Breson 7700007030 New

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Project Name Abstract

One of the problems is cited with dumper in the

time & energy for operating the huge dumper in
the proper direction to dump the material
carrying in it hence the need of project work
riser was being about Multidirectional dropping
dumpers which dump the material in any
direction with moving trolley in any direction.
With rise of chances in technology, it is become
essential to find a viable alternative to 3-way
dumper system.
It is a machine which is used for unloading of
material in a 360° angle by keeping the base still
and the bucket of the dumper to move in 360°
3-way Dumper direction. The driven wheel has four slots and
hence for each rotation of the drive wheel it
advances by one step of 90°.

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
Presently known vehicle jacks are made of steel
and are hand operated through the use of gear
systems, pneumatic systems and the like. These
types of jacks are very difficult to operate,
particularly for a woman, a young adult or a
weak man. Furthermore, because of the weight
of some metallic vehicle jacks, it is inconvenient
and difficult to operate such jacks for lifting an
auto body to change a flat tire.

An air jack for use in raising vehicles from the

ground comprising an exercise ball, a hose
member which is adapted to connect the exhaust
AIR JACK system of a vehicle to the exercise ball and a
solenoid valve for preventing the release of
exhaust gases, from the ball after it has been
inflated. The jack uses pressure of exhaust air to
lift the vehicle off the ground.

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
As the world is hard pressed with the energy and
fuel crises, compounded by pollution of all
kinds, any technologies that bring out the
solutions to this problem is considered as a
bounty. In one of such new technologies, is the
development of a new engine called as
compressed air engine which does not require
any of the known fuels like diesel, petrol, CNG,
LPG, hydrogen etc. this works using only
compressed air. This replaces all types of to-date
known fuels and also permanently solves the
problems of pollution as its exhaust is clean and
cool measured practically as low as 5ºC. Since
AIR SCOOTY this engine runs only on high pressure
compressed air, the exhaust of which is
undoubtedly only air, making it a zero pollution

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
Our invention provides pure distill water which
is generated from air, the air contain water
partial in the form of humidity. We condense
water partial by using vapour compression cycle
till it convert in to ice. The ice is then converted
in to distil water

Air to water convertor

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
The drilling machine is one of the important
machine tool in the workshop. Almost every
assembly undertaken at the shop floor requires
drilling as one of its operation.

The auto Reversal Drilling cum tapping machine

aimed at reducing time required in drilling
operation will be a vital step towards reducing
the cycle time of each assembly. Further it will
reduce operator’s fatigue, improving work
conditions at shop floor.

The proposal project will thus provide

substantial profitability at the shop floor & the
firm on the whole.

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
Global warming are becoming major problems
in the current scenario. Therefore people try to
move towards clean energy. transportation is one
of the source of pollution or global warming
because bike or any type of vehicle work on fuel
(petrol, diesel)it burn and produce harmful gases
in air due to that pollution is increases and this
source of energy is imitate therefore today’s need
to move other clean source of energy for
transportation. that free from pollution and it
easily available. Electrical bike is one of the way
to reduce this type of problem.


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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
This project includes the design, structure and
mechanism involved in generation of power. Our
device captures the energy of vorticity, an
aerodynamic effect.
Our design consists of a tapered hollow,
lightweight and semi rigid fiberglass tapered
cylinder. As the wind bypasses the cylinder its
flow changes and generates a cyclic pattern of
vortices. This vortices creates vibrations in the
structure and this structural vibrations are
converted into electricity using power generating
This is where we come across the new idea of
Bladeless wind Turbine energy generation. Instead of implementing the
heavy size & costlier structure, we can
implement quite simpler & cost effective
structure. Basically this structure is made to
vibrate due to the intensity of wind flowing and
these vibrations are utilized to generate

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
Third eye for people who are blind is an
innovation which helps the blind people to
navigate with speed and confidence by detecting
the nearby obstacles using the help of ultrasonic
waves and notify them with buzzer sound or
vibration. They only need to wear this device as
a band or cloth.


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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
Dumpers have always played an important role
for carrying bulk loads, often for carrying
building loads. To dump the materials at
particular site in the proper direction is
challenging at a construction site. It is usually
time taking and difficult to keep dumper in
assigned position in order to dump the materials.
To overcome this limitation, the modification in
the design of existing dumper is necessary for
easier dumping of materials. In this work, a new
design is proposed for dumper which is movable
in any direction to dump the material; the three
dimensional motion is achieved by introducing a
Flexible Unloading /
dc gear motor along with a chain sprocket
Side bullock cart

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
. The ability to control the process for better
quality of the final product is paramount
The surface roughness of machined parts is a
significant design specification that is known to
have considerable influence on properties such
as wear resistance and fatigue strength. It is one
of the most important measures in finishing
cutting operations. Consequently, it is important
to achieve a consistent tolerance and surface

The case study for this project is focused on

CNC operated lathe modelling milling process to a new level by
creating well controlled panels to operate the
tool of Lathe machine Electronically.

