Slug Catcher Design

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Indonesian Journal of Petroleum and Mineral (2021) Vol. 1 No.


Mechanical Design of Slug Catcher

Ayende1*, Mohammad Zafrullah Arsyad2, Totok Widiyanto3

1,2,3Politeknik Energi dan Mineral [PEM] Akamigas, Jln Gadjah Mada No. 38, Cepu 58315


In the upstream oil and gas industry Slug Catcher is a separator to separate heavy liquid
hydrocarbons and the gaseous lighter fraction. Slug Catcher is a cylindrical pressure vessel which
has a horizontal orientation designed with an internal pressure of 84.37 kg/cm2, 73,89 °C
temperature, 3 mm corrosion allowance, 3,500 mm length, and 1,750 mm diameter. This paper
aims to design a Slug Catcher from a mechanical side that is safe and able to withstand the stress
caused by internal pressure. General design which includes calculation of thickness of shell, heads,
and nozzles, maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP), and minimum design metal
temperature (MDMT) using ASME BPVC Section VIII Division 1. Based on the results obtained the
nominal shell thickness is 60 mm, head minimum thickness 58 mm, material specification for shell
and head is SA 516 Gr 70. In general, the selected material uses low carbon steel; flange rating
class 600; vessel’s Maximum Allowable Working Pressure is 87.60 kg/cm2; hydrostatic test
pressure is 113 kg/cm2.

Keywords : pressure vessel, slug catcher,thickness, circumferential stress, saddle support

[email protected]

1. Introduction
Pressure vessel is most common non-rotating Working Pressure (MAWP), and material
equipment in the oil and gas industry. strength. Generally, the standard & code
Pressure vessel used to separate fluids into applies to the design of the construction of
different phases or temporarily store the fluid pressure vessels is ASME BPVC Section VIII,
before it processed to the next stage. Slug Division 1.
Catcher is one of the type of pressure vessel,
this equipment used in the upstream oil and 2. Materials and Methods
gas industry.
Design data uses ASME Sect. VIII Div. 1 as
The design of a Slug Catcher should consider code standard. The methodology design of
suitability to the operating conditions, this slug catcher is shown in Figure 1 as
comply to the applicable code & standard, follows:
also take into account the construction design
such as dimensions, Maximum Allowable
A. Design Data
Design data of the pressure vessel show at
table 2.1 as follow :
process data sheet Table 1. Design Data
(fluid composition, design
pressure & temperature) Code Standard ASME Sect. VIII Div. 1

Orientation Horizontal
Diameter (ID) 1750 cm
No Radius (Ri) 875 mm
selection. is Length (T/T) 3500 mm
it suitable? Design Temperature 73,89 °C
Design Pressure 84,37 kg/cm2
Corrosion Allowance 3 mm

General Design B. Material Selection

thickness (shell & head), openings,
The material selection based on following
flange, MAWP, pressure test, over
consideration :
pressure protection
1) Service fluids
The service fluid to this Slug Catcher is a
Support Design mixture of natural gas and water, the
support sizing, wind load calculation, composition of natural gas show at table 2.2
seismic load calculation
as follow :
Table 2. Natural Gas Composition
No Mole Concentration
Component Fraction (ppm)
Is support
safe from
loads? Methane 0.83 8300
Ethane 0.044 440
Propane 0.036 360
Yes i-Butane 0.01 100
n-Butane 0.011 110
welding, non-destructive i-Pentane 0.005 50
examination, heat treatment. n-Pentane 0.003 30
Hexane+ 0.005 50
Helium 0.00 0
Results : Argon 0.008 80
• mechanical Data Oxygen 0.00 0
Sheet CO2 0.046 460
• bill of Material Nitrogen 0.002 20
• construction H2S 0.00 0

From the natural gas composition above,

compared to the API Spec 12J, Specification
Finished for Oil and Gas Separator Appendix B, the
operating fluid in the Slug Catcher is not a
Figure 1. Slug catcher Design flowchart corrosive fluids based on the data below :

