0216 Gonza
0216 Gonza
0216 Gonza
A Procedure To Determine the
Unknown Geometry of External
Cylindrical Gears
By Gonzalo González Rey, Alejandra García Toll, and Christian Irving Enrique Rodríguez González
Equation 9
determine the unknown gear geometry using conventional measure- will not operate properly. For this reason, the center distance should
ment tools (Regalado, 2000) or an exhaustive search method with a be determined with good precision. This magnitude is accepted as the
trial-and-error procedure to obtain an approximate geometry of the shortest distance between the axes of a gear pair; this is also the distance
analyzed gears. between the axes of shafts that are carrying the gears.
A common method to determine the gear center distance is the
Equation 10 measurement in parallel planes of the center holes distance located in
their functional shafts; however, taking into account the accuracy of
Where: cylindrical bearing seatings on shafts and in housing bores, a more
bmin : minimum value for facewidth in millimeters. There is an satisfactory method is to consider the nominal center distance as the
additional value of 1.5 percent to make a stable span mea- sum of the housing bores radii (or outer radii of bearings) plus the
surement. distance between them. (See Figure 4 and Equation 11.) Usually,
Number of teeth spanned for the base tangent length (k): In the speed reducers and enclosed gear unit boxes have specified the
case of gears with specified tooth data, the number of teeth spanned nominal center distance based on a series of preferred numbers (IS0
for the base tangent length can be calculated (Maag, 1990), but for Standard 3, 1973), and checking it may help determine the nominal
gears with unknown geometry, the number of teeth between the value of the center distance.
measuring surfaces can be established so that the points of contact
with vernier caliper or plate micrometer are roughly at mid tooth Equation 11
height. The number of teeth to be spanned will be larger for gears
with larger numbers of teeth and for gears with a higher helix angle.
Recommendations in Table 1, based on the author’s experiences and
calculation of the base tangent length, can be used as a guideline for
values of the number of teeth for span measurement. More detailed
information about values of the number of teeth spanned for the base
tangent length from the helix angle, the number of teeth, pressure
angle, and the addendum modification coefficient can be obtained
in the Maag Gear Book.
Tooth depth (h): This magnitude is usually specified as the radial
distance between the tip and root diameters. Tooth depth may be
measured by means of a gear tooth vernier caliper or in a tooth space
using a simple vernier caliper with a blade for depth measurements.
The caliper blade must penetrate sufficiently and make contact with
the surface at the bottom of a tooth space without interfering with
adjacent teeth flanks.
Center distance (aw): Involute gears can operate correctly with a
small change of center distance according to the proper tolerances for Figure 4: Parameters for calculation of center distance (aw ) by means of center holes
deviations, but assembled gears with incorrect operating center distance distance or bearing housing bores radii (R1 + R2 ) plus the distance (T) between them
Number of teeth between the measuring surfaces so that the points of contact are roughly at mid tooth height (k)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Helix angle at
a tip diameter (bα) Number of teeth (z)
0° 11 18 28 36 44 55 65 75 85 95 100 110
18 28 36 44 55 65 75 85 95 100 110 120
20° 10 16 24 30 42 48 55 65 75 85 95 100
16 24 30 42 48 55 65 75 85 95 100 110
40° 6 9 14 18 24 28 32 36 42 46 50 54
9 14 18 24 28 32 36 42 46 50 54 60
Table 1: Guideline for the number of teeth spanned for the base tangent length
FEBRUARY 2016 43
Helix angle at tip diameter (b α): For spur gears, b = b α = 0º, relations with the normal base pitch. Once the base tangent lengths
because the helix is a straight line parallel to its rotating axis. However, have been measured, the value for reference of the normal module
in the case of helical gears, measurement of the helix angle at the may be calculated applying Equations 13 and 14 for pinion and gear
reference diameter is one of the most difficult to specify and should respectively. Because the values m1 and m2 do not need to be exactly
be done with a special helix angle tester. When helix angle measuring precise, a value of α @ 20º can be used for calculation purposes.
is not possible with special equipment, the helix angle at the reference
diameter can be approximately determined using a simple method Equation 13
based on measuring the helix angle at tip diameter (b α) with results
that are not exact yet acceptable. For this method, it is necessary to
apply a marking compound to the tip surface of the external gear
Equation 14
teeth and roll the helical gear in a straight line on white paper to
collect a generated trace (see Figure 5).