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
If any business or craft has need for accurate
duplicates in wood, this copy carver will
revolutianalize your work. Now you can quickly
and precisely duplicate almost any shape. It is a
extremely rigid structure, producing duplicates
unmatch by filmsy competitive carvers. The
balance is perfect resulting in fine touch control
of the router. This carving machine creates a
precise duplicate piece requiring only mirror
standing to prepare the wood for finishing.

With this carving machine in your shop, you can

save time and effort and focus on the fine touch
of your craft, It is straight forward to setup and

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
A cycloidal drive or cycloidal speed reducer is
a mechanism for reducing the speed of an input
shaft by a certain ratio. Cycloidal speed reducers
are capable of high ratios in compact sizes. This
report describes the design and fabrication of a
Cycloidal Gear Box, which is the main motto of
this project.
The primary focus of this report design of
Cycloidal Gear Box with Paper Stamping which
would prove to be a revolution in the history
of types of Gear Box, which reduces speed and
increases torque as speed is inversely
proportional to torque. Taking Advantage of this
Gear Box, we attached an application of Paper
Stamping by linkage mechanism attached to the
outer shaft.

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
Water flow in the domestic pipes has kinetic
energy that has the
potential to generate electricity for energy
storage. An introduction of three new
mechanical arrangements
namely the air bladder for water pressure
maintenance, U-tube piping and broad nozzle
pipe end are
included for better working and energy
generation. It produces electricity with no fuel
cost and low
maintenance. We could install a mechanical
arrangement to generate electricity from the
potential energy
possessed by water storage tank from a water
head of even 3m and above very easily.

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
The idea is to increase the power of engine and
decrease the power of engine as per requirement.
The mechanism which we have used in our
project is very much beneficial for heavy
vehicles like truck. The idea is to increase the
power of engine and decrease the power of
engine as per requirement. For showing our
concept hair we are using simple mechanism in
which Piston and acrylic transparent cylinder is
used and is driven by DC motor and battery the
concept which we are telling can be easily
understand bye working this model.

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
The project objective is to build an electrical
skateboard. The difference between the existed
skateboard and our electrical skateboard is the
electrical one has a brushless motor in its back
wheel. This motor can be controlled by the
player on skateboard. With this skateboard,
players can save their energy when going
somewhere long distance, or they could just keep
moving to somewhere when they were


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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
A motorized wheelchair or electric-powered
wheelchair is a wheelchair that is propelled by
means of an electric motor rather than manual
power. Motorized wheelchairs are useful for
those who are not able to impel a manual
wheelchair or who may need to employ a
wheelchair for distances or over terrain which
would be strenuous in a manual wheelchair.
They may also be used not just by people with
conventional mobility impairments, but also by
people with cardiovascular and fatigue based
conditions. Electric wheelchairs have enhanced
ELECTRIC the quality of life for many people with physical
WHEELCHAIR disabilities through the mobility they afford.

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
The ElliptiGO is a hybrid between a bicycle and
an elliptical cross-trainer and is meant to be used
outdoors. Customization design is a trend for
developing a bicycle in recent years. Thus, the
comfort of riding a bicycle is an important factor
that should be paid much attention to while
developing a bicycle. From the viewpoint of
ergonomics, the concept of “fitting object to the
human body” is designed into the bicycle frame
in this study. Firstly the important feature points
like riding posture, frame design, wheel size,
materials required, method of manufacture and
types of failures are discussed.
Ellipti Go Bicycle

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
A Firefighter Robot is defined as a mechanical
design with either remote control capabilities, or
autonomous intelligence - that is capable of
performing firefighting tasks. Building such a
robot requires expertise and complex
programming. It’s about building systems and
putting together motors, solenoids, and of course
- made out of fireproof materials.


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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
The garbage materials can clog water flow,
induce the water become dirty, smelly, and often
over flow so then give effect floods. The
engineer is constantly confronted with the
challenges of bringing ideas and design into

Floating lake cleaner is used for management of

aquatic issues or obstacles in not only just lake
but even variety of habitats or other water
sources including streams, rivers, and canals.
Due to its future availability in different sizes
and designs this machine can be bought and used
Floating River Cleaner for individual purpose as well. Depending from
needs to needs this machine is capable enough to
work in conditions like extreme winter, spring
and summer.