• Oxygen 0 ppm ( < 0,0005 ppm), fabrication of each material. Thus, carbon
• Carbon Dioxide 460 ppm (< 600 ppm) steel is the most suitable material.
• Hydrogen Sulfide content 0 ppm. Table 3. Rank of Materials
The construction of Slug Catcher does not Rank Material Cost Machining
require corrosion resistant material ($/lb) &
specifications. Several choices of materials Welding
that can be used such as steel (carbon steel, 1 Carbon steel 0,80 S
low alloy steel), lead, nickel, inconel, monel, 2 Low alloy 1,60 S
and stainless steel.
3 Stainless 2,70 S
2) Design Temperature 4 Monel 15,00 S
Temperature will have an impact on tensile 5 Inconel 18,00 S
strength and modulus of elasticity, which of Note : S (Satisfactory) means no special
course will affect the allowable stress of the techniques are needed.
material. For example, mild steel (low carbon
steel, carbon < 0.3 percent) has an allowable
5) Material Specification
stress of 20 ksi at 100 °F, which changes to
only 12 ksi at 800 °F. Thus, if an equipment is Material specifications used for vessel
designed to operate at high temperatures, a construction must be registered in ASME
material that can withstand its strength must Section II part D. Generally, the material
be chosen. The design temperature of the chosen is materials that commonly used in
Slug Catcher is 73.89 ° C which is included in the industry and easily available in the
the lower service temperature. Since the market to make it easier for future needs such
material chosen is used for intermediate as repair. Material specifications for each part
temperature services, it does not require of the vessel can be seen in the following
special specifications such as high table.
temperature service or cryogenic service.
Table 4. Material Specification Used
3) Fabricability
The fabricability of materials must be Part Material Specification
considered according to the capability of shop Shell SA-516 gr. 70
work, in the end, it is related to the fabrication Head SA-516 gr. 70
cost and time. Generally the main fabrication Reinforcing Pad SA-516 gr. 70
process carried out on vessels includes Nozzle neck SA-105 (Forging)
machining, forming (cold working), and SA-516 gr. 70 (Plate)
welding. SA-106 gr. B
Flange SA-105
4) Cost Fittings SA-234 gr. WPB
Bolt / Nuts SA 193 B7 / SA 194 2H
Because material costs vary widely, designers Anchor Bolt SA-307 B
must evaluate material costs with other Support Pad SA-36
factors such as corrosion, replacement costs,
and expected equipment life. Estimated
6) Mechanical Properties and Chemical
material prices use references from
Structural Analysis and Design of Process
Composition of Materials
Equipment, Maan H. Jawad and James R. Farr The mechanical properties of the material in
3rd per year 2017 [9]. Material choices are the form of yield strength (σy) and tensile
suitable for operating fluids in Slug Catcher, strength (σu) in the material can be seen in
then ranked to choose the material with the ASME Sec. II-D (Metric), yield strength and
most cost minimum, and consider the ease of tensile strength determine the maximum
allowable stress (S) on a material.