Although mating gears can have different base tangent lengths
and number of teeth, mating gears must have the same module and
pressure angle. For this reason, the correct normal module for gear
m should be established equal to the nearest standardized module to
the values m1 and m2. Table 2 can be used as a guideline for values
of standardized normal modules.
Figure 5: Measuring of outer helix angle b α by a generated trace
Series I 1 1.25 1,5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6
DETERMINATION OF THE UNKNOWN GEAR GEOMETRY II 1.125 1.375 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.5 4.5 5.5 (6.5)
The output results of the unknown gear have strong relation to the Series I 8 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50
measured values and depend on the uncertainty of the measuring and II 7 9 11 14 18 22 28 36 45
all manufacturing errors, wear, and deformation on flanks in the gear
Note: Preference should be given to the use of the normal modules as given
itself. It is important to understand this concept, because modules,
in series I. The module 6.5 of series II should be avoided. These normal
pressure angles, helix angles, addendum modification coefficient, modules are not necessarily applicable to gears used in the automotive field.
and other gear geometry features are given at calculated values, and
Table 2: Standardized normal modules of cylindrical gears for general and heavy
they are not necessarily the values used in the initial manufacturing engineering
of the gears. However, they are very useful as a reference to establish
the fundamental parameters for reproduction of new gears or evalu- Helix angle at reference diameter (b): In spur gears, the helix
ation of the load capacity of gears. angle at the reference diameter is b = 0º. In the case of helical gears,
With the initial data and measurements mentioned earlier, funda- the helix angle at the reference diameter can be calculated based on
mental gear geometry parameters according to ISO standards can be the measurement of the helix angle at tip diameter (b α) as follows:
obtained by applying the following calculations.
Normal module (m): The module m in the normal section of the
gear is the same module m of the standard basic rack tooth profile Equation 15
(IS0 Standard 53, 1998) and is defined as the quotient of the pitch
p (distance measured over the reference circle from a point on one
tooth to the corresponding point on the adjacent tooth of the gear), Nominal pressure angle (a): This is an important characteristic
expressed in millimeters, to the number p. of the standard basic rack tooth profile for cylindrical involute gears
cut by the generating tool and constitutes a geometrical reference for
Equation 12 involute gears in order to fix the sizes and profiles of their teeth. In
general, gears are generated with a cutter normal profile angle chosen
The module is a commonly referenced gear parameter in the ISO from the range between 14.5º and 25º. Standard values for nominal
gear system and important in defining the size of the gear tooth. The pressure angle are 14.5º, 17.5º, 20º, 22.5º, and 25º. Some gear manu-
module cannot be measured directly from a gear, yet it is a common facturers use nonstandard cutter profile angles to accomplish specific
referenced value. Tooling for commercially available cylindrical gears design goals. In these cases, this method of reverse engineering can
are stocked in standardized modules (ISO Standard 54, 1996, and be used in recreating other new gears with standardized values of
ANSI/AGMA 1102-A03, 2003). pressure angle.
Generally, when gear generation is complete, a perfect engagement Taking into account the sum of theoretical base tangent lengths
between gear and its generating hob occurs. Thus, the normal mod- of both toothed wheels (Swtk = wtk1 + wtk2), the nominal pressure
ule in the unknown gear geometry may be determined by a simple angle can be estimated. By means of mathematical processing of
search of the gear generating hob with a known module, which has Equations 6, 8, 9, and 16 for pinion and gear, it is possible to deter-
a perfect mating with the analyzed gear. However, this procedure mine Equation 17. In particular, Equation 17 is relevant because the
requires a complete set of generating hobs to give solutions, and it is numerical values obtained are derived directly from the basic gear
not economically desirable, especially when the measurement has to data specified previously and can be used as an important factor in
be taken in the field. the decision-making task.