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
A hho generator, which is also known as an
Electrolyser is a cell or multiple cells which
breaks waterdown into hydrogen and oxygen
gasses by using electrolysis. The gas produced is
called hydroxy, browns gas or HHO. HHO is 2
parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen. Hydroxy gas
(HHO gas)is highly explosive

The HHO gas is supplied to the engine via intake

manifold or carb. The gas then helps your
gasoline burn more efficiently, while producing
its own combustion. That added combustion of
the hydrogen gives you more power, and
HHO BOOSTER ultimately requires less gasoline to run your
engine, resulting, in better gas mileage. It seems
like it violates the laws of physics? But it
doesn't. We know that splitting water into
hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis requires
more energy than you get by burning the
hydrogen produced. But in our case HHO gas
acts as a catalyst to better burn your gasoline and
is increasing your engine efficiency

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
Suppose a small scale beverage manufacturer
decide to launch a product with 3 or 2 juices
mixed in it, then he has to mix all of them in the
required quantity in a silo. If the market doesn’t
accept that product then the manufacture has no
option rater than manufacturing the same
product or let it go waste. If the 3 or 2 juices
which are mixed in order to form one juice are
having individual demand in market then also
the manufacture can’t do anything as he has
mixed them all together. So we are trying to
make a machine which will contain these 3 or 2
juices in separate containers and will mix them
Juice Mixing
according to the requirement in a uniform
manner instantaneously on the production line.

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
A magnetic coupling is a coupling that transfers
torque from one shaft, but using a magnetic field
rather than a physical mechanical connection.
Permanent magnet couplings, clutches and
brakes are safe, reliable and particularly
economical to operate. They work without wear
or contact, are virtually maintenance-free,
operate with low bearing friction (concentric
ring couplings) and, under conditions of normal
use, have an almost unlimited working life. They
are particularly useful when it is necessary to
ensure a strict, physical separation between the
drive and driven side. This project will show
Magnetic Coupling magnetic coupling, clutch and brake all three in a
For booking and free single machine.

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
The purpose of this project is to design and
suggest a new mechanism other than the very
conventional methods used material
transportation. Nowadays value and requirement
of land in India has grown very rapidly. Thus
effective space utilization has given prime
importance in industrial organization .The
project is all about lifting up the products and
transfer them to desired height within a short
floor space. We have to use connecting rod and
crank mechanism in this project. Various
manufacturing processes are carried out on
multiple floors. These stations are built on
MARBLE SHIFTING multiple floors for optimizing the space
utilization. Also the finished goods are stored at
a higher level on racks.

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
A mono wheel is a one-wheeled single track
similar to uni cycle. However, instead of sitting
above the outer cycle, the rider sits inside the
wheel. The wheel is a ring, usually driven by uni-
cycle which is pressed against to the outer wheel.
It was designed as a single-passenger vehicle, or
a multi-passenger vehicle has been built in 19th
Century. Hand-cranked and pedal-powered
mono wheels were built in the late 19th century;
most built in the 20th century have been
motorized. Some modern builders refer to these
vehicles as the monocycle, though that term is
used to describe motorized unicycles.
Mono Wheel Cycle

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
The TEC cooler will utilise the power from the
PV (photo-voltaic) panels when the battery is
fully charged, and at night, will use a small
amount of power to maintain the temperature in
the cooler box. In. other words, if the battery of
the system is fully charged, and there is no
appliance to absorb the power generated from
the PV panel, it would be wasted, resulting in a
'poor efficiency factor for the whole PV system.
The cooler box integrated in a RAPS (remote
area power supply) would allow for a very
efficient system utilising all the excess generated
FOLDING SOLAR power from the sun. Sun energy is use for
REFRIGERATOR cooling therefore, the more the sun shines, the
PELTIER BASED warmer it gets, and the more power there will be
for cooling.

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
Field operations cause most damage to potatoes
when they are dug in dry, cloddy conditions. The
clods rub against the potatoes and force them to
the outer edges of the primary conveyor where
mechanical damage occurs. Vibratory and rotary
tillage tools develop smaller soil clods. This
reduction in the size of soil Clods during the
digging process can help to minimize damage to
the potatoes, facilitate lifting the potatoes from
the digging blade.

Potato harvesters are machines that harvest

potatoes. They work by lifting the potatoes from
POTATO DIGGER the bed using a share. Soil and crop are
transferred onto a series of webs where the loose
soil is sieved out. The potatoes are moved
towards the back of the digger.

