley software companies, this book shows how to produce high quality products under tight time and budget constraints. Contents: FUNDAMENTALS. An Example Test Series. The Objectives and Limits of Testing. Test Types and their Place in the Software Development Process. Software Errors. Reporting and Analyzing Bugs. SPECIFIC TESTING SKILLS. The Problem Tracking System. Test Case Design. Testing Printers (and other devices). Localization Testing. Testing User Manuals. Testing Tools. Test Planning and Test Documentation. MANAGING TESTING PROJECTS AND GROUPS. Tying it Together. Legal Consequences of Defective Software. Managing a Testing Group. Appendix. References. Index. About the Authors. ISBN 13: 9780471358466 / ISBN 10: 0471358460 496pp 1999 Pr

Requirements Engineering
Processes and Techniques
G. KOTONYA and I. SOMMERVILLE, both of University of Lancaster Contents: Introduction; Part 1: The Requirements Engineering Process: Requirements Engineering Processes; Requirements Elicitation and Analysis; Requirements Validation; Requirements Management; Part 2: Requirements Engineering Techniques: Methods for Requirements Engineering; Viewpoint-oriented Approaches; Non-functional Requirements; Interactive System Requirements; Case Study. Supplements: Instructor website Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471972082 / ISBN 10: 0471972088 294pp 1998 Hb


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Object Technology / Distributed Objects

Object-Oriented Design and Patterns
CAY S. HORSTMANN, San Jose State University Object-Oriented Design and Patterns, 2/e, makes it easy to add object-oriented design early in the CS curriculum. Suitable for students who have had one or two terms of programming (Java or C++). Features: Makes object-oriented design principles accessible to beginner students. Examples are carefully chosen to make design patterns easy to remember. Tips explain good programming practices and help students avoid common errors. The author's experience as a programmer helps readers appreciate the value of object-oriented design principles in their programming; his experience as a teacher gives them a context for understanding and applying these ideas that is geared to their level. Introduces data structures as needed, so the book may be used before or after a formal course in data structures. Uses the Swing user interface toolkit and Java collections library to illustrate design patterns and how they may be applied. Chapter 1 serves as a crash course in Java for readers who know C++. Horstmann integrates the use of tools such as BlueJ, javadoc, and Junit, as well as other experimental tools. Presents and utilizes the most commonly used subset of the UML notation, starting in Chapter 2. The Capstone chapter includes the development of a graph editor framework and its specialization to a UML class diagram editor. Readers not only see how design principles relate to the implementation of the editor, but also better understand the easy-to-use UML editor, Violet, provided by the author. Contents: 1. A Crash Course in Java; 2. The Object-Oriented Design Process; 3. Guidelines for Class Design; 4. Interface Types and Polymorphism; 5. Patterns and GUI Programming; 6. Inheritance and Abstract Classes; 7. The Java Object Model; 8. Frameworks; 9. Multithreading; 10. More Design Patterns Supplements: Instructors Manual Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471744870 / ISBN 10: 0471744875 472pp 2005 Pr

Engineering Distributed Objects

W. EMMERICH, University College London This book provides a conceptual framework within which to describe object-oriented middleware for the integration of distributed objects. Presenting both an extended case study and smaller illustrative examples, there are plenty of coded examples in Java, C++, CORBA IDL and Microsoft IDL which reflect the reality of todays multi-language heterogenous systems. The supporting website includes exercises, sample solutions and working code for the examples. This site is also designed for instructors to help with course development and delivery. Contents: CONCEPTS. Distributed Systems. Designing Distributed Objects. MIDDLEWARE FOR DISTRIBUTED OBJECTS. Principles of Object-Oriented Middleware. CORBA, COM and Java/RMI. Resolving Heterogeneity. Dynamic Object Requests. COMMON DESIGN PROBLEMS. Advanced Communication between Distributed Objects. Locating Distributed Objects. Life Cycle of Distributed Objects. Object Persistence. Distributed Object Transactions. Security. A Full CORBA C++ Implementation of Soccer Example. Bibliography. Index. Supplements: Instructor and student website. Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471986577 / ISBN 10: 0471986577 390pp 2000 Hb

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Systems Analysis & Design

Systems Analysis and Design
ALAN DENNIS, The University of Georgia A solid foundation of skills is key to succeeding in Systems Analysis and Design. Dennis focuses on the core set of skills that all analysis must possess, from gathering requirements and modelling business needs to creating blueprints for how the system should be built. Features: Shows how real companies succeeded or failed when applying various concepts in order to perform certain activities. Presents topics in the order in which an analyst would encounter them in a typical project. Integrates the interviews of seven CIOs about project selection and management throughout the book. Discusses object-oriented concepts and techniques. Contents: Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design; PART I: PLANNING; Project Initiation; Project Management; PART II: ANALYSIS; Requirements Determination; Use Case Analysis; Process Modeling; Data Modeling; PART III: DESIGN; Moving into Design; Architecture Design; Interface Design; Program Design; Data Storage Design; PART IV: IMPLEMENTATION; Moving into Implementation; Transition to the New System; The Movement to Objects ISBN 13: 9780471722571 / ISBN 10: 047172257X 576pp 2005 Cl

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

Understanding System Development with UML
MICHAEL ODOCHERTY, Net Return Ltd, UK. Covering the breadth of this core topic, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design provides a thorough grounding in object-oriented concepts, the software development process, UML and multi-tier technologies. Beginning with the basic groundwork underpinning object-oriented software projects, it follows the steps of a typical development project (Requirements Capture, Design, Specification & Testing), showing how an abstract problem is taken through to a concrete solution. Features Breadth of coverage of a large subject is achieved by careful selection of topics All technologies, tools, techniques and methodologies covered and explained are those most commonly adopted The running case study helps students grasp the theory An automated Exam tool quiz system and testbank provided on the supporting website enables students to check their level of understanding. Contents: 1. Introduction. Part I: Setting the Scene. 2. Object Concepts. 3. Inheritance. 4. Type Systems. 5. Software Development Methodologies. Part II: Understanding the Problem. 6. Gathering Requirements. 7. Analyzing the Problem. Part III: Designing the Solution. 8. Designing the System Architecture. 9. Choosing Technologies. 10. Designing the Subsystems. 11. Reusable Design Patterns. 12. Specifying the Interfaces of Classes. 13. Continuous Testing. Appendix A: Ripple Summary. Appendix B: iCoot Case Study. Appendix C: Summary of UML Notation Used. Bibliography. Index. Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470092408 / ISBN 10: 0470092408 576pp 2005 Pb


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Concurrent and Real-time Programming in Java

ANDREW WELLINGS, University of York This book gives essential tutorial guidance and reference points for developers to build powerful, Java-based software. Modern real-time systems are multi-threaded, and consequently the book starts with a thorough examination of the Java concurrency model, illustrating its strengths and weaknesses. The book then covers the motivations for, and the semantics of, the extensions and modifications to the Java programming environment that enable the Java platform (Virtual Machine) to meet the requirements and constraints of real-time development. Real-time programmers seeking to move to Java technology will find all the technical details they require in comprehensive coverage. Contents: Preface. 1 Introduction. 2 Concurrent Programming in Java. 3 Communication and Synchronization. 4 Completing the Java Concurrency Model. 5 Implementing Communication Paradigms in Java. 6 Case Study: Concurrent Maze Search. 7 The Real-time Specification for Java. 8 Memory Management. 9 Clocks and Time. 10 Scheduling and Schedulable Objects. 11 Asynchronous Events and their Handlers. 12 Real-Time Threads. 13 Asynchronous Transfer of Control. 14 Resource Sharing. 15 Physical and Raw Memory. 16 Case Study: Automobile Cruise Control System. 17 High-Integrity Real-Time Systems. 18 Conclusions. Appendix: Java Class and Interface Specifications. Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470844373 / ISBN 10: 047084437X 448pp 2004 Pr

State Models and Java Programs, 2ND EDITION
JEFF MAGEE and JEFF KRAMER, both of Imperial College, London Concurrency 2nd edition provides a thoroughly updated approach to the basic concepts and techniques behind concurrent programming. In order to develop a thorough understanding of the topic Magee and Kramer present concepts, techniques and problems through a variety of forms: informal descriptions, illustrative examples, abstract models and concrete Java examples. These combine to provide problem patterns and associated solution techniques, which enable students to recognise the specific problems and arrive at solutions. New to This Edition: New chapter and coverage of Verification Website contains totally updated version of the LTSA tool packaged with the book, making it easier to use and extending its capabilities Contents: Introduction. 2 Processes and Threads. 3 Concurrent Execution. 4 Shared Objects and Mutual Exclusion. Monitors and Condition Synchronization. 6 Deadlock. 7 Safety and Liveness Properties. 8 Model-Based Design. 9 Dynamic Systems. 10 Message Passing. 11 Concurrent Architectures. 12 Timed Systems. 13 Program Verification. 14 Logical Properties. Appendix A FSP Quick Reference. B. FSP Language Specification. C. FSP Semantics. D. UML Class Diagrams. Supplements: Supporting website containing author links; PDF slides/lecture notes; demo programs; Labelled Transition System Analyser; LTSA v 2.1 download; errata; and solutions Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470093559 / ISBN 10: 0470093552 416pp April 2006 Hb

Data Management Databases & Organizations
RICHARD T. WATSON, The University of Georgia Now in a completely updated and revised fifth edition, this highly readable book emphasizes the core data management skills needed to succeed in today's business environment. The book presents a real-world, management perspective and offers fully integrated coverage of data modeling and SQL Features: Java programs are used to illustrate the use of JDBC and transaction processing with SQL statements. Multidimensional expressions (MDX), used for reporting data stored in multidimensional databases, are now covered in the chapter on organizational intelligence. The symbol for indicating weak entities has been changed from a bar (|) to a plus sign (+), which should assist readers in understanding its meaning and also removes confusion caused by the use of the bar in some data modeling dialects for representing mandatory relationships. Contents: The Managerial Perspective; 1. Managing Data; 2. Information; Data Modeling and SQL; 3. The Single Entity; 4. The One-to-Many Relationship; 5. The Many-to-Many Relationship; 6. One-to-One and Recursive Relationships; 7. Data Modeling; Basic Structures; 8. Normalization and Other Data Modeling Methods; 9. The Relational Model and Relational Algebra; 10. SQL; SQL Playbook; Database Architectures and Implementations; 11. Data Structure and Storage; 12. Data Processing Architectures; 13. Object-Oriented Data Management; 14. Spatial and Temporal Data Management; Organizational Memory Technologies; 15. Organizational Intelligence Technologies; 16. The Web and Data Management; 17. SQL and Java; 18. XML: Managing Data Exchange; Managing Organizational Memory; 19. Data Integrity; 20. Data Administration; 21. U-Commerce and Data Management Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471715368 / ISBN 10: 0471715360 640pp 2005 Cl