Moreover, the normal module could be determined using a more
practical procedure based on the difference between values of base Equation 16
tangent lengths over a consecutive number of teeth spanned and their
44 gearsolutions.com
Equation 17 (González Rey, G. et al, 2006). The main parameter to evaluate the
addendum modification is the addendum modification coefficient x,
With: also known as profile shift factor or rack shift coefficient.
The addendum modification coefficients for pinion (x1) and
gear (x2) can be estimated by Equations 18 and 19 obtained with
consideration of normal backlash and mathematical processing of
Equations 6, 8, 9, and 15.
Equation 18
Swtk : sum of theoretical base tangent lengths of mating pinion
and gear Equation 19
awk : pressure angle at the pitch cylinder
at : transverse pressure angle Where:
jbn = normal backlash (mm)
To determine the nominal pressure angle in the unknown gear,
the sum of the theoretical base tangent lengths (Swtk = wtk1 + wtk2) Normal backlash is the shortest distance between nonworking
should be compared with the result of the sum of the measured base flanks of two gears when the working flanks are in contact. Some
tangent lengths (Swk = wk1 + wk2). Thus, the nominal pressure angle backlash should be present in all gear meshes. It is required to assure
a must be estimated equal to the nearest standard value of pressure that the nondriving flanks of the teeth do not make contact. Backlash
angle with a smaller difference between the sum of the theoretical in a given mesh varies during operation as a result of changes in speed,
(Swtk) and measured (Swk) base tangent lengths of both gears. temperature, and load. The amount of backlash required depends on
The starting value in the search should be 20°, since the majority the size of the gears, their accuracy, mounting, and the application.
of cutting tools use that angle, conforming to worldwide acceptance. For the purpose of this procedure, normal backlash is preferably
Smaller pressure angles can be analyzed for gears with higher trans- measured with feeler gauges when gears are mounted in the housing
verse contact ratios when lower noise levels are desirable. In this cir- under static conditions. When normal backlash can not be measured,
cumstance, gears usually have high numbers of teeth and are lightly Table 4 can be used as a guideline for values of minimum backlash
loaded. Higher pressure angles are sometimes preferred for gears (ISO/TR 10064-2, 1996) recommended for industrial drives with
with lower numbers of teeth and heavily loaded when tooth bending ferrous gears in ferrous housings, working at pitchline speeds less
strength is required. Table 3 shows a sample of how to determine a than 15 m/s, and with typical commercial manufacturing tolerances
nominal pressure angle. for housings, shafts, and bearings.
Addendum modification coefficient (x1, x2): The profile shift Equations 20 and 21, derived from Equation 5, give a possible
is the amount that is added to, or subtracted from, the gear teeth cross-check for the estimated values of addendum modification coef-
addendum to enhance the operational performance of the gear mat- ficients if the normal tooth thicknesses on the reference cylinder for
ing or meet fixed design criteria. For specialists involved with gear pinion and gear (sn1 and sn2) are known.
design based on ISO standards, it’s known that the datum line of
the basic rack profile does not necessarily need to be tangent to the
reference diameter on the gear, thus the tooth profile and its shape can Equation 20
be modified by shifting the datum line from the tangential position
Table 3: Sample of the procedure to determine the standardized pressure angle by means of difference between the sum of the theoretical (SWtk ) and measured (SWk ) base
tangent lengths of both gears
FEBRUARY 2016 45
Center distance (aw); mm
Equation 21 Normal module
(m); mm 50 100 200 400 800
1.5 0.09 0.11
Factor of radial clearance (c*) and factor of addendum (ha*): 2 0.10 0.12 0.15
Shape and geometrical parameters of the basic rack tooth profile for
3 0.12 0.14 0.17 0.24
involute gears are set by special standards (see Table 5) corresponding
5 0.18 0.21 0.28
with the rack-shaped tool (such as hobs or rack-type cutters) used in
the cutting of gears by means of generation methods. The dimen- 8 0.24 0.27 0.34 0.47
sions of the standard basic rack tooth profile give information about 12 0.35 0.42 0.55
standardized values of radial clearance and addendum as a multiple Table 4: Recommended values (in mm) for minimum backlash jbn
of the normal module.
