Polyurea Hot Spray Steel Surfaces Method Statement

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Method Statement

Polyurea – Hot Spray – Steel Surfaces


1. Surface consistency and requirements for the surface

1.1 General considerations

All steel surfaces to be coated (on a base coat of PU, PUA, EP, etc.) must be designed and prepared
in accordance with the generally applicable standards and directives in order to meet the
requirements of NACE RP 0178-89 or EN 14879-1. All surfaces must be free from uneven patches
and faults.
The parts to be coated must be designed and manufactured in a manner enabling the application of a
protective coating without any subsequent rework or alterations.
The surfaces to be faced must be visible and easily accessible. All connections, intersections, etc.
must be effected in such a way that the surface protection material can be applied without gaps being
left. It must be ensured that there are no blisters under the coating, arising for example from pores,
grooves, etc. Any welding carried out on the component constituting a hazard to the coating must be
completed beforehand. This concerns the insulated supports. Surfaces intended to be close fitting
(mating surfaces) which have to be machined after the coating has been applied should be processed
to yield the close-fitting surfaces before the coating is applied, thus ensuring a sufficient and even
protective layer after the machining operation.

1.2 Manufacturing the metal components

The requirements for this are given in NACE RP 0178-89 or EN 14879-1.

Arising from these directives and the applicable standards, requirements are made on the
manufacturers of metal components. These requirements must also be met when ordering
material, transportation, warehousing and also for any welding work. In this way
discontinuities can be avoided that would lead to considerable rework.
The steel plate to be used for producing metal components should correspond to the
following recommendation: "Steel plate R St.37-2 / DIN EN 10025 / DIN EN 10029 (possibly
pre-blasted) finished in accordance with the AD code of practice W1 with the acceptance test
certificate 3.1.B in accordance with DIN EN 10204".
The rust grades A or B in accordance with DIN 55928-4 and ISO 8501-1 are permitted for
steel plate. The admissibility of rust grade C for the initial state of steel plate requires a joint
review and joint agreement.
Because of the danger of slag being pressed into the plate surface meeting the upper roller,
this side must not be the one to be coated. Consequently stamping the material must take
place on this side. It is advisable to have an expert report carried out by a specialist at a
metal container manufacturer or a specialist at the steel plate manufacturer. This would lead
to a provisional evaluation of the metal surface regarding its suitability after blasting. It is to
be transported with due care to prevent any discontinuations arising, e.g. as a result of
mechanical damage.
The steel plates should not be stored unprotected outdoors or in an aggressive industrial or
marine atmosphere.

© VIP – Voelkel Industrie Produkte GmbH │Lohenstr. 11 │82166 Gräfelfing (Munich) │Germany
Phone +49-(0)89 89 55 809 - 0 │[email protected] │www.vip-gmbh.com│www.polyurea-solutions.com
Method Statement
Polyurea – Hot Spray – Steel Surfaces


The following should be considered when producing steel containers:

Welded seams are to be produced by the application of suitable welding filler metal in such a
way that grinding would only be necessary on the site, for example at the ends of the seams.
The minimum radii for throats and edges can be found in Table 1 in accordance with DIN
Because of the better access afforded, grinding or sanding should be carried out on the
individual components and not once they have been assembled to form the complete
The weld between the flange and the pipe must be carried out in such a way that the flange
face forms an angle of 90° to the pipe axis. The tolerance for the deviation from 90° is ±1 mm
for the thickness of the rubber flange lining. Overlapping plates or a welded block flange need
to be ventilated by pressure relief borings or interrupted weld seams on the outside, i.e. on
the other side of the coated surface.
Following additional requirements for pipe work:
Pipes, and above all curved pipe sections, must not have any corrugations.
Pipes of a nominal width < 500 mm must be produced in general without the seams.
Pipes of a nominal width > 250 m and < 500 mm can, if agreed, be submerged arc-welded
longitudinal seams with a level and smooth inner surface (no weld undercuts or cambers).
Butted T -joints for welding seams must be sanded over a total area of at least 50 mm
The inner welded seams of the flanges must be sanded so as to be plane with the inner pipe
The direction of flow of the pipe contents is shown by arrows stamped on the flange.
Round seams on pipe work (e.g. straight section / round section or straight section / straight
section) should be welded using protective gas. The root of the weld seams must be properly
structured, with the weld not penetrating the base material but having a chamfered junction
with the base.
Stamped areas and similar discontinuities on the surfaces to be coated are to be avoided or
to be sanded down plane to the surface.