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
A rice transplanter is a specialized machine used
to transplant rice seedlings in the field. A
common rice transplanter comprises. A seedling
tray like a shed roof on which mat type rice
nursery is set. A seedling tray shifter that shifts
the seedling tray like the carriage of typewriters.
Plural pickup forks that pick seedlings up from
mat type nursery on the seedling tray and put the
seedlings into the earth, as if the seedling were
taken between human fingers. Machine
transplanting using rice transplanters requires
considerably less time and labour than manual
transplanting. It increases the approximate area
that a person can plant from 700 to 10,000
m2/day (

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
The ROVs are remotely controlled. If you‟ve
ever driven a radio controlled toy car or
aeroplane you have operated a remotely
controlled vehicle. The underwater ROVs
however, can‟t use radio signals to any depth
greater than about1 meter….the signals are
absorbed by the water. Consequently, the
Underwater ROV is controlled by sending
signals down a tether which contains electrical
wires. Since humans control the ROV, they have
to see what they are doing, so underwater video
cameras are used for that purpose.


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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
The main objective of this system is to
effectively tackle the present-day hazards of the
oil spill on the sea surface in a simplest and eco-
friendly manner. The other objective is to collect
this spilled oil in most efficient and clean
manner so that its reusing efficiency is 60-80%.
The system will comprise of simple and effective
components which are cheap and readily
available. The objective is to introduce solar
panels in the system so that it does not depend
on external source of energy to drive the motor.


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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
In the current generation most of the countries
do not have sufficient skilled man power in the
agriculture sector and it affects the growth of
developing countries. So it’s a time to automate
the agriculture sector to overcome this problem
by using upgraded technology for cultivation
activity. The basic operation of sowing machine
is to saw the seed in row at the required depth
and maintain the distance between two seeds.
Solar panel is used to capture solar energy and
then it is converted into electrical energy. This
energy is used to charge 12V battery which is
utilized by DC motors. We enter the distance
between two seeds trough keypad. LCD is used
to display the battery level. By using this
innovative project of seed sowing machine we
can save more time required for sowing process
and it also reduces labourer cost. This machine
controls the seed depth and proper utilization of
seeds to reduce the wastage of seeds.

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
The objective of this project is to design a small,
robust and highly maneuverable walking robot.
It will be designed for walking on the different
platforms like rough terrains, smooth surfaces,
overcoming obstacles in its path and climbing
over obstacles of certain height, choosing
different predetermined gaits and to have good
stability, speed as well as payload capacity.
This robot would provide a platform for the
study of the control of legged vehicles,
environment sensing, path planning and task
accomplishment. Creating such a platform is the
fundamental purpose behind the project.

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
Fires can cause devastating harm to property and
even death to many people. The risk of being
injured in a fire or becoming a fire casualty is
higher for people with mental, physical and
sensory disabilities.
SkySaver is a unique personal rescue device
which uses an individual harness to help a user
safely escape from an emergency situation in a
multi-story building.


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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
The sorting of different kinds over wide area has
proven to be an important part in every sector.
So as to accomplish the work of sorting, manual
efforts were put in. Earlier, the manual
involvement has been commonly imparted for
the sorting process from small-scale industries to
comparatively high-level large-scale industries.
But, due to increase in competition in the global
market, the so-called big companies and
industries started seeking for better technologies
that would reduce human effort and hence the
consequent errors which in turn would help them
increase their productivity and meet the
SORTING MACHINE increasing demand.
As a result, the advent of automation in sorting
sector has become a boon for such industrial

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
This project mainly aims at designing a drive-
system of a bicycle with a spoke-less rear wheel
by introducing a rack and pinion
arrangement in the rear wheel. The basic idea is
to transmit power by connecting the peddle gear
to the pinion which meshes with
the rear wheel-rim having internal gears. The
back wheel has internal gears that are attached to
the inside of the wheel, and in
order to rotate, you had a sprocket attached to it
that was attached to a chain.

Spokeless Bike

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
A weed is essentially any plant which grows
where it is unwanted or in the wrong place at the
wrong time and doing more harm than good. It is
a plant that competes with crops for water,
nutrients and light. This can reduce crop
production and decrease the value of land,
increase cost of cleaning. Weed control is one of
the most difficult tasks in agriculture that
accounts for a considerable share of the cost
involved in agricultural production. Weeding is
the removal of unwanted plants in the field
crops. Mechanical weed control is very effective
as it helps to reduce drudgery involved in
manual weeding, it kills the weed and also keeps
the soil surface loose ensuring soil aeration and
water intake capacity

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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118
This project is about designing and
manufacturing an Aeroleaf Wind Turbine that
can convert
wind by using Vertical Axis Wind Turbines
(VAWT) to a useful energy.

One of the best sources of energy that can apply

the concept of sustainability is renewable
energy such as sun, wind, and rivers. The
positive point of wind energy is that unlike solar
energy that only used with sunlight, wind turbine
can be useful all the 24 hours all the year.


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Deepak-7700007030, 8451999118

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