Chegg Answer

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Likes Dislikes Question ‘The figure below shows par of pulses tht are onhogonal to eachother over the interval (0,7). T1. jo. 2) Determine the matched filters forthe pulses g(t and g2() considered individually 1b) Sketch the outputs ofthe two matched fers when 1. gh(0) is applied at their input 1 g2( is applied at hee input Answer ‘otal answers posted hy the exper is: 983 7 Q(t) = fre alt Reyense and ahift ley TT. 3 @-1D) A ol ee > - 7h Tt -A A TT ° 7 ah ast “A x RA = 9,(1-t) Reverse and shige by T, 9. (+ 4-1} wip ys ips gl) ‘ ; ya = % * 6 f+ wal Hl me np -t fistty= an ute-z)eaulery]s Eau en al ») - Aute-T) | Th. r y= Ap ae Yate) = 9,08) 4 9a(7-4) sett = 5 r d¢ty Dest otudu, bi) volt) be BD have Some Confers uploads again 7 YE tulle,

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