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Computer Graphics

Computer Graphics for Java Programmers

LEEN AMMERAAL, Previously of Hogeschool Utrecht, The Netherlands and KANG ZHANG, University of Texas at Dallas, USA Many great visual effects can be achieved in computer graphics for which a fundamental understanding of mathematical concepts - and a knowledge of how they can be implemented in a particular programming language is essential. Computer Graphics for Java Programmers is a good place to start for those who wish to use Java to manipulate 2D and 3D graphical objects. Java is increasingly becoming the language of choice in many industrial and business domains, hence the skills needed to develop computer graphics applications using Java are increasingly in demand. This book aims to address this growing need. New to Edition More illustrative examples have been added throughout the book Chapter contents have been updated to reflect the authors' own teaching experience - so the book is optimised for use in the classroom An accompanying instructors manual is now available A new chapter on "Fractals and Self-Similarity" has been added A companion software package demonstrating the working of different algorithms and concepts has been added Original author joined by Kang Zhang, an active teacher and researcher, for this edition Contents: 1. Introduction to Computer Graphics. 2. Applied Geometry. 3. 2D and 3D Transformations. 4. Classic 2D Algorithms. 5. Perspective. 6. Hidden-Line Elimination. 7. Hidden-Face Elimination. 8. Fractals and Self-Similarity. Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470031605 / ISBN 10: 0470031603 368pp February 2007 Pr

Human Computer Interaction


Human-Computer Interaction
Designing Effective Organizational Information Systems
DOV TEENI, AsuWest, USA, JANE CAREY, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, PING ZHANG, Syracuse University This new text presents HCI in a business context, providing a balanced foundation of HCI theory and practical applications, so students can make well-informed design decisions. The authors emphasize not only how to, but also why or why not, encouraging students to think critically about HCI issues. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Organizational and Business Context; 3. Interactive Technologies; 4. Ergonomic Engineering; 5. Cognitive Engineering; 6. Affective Engineering; 7. Evaluation; 8. Design Principles and Guidelines; 9. Tasks in Organizational Context; 10. Componential Design; 11. HCI Development Methodology; 12. Interpersonal Relationship, Collaboration and Organization; 13. Social and Global Issues; 14. Meeting the Changing Needs of IT Development and Use Supplements: Website Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471677659 / ISBN 10: 0471677655 600pp June 2006 Hb

Online Communities
Designing Usability and Supporting Sociability
J. PREECE, University of Maryland, USA Developing online communities is a compelling prospect, not only for Internet entrepreneurs but for users with the widest variety of interests, backgrounds and motives for banding together. But what truly makes a community? How are community relationships built, nurtured and supported? With a unique - and very necessary - cross-disciplinary perspective, Preece provides some answers. She provides both practical and insightful views on the role of those most able to influence community participation. By bridging both the technical and social props on which online communities are built, a clear overview of the integrated nature of the issues emerge. Contents: Preface. GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH ONLINE COMMUNITIES. Introduction. Community Tours. Sociability: Purpose, People, and Policies. Usability: Tasks, Users, and Software. Research Speaks to Practice: Interpersonal Communication. Research Speaks to Practice: Groups. DEVELOPING ONLINE COMMUNITIES. Community-Centered Development. Selecting Software. Guidelines: Sociability and Usability. Assessing Needs and Evaluating Communities. Development Case Studies. Looking to the Future. References. Index. ISBN 13: 9780471805991 / ISBN 10: 0471805998 464pp 2000 Pr


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Human Computer Interaction


Interaction Design
Beyond Human Computer-Interaction 2ND EDITION
HELEN SHARP: Open University, UK, YVONNE ROGERS: Open University, UK JENNY PREECE: University of Maryland, USA Rather than attempting to cover every nook and cranny of the HCI discipline - both in terms of its academic study as well as its practical application on real projects - this book sets out to provide a guide to good design practice. Its aim is to help engineers to design interactive products that will support people in their everyday and working lives. In particular, it is about creating user experiences that enhance and extend the way people work, communicate and interact. The book includes a broad spectrum of topics, including both the traditional paradigm (e.g. one user interacting with a piece of software) and new paradigms (e.g. ubiquitous computing). Central to the book is the idea that design and evaluation are interleaving processes. The book is very 'hands-on' process oriented, explaining how to carry out a variety of methods and techniques. Now in full colour Completely updated to include new chapters on Interfaces, Data Gathering and Data Analysis and Interpretation, the latest information from recent research findings and new examples A lively and highly interactive Web site that will enable students to collaborate on experiments, compete in design competitions, collaborate on designs, find resources and communicate with others A new practical and process-oriented approach showing not just what principals ought to apply, but crucially how they can be applied "The best basis around for user-centered interaction design, both as a primer for students as an introduction to the field, and as a resource for research practitioners to fall back on. It should be labelled 'start here'." Pieter Jan Stappers, ID-StudioLab, Delft University of Technology In the field of Interaction Design one book stands out, a book that has established itself at the core of the field. With this new edition, the authors have successfully strengthened that position. The new structure and content makes the book highly relevant and needed in the field. Anyone who wants to learn about the basics of interaction design should make this book their first stop!" Erik Stolterman, Ph.D., Indiana University, USA "The first edition of Interaction Design has been my text book of choice for general HCI courses at both undergraduate and Masters level for several years. It is authoritative, eminently readable and thought-provoking for students. It achieves a good balance between the human, computing and design aspects of the subject. The second edition strengthens the treatment of data gathering and analysis and approaches to evaluation, and introduces a welcome focus on affective aspects of interaction, reflecting recent research developments in the discipline. I am looking forward to working with this new edition." Ann Blandford, Director of UCL Interaction Centre and Professor of HumanComputer Interaction Contents: 1: What is interaction design? 2: Understanding and conceptualizing interaction. 3: Understanding users. 4: Designing for collaboration and communication. 5: Affective aspects. 6: Interfaces and interactions. 7: Data Gathering. 8: Data analysis, interpretation and presentation. 9: The process of interaction design. 10: Identifying needs and establishing requirements. 11: Design, prototyping and construction. 12: Introducing evaluation. 13: An evaluation framework. 14: Usability testing and field studies. 15: Analytical evaluation. Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470018668 / ISBN 10: 0470018666 752pp December 2006 Pr

Universal Usability
Designing Computer Interfaces for Diverse User Populations
JONATHAN LAZAR, Towson University An edited book with key chapters by HCI luminaries such as Dr. Lazar, Ben Schneiderman, Brad Myers and Jenny Preece, the authors examine innovative and groundbreaking research before tying it all together to provide a practical overview of the many challenges and solutions experienced during the design of user interfaces for diverse user groups. Edited by key researchers and emerging authorities in HCI and Usability A groundbreaking collection of essential research into usability for diverse users, addressing economic diversity, age, and most importantly disabilities, where the foremost and most market-driven research is taking place Strong practical approach, rather than theory driven Extremely valuable for students on Usability and User Interface Design courses, as well as advanced HCI courses. It is essential reading for usability practitioners Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470027271 / ISBN 10: 0470027274 600pp April 2007 Pr

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Human Computer Interaction


Mobile Interaction Design

MATTHEW JONES, University of Wales, Swansea, UK, GARY MARSDEN, University of Cape Town, South Africa Mobiles are an essential part of life for over two billion users, and next generation mobile devices and services will be widely available within the next year or so. Mobile Interaction Design covers important issues relating to this ever-changing technology, providing insight into developing interfaces and devices with a great deal of sensitivity to human needs, desires, and capabilities. This book is written to inspire and challenge designers preconceived notions of this marketplace and to convey lessons learned, and principles involved, in the development and deployment of interactive systems to the mobile environment. Features: Mobile Interaction Design shifts the design perspective away from the technology and concentrates on usability Presents key interaction design ideas and successes in an accessible, relevant way Exercises, case studies and study questions make this book ideal for students Provides ideas and techniques which will enable designers to create the next generation of effective mobile applications Critiques current mobile interaction design to help designers avoid pitfalls Design challenges and worked examples are given to reinforce ideas Discusses new applications and gadgets, requiring knowledgeable and inspired thinking about usability and design Authors have extensive experience in mobile interaction design, research, industry and teaching Contents: Part 1: Introduction; 1: Possibilities; 2: Products for People; 3: Innovation; Part 2: Developing Effective Mobile Applications; 4: Interaction Design; 5: Watching, Asking, Probing; 6: Developing Prototypes; 7: Evaluation; Part 3: Design Gallery Directions and Guidelines for Mobile Applications; 8: Controlling Complex Functions; 9: Information Access; 10: Using Photographic Media on Mobile Devices; 11: Impacting the Community; Impacting the World Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470090893 / ISBN 10: 0470090898 398pp 2005 Pr

Web Programming & Development


XML in Theory and Practice

CHRIS BATES, Sheffield Hallam University, UK Programmers and developers wanting both A-Z coverage and a practical how-to will find step by step guidance on: creating data, storage formats, implementing interfaces, providing a wireless protocol in distributed applications (SOAP), and creating inter-mediate data formats on the web. Chris Bates provides live code in Java to show how XML can be employed in the development of applications and also provides details of how XML parsers work. You will learn more than simply how XML operates. You'll gain insight and understanding of the concepts, their importance and their application. Problems and exercises are provided and make the book ideal for self-study or classroom situations. With an accompanying website containing code samples and links to important websites, XML in Theory and Practice is a must-have primer on the subject. Contents: Introduction. Part I: Extensible Markup Language. Writing XML. Document Type Definitions. Specifying XML Structures Using Schema. Part II: Formatting XML for Display and Print. Cascading Style Sheets. Cascading Style Sheets Two. Navigation within and between XML Documents. XSL Transformation Language. XSLT in Use. XSL-Formatting Objects. Part III: Handling XML in Your Own Programs. Java and XML. The Document Object Model. The Simple API for XML. Part IV: Some Real-World Applications of XML. Introducing XHTML. Web Services - the Future of the Web? Distributed Applications with SOAP. DocBook. XUL. References. Appendix A: Business Letter in XML. Appendix B: Recipe Book in XML. Appendix C: Business Letter Schema. Appendix D: Recipes Book Schema. Appendix E: Business Letter Formatting Object Stylesheet. Appendix F: Recipe Formatting Object Stylesheet. Index. Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470843444 / ISBN 10: 0470843446 482pp 2003 Pr