The chemical composition of a material 𝑃𝑅
𝑡 = 𝑆𝐸−0,6𝑃 ...................................... (1)
determines the chemical properties of the
material. The chemical composition can be
found in ASME Sec. II-A. b. Head
The mechanical properties of the material Calculated with UG-32, the type of head used
used in this Slug Catcher can be seen in the is ellipsoidal so it uses the formula as below :
following table, the maximum allowable 𝑃𝐷
stress is determined at the design 𝑡 = 2𝑆𝐸−0,2𝑃 .................................... (2)
temperature (73.89 ° C).
c. Nozzle
Table 5. Mechanical Properties of Materials The nozzle neck thickness is calculated by the
Strength Max. Allow. UG-45. For access openings and openings
Stress used for inspection only
Material Tensile Yield
(kg/cm2) 𝑡𝑈𝐺−45 = 𝑡𝑎 .................................... (3)
(kg/cm2) (kg/cm2)
SA-36 4078,88 2549,30 1162,48
For other nozzles :
SA-105 4945,64 2549,30 1407,21
gr.B 4231,84 2447,33 1203,27 𝑡𝑏 = min [𝑡𝑏1, max(𝑡𝑏1 , 𝑡𝑏2 )] . (4)
gr.70 4945,64 2651,27 1407,21 𝑡𝑈𝐺−45 = max(𝑡𝑎 , 𝑡𝑏 ) ................. (5)
gr. B7 8106,77 6679,17 1621,35
Table 6. Nozzle Min. Thickness Req.
gr. B 4231,84 2549,30 492,52
Nozzle Minimum Thickness Requirements
WPB 4231,84 2447,33 1498,99 Minimum Wall
Nominal Size Thickness
C. General Design in. mm
NPS 1/8 (DN 6) 0.060 1.51
The general design of the Slug Catcher
includes: NPS 1/4 (DN 8) 0.077 1.96
NPS 3/8 (DN 10) 0.080 2.02
1) Thickness Calculation NPS 1/2 (DN 15) 0.095 2.42
There are several types of wall thickness that NPS 3/4 (DN 20) 0.099 2.51
are calculated in the design of this pressure NPS 1 (DN 25) 0.116 2.96
vessel, including Required thickness, which is NPS 11/4 (DN 32) 0.123 3.12
the minimum thickness needed to withstand
NPS 11/2 (DN 40) 0.127 3.22
internal or external pressure on the vessel
before the corrosion allowance is added, NPS 2 (DN 50) 0.135 3.42
Design thickness is the amount of required NPS 21/2 (DN 65) 0.178 4.52
thickness plus the corrosion allowance (UG- NPS 3 (DN 80) 0.189 4.80
25), Nominal thickness, the thickness of the NPS 31/2 (DN 90) 0.198 5.02
plate ordered, must not be thinner than the NPS 4 (DN 100) 0.207 5.27
design thickness. The thickness is selected NPS 5 (DN 125) 0.226 5.73
based on market availability. NPS 6 (DN 150) 0.245 6.22
a. Shell NPS 8 (DN 200) 0.282 7.16
Calculated with UG-27, the effect of the NPS 10 (DN 250) 0.319 8.11
greatest stress, namely the circumferential ≥ NPS 12 (DN 300) 0.328 8.34
stress uses the formula as below:

The nozzle requirement data from the client that of the opening. Paragraph UG-36 (c) (3)
data sheet proposal are: provides exemption from the need of
reinforcement if the opening is not greater
Table 7. Nozzle Required
than 3 ½ in. (89 mm) diameter - in a shell or
Size Face & vessel head having a minimum thickness of
Nozzle Rating Service 3/8 in (10 mm) or less, or 2 3/8 in. (60 mm)
(In) Type
N1 16 600# RFV3 Inlet diameter - on a shell or vessel head that has a
N2 16 600# RFV3 Outlet minimum thickness of more than 3/8 in. (10
N3 2 600# RFWN Drain mm). The calculation of reinforcement
N4 4 600# RFWN Drain requirements is given in Figure UG-37.1
N5 2 600# RFWN PSV (Figure 2). If the available area is greater than
K1 2 600# RFWN PT or equal to the required area, the use of
K2 2 600# RFWN PG reinforcement is not necessary.
K3 2 600# RFWN TT However, if the available area is less than the
K4 2 600# RFWN TG required area, it can be done in several ways,
Briddle such as increasing the nozzle neck wall
K5A/K5B 2 600# RFWN
(LG/LT) thickness (increasing pipe schedule), using a
Chamber reinforcing pad, or using a forging nozzle
K6A/K6B 2 600# RFWN
LT (integral flange). Of the several options,
Manway considerations were made to choose the most
MH 20 600# RFV3 effective method in terms of cost, difficulty
Flange level and processing time.

For RFWN nozzles, it can use a flange (ASME

B16.5) connected to a pipe (ASME B36.10),
while RFV3 uses an integral nozzle (forging
nozzle catalog). The results of the thickness
calculation are in the following table :
Table 8. Nozzle Thickness Calculation Results
Required, tr Design, Nominal,
(mm) tmin (mm) tn (mm)

Shell 54,42 57,42 60

Head 52,77 55,77 58
Nozzle N1&
15,64 15,64 68,33
Nozzle N2,
N3, N5, K1,
K2, K3, K4, 15,64 15,64 68,33
Nozzle N4 8,27 11,27 14,98
Nozzle MH 18,8 18,8 75,44

2) Reinforcement
The basis of the code reinforcement rule
ensures that at any section crossing through
an opening, the area of the shell lost due to the Figure 2. Nomenclature and reinforced
opening is replaced by a material which has opening formula
sufficient strength and an area equivalent to