1.3 Requirements for metal surfaces

EN 14 879-1 is the applicable standard in this case
Coatings of organic materials for components manufactured from metallic materials
Requirements for metal surfaces:
The blasted surface has to be accepted before the coating is applied. The surface will be checked
after blasting for visible surface faults, for meeting the standard purity grade Sa 2½ in accordance
with DIN 55928-4, and for having a minimum roughness depth of 50 µm for coatings applied on-site
or 60 µm for coatings applied in the factory respectively. A surface finish reference sample as
specified by DIN/EN/ISO 8503-2 is to be used for these checks.

© VIP – Voelkel Industrie Produkte GmbH │Lohenstr. 11 │82166 Gräfelfing (Munich) │Germany
Phone +49-(0)89 89 55 809 - 0 │[email protected] │www.vip-gmbh.com│www.polyurea-solutions.com
Method Statement
Polyurea – Hot Spray – Steel Surfaces


If the metallic component is contaminated, e.g. by oil, grease, temporary protective coatings or by a
chemical contamination – caused by example by a corrosive atmosphere, or by the interaction with
salt or by chemical pre-stressing – special measures can be necessary before applying the coating.
These measures must be agreed between the operator, the component manufacturer and VIP
Application services [the VIP applications technology function].
Sanding must always take place along the surface. Large areas should be re-blasted. Very
small areas can be roughened by using a suitable method of sanding. For coatings, re-
blasting is needed in all cases.
The result of the post-blasting inspection will be recorded.
The blasting swarf must be removed completely from the metal surface using suitable measures.

2. Preparing the metal surface

2.1 Preparing the welding seam

2.1.1 All welding seams to be coated must be smooth and without depressions.
2.1.2 Welding swarf must be completely removed to enable the welding seam to be inspected.
2.1.3 Faults like cracks or ruts must be filled in by additional welding. Corrosion scars, holes and
depressions must be ground out.
2.1.4 Sharp welding seam edges, overlaps, undercuts, corrugations or other uneven patches must
be ground flat..
2.1.5 Weld beads must be completely removed by grinding, sanding or blasting before the surface is
2.1.6 Convex and concave welding seams must be smooth and have the following minimum radii:

Inner radii Outer radii

3 mm 6 mm

2.2 Dealing with sharp corners, edges and faults

2.2.1 All sharp edges, corners and faults must be rounded off by grinding, sanding, blasting or
further welding
2.2.2 Chamfering corners and edges is not permitted as this could give rise to new sharp edges.

2.3 Preparing the surface mechanically

2.3.1 The steel components must conform to the requirements in accordance with section 1.3 before
the surface is prepared.

© VIP – Voelkel Industrie Produkte GmbH │Lohenstr. 11 │82166 Gräfelfing (Munich) │Germany
Phone +49-(0)89 89 55 809 - 0 │[email protected] │www.vip-gmbh.com│www.polyurea-solutions.com
Method Statement
Polyurea – Hot Spray – Steel Surfaces


2.3.2 If the metallic component is contaminated, e.g. by oil, grease, temporary protective coatings or
by a chemical contamination – caused for example by a corrosive atmosphere, or by the
interaction with salt or by chemical pre-stressing – a salt test conforming to DIN Report No. 28
must be carried out.
2.3.3 Rust is to be removed from C steel components in the blasting process in accordance with DIN
EN ISO 12944-4 min. Sa 2 ½. The roughness depth (Rz) must be > 60 µm in accordance with
DIN EN ISO 8503-2 “Medium (G)“. In the case of alloys only ferrite-free blasting material can
be used. Hardness and shot size of the blasting material must be chosen so that Rz > 50 µm in
accordance with DIN EN ISO 8503-2 “Medium (G)“ is achieved.
2.3.4 The blasting material must be clean and dry and have the appropriate size and abrasiveness in
order to achieve the required roughness for the treated surfaces. The blasting material must
have less than 30 ppm of soluble chloride.
2.3.5 IMPORTANT: abrasive blasting must not be carried out when the following conditions apply:
The surface temperature is lower than + 3°C and the relative humidity > 90%.
The surface temperature is lower than 3K above the dew point.
The surface to be blasted is damp or contaminated in other ways.
Neither blasting material nor dust have been completely removed.

2.4 Checking for invisible contamination

Invisible contamination such as that caused by chloride ions, sulphate ions, nitrate ions or iron ions
can partially or completely destroy the bonding of the base coat to the substrate coat and in such a
way that, particularly in damp conditions, it can lead to a formation of blisters on parts or the whole of
the surface and/or lead to a bonding loss. Appropriate test kits are to be used for the checks.