Internet Measurement
Infrastructure, Traffic and Applications
MARK CROVELLA, Boston University, USA, BALACHANDER KRISHNAMURTHY, AT&T Labs - Research, USA This book provides all the ingredients necessary for a full understanding of Internet Measurement covering internet infrastructure, traffic and the measurement of the various key internet applications. Features: This is the authoratitive and defining book of the field and is essential reading for analysts and students of internet traffic The book and its subject build foundational knowledge for other areas of internet and computing courses particularly in regard to internet security courses, whose subject matter depend upon information derived from this source Students studying courses that look at web applications or P2P file-sharing applications will find this book provides crucial information for their subject areas Contents: 1 Introduction. 2 Internet Architecture. 3 Analytic Background. 4 Practical Issues in Internet Measurement. II In Depth. 5 Infrastructure. 6 Traffic. 7 Applications. III In Perspective. 8 Anonymization. 9 Security. 10 Case Studies. 11 Conclusions and Prospects ISBN 13: 9780470014615 / ISBN 10: 047001461X 520pp May 2006 Cl


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Web Programming & Development


Web Design
A Complete Introduction
NIGEL CHAPMAN, MacAvon Media Productions, Scotland, JENNY CHAPMAN, Edinburgh College of Art, MacAvon Media Productions, Scotland A core text for all academic courses in tertiary level institutions world-wide which require a broad but thorough foundation in the principles and practice of every aspect of Web design. An original and comprehensive introductory course text, Web Design meets the new demands of a very rapidly growing area. The book may be loosely compared with Digital Multimedia in level and treatment (allowing for the different subjects to be covered) except that it will have a greater emphasis on practice. Features: Complete introduction in the classic academic sense - a foundation text which focuses on principles By the authors of Digital Multimedia and Digital Media Tools, textbooks which helped shape Multimedia syllabi across the world Provides a broad, unified subject coverage, embracing all aspects of Web design from the technical to the aesthetic to the social Covers all topics within the context of Web-specific needs and constraints from those of visual communication to accessiblity, standards compliance, etc Presents a strong emphasis on underlying principles and theory throughout Includes integrated practical exercises (labs) throughout and workthroughs where appropriate, with all practical material available for download from the accompanying web site Topics covered include: Introduction to Web Technologies Fundamental Principles for Web Design Visual Communication on the Web Web Graphics Time-Based Media for the Web Interactivity and JavaScript Designing for Accessibility and Device-Independence Information Architecture for the Web Metadata and the Semantic Web

Web Engineering
GERTI KAPPEL, Technical University of Vienna, BRIGIT PRLL, Johannes Kepler University, Linz SIEGFRIED REICH, Salzberg Research and WERNER RETSCHITZEGGER, Johannes Kepler University, Linz This book presents a new discipline called Web Engineering taking a rigorous interdisciplinary approach to the development of Web applications, covering Web development concepts, methods, tools and techniques. It highlights the need to examine and re-use the body of knowledge found within software engineering and demonstrates how to use that knowledge within the Web environment, putting emphasize on current practices, experiences and pitfalls. The book is ideal for undergraduate and graduate students on Web-focused or Software Engineering courses, as well as Web software developers, Web designers and project managers. Features: Provides insights into current techniques, tools, and experiences for an engineering approach to Web application development Examines similarities and differences between the development of traditional applications and Web applications Identifies potential risks in Web application development Reports on future developments in Web Engineering Offers teachers a viable alternative to teaching software engineering Defines a new vocational discipline, popular with students Complements existing technology-oriented books with an engineering approach Praise for the book 'I like the range and depth of coverage, especially its scholarly approach. Students need more good examples like this.' Tony Greenwood SCS Co-ordinator, Principal Lecturer in IT, Carlisle University Contents: An Introduction to Web Engineering. 2. Requirements Engineering for Web Applications. 3. Modeling Web Applications. 4. Web Application Architectures. 5. Technology-aware Web Application Design. 6 Technologies for Web Applications. 7. Testing Web Applications 8. Operation and Maintenance of Web Applications. 9. Web Project Management. 10. The Web Application Development Process. 11. Usability of Web Applications. 12. Performance of Web Applications. 13. Security for Web Applications. 14. The Semantic Web The Network of Meanings in the Network of Documents Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470015544 / ISBN 10: 0470015543 384pp May 2006 Pr

Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470060896 / ISBN 10: 0470060891 704pp October 2006 Pr

Web Application Architecture

Principles, Protocols, and Practices
LEON SHKLAR and RICHARD ROSEN, Wall Street Journal This book provides an in-depth examination of the core concepts and general principles of web application development, using examples from specific technologies (e.g., servlets, XSL etc), but without promoting or endorsing particular platforms or APIs. Such knowledge is critical when designing and debugging complex systems. This conceptual understanding makes it easier to learn new APIs that arise in the rapidly changing Internet environment. Contents: Acknowledgements. 1. Introduction. 2. Before the Web: TCP/IP. 3. Birth of the World Wide Web: HTTP. 4. Web Servers. 5. Web Browsers. 6. HTML and Its Roots . 7. XML Languages and Applications. 8. Dynamic Web Applications. 9. Approaches to Web Application Development. 10. Application Primer: Virtual Realty Listing Services. 11. Emerging Technologies. Index. Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471486565 / ISBN 10: 0471486566 372pp 2003 Pr

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Web Programming & Development


Developing Web Applications

RALPH MOSELEY, Middlesex University, UK This book is designed for college students as an introduction to developing applications for the Web. Little previous programming experience is expected. It details script writing and good programming practice but also shows the surrounding context allowing students to see how the technologies fit together rather than existing as isolated units, and takes in recent developments and technologies, most significantly PHP, to provide a practical and modern introduction to building web applications. Features: Students will need little programming experience Includes HTML, CSS and Cookies/Session, JavaScript, DHTML, SML and XSL/T Also includes strong and timely coverage of new and important areas such as PHP5, MySQL and mobile technologies Focuses on open source and freely available software for use, including Apache server, PHP and MySQL Defines the surrounding context allowing students to see how the technologies fit together rather than existing as isolated units Strong pedagogical features including workshops and exercises, ultimately leading to the creation of a number of applications at the books end, which depend upon the students ingenuity to be completed Encourages a creative rather than a formal approach to developing applications Contents: 1: The Way the Web Works. 2: The Client Side: HTML. 3: From HTML to XHTML. 4: Getting some Style: CSS. 5: JavaScript 1. 6: JavaScript 2. 7: DHTML. 8: XML. 9: XML, XSL and XSL/T. 10: Web Services. 11: The Server Side. 12: PHP 1: Starting to Script on the Server Side. 13: PHP 2: Arrays, Functions and Forms. 14: More Advanced PHP. 15: Network and Web Security. 16: Databases. 17: Alternatives. 18: Future Gaining a Historical Perspective Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470017197 / ISBN 10: 0470017198 384pp December 2006 Pr

Web Programming
CHRIS BATES, Sheffield Hallam University, UK This book teaches the essentials of working with the most important web technologies. From client development using HTML and Javascript, through to full server side applications written in ASP and Perl, the complete web system is shown. Concentrating on immediately useful code rather than theory, this is a how-to book for practical and project based courses. The broad scope covered by this book begins by creating reasonably simple webpages with HTML, then working through related document and content tagging systems such as dynamic HTML and eventually XML. Features: Multi-tool coverage of Dynamic HTML, XHTML, XML, Perl, CGI Scripts, JavaScript, and PHP avoids necessity of reading a book per application The speed to revision is one of this books' strongest features ensuring the book is bang up-to-date and keeps pace with the ever changing web landscape Practical and hands-on guidance is always backed up by strong examples Paced for students with some, but not extensive, programming experience Examples are plentiful, practical and well illustrated Accompanying website provides more examples and links to useful online resources Contents: Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. HTML. 3. More HTML. 4. Cascading Stylesheets. 5. Cascading Style Sheets Two. 6. An Introduction to JavaScript. 7. Objects in JavaScript. 8. Dynamic HTML with JavaScript. 9. Programming in Perl 5. 10. CGI Scripting. 11. Building Web Applications With Perl. 12. An Introduction to PHP. 13. Building Web Applications With PHP. 14. XML: Defining Data for Web Applications. 15. Good Design. 16. Protocols. 17. Case Study. Appendix A Accessing a Database From PHP Using mysqli. Appendix B Accessing a Database From PHP Using Pearl DB. Appendix C HTML Color Codes. Appendix D HTML Entities. Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470017753 / ISBN 10: 0470017759 678pp April 2006 Pr


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Digital Multimedia
NIGEL CHAPMAN, MacAvon Media Productions, Scotland and JENNY CHAPMAN, Edinburgh College of Art and MacAvon Media Productions, Scotland Digital Multimedia is a core text for courses in multimedia, combining a comprehensive account of the key technologies, with an inside understanding of multimedia content and its practical applications. Covers the nature of multimedia, including the cultural and social context, before examining hardware and software requirements for its creation and delivery. Features: New edition of a best-selling resource - now in FULL COLOUR throughout Covers the basic principles of each media type - text, graphics, audio, animation, and video Updated content addresses the XHTML standard and adds appropriate weight to XML coverage Includes a Web/Flash emphasis and thorough coverage of MPEG4 and DVD in line with current technology trends Contents: Preface. Prologue. 1. Introduction. 2. Enabling Technologies. 3. Introduction to Computer Graphics. 4. Vector Graphics. 5. Bitmapped Images. 6. Colour. 7. Video. 8. Animation. 9. Sound. 10. Characters and Fonts. 11. Text and Hypertext. 12. Hypertext and Hypermedia. 13. Design Principles. 14. XML and Multimedia. 15. SMIL and SVG. 16. Scripting and Interactivity. 17. Multimedia and Networks. Projects. Bibliography. Glossary. Index. Supplements: Website containing instructors and student resources Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470858905 / ISBN 10: 0470858907 698pp 2004 Pr

