Pediatric Intake Form Sample
Pediatric Intake Form Sample
Pediatric Intake Form Sample
Date: ___________________
When did your child’s last receive health care, and for what reason?
Has your child been seen by any other doctor(s) for this health concern? Y P N
Please list your child’s primary health concerns/goals (in order of importance):
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
Please list all MEDICATIONS your child is currently taking, including over-the-counter
Child does not currently take any medications.
Medication Reason Date/year Dose/Frequency Helpful?
started? Y or N
Please list all SUPPLEMENTS your child is currently taking, including vitamins, minerals,
herbal, and others.
Child does not currently take any supplements.
Supplement Supplement Date/year Dose/Frequency Helpful?
Name Brand started? Y or N
(ex: Vitamin B12) (ex: Nature’s Way)
Good News Naturopathic Clinic
91 East Ave, Norwalk CT 06851
203-450-6463 (Tel) 203-900-8747 (Fax)
Please list any known drug, food or environmental allergies:
Smoke Y N Preeclampsia Y N
Coffee Y N Diabetes Y N
Recreational Drug Use Y N Emotional Stress
Nausea/Vomiting Y N
Vaginal Birth Y N
Traumatic Birth Y N If yes, please describe: ________________
Breast fed: Y N If yes, how long? ________ Formula: Y / N If yes, type: ______________
Good News Naturopathic Clinic
91 East Ave, Norwalk CT 06851
203-450-6463 (Tel) 203-900-8747 (Fax)
Good News Naturopathic Clinic
91 East Ave, Norwalk CT 06851
203-450-6463 (Tel) 203-900-8747 (Fax)
Please indicate whether child or family member(s) has or had any of the following illnesses:
Mother Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N
Father Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N
Sibling(s) Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N
Maternal Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N
Maternal Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N
Paternal Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N
Paternal Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N
If death directly resulted from any of the illnesses listed above, please note family member(s)
and age of death: _______________________________________________________________
Weakness Y P N Chills Y P N
Fatigue Y P N Night sweats Y P N
Fever Y P N
Good News Naturopathic Clinic
91 East Ave, Norwalk CT 06851
203-450-6463 (Tel) 203-900-8747 (Fax)
Has your child had a weight gain or loss of 5 or more pounds within the past month? Y N
If yes, how many pounds gained or lost? _____________________________________________
Trauma Y P N Dizziness Y P N
Headaches Y P N Lightheadedness Y P N
Migraines Y P N Hair Loss Y P N
Double vision Y P N Glaucoma Y P N
Blurriness Y P N Photophobia Y P N
Cataracts Y P N Vision changes Y P N
Dryness Y P N Eye pain Y P N
Earache Y P N Ringing ears Y P N
Discharge Y P N Vertigo Y P N
Hearing loss Y P N Trauma to ear Y P N
Sinusitis Y P N Congestion Y P N
Loss of smell Y P N Nosebleeds Y P N
Discharge Y P N Nasal fracture Y P N
Polyps Y P N
Good News Naturopathic Clinic
91 East Ave, Norwalk CT 06851
203-450-6463 (Tel) 203-900-8747 (Fax)
Trauma Y P N Swollen glands Y P N
Pain or stiffness Y P N Lumps Y P N
Goiter Y P N
Asthma Y P N Bronchitis Y P N
Chronic cough Y P N Pneumonia Y P N
Wheezing Y P N Sputum Y P N
Emphysema Y P N Blood in sputum Y P N
Tuberculosis Y P N Shortness of breath Y P N
Difficulty breathing Y P N with lying down Y P N
Rapid breathing Y P N with exertion Y P N
Painful breathing Y P N at night Y P N
High blood pressure Y P N Angina Y P N
Murmur Y P N Chest pain Y P N
Palpitations Y P N Dizziness Y P N
Heart disease Y P N Swollen ankles/feet Y P N
Leg pain (walking) Y P N Rheumatic fever Y P N
Peripheral Vascular:
Coldness of hands/feet Y P N Varicose veins Y P N
Numbness of hands/feet Y P N Spider veins Y P N
Deep leg pain Y P N Thrombophlebitis Y P N
Heartburn Y P N Belching Y P N
Bloody stool Y P N Gas/bloating Y P N
Gallbladder disease Y P N Hemorrhoids Y P N
Liver disease Y P N Jaunice/yellow skin Y P N
Vomiting Y P N Nausea Y P N
Vomiting of blood Y P N Ulcers Y P N
Rectal pain/itching Y P N Loose stool Y P N
Good News Naturopathic Clinic
91 East Ave, Norwalk CT 06851
203-450-6463 (Tel) 203-900-8747 (Fax)
Acne Y P N Boils Y P N
Itching Y P N Rashes Y P N
Lesions Y P N Hives Y P N
Bruising/color changes Y P N Moles Y P N
Eczema Y P N Dryness Y P N
Urge to urinate Y P N Frequent urination Y P N
Blood in urine Y P N Painful urination Y P N
Difficulty urinating Y P N Kidney stones Y P N
Frequent infections Y P N Incontinence Y P N
Urethral discharge Y P N
Good News Naturopathic Clinic
91 East Ave, Norwalk CT 06851
203-450-6463 (Tel) 203-900-8747 (Fax)
Nipple discharge Y P N Enlargement Y P N
Breast pain Y P N Tenderness Y P N
Lumps/mass Y P N Skin discoloration Y P N
Self-breast exams Y P N
Joint pain/stiffness Y P N Broken bones Y P N
Joint swelling Y P N Muscle cramps/spasms Y P N
Arthritis Y P N Weakness Y P N
Tenderness Y P N Muscle aches Y P N
Numbness/tingling Y P N Seizures Y P N
Fainting Y P N Paralysis Y P N
Tremors Y P N Memory loss Y P N
Loss of sensation Y P N Loss of coordination Y P N
Hot/cold intolerance Y P N Excessive thirst Y P N
Excessive hunger Y P N Excessive urination Y P N
Easy bleeding/bruising Y P N Anemia Y P N
Low energy/fatigue Y P N
Anxiety/nervousness Y P N Excessive fears Y P N
Depression Y P N Mood swings Y P N
Easily angered Y P N Restlessness Y P N
Suicidal thoughts Y P N Tension/Stress Y P N
Good News Naturopathic Clinic
91 East Ave, Norwalk CT 06851
203-450-6463 (Tel) 203-900-8747 (Fax)
Does your child watch TV? Y N If yes, how many hours per day? ______
Does your child play video games? Y N If yes, how many hours per day? ______
Does your child have difficulty with school (i.e. academic performance)? Y N
If yes, please list all escape behavior(s): _____________________________________________
Is your child stressed at home, school or social events? Y N
If yes, please list all coping mechanisms: ____________________________________________
Please list any concerns about your child that have not been addressed on this form.