2.5 Preparing the surface chemically

Priming (rendering or undercoating) surfaces to be coated is almost

always necessary. (Exceptions for particular applications are to be agreed Product recommendation:
with VIP Application services.) QuickPrime – 1K & 2K primer

This gives rise to a wear-resistant film with good hardening properties, high impact strength and good
weathering properties. The primer should be applied as thinly as possible. Runs in the primer, arising
from it being applied in layers that are too thick, should be avoided. The temperature at the surface
should not be less than 5°C when the surface is primed, and the dew point must be exceeded by at
least 3°C. The primer can be applied either manually (large or small roller) or with the airless process.
It is not advisable to use a brush. Before any further processing of the surface it must no longer be
sticky and it should be possible to walk upon it (back of the finger test!).
The subsequent coat should be applied within a certain period of time (coating time: look up primer
product information).
Should the subsequent coat be applied outside the coating period, a new primer coat must be applied
and possibly the surface must be re-blasted.

© VIP – Voelkel Industrie Produkte GmbH │Lohenstr. 11 │82166 Gräfelfing (Munich) │Germany
Phone +49-(0)89 89 55 809 - 0 │[email protected] │www.vip-gmbh.com│www.polyurea-solutions.com
Method Statement
Polyurea – Hot Spray – Steel Surfaces


3. Coating

3.1 General remarks – Pure Polyurea – Hot Spray

Do not apply onto wet surfaces. Open the drums with the coating material just before work
commences. Protect both components from moisture with the appropriate materials like drying agents
or nitrogen. The undercoat temperature should not be less than 5°C when applying the coat and the
dew point must be exceeded by at least 3°C.

QuickSpray POLYUREA Hotspray can be applied in single or duplicated

layers in order to achieve the required total layer thickness. There are no
Product recommendation
limitations to this thickness. QuickSpray POLYUREA Hotspray should be
Polyurea Basic-Line
applied in a total coating thickness of at least 1.5 mm, and, if it is required
to withstand high degrees of mechanical or chemical wear, of 3 - 4 mm or Polyurea Supreme Line
even more according to the application. For standard applications we Polyurea Evolution Line
recommend a medium coating thickness of 2 mm. The material should be
applied in a criss-cross manner, even for vertical surfaces and ceilings.

First of all, details like corners, recesses, protrusions, etc are coated and
then the remaining areas. Structured surfaces can be built up using a Polyurea consumption
special spray technique. Be careful of spray mist. Protect adjoining areas c. 1.2kg/1m²/1 mm
(using plastic sheeting, mosquito nets, building site tents, etc). Masking
tape must be removed in time.

For achieving the specified dry coating thickness, tests should be made away from the actual surface
to be coated. The coatings applied they are then measured with the layer thickness meter, and the
final number of layers required recorded.

As a result of the chemical structure of aromatic Polyureas a slight

discolouration of the coating must be expected when exposed to sunlight. Product recommendation
Dark shades are faster than light shades. Using aliphatic Polyurea as the QuickCoat – Base Protect
top coat (VIP QuickSpray Top Coat) guarantees fast colours.

3.2 Digression: Polyurea Hybrid – Hot Spray Product recommendation

The maximum relative humidity should not exceed 80 to 85%. Polyurea eco-Line
Higher values of humidity can lead to the formation of foam or blisters.

© VIP – Voelkel Industrie Produkte GmbH │Lohenstr. 11 │82166 Gräfelfing (Munich) │Germany
Phone +49-(0)89 89 55 809 - 0 │[email protected] │www.vip-gmbh.com│www.polyurea-solutions.com
Method Statement
Polyurea – Hot Spray – Steel Surfaces


3.3 Mixing instructions

Components are delivered ready to use in 20 L or 200 L drums. The 200 L polyamine drum (B
component) is fitted with a special plug with three holes so that the agitator can be inserted in the
middle. The prescribed mixing ratio of the two components of 1:1 (by volume) must definitely be kept
to. QuickSpray POLYUREA HotSpray must never be thinned. The polyamine component (B) contains
additives which during storage tend to separate out, for example as a liquid. Consequently the
component (B) must be pre-mixed at a low rotational speed for at least 30 minutes until a
homogenous and monochrome mass emerges and the complete suspension of any filler materials
has been attained. It is necessary to continue mixing during the application of the coating material.
The isocyanate requires as a rule no mixing and needs to be protected from moisture in the air and
direct sunshine. A professional agitator (e.g. QSP Agitator) with adjustable speed including a
maintenance unit (oil and water separator) is to be used so that the coating material can be mixed
The B component should be mixed at about 300 - 2000 rpm. Care must be taken that damp and/or
oily pressurised air is not mixed with the material.