Digital Media Tools

NIGEL CHAPMAN, MacAvon Media Productions, Scotland and JENNY CHAPMAN, Edinburgh College of Art and MacAvon Media Productions, Scotland Digital Media Tools is a clearly focused introduction to the major software tools used for creating multimedia. Focusing on multimedia authoring for the Web, it offers basic tutorials on the practical preparation of illustrations and still images, video animation and sound. It enables the students to learn through doing, as well as to understand the basics of design and integration in a multimedia environment. This edition is revised to include up-to-date material on multimedia advances since the publication of the first edition, making it the most up to date guide on the market. Features Fully revised to cover multimedia advances since the publication of the first edition Each section focuses on an industry-leading application including Flash, Photoshop, Director, ImageReady, Illustrator, and Dreamweaver Readers will acquire a basic fluency with these tools, learn what they do best and what their limitations are Offers basic tutorials on the practical preparation of illustrations and still images, video animation, and sound Contents: Preface. Note on the 2nd Edition. 1. Introduction. 2 .Common Features. 2a. Macromedia MX Interface Elements. 3. Photoshop: Bitmapped Images. 3a. Photoshop 7. 4. ImageReady: Web Graphics. 5. Flash: Animation with Interactivity. 5a. Flash MX. 6. Illustrator: Vector Graphics. 6a. Illustrator 10. 7. Dreamweaver: Web Sites. 7a. Dreamweaver MX. 8. Premiere: Video and Audio. 9. Colour, Typography & Bzier Curves. 10. Optimizing Images for the Web. Projects. Index. Supplements: Website containing instructors and student resources Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470857489 / ISBN 10: 047085748X 646pp 2003 Pr

Digital Multimedia 2e and Digital Media Tools 2e Set

ISBN 13: 9780470026854 / ISBN 10: 0470026855 2005

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Networks & Communications

Computer Networks
Principles, Technologies and Protocols
NATALIA OLIFER, formerly of Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia and VICTOR OLIFER, Vkerna, Didcot, UK. Computer Networks is designed to give students a clear understanding of the complex world of networking. It provides a comprehensive guide covering the theory of basic networking technologies, how these interact and work together, and practical solutions to networking problems. The structure of the book is designed to help students gain a clear overview of the network as a whole and takes into account the differing academic approaches and varying levels of technical expertise of students approaching this topic. Features: The Website offers Instructors and Students extensive supplementary resources including visualizations of networking problems and solutions Expert author team with long and proven track record Networking concepts explained plainly Practical solutions backed up with examples and case studies Balance of topics reflects modern environments Contents: Part I. Networking Basics; 1: Evolution of Computer Networks; 2: General Principles of Network Design; 3: Packet and Circuit Switching; 4: Network Architecture and Standardization; 5: Examples of Networks; 6: Network Characteristics; 7: Methods of Ensuring Quality of Service; Part II. Physical Layer Technologies; 8: Transmission Links; 9: Data Encoding and Multiplexing; 10: Wireless Transmission; 11: Transmission Networks; Part III. Local Area Networks; 12: Ethernet; 13: High-Speed Ethernet; 14: Shared Media LANs; 15: Switched LAN Basics; 16: Advanced Features of Switched LANs; Part IV. TCP/IP Internet-working; 17: Addressing in TCP/IP Networks; 18: Internet Protocol; 19: Core Protocols of the TCP/IP Stack; 20: Advanced Features of IP Routers; Part V. Wide-Area Networks; 21: Virtual Circuit WAN; 22: IP WANs; 23: Remote Access; 24: Secure Transport Services Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470869826 / ISBN 10: 0470869828 1000pp 2005 Pr

Principles of Network and System Administration

MARK BURGESS, Oslo College, Norway This single, comprehensive resource responds to the high demand for specialists to be able to provide advice to users, as well as day-to-day administration, maintenance, and support of computer systems and networks. Readers will learn how to discover customer needs and then use that information to identify, interpret, and evaluate system and network requirements. Features: Burgess approaches both network and system administration from the perspective of the principles and ideas of systems administration that do not change on a day-to-day basis. Coverage includes Java services and Ipv6. Contents: Preface to Second Edition. 1. Introduction. 2. System Components. 3. Networked Communities. 4. Host Management. 5. User Management 6. Models of Network and System Administration. 7. Configuration and Maintenance. 8. Diagnostics, Fault and Change Management. 9. Application Level Services. 10. Network Level Services. 11. Principles of Security. 12. Security Implications. 13. Analytical System Administration. 14. Summary and Outlook. A. Some Useful Unix Commands. B. Programming and Compiling. C. Example Telnet Session. D. Glossary. E. Recommended Reading. Bibliography. Index. Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470868072 / ISBN 10: 0470868074 646pp 2003 Pr

Business Data Communications and Networking

JERRY FITZGERALD, Jerry FitzGerald & Associates and ALAN DENNIS, The University of Georgia.

Computer Networks
Internet Protocols in Action
JEANNA MATTHEWS This revolutionary text and its accompanying CD replace a whole lab full of computer equipment. They give computer science students realistic hands-on experience working with network protocols, without requiring all the routers, switches, hubs, and PCs of an actual network. Using the latest version of the open source program Ethereal, the reader opens packet trace files from the CD and follows the text to perform the exercises, gaining a thorough understanding of the material in the best way possible-by seeing it in action. This approach also benefits the instructor, who is spared the time-consuming tasks of maintaining a laboratory and taking traces. It can even relieve the anxiety system administrators have about students collecting traces on campus networks! Features: Practicality: Students are able to learn by doing without having to use actual networks, while instructors are freed from the job of collecting the materials. Flexibility: Has been used successfully with students at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Appropriate for courses regardless of whether the instructor uses a bottom-up or a top-down approach. Completeness: The exercises take the student from the basics of examining quiet and busy networks-through application, transport, network, and link layers-to the crucial issues of network security. Contents: Getting Started, Application Layer Protocols, Transport Layer Protocols, Network Layer Protocols, Link Layer Protocols, Security Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471661863 / ISBN 10: 0471661864 288pp 2004 Pr

Contents: 1: Introduction, 2: Application Layer, 3: Physical Layer, 4: Data Link Layer, 5: Network and Transport Layers, 6: Local Area Networks, 7: Wireless Local Area Networks, 8: Backbone Networks, 9: Metropolitan and Wide Area Networks, 10: The Internet, 11: Network Security, 12: Network Design, 13: Network Management. Appendices: A. Connector Cables, B. Systems Network Architecture, C. Spanning Tree Protocol, D. IP Telephony, E. Token Ring, F. Cellular Technologies, G. TCP/IP Game Supplements: Instructors website containing: Instructors Manual, Test Bank & PowerPoints and Interactive Animations Students website containing Interactive Animations Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471348078 / ISBN 10: 0471348074 546pp August 2004 Hb


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Computer Security

Computer Security
DIETER GOLLMANN, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg, Germany A thoroughly revised and updated edition of this best-selling computer security text. Written for students taking a variety of introductory and advanced computer security courses within computer science, engineering and related disciplines, it doesnt simply focus on security within networks but considers this topic within the wider context of the software system as whole. Technical and project managers will also find that the broad coverage offers a great starting point for discovering underlying issues affecting system security and provides a means of orientation in a world populated by a bewildering array of competing security systems. Features: Comprehensive reference covering fundamental principles of computer security Teaches students to consider security as part of the initial design of a system, not just as an add-on to network development. Takes a top-down approach No active previous experience of security issues is necessary, making this accessible to Software Developers and Managers whose responsibilities span any technical aspects of IT security Provides sections on Windows NT, CORBA and Java Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Foundations of Computer Security; 3. Identification & Authentication; 4. Access Control; 5. Reference Monitors; 6. Unix Security; 7. Windows 2000 Security; 8. Bell-LaPadula Model; 9. Security Models; 10. Security Evaluation; 11. Cryptography; 12. Authentication in Distributed Systems; 13. Network Security; 14. Software Security; 15. New Access Control Paradigms; 16. Mobility; 17. Database Security Supplements: Supporting website containing powerpoint slides and exercise solutions Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470862933 / ISBN 10: 0 470862939 384pp 2005 Pr

Introduction to Security and Applied Cryptography

BRUCE SCHNEIER: Counterpane Internet Security, Minneapolis, Minnesota, MICHAEL T. GOODRICH: Johns Hopkins University, Roberto Tamassia: Brown University, Introduction to Applied Cryptography adapts Schneier's landmark reference for textbook use and provides an overview of applied cryptography protocols and algorithms in a precise and easy to follow treatment. Covering a good breadth of cryptography algorithms, protocols, and applications, this text provides necessary details, but does not overwhelm the reader with needless notation. Updated description of protocols, techniques and algorithms based on new discoveries, attacks, and standards, including new or expanded coverage of zero-knowledge, anonymous credentials, identity-based encryption, forward security, multicast authentication, hash chains, hash trees, and authenticated data structures. Provides the most up-to-date coverage of an important topic Includes applications of cryptography, including information authentication, public-key infrastructure, file encryption, broadcast encryption, e-voting, digital rights management, network security (IPSEC, VPNs, TLS, SSH), XML signatures, and mobile & wireless security. Details of security and complexity proofs are provided at a level that students can follow Three categories of exercises are included in each chapter: reinforcement, creativity, and projects. Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471703099 / ISBN 10: 0471703095 912pp December 2006 Pr


IT Security and Risk Management

JILL SLAY, University of South Australia and ANDY KORONIOS, University of South Australia IT Security and Risk Management is an original textbook written for undergraduate subjects on IT and e-business security, usually offered under a MIS, IT or eBusiness degree program. The text addresses the business implications and requirements of security rather than presenting a technical, programming approach that is generally aligned to studying computer science. This new text address security technology and systems, issues associated with risk minimization and management when implementing security systems, legal and regulatory requirements, basic Cryptography and Public Key Infrastructure, ethics, forensics and fraud, and the intrinsic relationship between business strategy and security systems, such as electronic payment systems, supply chain management and internal/external firewalls. Contents: 1. An introduction to strategic IT security and risk management; 2. Building blocks of IT security; 3. The Australian ethical, legal, and standards framework; 4. Electronic crime and forensic computing; 5. Basic cryptography and public key infrastructure; 6. Securing the network; 7. Securing network operations, security; 8 Strategies for e-business; 9. Mobile and wireless security; 10. Security of web services; 11. Emerging issues in IT security Supplements: Online Solution Manual; PowerPoint Slides Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470805749 / ISBN 10: 0470805749 500pp Jan 2006 Pr