The factor of radial clearance is the distance, along the line of a ha* c* rF* Standard
centers, between the root surface of a gear and the tip surface of its 20.0° 1.00 0.25 0.380 ISO 53:1998
mating gear given in relation to normal module. Radial clearance is 20.0° 1.00 0.25 0.300
the same between the root surface and the tip surface for pinion and 20.0° 1.00 0.25 0.250
gear with the same tooth depth (see Figure 6). 20.0° 1.00 0.40 0.39
20.0° 1.00 0.25 0.300 AGMA 201.02-68
20.0° 1.00 0.25 0.350
20.0 0.8 0.20 0.3
25.0° 1.00 0.25 0.300
25.0° 1.00 0.25 0.350
14.5° 1.00 0.157 -
20.0° 1.00 0.25 0.375 JIS B 1701-72
Figure 6: Identification of radial clearances between the teeth of gear meshes
20.0° 1.00 0.25 0.400 GOST 13755-68
Equations 22 and 23 can be used to determine the factor of radial
clearances. For the purpose of this procedure, radial clearances are Table 5: Standard values of basic rack tooth profile parameters
preferably measured with gauges when gears are mounted in the
housing under static conditions. Equation 22
Equation 23
Equations 24 and 25 derived directly from the basic gear data are
given to estimate values of the factor of addendum.
Equation 24
Equation 25
The theory of the involute surface of the flank of a cylindrical gear can
give information about basic gear tooth data needed to determine the
unknown gear geometry. Based in the mentioned theory, a procedure of
reverse engineering to determine the basic geometry of external parallel-
axis cylindrical involute gears has been presented. The proposed method
can be used as an alternative procedure to determine the unknown gear
geometry using conventional measurement tools.
46 gearsolutions.com
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2. ANSI/AGMA 1102-A03 (2003). Tolerance specification for gear
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3. Belarifi, F; Bayraktar, E.; Benamar, A. (2008). The reverse
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CAD. Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing At Southern Gear & Machine, your parts are in the capable
Engineering. 31 (2), 429 – 433. hands of our machinists and engineers who have an average of
4. González Rey, G. (1999). Procedimiento para la obtención de 25 years of experience in gear manufacturing.
los parámetros geométricos básicos de un engranaje cónico de
dientes rectos. Ingeniería Mecánica, 2 (1), 23-31. When you place your order with Southern Gear, you can rest
5. González Rey, G, Frechilla Fernández, P. & García Martin, R. assured that experienced engineers and machinists are creating
(2006). Cylindrical Gear Conversions: ISO to AGMA. Gear your part, at our facility, under our quality control, and with our
Solutions, March 2006, 22-29. outstanding customer service.
6. Grimsley, P. (2003). Software solutions for unknown gear. Gear
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• Our machinists and engineers have an average of
IFToMM World Congress, Besançon, France, June 18-21, 2007
(pp. 406 – 412). 25 years experience in gear manufacturing.
8. IS0 Standard 3. (1973). Preferred numbers. Series of preferred
• Our employees have been with our company an
numbers. ISO. Genève 20, Switzerland.
9. ISO Standard 1340 (1976). Cylindrical gears. Information to be average of 13 years.
given to the manufacturer by the purchaser in order to obtain • We have more the 50 gear cutting machines alone.
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10. ISO Standard 54. (1996). Cylindrical gears for general and heavy • We outsource only plating, heat treating and NDT.
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11. ISO/TR 10064-2. (1996). Cylindrical gears. Code of inspection • We have been manufacturing precision gears for
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tions, runout, tooth thickness and backlash. ISO. Genève 20,
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12. IS0 Standard 53. (1998). Cylindrical gears for general and heavy equipment each year for the past five years.
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14. Maag (1990). Maag gear book. Maag Gear Company Ltd.
15. Norma NC 02-04-04 (1978). Reglas para elaborar los planos
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16. Schultz, C. D. (2010). Reverse Engineering. In proceedings of
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