Table 9. Reinforcement Requirements The pressure obtained for the hydrostatic test
Calculation Result is 113 kg/cm2, if the hydrostatic test is not
possible to perform, then a pneumatic test
Pad can be a substitute for testing vessels with the
Aavail. Areq.
width tpad formula
cm2 mm
309,46 224,43 N/A N/A 𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝.
𝑃𝑝𝑛𝑒𝑢 = 1,1𝑀𝐴𝑊𝑃 × (9)
309,46 224,43 N/A N/A 𝑆𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝.

exempted N/A N/A

92,69 55,59 200 60 then the pressure for the pneumatic test =
exempted N/A N/A 96.36 kg/cm2.
exempted N/A N/A
exempted N/A N/A 5) Overpressure Protection
exempted N/A N/A All pressure vessels must be equipped with
exempted N/A N/A overpressure protection. If a pressure relief
exempted N/A N/A device is used, the pressure inside the vessel
exempted N/A N/A should not be more than 10% or 3 psi (20
exempted N/A N/A kPa) of the MAWP (whichever is greater).
exempted N/A N/A Meanwhile, if a dual (more than one) pressure
N/A N/A relief device is used, the pressure in the vessel
366,77 279,72
should not be more than 16% or 4 psi (30
kPa) of MAWP (UG-125) (c). The pressure
3) MAWP tolerance, more or less, of the pressure relief
valve should not be more than 2 psi (15 kPa)
The Maximum Allowable Working Pressure for pressures less than or equal to 70 psi (50
(MAWP) is the maximum pressure allowed in kPa) and 3% for pressures above 70 psi (500
the normal operating position at a certain kPa).
temperature under “hot and corroded”
conditions, usually the design temperature From the results of the above calculations, it
(UG-98). Each vessel element has a different can be seen that the PSV set pressure on the
MAWP, the lowest MAWP of all the elements Slug Catcher is 96.36 kg/cm2 with an over /
is chosen as the MAWP of the vessel. under pressure tolerance of 2.63 kg/cm2.
𝑆𝐷𝑇 𝐸 𝑡𝑠𝑐 D. Loads Calculation
𝑃𝑤 = ...................................... (6)
𝑅𝑐+0,6𝑡𝑠𝑐 loads that generally need to be considered on
the vessel are:
Ellipsoidal Head
2𝑆𝐷𝑇 𝐸 𝑡ℎ𝑐 1) Pressure Load
𝑃𝑤 = ..................................... (7)
Derived from internal or external pressure, in
this case the largest Slug Catcher pressure
From the calculation, the lowest MAWP is at
load during the hydrostatic test.
the ellipsoidal head with 87.60 kg/cm2.
2) Moment Load
4) Test Pressure
Due to wind, earthquake, erection, or
A requirement to determine the test pressure
transportation, in this case the load by wind
based on calculations, carried out to find out and earthquake is calculated using the ASCE
if there is a leak in the vessel:
7-16 standard, a design wind force of 61.26
Hydrostatic Test UG-99(c) kgf is obtained and a design seismic force is
𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝. 474.4 kgf.
𝑃ℎ𝑦𝑑𝑟𝑜 = 1,3𝑀𝐴𝑊𝑃 × (8)
𝑆𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝.

3) Weight Load The formula for calculating the volume of
each vessel component can be seen in the
The type of weight calculated is the empty
weight (the total weight of the vessel sitting
on the foundation), the operating weight (the Table 12. Vessel Volume Formula
empty weight plus the weight of the operating
fluid) and the test weight (the vessel full of Section Volume
water). The weight of a component can be Cylinder π D2 h / 4
calculated by the surface area times the
thickness times the density. For the specific Sphere π D3 / 6
gravity of carbon steel (carbon steel) which is Ellipsoidal Head π D2 h / 6
generally used in vessels 7.85 g/cm3 or 0.284
lb/in3. A practical calculation formula for 2:1 S.E. Head π D3 / 24
determining the weight of a vessel made from Ellipsoidal Head π D2 h / 6
carbon steel can be seen in the following
F&D Head π D3 K / 12
Cone π D2 h / 12
Table 10. Vessel Weight Formula Hemispherical Head π D3 / 12