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Computer Security

Information System Security

A Management Challenge
GURPREET DHILLON, Virginia Commonwealth University The real threat to information system security comes from people, not computers. Thats why students need to understand both the technical implementation of security controls, as well as the softer human behavioral and managerial factors that contribute to the theft and sabotage proprietary data. Features: Presents a well-balanced view of IS security dealing with the management of technical issues and that related procedures and policies, rather than focusing exclusively on the technical aspects of security. Addresses the socio-technical nature of IS security giving students a greater appreciation of the real nature of the subject. Well-integrated, real-life cases give context to the theoretical material. Cases include Barings Bank and its demise, hacking, password control, and the case of the INSLAW software. Contents; 1: Information System Security: nature and scope; Technical Aspects of Information System Security; 2: Security of Technical Systems in Organizations: an introduction; 3: Designing Technically Secure IS: formal models; 4: Encryption and Technical IS Security; 5: Controls and System Development; Formal Aspects of Information System Security; 6: Security of Formal Systems in Organizations: an introduction; 7: Information System Security Management and Policy; 8: Risk Management for Information System Security; 9: Monitoring and Audit Control for Information System Security; Informal Aspects of Information System Security; 10: Security of Informal Systems in Organizations: an introduction; 11: Corporate Governance for Information System Security; 12: Developing an Information System Security Culture; Regulatory Aspects of Information System Security; 13: Security Standards and Evaluation Criteria 14: Legal Aspects of IS Security to deal with encryption; 15: Computer Forensics ISBN 13: 9780471450566 / ISBN 10: 0471450561 550pp March 2006 Cl

Security and Control of Computer Based Systems

VASANT RAVAL, Creighton University and ASHOK FICHADIA This book uncovers the control and security challenges that businesses face in todays digital economy. It provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of information systems security issues such as risks, controls, and assurance. Current in its content, it is technically accurate, and yet accessible to those who have a basic understanding of computer-based systems and a desire to comprehend the new business environment. Features: Helps readers gain a basic understanding of the new landscape of risks, controls, and security. Covers the risk model and methods of responding to risks in the networked environment. Integrates the real-world experience in the use of concepts learned. Utilizes concept maps throughout the chapters to enhance clarity and to integrate subject matter from cover to cover. Focuses on security principles and issues that all businesses have to deal with. Contents: 1. Enterprise Risk Management. 2. Information Systems Concerns and Risks. 3. Control and Security Frameworks. 4. Systems Availability and Business Continuity. 5. Basic Cryptography. 6. Public Key Infrastructure. 7. Operating Systems Security. 8. Application Security. 9. Database Management Systems Security. 10. Telecommunications Security. 11. Network Security.12. Web Security. 13. Policy, Regulation, and Ethics ISBN 13: 9780471485797 / ISBN 10: 0471485799 528pp January 2007 Cl

Applied Cryptography
BRUCE SCHNEIER, Counterpane Internet Security, Minneapolis, Minnesota. . . .the best introduction to cryptography Ive ever seen Wired Magazine This new edition of the cryptography classic provides students with a comprehensive survey of modern cryptography. It describes dozens of cryptography algorithms, gives practical advice on how to implement them into cryptographic software, and shows how they can be used to solve security problems. Contents: CRYPTOGRAPHIC PROTOCOLS. Protocol Building Blocks. Basic Protocols. Intermediate Protocols. Advanced Protocols. Esoteric Protocols. CRYPTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES. Key Length. Key Management. Algorithm Types and Modes. Using Algorithms. CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS. Data Encryption Standard (DES). Other Block Ciphers. Other Stream Ciphers and Real RandomSequence Generators. Public-Key Algorithms. Special Algorithms for Protocols. THE REAL WORLD. Example Implementations. Politics. SOURCE CODE. References. Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471117094 / ISBN 10: 0471117099 784pp 1995 Pr


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Artificial Intelligence

Modern Robot Dynamics and Control

MARK W. SPONG, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Contents: Introduction; Rigid Motions and Homogeneous Transformations; Forward and Inverse Kinematics; Velocity Kinematics-The Jacobian; Path and Trajectory Planning; Dynamics; Independent Joint Control; Multivariable Control; Force Control; Geometric Non-Linear Control; Computer Vision; Vision-Based Control; Appendix A Trigonometry; Appendix B Linear Algebra; Appendix C State Space Representation of Dynamical Systems; Appendix D Lyapunov Stability; References; Index Supplements: Instructor's Solutions Manual; PowerPoint Slides Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471649908 / ISBN 10: 0471649902 416pp 2005 Pr

Agent Technology For e-Commerce

MARIA FASLI: University of Essex, UK This book introduces the main theory behind, and the applications of, agent technology in e-commerce in a way that will be accessible to anyone with a basic background in computer science. Principles from economics and game theory, traditionally the disciplines studying the behaviour of individuals within marketplaces with software agents, are brought together in a simple, accessible manner which will be ideal for computer science students or practitioners who do not necessarily have the background or foundations to delve too deep into topics in economics and game theory. In depth coverage of negotiation, including general principles, auctions, voting protocols, coalition formation and bargaining Coverage of middle agents and recommender technologies as well as the technology of mobile agents and how they can be deployed in e-commerce, and of trust and security in the area of agents and in particular in the context of electronic markets Provides a bridge between two disciplines and shows how Economics and Multi-agent systems can come together Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470030301 / ISBN 10: 0470030305 480pp January 2007 Pr

An Introduction to Multi-agent Systems

MICHAEL WOOLDRIDGE, University of Liverpool This is the first textbook to be explicitly designed for use as a course text for an undergraduate/ graduate course on multi-agent systems. Assuming only a basic understanding of computer science, the text introduces students to all the main issues in the theory and practice of intelligent agents and multi-agent systems - one of the most important and rapidly expanding areas in computer science today. Features: Includes exercises for students and is supplemented by a rich repository of online teaching materials including lecture slides in PostScript and PDF format and hyperlinks to software referred to in the book Contents: Preface; Introduction; Intelligent Agents; Deductive Reactive Agents; Practical Reasoning Agents; Reactive and Hybrid Agents; Multiagent Interactions; Reaching Agreements; Communication; Working Together; Methodologies; Applications; Logics for Multiagent Systems; Appendix A: History Lesson; Afterword; References; Index. ISBN 13: 9780471496915 / ISBN 10: 047149691X 366pp 2002 Pr

Computer Theory
Introduction to Computer Theory
D.I.A. COHEN This text presents the fundamental concepts of computer theory. It covers the material in-depth without resorting to formal mathematical notation. Contents: AUTOMATA THEORY. Background. Languages. Recursive Definitions. Regular Expressions. Finite Automata. Transition Graphs. Kleene's Theorem. Finite Automata with Output. Regular Languages. Nonregular Languages. Decidability. PUSHDOWN AUTOMATA THEORY. Context-Free Grammars. Grammatical Format. Pushdown Automata. CFG = PDA. Non-Context-Free Languages. Context-Free Languages. Decidability. TURING THEORY. Turing Machines. Post Machines. Minsky's Theorem. Variations on the TM. TM Languages. The Chomsky Hierarchy. Computers. Bibliography. Indexes. Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471137726 / ISBN 10: 0471137723 648pp 1996 Hb

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Mathematical Programming & Numerical Methods

Discrete Mathematics
DOUG ENSLEY and J. WINSTON CRAWLEY, Shippensburg University These active and well-known authors have come together to create a fresh, innovative, and timely approach to Discrete Math. Features: Text is replete with real world excursions reinforcing the utility of discrete mathematics. Online applications help improve students mathematical reasoning with intriguing, interactive flash-based applications which illustrate key mathematical concepts and help develop students ability to reason mathematically, solve problems and work with proofs. Explore More Icons in the text direct the student to online activities at Every section contains a number of practice problems and at the conclusion of each chapter a section review outlines the major terms, concepts and skills covered in that chapter. Over 1,000 exercises ranging from routine reinforcement to conceptual challenges. Answers and hints are given in the back of the book and more detailed solutions to those exercises are found in a supplementary student solutions manual. Contents: 1: Puzzles, Patterns and Mathematical Language; 2: A Primer of Mathematical Writing; 3: Sets and Boolean Algebra; 4: Functions and Relations; 5: Combinatorics; 6: Probability; 7: Graphs and Trees; Appendices A: Rules of the Game; Appendices B: Matrices and Their Operations; Selected Answers; References for further reading Supplements: Instructors Solutions Manual; Student Solution Manual Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471476023 / ISBN 10: 0471476021 704pp 2005 Cl

Model Building in Mathematical Programming

P. WILLIAMS, University of Southampton This book discusses the general principles of model building in mathematical programming and shows how they can be applied by using 20 simplified but practical problems from widely different contexts. Suggested formulations and solutions are given in the latter part of the book, together with some computational experience to give readers a feel for the difficulty of solving particular types of model. The book illustrates the scope and limitations of mathematical programming, and shows how it can be applied to real situations. By emphasising the importance of the building and interpreting of models rather than the solution process, the author attempts to fill a gap left by the many works which concentrate on the algorithmic side of the subject. Contents: New contents include: 5 New Problems: A 2-period travelling salesman problem; A hydro-electric generation problem; A yield management problem; A data envelopment analysis problem. New Section: Explanation of Constraint Logic Programming as alternative modelling paradigm and explanation of solution method; Explanation of Data Envelopment Analysis; Modifications: Logical Facets; Reintroduction of Presolve material; Changing the TSP formulation. ISBN 13: 9780471997887 / ISBN 10: 0471997889 368pp 1999 Pr

Computer Architecture

Embedded Systems Design

A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction
FRANK VAHID and TONY GIVARGIS, both of University of California This book introduces a modern approach to embedded system design, presenting software design and hardware design in a unified manner. It covers trends and challenges, introduces the design and use of single-purpose processors (hardware) and general-purpose processors (software), describes memories and buses, illustrates hardware/software tradeoffs using a digital camera example, and discusses advanced computation models, controls systems, chip technologies, and modern design tools. Contents: Introduction; Custom Single-Purpose Processors: Hardware; General Purpose Processors: Software; Standard Single-Purpose Processors: Peripherals; Memories; Interfacing; Digital Camera Example; State Machine and Concurrent Process Models; Control Systems; IC Technology; Design Technology; Appendix A: Online Resources. Supplements: Online Solutions Manual Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471386780 / ISBN 10: 0471386782 352pp 2001 Hb

