Cooper Dan Brady, 2000
Cooper Dan Brady, 2000
Cooper Dan Brady, 2000
Currently available distention media are CO2 gas, high-viscosity fluid} and
low-viscosity fluid. CO 2 gas is mainly limited to diagnostic hysteroscopy because
it does not allow for clearing of debris from the intrauterine environment during
operative procedures. The most significant potential complication of CO2 is gas
embolism. Many times more soluble in plasma than room air, CO2 provides a
wide margin of safety from embolic complications.v Embolic phenomena are
discussed in a separate section.
pairing platelet function. Dextrans can decrease levels of fibrinogen and factors
V, VIII, and IX to an extent not explained by hemodilution and can prolong
bleeding time, sometimes severely,"
Dextran 70 is not the ideal distention medium for operative hysteroscopy.
If the surgeon decides to use dextran 70 for such procedures, he or she must be
vigilant to prevent complications. Awareness of operative time, absorbed dextran
volume, and intrauterine pressures used is crucial. The surgeon must minimize
unnecessary trauma to the endometrium and consider use of continuous-pulse
oximetry as well as preoperative determinations of prothrombin time, partial
thromboplastin time, bleeding time, and type and screens on patients who
undergo operative hysteroscopy. Patients who require an extensive procedure
should be counseled to expect a two-stage procedure if the surgeon cannot
achieve all of the operative goals without risking excessive dextran absorption.
Low-viscosity Fluid
Low-viscosity fluids are the most commonly used distention media for
operative hysteroscopy because of their relative safety and compatibility with
the continuous-flow resectoscope. Continuous-flow systems have increased
greatly the range of procedures that can be performed by hysteroscopy. Conse-
quently, many more patients are exposed to both the benefits and the risks of
low-viscosity distention media. The major complications of low-viscosity media
result from excessive absorption and consequent fluid overload.
Low-viscosity media are best thought of in two groups based on their
tonicity and electrolyte content (Table 1): (1) hypotonic, electrolyte-free media
that can provoke potentially dangerous hypotonic fluid overload and (2) iso-
tonic, electrolyte-containing media that can provoke only isotonic fluid overload,
which is less dangerous and more easily treated.
Osmolality Concentration
Medium (mOsm/kg H20) (rnEqlL)
Serum 290 135-145
Glycine 1.5% 200
Sorbitol 3% + mannitol 0.5% 178
Mannitol 5% 280
0.9% saline 308 154
Ringer's lactate 273 130
Beyond recognition of risk factors and use of fluid management systems, the
prevention of fluid overload during operative hysteroscopy lies in meticulous
technique and new technology. Sanders'? has articulated several techniques that
have been advocated to help prevent iatrogenic hyponatremia. These techniques
include the use of low-pressure operating systems and atraumatic cervical dila-
tion with preoperative osmotic dilators. Atraumatic intrauterine technique, in-
cluding electrocoagulation rather than resection for endometrial ablation, has
been proposed to minimize fluid access to the vascular system.
Conventional electrosurgical hysteroscopic instrumentation uses monopolar
current. The active electrode is located on the intrauterine instrument, and the
dispersive electrode is located on the patient's thigh. Current density at the
operative site is adequate for cutting, coagulation, or desiccation. Current then
disperses through the patient's body and returns by way of the electrode on the
Figure 2. The tip of a monopolar hysteroscopic instrument that facilitates tissue Gutting and
coagulation in isotonic media. The return electrode is housed in the morcellator.
Cervical Trauma
Uterine Perforation
Hemorrhage during or just after the procedure is the second most common
complication of hysteroscopy and occurs in 2.5 of every 1000 cases." Resection
of myomas particularly those with an intramural component, seems to carry the
highest risk of hemorrhage, which is 2% to 3%,51 Endometrial ablation or resec-
tion procedures can provoke hemorrhage. Rates range from 0.2% to 2.2%.8,57
Endometrial resection appears to be more likely to elicit bleeding than does
Nd:YAG laser or roller-ball ablation. Hemorrhage also can occur in association
with septal resection or from cervical or lower uterine segment trauma.
Preoperative evaluation of a patient with Significant bleeding or intramural
myomas should include consideration of a hemoglobin or hematocrit. A course
of oral contraceptives or GnRH agonist therapy can decrease bleeding and allow
the patient to recover some red cell volume before surgery.
Problematic bleeding during operative hysteroscopy is rare because the
pressure of the distention medium decreases blood loss from venous sources.
Particularly at the base of fibroids, arterial sources can deliver blood into the
distention medium to cloud the operative field. A wire loop, rollerball, or
rollerbarrel with 40 to 60 W of coagulating current generally can stop such
bleeding. Continuous-flow systems can flush clots and blood quickly from the
uterine cavity and facilitate continuation of the procedure.