Identification Formula The results of weight calculations are in the

following table.
Shell π Dm L t ρ
Spherical Head π Dm2 t ρ Table 13. Slug Catcher Weight
Hemispherical Head 1,57 Dm2 t ρ
Vessel Total
2:1 Ellipsoidal Head 1,084 Dm2 t ρ
Operating weight 17376 kg
Cone Ac t ρ
Empty weight 16872 kg
After the weight of all components has been Test weight 26667 kg
added to the total weight, a typical percentage Capacity 9824 liter
is added to allocate the weight of the other
components and the weight of the weld. E. Design of Vessel Support
Table 11. Typical Percentage of Weight This slug catcher has a horizontal orientation
so that it uses a support saddle type, the
Total Weight Added by
design method uses analysis by L.P. Zick. The
<50.000 lb 10% distance between the head tangent line and
saddle must not be more than 0.2 times the
50.000 – 75.000 lb 8%
length of the vessel. The minimum contact
75.000 – 100.000 lb 6% angle suggested by the ASME Code is 120 °,
>100.000 lb 5% except for a very small vessels.

For vessel components: Flange-Flange weight

see ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged
Fittings or in the product catalog. Pipe - Pipe
weights can be found in ASME B36.10.
Manway - Manway weight can be seen in
ASME 16.47. There are two types of fluid
weight calculated, the weight of the operating
fluid and the weight of the test fluid. This
weight can be calculated by multiplying the
volume of a component by the density. Figure 3. Design Saddle Dimension

Total force reaction at saddle : Q = terbesar Where K2 = 1.171, obtained S2 = 10.99
diantara Q1 (Longitudinal) dan Q2 kg/cm2. Max. allowable stress: S2 ≤ 0.8 Ss =
(transversal). 10.99 kg/cm2 ≤ 929.98 kg/cm2, tangential
shear stress is acceptable.
𝑄1 = + .................................... (10)
2 𝐿𝑆
3) Circumferential stress
𝑊𝑜 3𝐹 𝐵
𝑄2 = + 𝑇 ................................. (11) Because L ≥ 8R (3500 mm ≥ 7480 mm), used
2 𝐸
the following equation.
the calculation results show that the largest 𝑄 12𝐾6 𝑄𝑅
total reaction force received by the vessel is 𝑆4 = 4𝑡𝑠(𝑏+1,56 − .. (16)
√ 𝐿 𝑡𝑠 2
based on the transverse seismic load of
10421.5 kgf. Where K6 = 0.03, obtained S4 = -35.12
Stress due to internal pressure : kg/cm2. Max. allowable stress: S4 ≤ 1.5 × Ss =
-35.12 kg/cm2 ≤ 1743.72 kg/cm2, the
𝜎𝑥 = ................................................. (12) circumferential stress is acceptable.

Obtained σx = 657,97 kg/cm2 F. Lifting Lug

The design of the lifting lug dimensions is
Vessels using a saddle experience: based on the calculation of the Slug Catcher
weight in erected conditions, namely using an
1) Longitudinal bending stress empty weight. The design of the lifting lug
At saddle dimensions based on the vessel weight can
use the image below.
𝐴 𝑅2 −𝐻2
1− +
𝑄𝐴(1− 𝐿 2𝐴𝐿 )
𝑆1 = ± ............. (13)
𝐾1 𝑅2 𝑡𝑠

Between two saddles (midspan)

𝑅2 −𝐻2
𝑄𝐿 1+2 𝐿2 4𝐴
( 4𝐻 − 𝐿 )
4 1+
𝑆1 = ± .............. (14)
𝜋𝑅2 𝑡𝑠

Where K1 = 0.335, the largest longitudinal

stress (S1) is found in the saddle, which is 7.6
kg/cm2. Maximum allowable stress: Tension:
S1 + σx ≤ SE = 665.57 kg/cm2 ≤ 1406 kg/cm2,
the tension stress is acceptable; Compressive:
t / R ≥ 0.005 = 0.0641 ≥ 0.005 so that
compressive stress is not considered.

2) Tangential shear stress

Because A> R / 2 (700 mm> 467.5
mm), the following equation is used.