3.4 Working equipment

QuickSpray POLYUREA Hot Spray can only be used in a hot spray process. High pressure spray
equipment for two components that can be heated and have an operational pressure of 130 bar (to be
agreed with VIP Application services) are required for this. Manufacturers: Graco, Gama, WIWA,
TecMac, Isotherm, etc. For objects of a large area, 800 m² per day can be applied using this process.
The material is heated via separate heating elements up to 80°C process temperature in order to
achieve optimal cross-linking. Use heating sleeves as required. The temperature set for the material
is kept constant in hoses that can be heated and the material is then taken to the application gun. The
two components are then mixed in the spray gun head. In general, pressure, temperature, heating
hose lengths, spray guns and spray jet diameters are to be matched to each other.
A power supply must be provided that is sufficiently secured. The hoses
should be rinsed out with an appropriate liquid (e.g. an organic softening
agent like MESAMOLL). The rinsing should take place at the end of each VIP equipment check list
working day and at the latest at the end of the project. For cleaning the
metallic parts of the spray gun, cleaning agents /solvents are to be used
which have good solvent properties (e.g. DMF (dimethylformamide) or
other cleaning agents).
Caution: Apparatus with low pressure (up to about 120 bar) are not suitable for this as the optimum
product properties can not be achieved with it (!).

3.5 Inspection
Visual check: The coating will be inspected visually. There must not be any faults, blisters or other
inclusions, and must make a homogenous total impression.
Induction test of the lining – The porosity test is carried out according to the European Standard
DIN EN 14879-4 with a grounded Spark tester (holiday detector) Elcometer 266 or alternatively with
an Elmed-Iso test equipment. Other types besides the aforementioned are not allowed.
Test voltage:
Elcometer 266: 4 kV / mm respectively 0,4 kV / 100 µm

© VIP – Voelkel Industrie Produkte GmbH │Lohenstr. 11 │82166 Gräfelfing (Munich) │Germany
Phone +49-(0)89 89 55 809 - 0 │[email protected] │www.vip-gmbh.com│www.polyurea-solutions.com
Method Statement
Polyurea – Hot Spray – Steel Surfaces


Thickness measurement of the coating: The thickness of the coating is measured by using a
magnetic based instrument in accordance to DIN EN ISO 2802. The given values and respective
tolerances aree to be reached according to DIN EN 14879-4 or as fixed in the special agreement.
Hardness test of the coating: In order to check the cross-linking state of the overall coating the
hardness is determined in accordance with Shore A or D according to DIN 53505 (ISO37-2005) using
a test plate available on site.
Test of the Bonding strength of the coating: The bonding strength is checked using a hydraulic
pulling-off device conforming to DIN EN ISO 24624. The bonding strength must be at least 1.5
N/mm . In this case too the test is carried out on a test plate.
3.6 Rework and repairs
Should pores, inclusions or other faults be discovered during the inspection of the coating, action is to
be taken as described in the following:
The faults to be repaired are ground out in the form of a
depression down to the substrate using a slow-running
angle grinding machine with a 24 sanding disc (maximum
angle: 30°).
Within the adjacent area of the intact coating surface the
coating must be completely ground down over a distance of
at least 50 mm to the edge of the fault. It will then be Product recommendation:
ensured that the steel surface freed in this manner is dry QuickPrime 1K-PU universal
and free of dust. QuickSpray – Cold Spray
Undercoat must be reapplied on the base prepared in this
way right up to the edge of the intact coating. Subsequently
the coating can be reapplied over the whole area
In the case of large areas or when applying a fresh coating to an old polyurea coating the following
steps are to be taken.
The complete area should be pre-treated mechanically by means of abrasive blasting or high
pressure water jets.
The surface roughened in this way must be freed from grinding swarf, dust and separating
materials and cleaned using an industrial vacuum cleaner.
Primer is then applied to the prepared surface to activate it
chemically and to facilitate bonding to the subsequent
coating. The primer (or the activator) should be applied as
thinly as possible to the surface using a roller. Spraying by Product recommendation:
means of a 1K airless device is also possible. QuickPrime 1K-PU universal
QuickSpray – Hot Spray
After the surface has been treated by one of the two
above-mentioned methods it is checked that it is not sticky
(back of finger test!), and the subsequent coating can then
be applied over the whole area.