Computer Organization and Architecture

MILES MURDOCCA Internet Institute, USA Taking an integrated approach, this book addresses the great diversity of areas that a computer professional must know. It exposes the inner workings of the modern digital computer at a level that demystifies what goes on inside the machine. Throughout the pages, the authors focus on the instruction set architecture (ISA), the coverage of network-related topics, and the programming methodology. Each topic is discussed in the context of the entire machine and how the implementation affects behavior. Connects the programmer's view of a computer system with the architecture of the underlying machine. Describes network architectures, focusing on both local area networks and wide area networks. Explores advanced architectural features that have either emerged or taken Places topics into perspective by introducing case studies in every chapter Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471733881 / ISBN 10: 0471733881 704pp December 2006 Cl


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Computer Architecture
The Architecture of Computer Hardware and System Software
An Information Technology Approach, 3RD EDITION
IRV ENGLANDER, Bentley College Most computer architecture books are just too technical and complex. Focusing on specific technology, they often bypass the basics and are outdated as quickly as technology advances. Now, Irv Englanders gentle-but-thorough introduction to computer architecture and systems software provides just the right amount of technical detail youll need to make successful decisions in your future career. The text covers all the basics in an accessible, easy-to-understand way. Organized in a form that parallels an actual computer system, entire sections are devoted to principles of data, hardware, and software, with computer interconnection, clustering, and networking integrated into the material to emphasize the importance of computer and system structure. Assuming only basic knowledge, these sections build up to an in-depth understanding of each topic and how they interrelate to make up a computer system. Contents: Introduction; Number systems; Data formats; Integer and real numbers; Little Man Computer; CPU architecture; CPU and Memory: Design, Implementation, Enhancement; Input/Output; Input/Output Devices; Modern CPU Systems, Clusters, and Networks; Three HW Examples; User and Programming Interfaces; Operating Systems Concepts; More Operating Systems Concepts; File Concepts; Programming Tools; Three SW Examples; Supplementary Chapter 1: Intro to Digital Computer Logic; Supplementary Chapter 2: Instruction Addressing Modes; Supplementary Chapter 3: Communication Channel Technology Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471073253 / ISBN 10: 0471073253 784pp 2002 Hb

Digital Design
Introduction to Digital Systems
M. ERCEGOVAC, University of California, Los Angeles, T. LANG, University of California, IRVINE and J.H. MORENO, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Features: A subset of the language VHDL is introduced and used in the last sections of the relevant chapters. Text packaged with Altera an easy-to-use integration suite of software tools, and their FPGAs are made readily available for schools interested in equipping their labs. Design problems are included on the Web site along with a brief discussion of the appropriate computer-aided design tools. Contents: Introduction; Specification of Combination Systems; Combination ICs: Characteristics and Capabilities; Description and Analysis of Gate Networks; Design of Combination Systems: Two-Level Gate Networks; Design of Combination Systems: Multi-Level Gate Networks; Specification of Sequential Systems; Sequential Networks; Standard Combination Modules; Arithmetic Combination Modules and Networks; Standard Sequential Modules; Programmable Modules; Register-Transfer Level (RTL) Systems; Data and Control Subsystems; Specification and Implementation of a Microcomputer; Appendix A. Boolean Algebra; Appendix B. VHDL Packages; Appendix E: Tables of Laplace Transforms and Properties. Supplements: Instructor website. Supplements: Instructor website. Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471527992 / ISBN 10: 0471527998 512pp 1998 Hb + CD Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471984894 / ISBN 10: 0471984892 340pp 1998 Hb

Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation

S.H. GEREZ, University of Twente, Netherlands Very Large-Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits contain many millions of components which cannot be designed without the aid of design automation tools. This book provides an insight into the algorithms used inside these CAD tools and will be a good starting point for designers who want to specialise in building CAD tools themselves. Features: Special attention to background knowledge from mathematics and computer science: graph theory, complexity of algorithms and general-purpose methods for combinatorial optimisation. 50 algorithms (from graph theory, layout design, simulation, logic synthesis) are presented in depth by means of pseudo-code and step-by-step examples. Contents: Part 1: Preliminaries; Introduction to Design Methodologies; A Quick Tour of VLSI Design Automation Tools; Algorithmic Graph Theory and Computational Complexity; Tractable and Intractable Problems; GeneralPurpose Methods for Combinatorial Optimization; Part 2: Selected Design Problems and Algorithms; Layout Compaction; Global Routing: Placement and Partitioning; Local Routing; Floorplanning; Logic Synthesis and Verification; Simulation; High-Level Synthesis; Part 3: Appendices; CMOS Technology; About the Pseudo-code Notation; List of Acronyms; Bibliography; Index.

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Digital Design
Digital Design
FRANK VAHID Vahids Digital Design, provides a new and modern approach to learning the increasingly important topic of digital systems design. The text's focus on register-transferlevel design and modern applications not only leads to a better appreciation of modern computers and of today's ubiquitous digital devices, but also provides for a better understanding of careers involving digital design and embedded system design. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Combinational Logic Design; 3. Sequential Logic Design-Controllers; 4. Datapath Components; 5. Register-Transfer Level (RTL) Design; 6. Optimizations and Tradeoffs; 7. Physical Implementation; 8. Programmable Processors; 9. Hardware Description Languages; Appenix A- Boolean Algebras; Appendix BAdditional Topics in Binary Number Systems; Appendix C- Extended RTL Design Example Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470044377 / ISBN 10: 0470044373 576pp 2005 Pr

Information Technology & Information Systems


Ethics and Technology

Ethical Issues In An Age of Information and Communication Technology 2ND EDITION
HERMAN TAVANI, River College, USA Ethics and Technology 2e introduces readers to the issues and controversies that comprise the relatively new field of Cyberethics. It treats Cyberethics as an interdisciplinary field of study and aims at addressing several audiences, including those in the computer science, philosophy, social/behavioral science, and MIS fields. Actual case examples and hypothetical scenarios involving privacy, security, intellectual property, and speech in cyberspace illustrate ethical controversies that convey the seriousness of the issues under consideration. These concepts and cases receive reinforcement with review/study and discussion/essay questions at the end of each chapter that facilitate readers' comprehension and reflection of ethical issues. Features: Content is based on IEEE and ACM standards. Provides a balanced technical and theoretical approach. Offers real-world exercises, examples and cases. Brief Contents:1. Introduction to Cyberethics: Concepts, Perspectives, and Methodological Frameworks 2. Ethical Concepts and Ethical Theory: Frameworks for Analyzing Cyberethics Issues 3. Logical Arguments and Critical Thinking Skills: Some Tools for Evaluating Cyberethics Disputes 4. Professional Ethics, Codes of Conduct, and Moral Responsibility 5. Privacy and Cyberspace 6. Security in Cyberspace 7. Cybercrime and Cyber-related Crimes 8. Intellectual Property in Cyberspace: Issues of Access and Control 9. Regulating Cyberspace: Code, Free Speech, and E-Commerce 10. Social Issues I: Equity and Access, Employment and Work 11. Social Issues II: Community and Identity in Cyberspace 12. Pervasive Computing and Converging Technologies: Ethical Aspects of Ambient Intelligence, Bioinformatics, and Nanocomputing
ISBN 13: 9780471998037 / ISBN 10: 0471998036 432pp November 2006 Pr


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Information Technology & Information Systems


Information Technology for Management

Transforming Organizations in the Digital Economy 6TH EDITION
EFRAIM TURBAN, California State University at Long Beach, USA Now in its sixth edition, this book has been updated to keep it at the cuttingedge and more accessible. It includes the most current topics and examples to provide readers with the latest information in the field. Throughout the chapters, the authors focus on how organizations operate and compete in the digital economy. They then clearly show how IT can be utilized to assist in this transformation. New to This Edition: Added hands-on exercises in most chapters. Completely revised and upgraded IT security chapter, including introduction of computer forensics, more on computer fraud and crimes, and how to defend against them. Expanded coverage of business intelligence and predictive analytics to a full chapter. Enterprise systems chapter restructured to include business process management and product life cycle. New chapter on data management within the text (instead of as a separate Tech Guide) that includes technical material on files, data storage, and data warehousing. Refocused chapter 1 to cover agility, flexibility, on-demand and real time strategy. Technical networking coverage added to in-book appendix. Chapter on interorganisational and global systems has been completely restructured tying the topic to supply chain networks, virtual corporations, and collaboration. Technical material moved to an appendix. Business (corporate) performance management and automated decision systems added to DSS chapter. Brief Contents: Part One: IT in the Organization 1. IT Support of Organizational Performance 2. Info Technologies 1A. Porter's Models 2A. Build to Order Production 2B. SCM Part Two: IT Infrastructure 3. Data Management 4. Networking Discovery, Communication, Collaboration 4A. Infrastructure of Networking Part Three: The Web Revolution 5. E-Business 6. Wireless Part Four: Organizational Applications 7. Transaction Processing & Functional Areas 8. Enterprise Systems 9. IOS and Global IS 9A. Appendix Part Five: Managerial and Decision Support Systems 10. KM 11. Business Intelligence and Performance Management 12. Managerial Decision Making Part Six: Implementing and Managing IT 13. Using IT for Strategic Advantage 14. Econ 15. Acquiring & Developing Systems 16. Security 17. Impacts

Introduction to Information Systems

R. KELLY RAINER, EFRAIM TURBAN, California State University at Long Beach and RICHARD E. POTTER, University of Illinois, Chicago This streamlined, easy-to-read book provides readers with the basics of information technology (IT). It is based on the fundamental premise that the major role of IT is to support employees, regardless of their functional area or level in the organization. The authors take a hands-on approach with the help of a case study that actually shows how to apply the material in an organization. They also present strong coverage of e-commerce and wireless technologies, an excellent variety of examples, and a website with additional real-world applications and cases. Contents: 1. Information Systems: Concepts and Management. 2. The Modern Organization in the Digital Economy. 3. Ethics, Privacy, and Information Security. 4. Data and Knowledge Management. 5. Network Computing. 6. E-Business and E-Commerce. 7. Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce. 8. Organizational Information Systems. 9. Managerial Support Systems. 10. Acquiring IT Applications. Technology Guide 1. Computer Hardware. Technology Guide 2. Computer Software. ISBN 13: 9780471736363 / ISBN 10: 0471736368 448pp July 2006 Pr