𝐾2 𝑄 𝐿−2𝐴
𝑆2 = ( 4 )............................ (15)
𝑅 𝑡𝑠 𝐿+ 𝐻
Figure 4. Lifting Lug Dimension

A vessel weight of 50,000 lb was chosen so
that the dimensions are D = 1 5/8 in. = 41.28
mm, T = 11/4 in. = 31.75 mm, R = 21/2 in. =
63.5mm, H = 7 in. = 177.8 mm, W = 12 in. =
304.8 mm, Fillet weld = 3/8 in = 9.5 mm ≈ 10

G. Welding
The type of welding process used is Shielded
Metal Arc Welding (SMAW). The parts of the Figure 7. Welding of Nozzle to Shell
vessel that will be weld are:
4) Neck to Flange
1) Shell
The welds performed to connect the
Shell, which is composed of three steel plates, nozzle neck to the flange are included in
is welded with a double v-groove type joint. In
category B joints, per UW-3.
the following picture. Reviewed from the UW-
3, it is included in the joint category A in the
5) Saddle Support
form of a longitudinal joint in the shell and
joint category B in the form of a
circumferential joint in the shell that connects Joint type on saddle support uses fillet weld.
between the steel plates making up the shell.
6) Reinforcement Pad

The type of joint in the reinforcement pad

uses fillet weld.

Figure 5. Joint at Shell

2) Head
The head is welded in the form of a
circumferential joint to the shell, which is
included in the joint category A, per UW-3, a
double v-groove type joint. Figure 8. Welding of Neck to Flange

H. Examination
The type of examination performed in this
Slug Catcher is Full Radiography Examination
in terms of UW-11 (2), which is intended to
determine the quality of the welds that have
been carried out at full length on all butt joints
Figure 6. Joint at Head in the shell and head of vessels that have a
nominal thickness in the weld joints of more
3) Nozzle than 38. mm.
Welding performed to connect the nozzle to
the shell is included in category D joints, per
UW-3. Double v-groove joint type.

I. Heat Treatment
Postweld heat treatment (PWHT) performed
to heating a vessel at a certain temperature
which is intended to release residual stress
resulting from mechanical treatment and
welding. Based on the thickness calculations
that have been done, it is known that the
nominal thickness on the shell is 60 mm and
the nominal thickness on the head is 58 mm,
thus this Slug Catcher requires PWHT per
UW-11 (a) (2) which states that all butt welds
are shells and head vessels with a nominal
thickness greater than 1 ½ in. (38 mm) must
be performed PWHT. The WPS used in
welding at Slug Catcher includes PWHT, so
that the holding temperature and holding
time based on WPS is 595 ° C for 2 hours 24

J. Low Temperature Operation

It is the lowest temperature that can operate
in a vessel, it is known that the operating
temperature of the fluid in this Slug Catcher is
20.34 ° C. This is related to the Minimum
Design Metal Temperature (MDMT), which is
the lowest temperature allowed in a metal
material whether it requires a charpy impact
test or not. The MDMT set on the vessel is
related to the MAWP set on the vessel (UG-20
(b)). It has been previously known that the
MAWP vessel is 87.60 kg / cm2 which is
located on the head, so that MDMT based on
the head data can be calculated as follows:
Governing thickness = tn = 58 mm, Curve =
For SA-516 plates with a thickness of more
than 40 mm, done normalizing. (ASME Sec. II-
A). So for SA-516 gr. 70 with a governing
thickness of 60 mm using a D curve, MDMT
vessel = 20.34 ° C in terms of UCS-66 using the
impact test exemption curve, the combined
line of MDMT temperature and governing
thickness is above the D curve so that it is free
from impact tests, per UCS- 66 (a).

K. Bill of Materials
A bill of materials (BOM) is a list of raw
materials and components with the
respective quantities required to
manufacture the final product. BOM can be
used for communication between the Figure 9. Welding Procedure Specification
designer and the production. (WPS)

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minimum design metal temperature Design and Economics for Chemical
(MDMT): 20.34 °C; Postweld Heat Treatment Engineers (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill
(PWHT) : Yes; Radiography Examination: RT- Chemical Engineering Series. 1991.
1; Impact test: exempt per UCS-66.1; Joint [13] Towler, G., & Sinnot, R. Chemical
efficiency: 1; Corrosion allowance: 3 mm; Engineering : Principles, Practice, and
Support type: Saddle. Based on the design Economics of Plant and Process Design.
calculation result the Slug Catcher comply to Burlington: Elsevier. 2008.
requirement of ASME BPVC Section VIII
Division 1.

LAMPIRAN A. Gambar Teknis Slug Catcher


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