Upon concluding an operative hysteroscopy, the entire cavity can be visual-
ized as the intrauterine pressure is reduced. Any occult bleeding should manifest
itself. Some bright red, bloody distention medium typically drains from the
cervical os just after removal of the hysteroscope. This discharge stops as the
uterus contracts, closing off venous channels on the endometrial surface. If
bleeding continues, a Foley catheter may be inserted into the uterus and its
balloon filled with 20 to 30 mL of saline." The balloon tamponades the bleeding
and may be removed in 2 to 24 hours at the discretion of the physician.
Vasopressin (20 U in 20 mL normal saline) may be injected into the cervix to
inhibit bleeding further from the lower uterine segment. If these methods fail,
misoprostol (prostaglandin E1 ) can be given rectally to provoke tonic uterine
contraction, or the uterus can be packed with vasopressin-soaked gauze. 86 If
hemorrhage is recalcitrant to all of these measures, consideration should be given
to uterine artery embolization by an interventional radiologist. Hysterectomy is
the definitive intervention if all others fail.
dosages are 4.5 mg/ kg (not to exceed 300 mg) of lidocaine without epinephrine
or 7 mg/kg (not to exceed 500 mg) of lidocaine with epinephrine. For a 60-kg
woman, these guidelines allow maximum doses of 420 mg and 270 mg of
lidocaine with and without epinephrine, respectively. Usually no more than 200
mg, or 20 mL of a 1% solution, is necessary for a paracervical block.
Toxic reactions to lidocaine and all amide anesthesia may be acute or
delayed. The reactions are usually eNS, cardiovascular, or allergic in nature.
CNS toxicity usually presents with symptoms of eNS stimulation such as anxi-
ety, restlessness, dizziness, nausea, tremors, or seizures. Alternatively, hypoten-
sion, sinus bradycardia or other arrhythmia, cardiovascular collapse, and death
may occur. The remote possibility of such reactions mandates the presence of
resuscitation equipment and capable personnel on site.
Allergic reactions to lidocaine are varied and include rash, bronchospasm,
and status asthmaticus. Treatment begins with adrenaline 0.5 mL (1:1000) subcu-
taneously or intramuscularly and may require fuJI ventilatory support.
electrode and other conductors. These other conductors could be other metal
instruments (during Iaparoscopy) or patient tissue. Because capacitative coupling
current is unpredictable and occurs out of the view of the scope, its culpability
in laparoscopic visceral injury has not been documented decisively. The danger
of capacitative coupling in hysteroscopy also has not been demonstrated.
Direct coupling describes unintended contact between the active electrode
and other metal instruments in the surgical cavity. Such contact can transfer
current through the other instruments into patient tissue. Direct coupling is not
an issue in single instrument operations such as hysteroscopy.
In both laser and electrosurgical work, the hysteroscopist must realize that
advancement of an activated electrode or laser should be performed only with
the tip in direct view. The penetrating ability of such activated appliances
permits them to traverse the myometrium rapidly, often with scant pressure.
Whenever thermal injury is suspected, diagnostic laparoscopy or laparot-
omy is necessary. The first goal should be to inspect thoroughly the surface of
the uterine serosa. The finding of blanched serosa suggests contact with the
operative instrument and should provoke the surgeon to proceed with laparot-
omy to inspect fully the bowel. The ureters and broad ligaments likely can be
visualized better laparoscopically.
"References 17, 19, 23, 24, 27,30, 63, 65, 66, 69, 72, 78, 89.
directly into the femoral veins of six ewes at flow rates up to 90 mL/min
and found some premature ventricular contractions in one animal as the only
significant cardiovascular effect. These data provide support for the concept that
C02/ with its high plasma solubility, provides a wide margin of safety compared
with room air.
Another cause of gas embolism during hysteroscopy is the use of air, C02/
or nitrous oxide to cool the coaxial fiber of the Nd:YAG laser,u· 21 Coaxial fibers
originally were developed to carry gas or fluid to cool the tip of a quartz fiber
during laparoscopy. If used with gas as a coolant for operative hysteroscopy, the
risk of intravasation is great. The flow rate of this gas does not vary with the
pressure created, and the risk of intravasation is high. Only liquid should be
instilled into the uterus through the coaxial laser fiber/"
Early detection of air embolism and appropriate intervention can save lives
in some cases. The classic diagnostic findings in air embolism include altered
echocardiography (either by precordial Doppler or transesophageal probe), an
acute rise in pulmonary artery pressure, and aspiration of air from a central
venous line. Infrequent occurrence of air embolism despite the frequency of
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