Principles of Information System Security

Text and Cases
GURPREET DHILLON, Virginia Commonwealth University The real threat to information system security comes from people, not computers. Thats why students need to understand both the technical implementation of security controls, as well as the softer human behavioral and managerial factors that contribute to the theft and sabotage proprietary data. Features: Presents a well-balanced view of IS security dealing with the management of technical issues and that related procedures and policies, rather than focusing exclusively on the technical aspects of security. Addresses the socio-technical nature of IS security giving students a greater appreciation of the real nature of the subject. Well-integrated, real-life cases give context to the theoretical material. Cases include Barings Bank and its demise, hacking, password control, and the case of the INSLAW software. Contents: Technical Aspects of Information System Security; Formal Aspects of Information System Security; Informal Aspects of Information System Security; Regulatory Aspects of Information System Security; Cases Supplements: Website containing case study supplement materials and exercises. ISBN 13: 9780471450566 / ISBN 10: 0471450561 550pp March 2006 Hb
ISBN 13: 9780471787129 / ISBN 10: 0471787124 752pp Spring 2007 Hb

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Information Technology & Information Systems


Managing and Using Information Systems

KERI E. PEARLSON, The Concours Group This book arms non-technical managers with the insights and knowledge they need to become active participants in information systems decisions. They'll learn how IT relates to the organization, its overall strategy, and the individual; how information is managed in today's organizations; how to recognize opportunities; and how to apply current technologies in new and innovative ways. Contents: 1: The Information Systems Strategy Triangle. 2: Strategic Use of Information Resources. 3: Organizational Impacts of Information Systems Use. 4: Information Technology and the Design of Work. 5: Information Technology and Changing Business Processes. 6: Architecture and Infrastructure. 7: Doing Business on the Internet. 8: Using Information Ethically. 9: The Management Information Systems Organization. 10: Funding IT. 11: Project Management. 12: Knowledge Management Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471715382 / ISBN 10: 0471715387 368pp June 2006 Pr

Information Technology Project Management

JACK T. MARCHEWKA, Northern Illinois University Features: Emphasizes MOV as a central theme in the text. Takes you through the different phases of the project life cycle and introduces the concepts and tools that are appropriate for each specific phase of the project. Incorporates nine areas outlined in the Project Management Institutes Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) into the basic concepts associated with information systems management and software engineering. Integrates a knowledge management approach throughout the book. Hands-on, integrated case assignments provided on the companion website. Includes a CD trial version of MS Project. Contents: 1. The Nature of Information Technology Projects; 2. Conceptualizing and Initiating The IT Project; 3. Developing the Project Charter and Baseline Project Plan; 4. The Human Side of Project Management; 5. Defining and Managing Project Scope; 6. The Work Breakdown Structure and Project Estimation; 7. The Project Schedule and Budget; 8. IT Project Risk Management; 9. Project Communication, Tracking, and Reporting; 10. IT Project Quality Management; 11. Project Change Management; 12. Procurement, Management and Outsourcing; 13. Project Leadership, Ethics, and Multicultural Projects; 14. Project Implementation, Closure, and Evaluation; Appendix A: An Introduction to Function Point Analysis Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780471715399 / ISBN 10: 0471715395 400pp January 2006 Hb

Strategic Planning for Information Systems

J. WARD and J. PEPPARD, both of Cranfield School of Management Since the earlier edition of Strategic Planning for Information Systems, much has changed in the way business is organised. However, the essence of the book remains the same - it is a practical and comprehensive book written in a clear and straightforward way. This new edition focuses more on strategic management of IS than on the progress made in recent years in either technology or business processes. Strategic Planning for Information Systems (3rd Edition) explores the impact that Information Systems (IS) have on business performance and the contribution IS makes to the strategic development of organisations. It describes IS tools, techniques and management frameworks - all of which identify opportunities for strategic thinking, and shows how IS is an indispensable component in the implementation of a strategic plan. Contents: The Evolving Role of Information Systems and Technology in Organizations: A Strategic Perspective; An Overview of Business Strategy Concepts and the IS/IT Strategy Implications; Developing an IS/IT Strategy: Establishing Effective Processes; IS/IT Strategic Analysis: Assessing and Understanding the Current Situation; IS/IT Strategic Analysis: Determining the Future Potential; Determining the Business Information Systems Strategy; Managing the Applications Portfolio; Strategic Management of IS/IT: Organizing and Resourcing; Managing Investments in Information Systems and Technology; Strategies for Information Management: Towards Knowledge Management; Managing the Supply of IT Services, Applications and Infrastructure; Strategic Planning for Information Systems: Quo Vadis? Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470841471 / ISBN 10: 0470841478 640pp 2002 Hb

Systems Thinking, Systems Practice

P. CHECKLAND, Lancaster University Quickly recognized as a classic in its field, this book established the now accepted distinction between hard systems thinking, in which parts of the world are taken to be systems which can be engineered, and soft systems thinking in which the focus is on making sure the process of enquiry into realworld complexity is itself a system for learning. The book that began the movement toward soft systems enquiries. - Hugh Miser Contents: The Subject of Systems. SYSTEMS THINKINGTHE SYSTEMS MOVEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF SCIENCE. Science as a Human Activity: Its History and its Method. Science and the Systems Movement. Some Systems Thinking. SYSTEMS PRACTICEACTION RESEARCH TO ESTABLISH THE USE OF SYSTEMS CONCEPTS IN PROBLEM-SOLVING. `Hard' Systems ThinkingThe Engineers' Contribution. The Development of `Soft' Systems Thinking. The Systems Methodology in Action. Implications of Systems Practice for Systems Thinking. Appendices. Bibliography. Glossary. Indexes. ISBN 13: 9780471986065 / ISBN 10: 0471986062 350pp 1999 Pr


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Information Technology & Information Systems

Core Concepts of IT Auditing
JAMES E. HUNTON, Bentley College, STEPHANIE M. BRYANT, University of South Florida, NANCY BAGRANOFF, Miami University (OH) This text provides a concise, non-technical approach to information technology (IT) auditing, integrating IT auditing concepts into the course. It takes a how to, risk approach to IT audit, and covers in detail the risks associated with IS Deployment, IS operations, networks and telecommunications, and e-business. Contents: 1. IT Audit Overview; 2. Legal & Ethical Issues for IT Auditors; 3. Information Technology Risks & Controls; 4. IT Deployment Risks; 5. Managing the IT Function; 6. IT Networks & Telecommunication Risks; 7. E-Business Risks; 8. Using Computer Assisted Audit Tools & Techniques; 9. Conducting the IT Audit; 10. Fraud & Forensic Auditing; Appendix A: Glossary; Appendix B: People State University - Auditing Payroll Using ACL; Index Supplements: Instructors Manual/Solutions; On-Line Website ISBN 13: 9780471222934 / ISBN 10: 0471222933 304pp 2003 Pr

Information, Systems and Information Systems

Making Sense of the Field
P. CHECKLAND and S. HOLWELL, both of Lancaster University In spite of the widespread use of computers, the whole area of IS or IT is confused. Conventional theory bears little relation to experience. This book tackles the area afresh by providing a coherent account of the field based on practical examples. a thoughtful and well-written book, which will repay careful study. International Journal of Information Management Contents: THE FIELD OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND ITS PROBLEMS. The Field of Information Systems: Crucial but Confused. Information Systems: The Anatomy of a Confusion. BASIC THINKING: INFORMATION IN SUPPORT OF PURPOSEFUL ACTION. Organizations: The Main Context of Work on Information Systems. Information in Support of Action. RHETORIC AND REALITY IN THE IS FIELD. The Information System which Won the War. Soft Systems Methodology in Action Research. Experiences in the Field. A CONCEPT OF THE FIELD. The Field of Information Systems. Conclusion. References. Indexes. ISBN 13: 9780471958208 / ISBN 10: 0471958204 278pp 1997 Hb

Electronic Commerce
Computer Simulation in Management Science
MICHAEL PIDD, University of Lancaster. The 5th edition of this popular book is essential for management science students, MBAs and practitioners in this area. It shows how practical simulation models are built and used, and provides the theory needed to do this whatever software is used. It covers the modelling methods, computing and statistical requirements for successful simulation and includes: a new chapter on Monte Carlo simulation using spreadsheets a new look inside discrete simulation software simulation models in Visual Basic, SIMUL8 and Micro Saint system dynamics using Powersim

Fundamentals and Applications
HENRY CHAN, THARAM DILLON, RAYMOND LEE, and ELIZABETH CHANG This book provides a broad approach to the subject of e-commerce through its extensive coverage of key technologies and discussion of how to integrate them to build useful e-commerce applications. It is an ideal text for the rapidly expanding number of courses in e-commerce concentrating on the technical aspects of web-based electronic business. Features: The potential of mobile agents, WAP, XML and data mining techniques are all covered in detail. The Virtual Book Store (VBS) case study motivates the technical descriptions throughout this book. Step-by-step programming exercises based on VBS with suggested answers provided on the accompanying Website. Contents: Introduction; PART 1 - TECHNOLOGIES: Internet and the WWW; Client Side Programing; Server-Side Programming; Basic Cryptography and Enabling E-Commerce; Internet Security; Advanced Technologies for E-Commerce; PART 2 - APPLICATIONS: Internet Payment Systems; Consumer Oriented E-Commerce; Business-to-Business E-Commerce; E-Services; Web Advertising and Web Publishing; Step-by-step exercises for building the VBS ISBN 13: 9780471493037 / ISBN 10: 0471493031 504pp 2001 Pr

Contents: Preface to the Fifth Edition. PART I: FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER SIMULATION IN MANAGEMENT SCIENCE. 1. The computer simulation approach. 2. A variety of modelling approaches. 3. Computer simulation in practice. 4. Static Monte Carlo simulation. PART II: DISCRETE EVENT SIMULATION. 5. Discrete event modelling. 6. How discrete simulation software works. 7. Writing a three-phase simulation program. 8. Visual interactive modelling and simulation. 9. Discrete simulation software. 10. Sampling methods. 11. Planning and analysing discrete simulation output. 12. Model Testing and Validation. PART III: SYSTEM DYNAMICS. 13. Structure, behaviour, events and Feedback systems. 14. System dynamics modelling and simulation. 15. System dynamics in practice. Supplements: Supporting website Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470092309 / ISBN 10: 0470092300 328pp 2004 Pr