© VIP – Voelkel Industrie Produkte GmbH │Lohenstr. 11 │82166 Gräfelfing (Munich) │Germany
Phone +49-(0)89 89 55 809 - 0 │[email protected] │www.vip-gmbh.com│www.polyurea-solutions.com
Method Statement
Polyurea – Hot Spray – Steel Surfaces


4. Safety measures to be observed

4.1. Work safety
This product is only to be used by trained specialists. Suitable goggles and protective clothing are to
be worn during the work. All technical product information, process descriptions and safety data
sheets are to be read before work starts.
All hazard warnings and safe work recommendations printed on the coating material drum (in
accordance with Section 20 of GefStoffV [(German) Ordinance for Hazardous Materials] are to be
observed during the work as are also the accident prevention regulations of the [German] employers'
liability insurance association for the industrial sector concerned.
When applying coatings in restricted and/or enclosed spaces, pits, shafts, etc, sufficient ventilation
must be provided during processing and hardening. Safety regulations for painting and respiratory
protection in enclosed spaces must be observed for this work as are also all relevant health and
occupational safety regulations. This ensures safety with respect to any solvents, cleaning agents and
other volatile materials used in the process.
While the coating is taking place an application protocol will be produced by the responsible factory.
All publications can be amended or altered without prior notice by the manufacturer. Please contact
your VIP Partner or visit our website for additional information: www.polyurea-solutions.com
4.2. Transport
Polyurea can be transported by commercial vehicles. Isocyanates (A component) are not subject to
regulation. Amines (B component) are to be declared in accordance with ADR [EU regulations for
transporting hazardous materials] as hazardous materials. More details can be found in the current
safety data sheet (SDB).
4.3. Storage
QuickSpray can be stored in the original sealed drums for approximately 12 months after the date of
manufacture. Frost and direct sunshine are to be avoided. The material should be stored in dry
surroundings at room temperature (18 - 23°C). Storage at room temperature leads to a product
consistency which is easy to handle. It should not be placed directly on the ground or floor but on
pallets. For long periods of storage the drums should be rotated from time to time.
Because of its reaction with damp air or water, pressure can rise in the drums containing isocyanates
as a result of the formation of carbon dioxide. The product must be protected from any contact with
water and damp air (using drying agent or nitrogen). Each time material is used the drums must be
closed tightly afterwards.
4.4. Disposal
The components must not enter the sewers, any waterways or the soil. In all cases, remnants of
cleaning agents and coating materials must be disposed of in an orderly way. Any hardened material
can be disposed of as normal waste. The individual liquid components are to be disposed of in
accordance with the "disposal measures" listed in the current safety data sheet (SDB).

© VIP – Voelkel Industrie Produkte GmbH │Lohenstr. 11 │82166 Gräfelfing (Munich) │Germany
Phone +49-(0)89 89 55 809 - 0 │[email protected] │www.vip-gmbh.com│www.polyurea-solutions.com
Method Statement
Polyurea – Hot Spray – Steel Surfaces


All guidelines, recommendations, statements, and technical data contained herein are based on information and tests we
believe to be reliable and correct, but accuracy and completeness of said tests are not guaranteed and are not to be construed
as a warranty, either expressed or implied. It is the users responsibility to satisfy himself, by his own information and test, to
determine suitability of the product for his own intended use, application and job situation and user assumes all risk and liability
resulting from his use of the product. We do not suggest or guarantee that any hazard listed herein is the only one which may
exist. Neither seller nor manufacturer shall be liable to the buyer or any third person for any injury, loss or damage directly or
indirectly resulting from use of, or inability to use, the product. Recommendations or statements, whether in writing or oral, other
than those contained herein shall not be binding upon the manufacturer, unless in writing and signed by a corporate officer of
the manufacturer. Technical and application information is provided for the purpose of establishing a general profile of the
material and proper application procedures. Test performance results were obtained in a controlled environment and VIP GmbH
makes no claim that these tests or any other tests, accurately represent all environments.

The laws of the purchaser regarding of the quality of our materials follows completely our general terms and conditions. For
requirements, which exceed the scope of the above mentioned applications, contact our technical staff at any time under the
following number +49-(0)89-89 55809 30.
Valid is only the actual version of this technical data sheet in each case.
© Copyright, VIP GmbH, Method Statement – PUA – steel – Hotspray
Version: February 2012-001

© VIP – Voelkel Industrie Produkte GmbH │Lohenstr. 11 │82166 Gräfelfing (Munich) │Germany
Phone +49-(0)89 89 55 809 - 0 │[email protected] │www.vip-gmbh.com│www.polyurea-solutions.com

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