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Electronic Commerce

Organizational and Technical Foundations
M. PAPAZOGLOU, Katholiek Universiteit, Brabant, The Netherlands PIETER RIBBERS, Katholiek Universiteit, Brabant, The Netherlands This comprehensive book introduces and explains the different elements of e-Business and provides a structure that can facilitate the assimilation of new e-Business developments as they occur in the future. The book also contains abundant real-world applications to encourage readers to understand and appreciate real-life e-Business applications. Most importantly, the text emphasizes an analytical and critical approach to understanding business issues, decision-making and technology use and development. Features: This book is unique in that it contains an in-depth coverage of e-Business that interrelates the business and technical angles of the subject, as well as including concepts, definitions, processes, principles and strategy Numerous real world examples help students understand and appreciate how theory has been put into practice in e-Business The structure of the book has been mapped out to allow readers with different interests to navigate logically through the areas of interest to them Contents: 1. The World of e-Business; 2. e-Business Strategy; 3. Business Models; 4. e-Business Relationships; 5 Governance Structures; 6. eBusiness Technological Infrastructure; 7. XML the enabling technology for e-Business; 8. Electronic Markets; 9. e-Procurement; 10. e-Business Networks; 11. Intermediaries in the Value Systems; 12. e-Business Modelling; 13. Security and Reliability for e-Business; 14. Approaches to Middleware; 15. Component-based Development; 16. Leveraging Legacy Applications; 17. Enterprise Application Integration; 18. e-Business Integration; 19. Building Loosely Coupled e-Business Applications; 20. Business Protocols Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470843765 / ISBN 10: 0470843764 750pp January 2006 Pr


Agent Technology For e-Commerce

MARIA FASLI: University of Essex, UK For full details of this title please see page 23. ISBN 13: 9780470030301 / ISBN 10: 0470030305 480pp February 2007 Pr


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Page 31

Programming Mobile Devices


Symbian OS Platform Security:

Software Development Using the Symbian OS Security Architecture
CRAIG HEATH An introduction to the new security architecture of Symbian OS v9, describing the security model, the implications for the design of software running on it, and new programming interfaces for working with platform security features. The book will present the philosophy of the platform security architecture in general terms, explain the security model employed, and then follow up with targeted advice for the developers of specific classes of software. The book will conclude with a market-oriented discussion of possible future developments in the field of mobile device security. Contents: 1. Why a Secure Platform? 2. Platform Security Concepts. 3. The Platform Security Environment. 4. How to Write Secure Applications. 5. How to Write Secure Servers. 6. How to Write Secure Plug-ins. 7. Sharing Data Safely. 8. Native Software Install. 9. Enabling Platform Security. 10. The Servant in Your Pocket. ISBN 13: 9780470018828 / ISBN 10: 0470018828 274pp February 2006 Pr

Mobile Operating Systems Using Symbian OS

MICHAEL J. JIPPING: Hope College, Michigan USA Mobile Operating Systems will use Symbian OS as a vehicle to discuss operating system concepts as they are applied to mobile operating systems. It is the focus of the tutorial guide that will make this textbook unique; the perspective of Symbian OS makes it extremely relevant for todays students. The textbook will contain a series of laboratories based on software developed by Symbian OS devices. Students can perform these labs anywhere, and can use printing and e-mail facilities to construct lab write-ups and hand in assignments. The book will be replete with examples (both conceptual and applied to handhelds) Summaries at the end of each chapter. Problems the students can do as homework Experiment-oriented questions that students need to perform on a handheld device The tutorial guide will be accompanied by two sets of supplementary materials. The first a laboratory manual that contains exercises involving operating systems on handheld devices: they can be done anytime and anywhere. In addition, the second set of materials would be composed of software that will run on handheld devices and will support the exercises in the book and the laboratory manual

Accredited Symbian Developer Primer

JO STICHBURY, MARK JACOBS, Symbian The Primer will explain the content tested in the Accredited Symbian Developer exam. It will break down the subject areas examined in the online test and succinctly describe each concept as a series of exam objectives. For a more in-depth description of those areas, it will provide references to other sources of information. ISBN 13: 9780470058275 / ISBN 10: 0470058277 256pp October 2006 Pr

ISBN 13: 9780470034491 / ISBN 10: 0470034491 704pp January 2007 Pr


S60 Programming: A Tutorial Guide

PAUL COULTON, REUBEN CHARLES EDWARDS both of Lancaster University, UK, The only tutorial guide for the Worlds leading operating Systems for mobile phones. This tutorial book is perfect for programmers and provides a series of examplebased scenarios, which lead them to develop Symbian applications. The authors Reuben Edwards and Paul Coulton were short listed for the Orange/Nokia Development Prize and have gained 1st hand experience in developing and teaching the Worlds only Mobile Game Design course. This book will guide readers to attain a level of competence to develop their own applications for the commercial market. "close to a 'must read'... (CVu, June 2003) ISBN 13: 9780470027653 / ISBN 10: 0470027657 416pp October 2006 Pr

Dont forget your library journal resources!

These articles are available to read online now!
Characterization of small planar antennas for UWB mobile terminals, By Maciej Klemm, Gerhard Trster
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 5, Issue 5

An OPNET-based simulation approach for deploying VoIP, By K. Salah , A. Alkhoraidly

International Journal of Network Management, Vol. 16, Issue 3

Medium access control in mobile ad hoc networks: challenges and solutions, By Hongqiang Zhai, Jianfeng Wang, Xiang Chen, Yuguang Fang
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 6, Issue 2

Discover these articles and many more at:

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Page 32

Programming Mobile Devices


Programming Mobile Devices:

An Introduction for Practitioners
TOMMI MIKKONEN: Institute of Software Systems A practical advanced text giving a solid introduction to mobile systems programming. The book is the only platform-independent introduction to programming mobile systems. To design software for mobile devices developers must combine properties commonly associated with embedded systems and workstation programming. The skills needed for programming in this area requires understanding of both device related issues as well as a flexible approach. Two commonly used programming systems (Java and Symbian OS) are used as examples, and a discussion is given on how the principles of mobile systems programming is visible in them. Gives an overview of programming mobile systems from a platform independent angle. Discusses the major issues surrounding mobile systems programming; such as understanding of embedded systems and workstation programming. Covers memory management, the concepts of applications, dynamically linked libraries, concurrency, handling local resources, networking and mobile devices as well as security features. Uses generic examples from JavaTM and Symbian OS to illustrate the principles of mobile device programming. Written in an advanced text format with accompanying website featuring slides and related material for teaching purposes. Please visit: for more information and additional resources (where available) ISBN 13: 9780470057384 / ISBN 10: 0470057386 352pp January 2007 Cl

Symbian OS Explained:
Effective C++ Programming for Smartphones
JO STICHBURY This book explains the key features of Symbian OS and will help you to write effective C++ code. It focuses on aspects of good C++ style that apply particularly to Symbian OS. 21 items are used to target particular aspects of the operating system and provide a simple and straightforward exploration of coding fundamentals. Using example code and descriptions of best practice to deconstruct Symbian OS, the items guide you to what you should and should not do (and why), pointing out commonly-made mistakes along the way. Symbian OS Explained can be read cover-to-cover or dipped into as a reference that will improve your code style when programming with Symbian OS. Contents: 1. Class name conventions on Symbian OS. 2. Leaves: Symbian OS Exceptions. 3. The Cleanup Stack. 4. Two-Phase Construction. 5. Descriptors: Symbian OS Strings. 6. Good Descriptor Style. 7. Dynamic Arrays and Buffers. 8. Event-Driven Multitasking Using Active Objects. 9. Active Objects Under the Hood. 10. Symbian OS Threads and Processes. 11. The Client-Server Framework in Theory. 12. The Client-Server Framework in Practice. 13. Binary Types. 14. ECOM. 15. Panics. 16. Bug Detection Using ASSERTs. 17. Debug Macros and Test Classes. 18. Compatibility. 19. Thin Templates. 20. Expose a Comprehensive and Comprehensible API. 21. Good Code Style. Appendix: Code Checklist. ISBN 13: 9780470021309 / ISBN 10: 0470021306 392pp 2004 Pr

Symbian OS C++ for Mobile Phones


Developing Software for Symbian OS

An Introduction to Creating Smartphone Applications in C++
STEVE BABIN, IBM The overall goal of this book is to provide introductory coverage of Symbian OS and get developers who have little or no knowledge of Symbian OS developing as quickly as possible. Shows how Symbian OS architecture and programming compares with other mobile operating systems (to help transition and for better understanding) Provides multiple examples and extra descriptions for areas most difficult for new programmers who are unfamiliar to the unique OS architecture Contains many tips and techniques documented only, up until now, by scattered white papers and newsgroup threads The book will cover development ranging from low-level system programming to end user GUI applications. It also covers the development and packaging tools, as well as providing some detailed reference and examples for key APIs. Contents: 1. Smartphones and Symbian OS. 2. Symbian OS Quick Start. 3. Symbian OS Architecture. 4. Symbian OS Programming Basics. 5. Symbian OS Build Environment. 6. Strings, Buffers and Data Collections. 7. Processes, Threads and Synchronization. 8. Asynchronous Functions and Active Objects. 9. Client/Server Framework. 10. Symbian OS TCP/IP Network Programming. 11. GUI Application Programming. Appendix 1: Specifications of Symbian OS Phones. Appendix 2: Security in Symbian OS v9. ISBN 13: 9780470018453 / ISBN 10: 0470018453 468pp 2005 Pr

The ultimate developers guide to Symbian OS C++ programming. Programming Symbian OS is a key skill for mass market phone application development. Whether you are developing applications and services for shipping mobile phones, or involved in pre-market mobile phone development, this book will help you understand the fundamental theory behind developing Symbian OS C++ code for constrained devices. Accompanying CD includes demo version of Metrowerks toolchain for the P800 Contents: Getting Started. System Structure. C++ and Object Orientation. A Simple Graphical Application. Strings and Descriptors. Error Handling and Cleanup. Resource Files. Basic APIs. Stand-alone Applications. Dialogs and Concrete Controls. Graphics for Display. Graphics for Interaction. Files, Streams, and Stores. Finishing Touches. Device- and Size-independent Graphics. A Mulituser Application. Active Objects. Client-server Framework. The GSDP Server. GDP Implementations. 1. Example Projects. 2. Developer Resources. 3. TOGS Guide and Reference. 4 Emulator. ISBN 13: 9780470856116 / ISBN 10: 0470856114 826pp 2003 Pr


Mobile Interaction Design

MATTHEW JONES, University of Wales, Swansea, UK GARY MARSDEN, University of Cape Town, South Africa For full details of this title please see page 16. ISBN 13: 9780470090893 / ISBN 10: 0470090898 398pp November 2005 Pr


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